Burn to flame and Reborn from...

By kanzakiciel

1.1M 33.6K 7.9K

Harry Potter. The Boy-Who-Lived, Hero of the Wizarding World, Master of Death. He was loyal to his friends. H... More

Chapter 1:"Betrayal!" [✔ ]
Chapter 2:"Travel back to Past..." [✔]
Chapter 3:"Black Manor" [✔]
Chapter 4:"Diagon Alley" [✓]
Chapter 5:"Hogwart"
Chapter 6:"Slytherin" [✔]
Chapter 7: "Deal with Dark Lord" [✔]
Chapter 8:"Chamber of Secrets"
Chapter 9:"Begin of War"
Chapter 10:"Past and Truth!"
Chapter 11:"Malfoy Ball"
Chapter 12:"Revival..."
Chapter 13:"Marvollo Lannister Gaunt"
Chapter 14:"Twin..."
Chapter 15:"End of 1st Year
Chapter 16:"The Explosion of Truth"
Chapter 17:"Neville Birthday Party"
Chapter 19:"Lord Gaunt is existed?!"
Chapter 20:"Second Year"
Chapter 21:"7th Horcrux"
Chapter 22:"End of Gilderoy Lockhart"
Chapter 23:"Heritance Reveal!"
Chapter 24:"Gratitude Feeling"
Chapter 25:Valentine"
Chapter 26:"Lost and found.."
Chapter 27:End of 2nd Year
Chapter 28:"3rd Year"
Chapter 29:"Bellatrix Lestrange"
Chapter 30:"Foreign Student"
Chapter 31:"Hogwart Ball"
Chapter 32:"End of the 4th Year"
Chapter 33:"5th Year!"
Chapter 34:"First step to Orphanage"
Chapter 35: Incoming Blizzard
Chapter 36: "The Trial"
Chapter 37: Madness of the Dragon
Chapter 38: Revolution
Chapter 39: "Hail to the Wolf King"
Chapter 40: "New Era"
Chapter 41: Incoming End-Game
Chapter 42: END GAME
Chapter 43: "END GAME II"
Chapter 44: "New Generation! NSFW"

Chapter 18:"Little Hope"

21K 622 79
By kanzakiciel

It was July 31, Hadrian woke up by the sunlight entering his eyes made him blink once, twice then he looked up and saw Marvollo's peaceful face in front of him make him sigh in comfy.

Today is the day when his parents died and got killed in front of him in cold blood. Hadrian knows to not blame Marvollo, it was Voldemort after all and he already moved one. He looks at Marvollo who has a dark circle bag under his eyes to make him send a magic to him to make the Dark Circle Bag from his eyes.

Hadrian knew the late night, Marvollo slept past midnight along with him after he gave him a 'Happy Birthday' to him. He is busy meeting up with the Ministry between German, Sweden, France and Japan but he avoids making contact with Britain. The Ministry makes him chuckle but he knows very well. Britain wizarding world is Corrupt he didn't want to let the public know about his Existence and the 4 Wizard Ministry already agree to not let anyone know about his Heritance until he was ready to go into Public

Marvollo didn't mind letting his Heritance know that he is Lord of the Sigvard Family and Prince of German and Sweden Wizarding Royalty but he refused his face to show up in News or in Magazine.

"Good morning..." Hadrian greet him when Marvollo eye open

Marvollo hummed close his grip on Hadrian and let his head fall into his Dark Hair,"what time is it?"

"8 in morning..." Hadrian say to him

Hadrian pushed his hand from his waist and get out from his hold sit in the side if the bed untangle his black hair

#It's too early...# Marvollo hissed

Hadrian giggled go to the Bathroom,#Didn't you have a meeting with the French Ministry?#

Marvolo groaned and forcing to wake up from his peaceful sleep,#What do you plan for today?#

#Go to the Slytherin Castle to meet with salazar...# Hadrian respond from bathroom

Marvollo blink saw Hadrian get out from the Bathroom,#About making potions to heal Lady and Lord Longbottom...#

Hadrian rubb the water from his face with Towel nodd,#You better go to the Bathroom and eat breakfast...#

Hadrian changes his clothes while Marvollo goes to the Bathroom, He wears simple Black and Silver Tunic clothes with a Trouser. He sat in the front of the mirror begin brush his hair

*Vypadáš úžasně* (You look stunning...) Marvollo comment

Hadrian snorted at his Soulmate who had his left hair swept to the side of his head with Gel and let his fringe to cover his right forehead. He wear a suit vest with a Green and Ice blue stripe Necktie, a White Collar T-shirt with a Wolf Chain at each of the Collar and a waist-length Black Wizard Robe with Sigvard Family Crest at his Robe Chest

*Draco spyrjumk mik til hafdinnerr með hans kind tonit* (Draco asked me to have dinner with his family tonight...) Hadrian informed him

*Oh...Er gerði hann spyrjþúr til* (Oh... When did he ask you to?) Marvollo ask

*Včera na narozeninové oslavě Nevilla* (Yesterday at Neville Birthday Party...) Hadrian say to him while Braiding his hair

*Dovolte mi* (Let me...) Marvollo walk to his back

Hadrian giggles to look at him who braid his hair,*ek fömk rozmazlený* (I got spoiled...)

*Í dag er þinn narozeniny alespoň fleiriinn fólk rozmazlit þú, minn dýrr malá květina* (Today is your birthday at least let the others spoil you, My dear Little Flower..)

Marvollo braid his hair into a Braid Behind his head from each side of his hair and tie it with a silver ribbon with his Dragon Hairpin who goes active make the Dragon goes alive clutching his hair and goes limp like a normal Silver Dragon Hairpin.

It was like a Crown for the Prince in the Royal Family, Only a Pendragon family can make the hairpin go alive who protected the heir of the Family. Hadrian is a Lord supposedly but he still 12 years old now so he still an Heir.

Marvollo still remembers his mother who protected him, He killed his parents on his birthday in cold blood. It is still a mystery for him that his little flower forgave him, he doesn't deserve his kindness

He snap back form his dark though when a warm engulfed his hand make him look up saw Hadriana who look at him from the Mirror with his Gentle Smile and a Fondness in his Emerald Eye

*It's eigi þinn vina, þú veit* (It's not your fault, You know...) Hadrian say learned at him look up

A Crimson eye meets an Emerald Eye in silence...

*ty ne hafsanityr er v stalo a ten Stařík hrál s tvým Strachem... své eigi þinn chyba. Þat var voldemort chyba. Þú eru Marvollo Lannister Gaunt, Dědic německé a švédské královské rodiny....* (You didn't have sanity when that happened and that Old Man played with your Fear... It's not Your fault. It was Voldemort Fault. You are Marvollo Lannister Gaunt, Heir of the German and Sweden Royal Family...) Hadrian say to him with clear and firm voice

Marvollo took a shuddering breath, He never let anyone see his weakness, he always has his cold and stone mask and yet this person can see his mask-like an open book. He didn't judge him of his weakness

"You don't need to be ashamed of your Weakness... You have just been strong for too Long..."

That word echoed in his mind and so he let his Little Flower to see his emotion, weakness and feeling. He knows that he never betrayed him like those people, He know that he will never fear him like those people.

*hvat þinn strach nú,minn Drottinn (what your fear now, My Lord?) Hadrian ask

Marvollo took a deep breath and embrace him let his arm to circled his waist and let his head fall into his shoulder

*Ek ótta ek knáttlátar þú til ten starý muž ...Obávám se, že ode mě odejdeš,elskan mín* (I fear i might lose you to that Old man... I fear that you are going to walk away from me, My Dear...) Marvollo whisper

Hadrian giggled pat his hair and leaned at his head,*pošetilý... ek nikdy tě neopustím Jsem ty ... ég er þinn.Nakonec mě tu noc označíš za rovnocenného* (Silly... I'm never gonna leave you. I'm Yours.. You mark me as your equal on that night after all...)

Marvollo smirk look at those beautiful Emerald Eye,*Reyndar ert þú mín* (Indeed, you are mine..)

Hadrian exhale when Marvollo kiss his forehead and he straighten his clothes,"Let's go, it's already 8.30"

They go outside the Room and go to the Dining Room saw the Adult already wake up. They greet them 'Good morning' with Hadrian who saw a Present make him blink

"Oh... This morning you got a present..." Sirius say to him

"Oh..." Hadrian read the name,"Uh, From Draco, Susan, Hannah, Cedric, Cho, The Twin and..." He scrunched his nose,"Weasley and Dumbledore..."

"What do those two give?" Remus ask

Hadrian open the Box showing a knit Jacket with H in front of, He read the card

Dear, Harry...

Happy 12 birthday. Hope you have an amazing birthday...

I heard from the Twin all about you, Please come to visit the Burrow. I'm sure they're happy to see you visit the House.

We wanting to meet you Dear Harry



"Looking at it, It seems that Weasley wants me to go in there..." Hadrian said to them and saw another box,"A Cake..."

"Don't eat the cake... We didn't know what kind of Potion they put in there.." Sirius say

"I know..." Hadrian say rolled his eyes

He open his friend present and raised one of his eyebrow when he saw Draco present it was a book of Potion, Susan give him a book of the DADA, Hannah give him an Hair accessories, Cho give him a Wizarding Clothes from Korea with accent of Silver and Green of Slytherin. Cedric gave him a Firebolt Broom for him. Neville give him a Book of Potion using an Plant

The card is wishing him Happy Birthday. Hadrian takes another present from the Adult. Severus give him a Kit of Potion and a Rare Book of Potion, Sirius give him a Notebook that never end, Remus give him an Set of Quill for him, Crouch Jr give him a Wizarding Clothes

"I love it.. Thank you..." Hadrian says to Sirius, Remus and Crouch Jr, Look at Marvollo,"You didn't give me a present?"

Marvollo smirk and give him a small box make him narrowed his eyes open the box wide eye slightly

"Oh... a Dragon Hair Chain..." Hadrian take out the Hair Chain

Hadriana let Marvollo to clip the Dragon Head hairpin to each side of his hair and the Chain was like a Crown at back of his hair especially with his Dark Raven hair it was stand out since it was bright shining silver

"How is it?" Marvollo ask

"I hate to admit but you have an Excellent taste in Accessories..." Hadrian chirped up

"Sirius... i'm sorry to admit but your Godson has been courted by the Dark Lord..." Crouch Jr whisper to him

Sirius blink and wide eye in Horrified,"No! He is still young!"

"Leave them be, Sirius... They are a Soulmate after all..." Remus say with a smirk

"Remus!!" Sirius cried to him in betrayal

Hadriana and Marvollo were in their own world, Hadrian opened the present from the Fans, His Housemate, His Friend, Hogwart Teacher. Hadrian saved the Present in the storage box for the fans, Teacher but from his friend he saves it in separate Box.

After eating breakfast, Marvollo decided to retire to his Study Room while Hadrian floo to the Slytherin Castle. He open the door using Parseltongue then he go to the Library saw Salazar in there

#Long time no see. Sal...# Hadrian greet him with smile

#Indeed, long time no see, Snakeling..# Salazar greet him,#What brings you to my Nest?#

Hadrian hummed and began to inform him of his plan to heal Neville's parents. He also asked Neville to send him the Report of his parent and of course he willingly to send the report through the Mail

#Have you already looked at the Black Library, Restriction Area?# Salazar ask

# I have..# Hadrian take out the book

Salazar look at the book from the Portrait hummed reading the Continent until he point at the side of the Slytherin Library

#try to look at that side of the Library, Perhaps you can find it.. I think in the past I already healed that patient before along with Helga...# Salazar say to him

#Helga?# Hadrian ask

# Helga is the Best Healer in the Age after Merlin...# Salazar say to him with proud in his eyes,#You can look at his Castle Library, I have no doubt that she has those book to heal the person who has got mind torture...#

#Thank you...# Hadrian bow to him

Hadrian looked at the Library about Healing Mind in Potion Book, He stayed in there for about a few hours until Salazar informed him that the Sun was going to set soon and so He brought out the book back home to the Black House.

He goes home to the Black House and indeed the sun is already setting, Hadrian is busy taking notes to make the Potion. He hopes that in August Neville can have fun with his parents for a month. Hadrian was engrossed in his book that he didn't notice it was already dinner time

Hadrian, Sirius and Remus go to the Malfoy Manor using Floo and are greeted by Draco who hugs him. Hadriana and Draco play for each other until the Elf house call them that it was Dinner Time.

In the Dinner time, Narcissa is the one who makes a topic of conversation with Draco and Hadriana who talk to each other catching up. After Dinner, Hadrian and Draco go to the his room

"So, have you found the potion to help Neville's parents?" Draco ask

"Not yet..." Hadrian sighs, looking at the Night Sky,"I hope that I can heal them and for a month before school starts Neville can spend his Holiday with his parents..."

Draco hummed looking at Hadriana who had a far away look,"Why are you so desperate? Making that kind of Potion is not easy..."

Hadrian hummed and tilted his head, smiling,"Because I have no parent... Neville has a parent alive but they are sick. They still have the will to live and the percentage of Survive exists and so that Percentage i use it as a Hope to make them Heal from their Illness..."

Draco sighs and shakes his head,"There no one who managed to heal someone whose mind is broken apart until there is no sanity left..."

"Perhaps... But, The Most important in Human Life is a Will to live as long as the patient has will to live then that is enough..." Hadrian say with smile

"Why?" Draco ask

"Because they will never give up... They refused to take Death Hand..." Hadrian say to him

Draco stay silent look at him, He admitted after meeting with Hadrian his life is opened up and he admitted that Hadrian is like a storm to the Wizarding World

"Well, if you managed to make that Potion i have no doubt that Uncle Sev is gonna recommend you to become a Potion Master..." Draco comment

Hadrian lit up,"Really?"

Draco huffed,"Of course. That Potion you make is a Life Changer you know..."

Hadrian hummed in silence but in his mind the Gear was already moving at high speed. The rest of the night, They talk to each other until 20.00 They go back home to the Black Manor.

He goes to the Study room to greet Marvolo but it seems he is busy making him go to the Bedroom to change his clothes to a simple Kimono that Cho gives him. Hadrian open the book and begin to read while taking notes in silence

"You haven't slept yet?" Marvollo ask echoed in the silent bedroom

Hadrian hummed didn't look up from the Book let Marvollo sit in the bed make the dipped slightly

"Potion..." Marvollo read the paper,"Did Salazar say something about it?"

"No..." Hadrian sigh put his paper and book to the Floor look at Marvollo,"He said that Helga Library might have the book..."

Marvollo 'Ahh' in remember, "Right... Helga Hufflepuff is the most Amazing Healer after Merlin..."

"Yes... in her castle should have the book..." Hadrian say lay in the bed yawning

"You're tired.. Go sleep..." Marvollo say to him put the paper along with other paper

Hadrian hummed and let his eyes closed and Marvolo turned off the lamp in wandless magic. He sighs in comfy when He snuggles more into Marvolo cold and yet the warm body

*Góða nótt elskan mín* (Good Night, My dear...) Marvollo whisper to him in the dark bedroom


It was already a few days and Hadrian locked himself in Slytherin Library, Black Library or in Hufflepuff Library. He admitted that Helga Hufflepuff is a great help for him to make the Potion, He also become quite close with Severus since let's admit that Sirius and Remus is bad really bad at Potion and so Hadrian and Severus locked in the Black Dungeon where Hadrian turned it into his Laboratory.

Hadrian also often goes to the Longbottom Manor to take care of the plan where the point of the medicine is needed. He also goes to Draco and Narcissa to discuss the Plan.

If this continued at this pace then in the week Hadrian managed to finish the Potion. Hadrian sigh finished to last drop of the Petal in the Potion and stir it until it boiling then they should wait for about 4 days under the Full Moon, and then in each of the fourth direction of the Compass, it's bathed in moonlight and sunlight, he have to stay with the Potion Bottle the whole time. He can't even sleep. Even then, there's only a 50-50 chance that it'll work

"After this, We can only wait for 4 days until the Potion is finished..." Uncle Sev says to him look at the Potion then at him,"Can you do it?"

Hadrian exhaled and took off the ribbon that tied his hair. He has the Potion in his hand look at it

"I can.. I want to do it though..." 

"You can rest and after 4 days..." 

"And?" Hadrian asked to look up at him,"I have a feeling that there is an 'And' in there..."

Severus smirk,"And I shall recommend you to the Potion Congress and you can become the youngest Potion Master in History..."

Hadrian blink."Why?"

Severus blink looked at his nephew,"I sure that you noticed if this Potion is successful then you make a Life-Changing Medicine in the History. This potion you make is a Potion that helps the people mind in a short time... This Potion really helps the Healer to heal the patient in any curse..."

"No, don't recommend this... This Potion plant is the one who helps it. It was a rare plant, If i want to send this Potion i can make without the plant, I shall think about it..." Hadrian informed him

"Ah.. Right, They will hunt the plant down to make the Potion" Severus understand

"Don't worry, I'm gonna tweak a bit of the Potion so the Maker didn't need to hunt the Plant down until it goes Extinct.." Hadrian say

Hadrian stands in the middle of the Lab with the Potion bottle in his hand.

-Hadriana POV-

When I use my Magic directly from my core, I stare at focused really hard. Then I can see light dancing. Playing. Merlin says that this is called Magic Power.

It was different from the Wizard Magic, it didn't need to use Spell, This Magic came from Nature and the Wizard Core itself. Merlin says it was proof that I have the blood of Merlin and Blessing from Lady Magic herself.

One moment, it takes on the color of the Star at night. The next, it's blue as the sea, or green as the forest. At times, it whitens like the morning sun...

Together, like a crib, entwined...


-End POV-

A dripping sound of the water that disturb the calm of lake echoed in his mind make Hadrian open his eyes look at the Potion Jar

"I did it..." Hadrian say

Severus looked at the Potion nodd,"Yeah.. That's done well, Now you need to maintain this Potion along with you for 4 days..."

"Yes, sir.." Hadrian nodd


For 4 Days, Hadrian didn't sleep, he stayed focused to let his magic enter the Potion. For some reason, he wasn't hungry.

Hadrian stays in 4 directions every day basking under the Full Moon Light and Sunlight. Sirius, Remus, Marvollo and Crouch Jr didn't bother him with Severus who stay in Black Manor for 4 days until the Potion is finished

Neville and Draco haven't visited him yet but Narcissa already visited him. Sirius says to them that Hadriana can not be disturbed and they nod in agreement to not disturbed him. Hadriana blink saw the Full moon was entering the Living Room

'It's already 3 days...' Hadrian though

He admitted that he has a pale face and dark circle under his eyes, Hadrian only eats a simple meal and drinks water only. Sirius worried but he know how Stubborn his Godson is so he only can stay over with him in his Animagus form

"Why are you doing this for Neville?" Sirius ask

"In the past, I could not do anything to help my friend... My family... I was alone... I thought that I didn't deserve Love, I got beaten up every time until I learned that I was a Wizard. I found out that Siri is Innocent and didn't have a Trial. I do my best to have a Trial for Siri. I want to help them... Neville misses his parents the same as Gran Augusta and I can help him..." Hadrian says dazedly, staring at the potion with a gentle smile, "I love wizarding Love... I was alone and found a lot of friends and Family. A true family who is not gonna beat me up... Friends who stay beside him who cry alone with me, Laugh with me, Angry with me..."

Hadrian look at the the side of him and saw Narcissa, Remus, Crouch Jr, Severus, Narcissa and Marvollo in there has a various expression but he give them a smile

"It's just I want people who smile at me to keep smiling. If this Potion is successful then I can help many Patients in St.Mungo who have Chronic Sickness that can not be healed... There were many people who didn't want their beloved to leave them alone..."

They only stay quiet but he can hear clearly that he is lonely. This child is Loyal to his friend, This Child who will do anything to make his Friend safe. He knows about his abusive past and it makes his heart break.

Severus look away from the same as Crouch Jr, Marvollo eye changed into Crimson colour, Narcissa walk toward him and cup his face with a gentle gesture like a mother

"You are so foolish and Selfish..." Narcissa whisper to the child

A child who bears the Heavy Burden of the World, A child who is force to grow up quickly, A child who is pure than Gold and Silver.

The 4th Day, Sirius opens his eyes from the Ground in his animagus form when a bright light from Hadriana makes him look at him with a wide eye in shock.

A bright green Light comes from his body with a Blooming Flower and Leaf that grow from the Sofa circling him. It was beautiful but the more surprising him is the Raw Power that came out from him.

It was so Pure, Bright that might break the Darkness of the Night. Sirius sniffs the air and can smell a sweet smell. It seems he's not the only one who can smell it because Remus,Marvollo, Severus and Crouch Jr go to them wide-eyed and see Hadrian covered in plan. They can feel their magic is vibrating make their breath hitched

It was a smell of Joy

The Flower disappeared into a spark of silver like a Star in the Dark Night. The Potion was glowing in Silver Color.

The light also gone from him with Hadrian who exhale look at the Potion Bottle in Stunned only got break by Severus

"I can't believe this..." Severus say in disbelieve stare at the Elixir

"It's a success..." Hadrian whisper weakly

Hadrian can feel his Magic is back to his core and he can feel his Magic is depleting only 5% in his Core. As the cue, The Muscle of him sits in the Sofa for the whole day is screaming in pain, His Stomach is grumbling in Hunger, His Eyes are so heavy.

His hand is stiff make the Potion Glass fell from his hand to the Cushion Sofa and with his eyes who feel heavy like there a stone in there to make it close, Before Hadrian close his eyes he can see a Dark Brown Hair and a Spice smell make the darkness consumed him

Marvollo who has Hadrian in his arm give him the Spiritual Power with a worried adult

"Is he okay? Should I call Narcissa?" Sirius ask

"It's better to call Narcissa..." Marvollo nodd

Sirius run to the Floo to call his Cousin with Severus who look at the Potion in Stunned disbelief

"Your Godson, really make a Miracle... It was a Hard Potion that even the Master of Potion can not make..." Severus say to Remus

"Should i call Augusta?" Remus ask

"The Potion is finished... Let's just wait for Hadriana to wake up..." Severus said to him

"I'm gonna bring him to the Bedroom..." Marvollo lift Hadrian in a bridal way

Marvollo keep sending his Magic to the Hadrian while Narcissa and Sirius enter the room, Narcissa check his Magic core

"He's fine, just fatigued.. He should be awake in 2 days if you keep sending him the Magic..." Narcissa say to Marvollo

For 2 Days, Marvollo stayed beside Hadrian. He keeps transferring the Magic Power to him and after 2 days of Deep sleep, Hadrian dark circle is gone from his eyes.

3rd Day in the Morning, Hadrian wake up make Marvollo look at him in relief

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" Marvollo ask

" Weak..." Hadrian cough

Marvollo let him drink a cup of water and Sighing,"You really make us worried..."

"Mn?" Hadrian hummed in confused

"You sleep for 2 Days, Your Magic is almost empty..." Marvollo informed him,"I transfer some of My Magic Power to you..."

Hadrian clenches and unclenches his hand,"Thank you... How the Potion?"

"It was a success and they decided to wait for you to wake up..." Marvollo says to him showing the Potion

"Thank Merlin..." Hadrian sit in the bed with help of Marvollo

"You want to tell Sirius?" Marvollo ask

"I want the Potion to be given to the Gran Augusta immediately..." Hadrian said to him,"Please..."

Marvollo sigh,# As you wish, My dear...#

Hadrian stayed in the bed stretching his body outside the Window who showed the Sun shine brightly with a Flower that's blooming in the Garden. He look at the Door who open showing Sirius and Aunt Augusta

"Pup, How you feel?" Sirius ask sit in the edge of the bed

"I feel fine..." Hadrian said and looked at gran Augusta,"Thank you for coming, grand Augusta..."

"You really Outstand yourself, Huh..." Augusta say to him

Hadrian smiled at her and gave the Potion to her,"Let them drink this 3 time a day and for 4 Days. they should Heal and go back home.."

Augusta takes the Potion,"I heard about the Step to make this Potion, Why do you do that, Child?"

Hadrian smiled at her softly and Genuinely,"I don't have reason... Is there a reason to help My Precious person? Neville is my brother all but in blood, I have a source to help him.. It was a normal thing to do... Besides, I want people who smile at me to keep smiling at me.. I want Neville to be happy..."

Augusta stares at the Child in front of her, A child in 12 Years old who has a Pure though. A child who gives her and her Grandson a hope. A child who gives her family back.

How, the world didn't deserve this Child...

"Did you know you are a foolish child?" Augusta ask in fondness

Hadriana chuckled,"A lot of people say that to me..."

Augusta patted his head in fondness,"Go rest... Thank you..."

"No problem..." Hadriana say to her

Hadrian saw Augusta and Sirius get out from his bedroom, He lay in the bed and not long the door is open showing Marvollo who enter the bedroom who give him a gentle smile

*Líðtilr hvílað, minn dýrr Malá květina* (Go to Sleep, My dear Little Flower...) Marvollo whisper to him




Hey Guys, New Chapter has been published. This Chapter is quite long, Finally I finished *Phew*

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Hope you all have a healthy day

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