The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar Th...

By Deotakukids

256K 6.1K 1.9K

You are Fire Lord Ozai's second son and Azula's twin. Azula is a prodigy as she can bend blue flames. But you... More

The School and A Friend
The Runaway
Searching the Earth Kingdom
Meeting The Team
Ba Sing Se
The Date
The Fall of The Earth Kingdom
The Aftermath
The School
The Beach
A Friendship Tested
The Puppet Master
Nightmares and Daydreams
The Day of The Black Sun [Part 1]
The Party
The Day of the Black Sun [Part 2]
Q&A answers
The Western Air Temple
A Time To Learn and Relax
The Boiling Rock Pt.1
The Boiling Rock Pt.2

Things Are Looking Up

11.3K 318 69
By Deotakukids

A/N: I accidentally forgot to put in the part where Iroh is offered to get his own tea shop in the upper district and he accepts. Sooooo, in short they moved to the upper ring, but their tea shop wasn't fully built yet so they were still working in the lower ring tea shop when Ty Lee found them.

No One's POV

Iroh told (Y/N) everything that had happened while he was on his date. That Zuko snuck out to find the Avatar's bison, but when he found it in a maze of underground tunnels Iroh stopped him and made him question what his destiny was. Zuko made the decision to let the bison go, so the two got out of the tunnels unseen. But when they got home Zuko collapsed on the ground with a fever. 

It's been a day since Zuko collapsed and (Y/N) was ringing out a towel over a bucket of water to put it over brother's head replacing the now dry one. Iroh went out to get the more of the healing tea, so (Y/N) was left to watch over Zuko. (Y/N) went to dump the dirty sweaty water and replace it with clean water as well as try to make some soup.

When he left Zuko started tossing and turning in his sleep due to his dream. I his dream he was sitting on the Fire Lord's thrown as he was dressed in the Fire Lord's robes and hair piece. Fire surrounded his throne as an army stood in front of him awaiting his command. A red dragon started coming down the pillar on his right with a blue dragon coming down the pillar on his left. The blue dragon started speaking in Zuko's mind as it had Azula's voice, "It's getting late. Are you planning on retiring soon my lord?" Zuko simply responded with, "I'm not tired." The blue dragon stopped on Zuko's right to look at him, "Relax Fire Lord Zuko. Just let go. Give into it. Shut your eyes for a while." Zuko eyes started to feel heavy for the red dragon to speak in Zuko's head as it had Iroh's voice, "No Fire Lord Zuko! Do not listen to the blue dragon. We should get out of here right now. Go! Before it's to late." The blue dragon creeped closer, "Sleep now Fire Lord Zuko."

The dragons then disappeared for all of the fire to go out, with all of the pillars to crumble down, and all of the soldiers to break apart like stone. Zuko looked around in panic for the blue dragon to reappear, "Sleep now Zuko. Just like mother!" It then went to eat him for everything to go black and him to see his mother in front of him, "Zuko help me!" He reached out to her, but she disappeared for he ground beneath him to give way. He started to fall through the floor into darkness, but something grabbed his hand. He looked up to see a figure that was covered in light as it looked like (Y/N), "Come on! Don't give in!" While something grabbed Zuko's leg as it was covered and darkness as it looked like Azula, "Become who you destined to be!"

Meanwhile in the real world (Y/N) was cutting some vegetables for Iroh to return with all of the ingredients he needed to make more tea. Iroh quickly made the tea to go and take it to Zuko. When he walked into the room Zuko opened his eyes a little for Iroh to sit next to him. Of course he poured Zuko a cup of tea, "You should know dear nephew that this is no natural sickness." He then helped Zuko bring his head, "But that shouldn't stop you from enjoying tea." Zuko looked at him with confusion, "What's happening?" "Your critical decision. What you did beneath that lake, it was in such conflict with your image of yourself that you are now at war within your own mind and body."

Zuko drank the tea, "What does that mean?" You are going through a metamorphous my nephew. It will not be a pleasant experience. But when you come out of it you will be the beautiful prince you were meant to be." (Y/N) then walked in with the soup and a bucket of water with a towel in it. (Y/N) helped Zuko drink the soup for the young prince to look at his younger brother, "Thank you." (Y/N) put the soup down to wipe Zuko's forehead with cold water, "It's just what brothers do." 

After half an hour Zuko was feeling good enough to stand. However he needed (Y/N)'s help to walk to keep him from falling as his head was still a little whoozy. (Y/N) was happy to help him out as they walked out of his room and towards the kitchen. Iroh was cooking something which made Zuko sniff the air, "What is that smell?" Iroh looked at the two, "It's Juke. I'm sure you wouldn't like it." The brothers walked towards the pot of white gunk for Zuko to smell it, "Actually it smells delicious. I would like a bowl uncle." Iroh looked at him suspiciously as he picked up a ladle and put some of the goop in a bowl, "It seems like your fever is gone Zuko. You seem a little different." Zuko took the bowl for (Y/N) to help him to the table.

Zuko took a seat, "It's a new day uncle. We've got a new apartment. New furniture, and today's the grand opening of your tea shop. Things are looking up uncle." Zuko had a smile on his face for (Y/N) to get a bowl of the goop as well and sit next to Zuko to talk in a playful way, "Since when do you smile?" Zuko chuckled a little from (Y/N)'s comment, "Since ten seconds ago." "It looks weird on you. Maybe keep your gloomy look." Iroh to smile seeing the two eating and talking to each other as brothers. 

As they ate Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula were in the King's palace as they were dressed as Kyoshi warriors. The King let them into the palace and a few rooms to stay in, so that meant that Azula's plan was under way. Ty Lee was currently taking off her makeup as it was bothering her. As she took off her makeup and was fixing her hair she was humming a tune. Mai was next to her for her to know the tune as it annoyed her, "Can you please stop with that song? You've been singing it and humming it ever since we started this group." Ty Lee looked at her, "Sorry." She then snag quietly, "It's a-" Mai looked at her with a death glare for Ty Lee to look at her as she stopped.

Azula then walked into the room, "We've been presented an extraordinary opportunity girls." Ty Lee held up a finger, "Oh you mean how Mai finally gets to wear makeup that isn't depressing." Mai looked at her, "You're on thin ice." Azula looked out onto a balcony, "I'm talking about conquering the whole earth kingdom. For a hundred years the Fire Nation has hammered away at Ba Sing Se from the outside. But now we're here on the inside and we can take it by ourselves." Ty Lee looked at Azula, "Gosh you're so confident. I admire that about you." Mai started taking off her makeup, "Yeah, it's impressive." Azula looked at the two, "From the inside we're in a perfect position to organize a coup and overthrow the Earth King. The key is the Dai Li. Whoever controls the Dai Li controls Ba Sing Se."

The Next Morning

(Y/N) was looking around in awe at Iroh's new tea shop as it was pretty big and nice on the eyes. He was in a green and golden uniform with Zuko and Iroh wearing the same as him with Iroh also wearing an apron. They opened the doors for customers to start coming in putting a smile on Iroh's face, "Who thought that when we all came to this city as refugees, that I'd end up owning my own tea shop. Follow your passion my nephews. Life will reward you." (Y/N) looked at his uncle, "Congratulations uncle." "I'm very thankful." Zuko put his hand on his uncle's shoulder, "You deserve it. The Jasmine Dragon will be the best tea shop in the city." Iroh shook his head, "No, I'm thankful because you two are here to share this special day with me. It means more than you two know." The two teenagers hugged their uncle for (Y/N) to part from the hug  and put his hand on his hips, "Now lets make these people some tea." Zuko nodded, "Let's make some tea." The two boys went towards the kitchen for Iroh to look as happy as ever, "Yes, let's make tea!"

As Iroh's tea shop was becoming a great success Ty Lee and Mai were in their Kyoshi Warriors outfits as they lounged around the front of the palace. Mai was sitting on the top step, "I'm tired of wearing this girly disguise. I don't know how anyone can fight in this." Ty Lee was punching the air, "Maybe that's why it was so easy to beat the Kyoshi Warriors and take their clothes." "How much longer do we have to serve the Earth King? If I have to clean up bear poop one more time I'm gonna throw up." Ty Lee did a back bend to face her friend, "Princess Azula promised that we'll go back to the Fire Nation after we capture the Avatar. We just have to be patient." Mai quickly stood up, "Shush up. Do you want the whole palace to know that we're Fire Nation?" Ty Lee stood up, "Sorry."

The Dai Li was listening in on their conversation by hiding behind the pillars to leave when they got all of the information they needed. When they were gone Azula came out from hiding to walk up to her two friends, "Good job girls. I'm sure that the Dai Li will deliver the message." Meanwhile (Y/N) was taking a few of the customer's orders to walk towards his uncle, "I need a Jasmine, two Yellow, and one Longjing." Iroh instantly started making the order to look at (Y/N), "Can you go to the back and get what we need for yellow tea?" "Of course uncle." As (Y/N) went to the back Katara was walking past the tea shop to stop and look at Momo who was on her shoulder, "Why don't we get the King some tea." 

 Katara walked into the Jasmine Dragon to see Zuko walk up to Iroh, "Uncle, I need two Jasmine, one Green, and one Lychee." Iroh looked at him, "I'm brewing as fast as I can." Seeeing the two made Katara think that the were infiltrating the Earth Kingdom, so she ran out of the tea shop for (Y/N) to came back from the back to set the ingredients down and look at the entrance of the shop. He saw the back of Katara run away, 'Was that Katara?' He then thought for a minute, 'It was probably just someone that looks like her. But who wears blue here?' Zuko looked at him, "Got something on your mind?" (Y/N) shook his head as he grabbed a few cups of tea that Iroh made, "I'm just thinking how lucky I got to find you and uncle here. I was starting to think that I would be on my own forever." Zuko smiled as he ruffled his little brother's hair, "Well I'm glad you found us. It's good to have you here (Y/N)." 

Katara ran run up to the palace into the throne room to see three Kyoshi Warriors on their knees in front of the throne, "Thank goodness you're here Suki. Something terrible is going on. The Fire Nation has infiltrated the city. I just saw prince Zuko and his uncle. We have to tell the Earth King right away." Azula stood up to look up letting Katara see her face, "Don't worry, I'll be sure to let the King know." Ty Lee then flipped through the air to chi block Katara on her arm as well hit a pressure point that made the water bender fall to the ground unconscious. Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula surrounded her for Azula to gain a devious plan, "So ZuZu is here. I think it's time for a family reunion." Meanwhile Ty Lee wasn't thinking about Zuko, 'Why didn't she say (Y/N)'s name. Did she not see him?' She then looked at Azula without turning her head, 'I need to keep her from seeing him.'

The day passed for it to turn dark meaning the Jasmine Dragon was closing up, so now (Y/N) was helping his uncle and brother clean by wiping all of the tables. As they were almost done cleaning a man in formal wear walked in with a letter. He walked over to Iroh, "A message from the royal palace." Iroh took the letter and read it, "I- I can't believe it." (Y/N) and Zuko walked up to him for Zuko to ask, "What is uncle?" Iroh looked up at them, "Great news. We've been invited to serve tea to the Earth King! We must celebrate!" (Y/N) became excited, "Oh I can make Sweet and Sour Pork tonight." "Yes! And I'll make all of us our favorite tea." Iroh and (Y/N) started to leave for (Y/N) to stop and look at Zuko, "You coming?" Zuko looked at him, "I need to finish sweeping. I'll come home when I'm finished." "Oh, well alright. Don't stay to long." With that Iroh and (Y/N) headed home leaving Zuko to finish sweeping the floor.

When he was done he started heading home to walk through the streets as they seemed like they were cleaner and the buildings seemed brighter to him. As he was walking he passed a bakery to stop and look at the bread that they had. The baker noticed Zuko to walk up to him, "We're closing up. So if you're gonna buy something make it quick." "Can I get a loaf of milk bread." "Sure thing kid." The man put the bread in a paper bag for Zuko to pay him for it and continue on his way home. When he made it he saw Iroh brewing tea as usual, and (Y/N) cooking. (Y/N) looked at him as Zuko set the bread on the table, "Oh you got milk bread. That will go perfect with dinner." "I thought it might." 

Zuko walked into the kitchen, "Is there anything I can help with?" (Y/N) set some peppers on a cutting board, "Cut these in half, take out the seeds in the middle, and then cut the outer layer into strips." Zuko started doing what (Y/N) said to do. Zuko was going pretty fast and was cutting the peppers evenly to which (Y/N) noticed, "Your pretty good at." "Well I do use dual swords a lot. So a knife isn't that hard to control." "You say that, but the first time I cut vegetables I cut my palm." Zuko looked at him, "You learned how to throw and fight with knives. How did you cut your palm with a kitchen knife?" "Well a kitchen knife is different from a kunai." Zuko kept staring at him for (Y/N) to crack, "The blade was dull. I didn't sharpen it." Zuko laughed a little, "That's the first thing that you were taught to do." "Yeah yeah laugh it up. At least I'm not afraid of ducks." "Hey, their bite hurts." (Y/N) then laughed at Zuko being defensive for Zuko to join him. 

Zuko finished cutting in time for the pork to be done frying. So (Y/N) put the sweet and sour sauce on it to then mix the peppers with it. So he brought it to the table for Iroh to hold up his glass, "To the Jasmine Dragon." (Y/N) and Zuko looked at each other for (Y/N) to raise his glass, "To uncle." Zuko then raised his glass, "For keeping us on the right path." The three clinked their glasses to begin eating as they talked and laughed together.

The next morning (Y/N), Iroh, and Zuko were outside of the Royal Place for Iroh to be holding a large bowl of tea that was covered by a lid, "Many times I imagined myself here. At the threshold of the palace. But I always though that I would be here as a conqueror. Instead we are the Earth King's personal guests. Here to serve him tea. Destiny is a funny thing." Zuko nodded, "It sure is uncle." As the three went up the stairs for (Y/N) to realize something, "Oh I forgot the King's gift." Iroh stopped, "Well go get it we'll wait for it." "No go on ahead. I'll be right behind you." (Y/N) ran back to the horse carriage that they rode in to grab his bow and arrows, "I hope personal gifts are excepted here like in the Fire Nation." (Y/N) does not need the weapon anymore, so he thought it could be a way of saying thanks to the King. (Y/N) put the bow on his back and the arrows on his waist for him to be hit in the neck and fall unconscious. 

Ty Lee stood above him to squat down, "Sorry. You were supposed to land in the carriage." She then looked around to begin dragging (Y/N) as she was trying not to have him be seen by the Dai Li or Azula. Not soon after (Y/N) woke up in a pretty fancy room. He looked around, "Man this is a nice place." He then stood up to try and walk towards the door, but was stopped by a chain connected to his wrist and a metal vent. (Y/N) looked at it, "What the heck is this?" He then looked around, "Where is my bow and arrow?" He checked his shoe to pull out a kunai, "Haha. Nobody ever checks the shoe. Now how to use it to get out." 

(Y/N) looked at the vent to put his hand on the top right corner on it and make fire in his hand. The metal started to melt making it bend just enough letting him put the kunai blade in-between the wall and the vent. He pulled against the vent to have the corner pop off, which let him grab the corner and pull the rest of it off, "Alright now I'm mobile. Now I need to find uncle and Zuko." He looked at the door and then the window, "Well this is an easy choice." Meanwhile Ty Lee was walking towards the room with some tea as Azula was facing Zuko and Iroh. Ty Lee opened the room's door to see that the vent was ripped off it's hinges and the window open, "Shoot." 

As (Y/N) was making his escape Iroh and Zuko were still waiting for the King. Zuko looked around, "Where is the King?" Iroh shrugged, "Maybe he overslept." "Shouldn't (Y/N) of caught up by now?" Iroh lightly elbowed his nephew's arm, "Maybe he found another lady friend." The Dai Li then entered the room to surround the two for Zuko to become alert, "Something's not right." Azula then walked into the room in normal Earth Kingdom robes, "It's tea time." Zuko quickly shot up, "Azula!" Azula had a grin on her face, "Have you met the Dai Li? They're earth benders, but they have a killer instinct that is so fire bender. I just love it."

Iroh stood up with a cup of tea, "Did I ever tell you why I was called the Dragon of the West?" Azula checked her finger nails, "I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote uncle." "It's more of a demonstration really." Iroh took a sip of the tea to go back to back with Zuko. He then shot fire from his mouth and spun in a circle shooting fire at all of the Dai Li. He used the fire to make a hole in the wall which Iroh and Zuko used to escape into the halls. The Dai Li chased them for the two refugees to go around the corner to shoot lightning at a stone wall. (Y/N) was shimmying on the side of the building as he was trying to get onto a balcony he saw when he arrived on the horse carriage. 

Unfortunately the wall behind him was hit with lightning making it explode behind him making him fall with Iroh jumping out of the hole he made not soon after. They landed on a rock statue breaking it as they hit the ground. (Y/N) quickly recovered himself, "Uncle what's happening?" The two then looked up to see Zuko in the hole for Iroh to scream, "Zuko come on! You'll be fine!" Zuko shook his head, "No! I'm tired of running! It's time I faced Azula!" Zuko walked off for Iroh facepalm, as (Y/N) looked at him, "Wait. Did he just say Azula?" Iroh stood up, "I'll explain later. Now come on we have to get out of here." The two ran away from the palace as they had to leave Zuko to fight Azula alone.

When they got far enough they stopped running to hide for Iroh to explain to (Y/N) that Azula had set them up to be captured by the Dai Li. When he was done Iroh wondered something, "Where were you?" (Y/N) shrugged, "I don't know. I went to get the gift, and the next thing I knew I was knocked out and chained to a vent in a fancy room." Iroh put his finger and thumb on his chin, "Odd. Azula would of just thrown you in a dungeon. In fact she didn't mention you when she faced us." (Y/N) raised an eyebrow, "Really? Ouch." Iroh thought for a bit to then see team Avatar walking past. Iroh started following them, "Come on. We need help if we want to beat Azula." 

The two followed Toph, Aang, and Sokka until they reached what they guessed was their current home. The two walked up to the door for Iroh to knock. They waited for a few seconds until Toph opened the door, "Hey. It's good to see you two okay." (Y/N) waved, "Hey gaang." Iroh looked at them all, "We need your help."

In the palace Ty Lee was inspecting (Y/N)'s bow and arrows for Mai to walk up to her, "Where did you get that?" Ty Lee looked at her, "Oh, I uh, got it from the King's stash of treasures." Mai raised an eyebrow to shrug, "Just be sure not to shoot an eye out." "Of course." Ty Lee then put the bow on her back and the arrows around her waist, 'I'll give this back when I see him again.' 

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