11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu...

By JeonMina_05

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In his world, all look at him as strict, stone, cold and ace lawyer. They wont dare to make any mistakes on t... More

1》Sudden News
2》The Violence
3》Trigger Feel
4》Trauma Show
5》Past Abuse
6》False View
7》Permanent Pain
8》Trust Issues
9》Terrible Mood
10》Limit Me
11》Your Perspective
12》Pain Hold
13》Save Me
14》Depend On
15》Your Blessing
16》Choice Type
17》Bad Welcome
18》Relieve Area
20》Our Day
21》New Treasure
22》Mine Circle
23》Guide Hero
24》Fragile Argue
25》My Wound
26》Your Happy
27》Random Talk
28》Help Us
29》End Court
30》Broken Awards
31》Break Wall
32》Run Away
33》Found You
34》Be You
35》All Solve
36》Just Celebrate
37》Smooth Present
38》This Feel
39》Cramp Sickness
40》On Way
41》Hello Minhyun
42》Hello Minjoo
43》Lives Goes
44》Our Side

19》Creepe Gift

231 21 21
By JeonMina_05



(The designer of Black Swan, Lee Mina announce her wedding day on **/**/****!

Last 7 months ago, Lee Mina had take her break from fashion world due to her privacy issues. Some people spotted her and her sister, Lee Tzuyu exit from Carats Wedding Boutique last week with their mom and one woman who people thought she is their mother in law.

Certain people heard Lee Mina and Lee Tzuyu was enggaged since 6 months ago and decided to had big wedding together on same day.

Lee Mina inform that she has been enggaged with talented lawyer, Jeon Wonwoo and on her break time, she had been his temporary assistant to recover her privacy issues.

Lee Tzuyu also had inform she has been enngaged with succesful enggineer, Kim Mingyu which is Jeon Wonwoo cousin. By suprised, the Lee sisters had enggaged on same day and were told they knew each other when their family had reunite as long lost friends.

A wedding day will be held next week on Friday and have been prepare in privacy. Media camera, photographer and recorder are only allowed not more than 20 and the people only allowed to in with special invitation cards.

Lee Jong Suk and Han Hyo Joo confirm their daughters choose to had private wedding and will not share any more details than their announcement wedding. They respect their daughters decision to protect their image and cover their lifes with their future husband.)



She throw the remote after closed the tv and lay her head in pillow. They two just working their job just one week after two weeks off. But now they need to take another one week break time for their wedding. She seriously groan in annoyed and without her realise, another pillow were hit her face.


"Tzuyu, you groan like gorilla and what was annoyed face on you?"

"Sister, you dont watched that news?"

"Of course i watched it and i have been here for half an hour. Whats wrong with the news?"

"There is no wrong but kinda irritated how the reporter told your break periode and there is no need to tell people how we met Mingyu and Wonwoo! Its our privacy life and what? Did they think we cant enngaged and marry in same day? Gosh those people out there is kinda overreact."

"Thats one of reason why i hate being in tv. Lucky i had another one months before i comeback for fashion world."

"Oh did you ready to face those press confrence?"

"I had decide to attend it two weeks after we married."


They stand up when heard their mom call them from downstairs. They quickly get out from Tzuyu room and rush down to see their mother was struggle bring some boxes from outside.

They two quickly take it and help her arrange it at living room. Lucky their father met Wonwoo and Mingyu at his own company. They wont ask why they met their father but they knew it must be about their biogical dads.

"Why there is lots of boxes?"

"Oh Tzuyu, its gift from my friends for congrats me getting two son in law at same time."

"Urghh we the one who will marry but you the one who get gifts early."

"Dont be sad, Mina. On your wedding day, im sure people will give you lots of presents or maybe a money~."

"Mom! You really ----"

*ding dong*

Mina pause her speak when they heard a ring bell out from their house. When Tzuyu peek from window, they dont see anyone but notice a unfamiliar box infront of their door. So Mina take her step to open the door and lift the box up find it litttle heavy.

"Mom, did you had order online or something?"

"No, these is the only boxes that wrapped with decoration."

"But this little heavy."

"Unnie, try to open it."

Mina take off the plaster on the box and struggle to open it. When she get to open it, Mina lift the cover box to see what inside. Before she can open it wide, she suddenly scream while throw it away.


Tzuyu and their mom was suprise when saw Mina fell down with scared face while screaming loud. Their mom quickly hold Mina who closed her face with her hair while Tzuyu check what inside the box. When she open it, she was shock to see there is 5 dead rats with blood spill everywhere.

"Mom!! Call daddy now!"

Their mom dont waste her time, she get up and snatch her phone on sofa and dial her husband. Mina still hugging herself in scared meanwhile Tzuyu stare her both hands that full of blood.


The door open wide showing Mr. Lee with Mingyu and Wonwoo behind them. Not forget his dad also with them and quickly gather at living room. Mina still hiding herself with her hair and hugging her knee while Tzuyu was sit stone even her hands still had blood stain.

Mr. Lee walk straight to check his wife meanwhile Wonwoo dad looking the box that was left at side door. Mingyu not waste his time pulling Tzuyu to kitchen.

Wonwoo quickly seat beside Mina but she almost hit him by rebel suddenly. Lucky Wonwoo hold her wrist tight and pull her inside his arms.

"Shhh....breath slowly. Follow me and dont think anything. Focus to me, inhale....exhale....."

"T-there is b-blood....s-stink death r-rats.....im scared......"

"Dont talk too much, Mina. You heard me, follow my breath......focus to calm down... do it for me..."

Wonwoo lift Mina up and sign her father to let him carry Mina to her room. After get the agree, he walk upstairs when he can feel his shirt slowly wet and he know it was her tears.

The way she clutch his shirt was obvious she shaking hard and scared. Her shoulder wont stop trembling and her lips look pale. Her breath on his neck was warm and it made Wonwoo cant calm down himself.

He put her on her bed and was about to go but she still grip her arms around his shoulder.

"Stay....i-im scared....its d-dying myself...i c-could die...."

He sigh and sit down while caressing her back. She still trembling her body and her hands on his neck, he can feel it still shaking much.

"No one dying here. Like i said dont think anything."

"Im b-burden to you again...."

"You are not burden to me. I will make sure to find who send that box and can you not blaming yourself? This is nothing involve with our relationship."

"Y-you hate me?"

"I never said i hate you."

Her hands become weak but she keep trying to clutch on his neck. Wonwoo know she try to fight from close her eyes, but this afternoon wont let him stay long with her.

"Im sorry.....you shouldnt have met me...."

"Rest yourself, Mina. We will talk about this for one day before our wedding. We had another four days so tomorrow i will come here."

"Promise me....you w-will never leave me e-eventhough i c-cant be p-perfect for you...."

"Sleep, Mina. You need it. Rest well."


"Yes i will. Close your eyes and think what makes you happy in your dream. Dont remember what happend a while now."

She not respond anymore when he felt her hands loose from his neck. He carefully push Mina on bed and cover her body with blanket until her chest. He make sure the aircond was fine and before he go, he stare her face.

"I will make sure our wedding will be perfect and nothing will ruin it."


He pull her inside kitchen and without open his mouth, he fold her sleeves. He take her hands and wash it with gentle and try to cover her panick face.

10 minutes ago, they was gather with mr. Lee and Wonwoo dad at his company. Before they can start their discussion, miss Lee call her husband and telling there is box full death rats with blood in it. They rush to go here and find three woman at living rooms was scared and traumatic.

"Hey, look at me."

He cup her face, finding her eyes was empty and stone. He familiar with those eyes and it happend on his young past also on their first met.

"Dont think of it, focus on my eyes."

"Why? Its stink....and its death rats...."

"Its disgusting so dont imagine it anymore. Let me bring you to your room."

He pull her hands gently when Tzuyu seem not fighting it but let him take her to her room. As inside her room, he push her to sit down and he stand infront of her while hold her wrist.

"Our wedding will ruin, right?"

"What makes you think it will?"

"Four days from now but already mess. Wont you think its from them?"

"I know what to do, Tzuyu. Now, rest and dont think about it. Tomorrow we will talk about this and more with your sister."

He walk out and closed the door. He cares his face and throw his heavy sigh before go downstairs find Wonwoo already gather with the oldests there.

"I will make sure no one can ruin our special day. Your happiness is mine too."


Wonwoo and Mingyu take their seat together while Mr. and Miss Lee holding their hands together leaving Wonwoo dad sit alone.

"Who open the box, Hyo Joo?"

"Mina, Tzuyu said she didnt see anyone and noticed the box infront of door. So Mina take it first."

"Why Tzuyu hands lots of blood?"

"When she hold it, the blood inside the box spilled on her hands. It made Mina shout more and rebel on my arms. Tzuyu was stoned there and cant move when the box open wide so i pull her to seat after called Jong Suk."

Wonwoo ruffle his hair in frustation while Mingyu fist his hands. Wonwoo dad take his time to think while Hyo Joo look her husband in worried.

"I think everyone know who send this. Son, Mingyu? Any words to say?"

"Last week, after we checked our new house, we go to mall because Mina and Tzuyu had told they will buy their pet. When we was about to in our car, Mina dad show up.

"Not just him, but Tzuyu dad also there. I heard her dad was free three weeks ago and first thing he do was finding Mina dad to cooperate."

"What they want that time?"

"Dad, he threathed us to not let us married them if we dont give them the money and Tzuyu dad want to meet aunty Hyo Joo."


Hyo Joo almost freak out but thankful Jong Suk hold her shoulder. Mingyu and Wonwoo nod after stop their speak. Now Wonwoo dad and Jong Suk look each other.

"Joon Gi, what our plan now?"

"Jong Suk, i think we need to put more security on wedding day especially behind hotel and make sure they all were there on morning. We had decided to start the wedding on afternoon, so im sure those two jerk will try to sneak in so they can ruin the ceremony."

"True, and i think i need to put some security around here so my house had little tight security. Oh Wonwoo, Mingyu, tomorrow bring Mina and Tzuyu to our house so your mom and Hyo Joo can handle them. At same time follow us to settle the wedding place."

"Err.... uncle cant we had little talk with them tomorrow?"

"Of course Wonwoo, how many times i had to remind you and Mingyu to called me dad. Just bring them safely."

Wonwoo cares his nape while Mingyu chuckle covering their awkward. Jong Suk help Joon Gi throw away the box and had their private talk meanwhile Hyo Joo mop the floor after serving drinks to them.

Mingyu nudge Wonwoo to pull his attention.

"They had gone too far. Is it better to go your house in seperate car or i will bring Mina and Tzuyu together?"

"Nah just let me drive with Mina. Those two jerk really test our nerve. Did you remember how much the guests will come to our wedding?"

"Emmm if im not mistake, around....400 or 500."

"We had to sure the hotel hall was surround security and better if we ask several police to take over too. I dont think lots security can handle it perfect."

"How Mina?"

"She's trembling so much and her lips were pale. She also said something nonsense and made me promised to not leave her."

"You will not dont you?"

"Of course im not! How about Tzuyu?"

"She still shocked about that box. She not move or even struggling when i washed her hands and pull her inside her room. Those two jerk destroy their daughters life."

"Four days and end it with wedding, more important, we cant left them two for a second."


"May i ask you?"


"You cares about Mina, right?"

"Well maybe yeah since im gonna be her husband."

"You worried about her?"


"That mean you in love with her, dude! Im proud of you!"

"The hell?! I dont-- i mean not--- whatever its my feelings! What about you? You in love with Tzuyu right?"

"Yes i admit i fall for Tzuyu! She with me when i need someone the most! Jealous?"

"The hell i need to, enough with diva side on Mina can made me crazy!"

Without their notice, Hyo Joo heard everything inside kitchen. She closed her mouth while metting the tears roll down on her cheeks. A lips curl to warm smile and inside her heart was praying in happiness.

"Oh god, thank you for met my daughters to Wonwoo and Mingyu. Please easy eveything on their wedding day and give them a happy blessing on their life. I rather let everything go just to made my two princess happy. Their smile enough made my day fine so i dont want them suffer in pain. I believe Wonwoo and Mingyu can make them two times happy like in heaven."

She wipe her tears and cares her hands in relieve. She grateful to heard those two young man conversation and cant said anymore, but feel really thankful knowing Wonwoo and Mingyu falling in love with her daughters.


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