Sabır (Patience) - Kurulus Os...

By cookiemun

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A Kurulus Osman fanfic ~UNDER EDITING~ "Dundar, Kardeşim, will you take Ceyda with you to our brother's tribe... More

Prologue + A/N
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 26

333 28 43
By cookiemun

Ceyda let out her battle cry and raised her sword. She was about to attack when Kongar held up a hand. "Dur!"

She lowered her sword. "What?"

"You never attack first. Wait for the enemy to attack and then defend. From there, you will get a basic understanding of their moves and know how to defeat them."

"But I wasn't going t-"

"Attacking may work for us, but for Turks, defend."

"Why? W-they're smarter?"


Ceyda chuckled, "I was going to do-" She attacked just as she had done before, and while Kongar's confusion led him to a mix of attack and defence position, she ducked and kicked his shins, making him kneel. She put her sword to his throat and whispered into his ear, "-this."

Kongar's shock could not be hidden, "I-I wasn't ready. Come on, go again."

Ceyda rolled her eyes and let him go, "You don't get second chances on the battlefield."

"Oh, so you're teaching me now."

"I guess so. That means training is over."

Kongar frowned. He wanted to spend more time with her. Ceyda made all his worries go away with her light-hearted, fun personality. She was like the light in his dark world.

Ceyda grabbed his chin and said, "Aw don't be sad. I'll let you ride a horsey when we go back," as if she was talking to a toddler.

Kongar smiled sarcastically and playfully smacked away her hand. He pretended to start walking ahead, then tripped Ceyda, unsheathed his dagger on her neck and smiled victoriously, "Aw, the fierce Commander Ceyda lost her balance?"

Ceyda groaned, "I wasn't ready..."

Kongar held her chin and mocked Ceyda, "Don't cry. I'll let you ride a horsey when we go back."

Ceyda held back the smile that was creeping up. "Shut up," she muttered, moving away from his hand.

Kongar chuckled and offered his hand to Ceyda, who had a mischievous glint in her eye. Right when he understood what she was about to do, he warned, "Don't even think about-"

She pulled his arm and pinned him to the ground, "Whoops, too late."

They were now face-to-face. Kongar resisted looking into her deep dark eyes and managed to roll his eyes, "You don't ever stop, huh?"

Ceyda smiled, resisting to dive into his ocean eyes and got up, not even bothering to offer him help. She looked around and found a way one could enter the camp. There was a tree in front of it, and Ceyda remembered the letter she hid. Kongar was up and ready to go back. "Balgay mentioned something about a celebration. We should go back now."

Another party? "I'm coming, you go first," she answered, distracted by thinking about whether Osman would infiltrate.

"Come with me."

"I just need to collect herbs for the horses first."

"Okay, I'll come with you."

Ceyda held back a sigh of annoyance, "The herbs are not easy to find. I'll need silence, and your loud footsteps won't help."

Kongar was about to argue but thought otherwise. Ceyda was getting annoyed now. He didn't want to piss her off any further. "Okay, but be careful."

"I'm collecting plants, not going to war... softie."

Kongar clenched his fist at the nickname 'softie' and started to leave before remembering the reason he brought her here, "Wait."

Ceyda tutted, "What?"

Kongar walked towards a bush and revealed a dark red and black Mongol chief hat. It wasn't the same as before though. It looked more like a woman's and included a somewhat long scarf attached to it. Ceyda almost gasped at the similarity to a Turk woman's headpiece. "It fell out of your window last night. I was going to give it back but assumed you would like it better if it had-well this," he pointed to the scarf.

Ceyda grinned from ear to ear and had the same mischievous look in her eye. Kongar dreaded what would come next. "Don't say it."

"Softie!" she laughed, making Kongar groan, "Fine, I won't give it."

"No, no. Okay, sorry. Thank you! Thank you!" she giggled, hardly able to contain her laughter and excitement.

"Here," Kongar grunted, handing over the article of clothing.

Ceyda quickly reached to grab it when Kongar took it away and held it high out of her reach. "Calm down first, deli kiz."

"I am calm... now give me," she jumped for the hat, but Kongar was taller. Before she would attack him, Kongar untied her bandana and placed it over her head. It fit perfectly and added even more beauty to Ceyda's face. He smiled as he watched Ceyda drool over the hat, then left.

Ceyda let out the sigh she held after letting go of her hat, but it came out as more of an angry groan. "Why are you so...soft? You're making me hate being against yo-Ah Ceyda, what are you saying? Tövbe ya Rabbi," After making sure he was out of sight, she walked towards the tree, took out a dagger and the letter, and pinned it to the bottom of the tree. Ceyda read the letter carefully to make sure she hadn't missed anything and reached the part she wrote: ANA. She stared at it for a while, then decided to find out more before telling Osman about what she saw. Without another thought, she ripped that part out and tucked it into her armour. "Osman has to come... if I know my abi, he will come. Konur will too. Konur will understand..."

She covered the letter with some leaves and made sure only part of her dagger was visible. Then, she headed for the camp.


Two Mongols carried their flags and walked to their positions before Konur and Batur appeared and killed them using the darkness of the night as their cover. Konur looked at the dead bodies and saw something shiny by a tree. He bent over and found a dagger.

"What happened, kardeş?" Batur asked.

"This..." he placed his hand on the gold and black handle. " Ceyda's."

Batur widened his eyes in surprise, "Then why would it be here?"

Konur took the dagger out of the tree and noticed a paper with some writing on it. Osman Bey walked out of the bushes, so Konur tucked the letter into his uniform. He would look at it later.

The three had changed into Mongol clothes and planned to infiltrate Balgay's camp to retrieve the laws of Genghis Khan. They nodded at each other, showing they were ready and completed the Mongol soldier uniform by pulling over hats that covered their faces. Konur and Batur held the flags while Osman was in the middle of the two, and they walked into the camp. Konur kept his eyes down, but he ached to see if Cedya was okay and look at the man who could be his brother. Osman signalled a nod, and Konur and Batur went to stand guard at the front of the tent.

Cerkutay, Kongar and Ceyda came out of Balgay's tent and stood in front of it, enjoying the sight of the night. Little did Cedya know, she was standing right beside her childhood friend. Konur realized Ceyda's presence and resisted the urge to let her know he was here, but suddenly remembered what he said before and kept a straight face. Kongar and Cerkutay smiled proudly as they watched the Shamans dance to the victory they gained from Osman. Ceyda watched with little emotion as these 'celebrations' bored her. Kongar raised his hand to put on Ceyda's shoulder, but she moved back and snuck around him, and Kongar ended up placing his hand on Konur. Ceyda looked at the Mongol soldier and heard Kongar say something in Mongolian. The soldier was quiet, so Kongar looked at him. This isn't Ceyda... The soldier responded in Mongolian and Kongar nodded, smirking. Whatever. He looked to Cerkutay and noticed Ceyda standing beside him, faking a straight face. Kongar and Cerkutay went away from the tent towards the middle of the camp, and Ceyda stayed behind.

Balgay then came out of the tent, nodded at Ceyda and walked to where the other Mongols were. As he walked, the soldiers bowed. He stood as the leader of the area with the guest Mongol chiefs and gestured for the soldiers to stand. Ceyda couldn't hear much of what Balgay said, but she assumed he was announcing his power since he had Genghis Khan's laws and dagger. Making sure Balgay and Kongar weren't watching, she entered the tent. Since the chest was in there, it would be the perfect opportunity to get it out. She looked around the tent and saw the chest on Balgay's seat. She started to open it when she sensed someone enter the tent.

Ceyda panicked and stood completely still. Maybe if I stand still enough, he'll think I'm a statue. She felt someone tap her shoulder and furrowed her brow. "Osman?" She turned to see a dark-eyed soldier, standing confidently, a few inches taller than her. "Osman Bey."

Before she could scream in excitement, Osman covered her mouth. "Shh, what are you doing here?"

She mumbled something.


Ceyda removed his hand from her mouth, "I was going to get the laws for you. They're in there." She pointed to the box on Balgay's seat.

Osman opened the box and took out the laws and dagger. "Thank you, but you don't have to do anything anymore. Leave it to me, Ceyda."

Ceyda looked away. "I was helping you," she said through gritted teeth. Because of her youth, the Beys and Alps would usually push her aside whenever she tried to help and denied her skills. It would always bother and anger her. Now, Osman was doing the same.

"Thank you for that, but you will not anymore. Come on, Konur and Batur are outside. We will take you to the tribe."

"No, I'm not going back. There is still some information I need to look into," she argued sternly, remembering her mother's presence.

"Ceyda, I don't want to hear it. You are coming back. The tribe is worried sick."

Ceyda almost scoffed, "And what about my uncle? My family?"

"I am your family too, Ceyda. If not them, I am worried sick. Please, come back to us. Konur told me you remember everything now. So, before they find out and brainwash you again, leave this place."

"They won't find o-"

"Who are you?" a Mongol soldier who entered the tent demanded after seeing Osman with the laws.

Osman put the laws down while Ceyda stayed quiet.

"Who are you?!"

Osman unsheathed part of the dagger he picked up and took off his hat, revealing his face. "Ertugrul Ghazi's son, Osman!"

Ceyda smiled as he jumped and stabbed the Mongol and slit his throat. "You are coming and that's it," he ordered after a moment.


She was interrupted by a voice from outside, "Beyim, they are coming to take the chest."

"Konur..." Ceyda whispered, recognizing the voice as Konur's.

"Don't you think they will suspect you when they see you coming out of the tent, Ceyda?" Osman questioned.

Ceyda didn't know what to do. Osman grabbed the laws from the chest, handed them over to Ceyda and walked out with the empty chest before the Mongol's suspicion grew.

"Beyim, these grasshoppers are waiting for the chest," Konur informed, nodding toward the two soldiers who waited a few feet away.

"It will be worth it. Be ready for the war. Let's go."

Osman walked to Balgay and handed over the chest, then backed away, blending in with the Mongol crowd.

Ceyda stayed in the tent. Now, she needed to hand the laws over to Osman, but he would take her back to the tribe. After that, she would not be able to find out why her mother was in the Mongol camp. However, if she stayed with the laws on her, she would eventually get caught. What do I do?


What should she do?? By the way, 'D.E | K.O Edits' is released. So, you can check them out now!! Anyways, remember to vote/comment!

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