11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu...

By JeonMina_05

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In his world, all look at him as strict, stone, cold and ace lawyer. They wont dare to make any mistakes on t... More

1》Sudden News
2》The Violence
3》Trigger Feel
4》Trauma Show
5》Past Abuse
6》False View
7》Permanent Pain
8》Trust Issues
9》Terrible Mood
10》Limit Me
11》Your Perspective
12》Pain Hold
13》Save Me
14》Depend On
15》Your Blessing
16》Choice Type
17》Bad Welcome
19》Creepe Gift
20》Our Day
21》New Treasure
22》Mine Circle
23》Guide Hero
24》Fragile Argue
25》My Wound
26》Your Happy
27》Random Talk
28》Help Us
29》End Court
30》Broken Awards
31》Break Wall
32》Run Away
33》Found You
34》Be You
35》All Solve
36》Just Celebrate
37》Smooth Present
38》This Feel
39》Cramp Sickness
40》On Way
41》Hello Minhyun
42》Hello Minjoo
43》Lives Goes
44》Our Side

18》Relieve Area

280 18 0
By JeonMina_05


Their back still cramp and tired since last week. Not forget how long they arguing together while moving all their stuff to their new house.


They just put and arranged their stuff but they still wont lived with them. They suddenly changed their mind to move all their belongs but they stayed on their home until wedding day.

For now, Mina and Tzuyu groan while holding lots of bag that their mom and Wonwoo mom bought since 2 evening ago. Exactly three hours finding their stuff for wedding and now they need to go buy their ring.

Wonwoo mom already told her husband to accompany Mingyu and Wonwoo to look for their tuxedo. Speaking of wedding, their mom had done handling their place and decoration. Their dad plan to take the future groom to had some fun after they done all their list to buy.

"Are you serious? This is the second shop we go for looking our ring. I see there is lots of good design there."

Tzuyu complain when their mom cancel to go in the first jewel shop. Mina who behind was left dying bring lots of bags but she tried to cover her face when Wonwoo mom cares her back.

"That one is too cheap. Im sure this one had simple design yet really pretty."

Tzuyu and Mina put all the bags side shop before join two oldest lady inside.  Tzuyu follow their mom meanwhile Mina walk beside Wonwoo mom. They apart two ways so they can had their own choice to choose the ring that was display on table.

"Mina, what about this?"

"Its beautiful, aunty. But can i had a simple one with flower design?"

"Call me mom, Mina. Soon you will be my daughter in law and part of our fanmily."

"Thank you, au- mom. Im glad you had time today for settling our wedding day."

"Your mom and i had been friends for so long. Her lifes like half of mine, your mom get through a lots so i want to make sure this time its her happiness one even for one day."

"Im sorry if our life burden you guys to accept us. If its not our fath--"

"Hey, Mina. Everyone had their hurt past. If you not my future daughter in law, then did you think Wonwoo will married? He so stubborn eventhough he is first son, but as time goes by he with you, i see how he changed to be responsiblity guy to you."

"H-he did?"

"Yes! I remembered how some days when we talked about his future life, he will dodge it and giving us little rude answer. But after enggaged with you, he become focus to his work while try to hold yours relationship going well."

"Its good to know."

"Believe me, Mina. He try his best to be a good person to you and prove to all of us that he can be more than we expected."

She touch Mina hands tight with eyes like begging her to accept Wonwoo. Mina dont want a guilty or pity inside her hearts but looking her mother in law like this, made her weak. She quickly look away by down her head to see the rings inside the display table.

"Oh look m-mom! This one is good!"

"Yes! You want to try it?"

Mina nod in excited so the staff help her by take it out and give her to try. In just first try, the ring fit enough on her finger.

"Its suits you, Mina. I agree with you to take this one."

She nod and decide she take the ring she chose. When she was about to pay  Wonwoo mom already hand the money which is too many made her feel hard to let her pay.

"Its okay, Mina. Just wait till wedding day, there is lots of suprise you will get there."

She smile and dont mind when Wonwoo mom cross her arm around her waist while cares her back.


"You want this, Tzuyu?"

"No its too shining."

"How about this one?"

"Too many jewel."

"This one?"

"Too big."


"Too small."

"Okay, Lee Tzuyu. Choose by yourself and remember, not a plain one."

She nod and replace her mom spot to look every rings that was display. There is some design that not pull her attention and compare to Mina, she dont have any interest to had flower design.

She thinks the simple on is better and she had to choose it with adding uniqe shape. For her, she had taste to had every simple type but people see its perfect design. Meanwhile Mina as designer, of course she had a typical of good, quality and impression of design on dress or even on make up.

"This one."

She point down that caught her eyes. Staff give her the ring and she try to wear ut. Her mom gasp to see her youngest daughter choose the diamond shape but its really simple yet still look shining.

"Its beautiful, Tzuyu. I think this one is better."

"You do?"

"I believe my daughters taste."

She shrug her shoulder and give back the ring to wrap it inside small bag. She was suppose to pay it but her mom already snap her code to buy her ring.

"Mom! I was suppose to pay it!"

"My daughter will married on three weeks more so before wedding day, i need to make sure everything was well prepared."

"Your choice always good, mom. Lets go home."

"Ah! No! We had two places to go. One, your wedding gown and last, your shoes."

"Mom, our dress will be long design and no one will see our shoes inside."

"So you want to wear slippers on your wedding day?"

"What? Pfft no! I mean---"

"No excuses, Lee Tzuyu. Lets go another shop. Mina and Chae Won must be waiting us."

Tzuyu roll her eyes when her mom pull her wrist out from the jewel shop. They see Mina and Wonwoo mom chatting at beside the shop, so their mom call them to go another places.

"Chae Won, now where we gonna go?"

"I think for their gown turn, I heard there is Carats Boutique, its one of famous wedding gown in this city so why not we go there?"

"Aunty, can we had our own style like we both already sketch one gown that we love."

Tzuyu dont want to be rude by interrupt the oldests conversation but this is about their one special big day, so she think she had right to talk about it.

"Like Mina, call me mom. Eventhough Mingyu are our cousin, he deserve a love from us as parents. You will be one of us family and so was Mingyu to your family."

Tzuyu nod and try to cover her awkward, she want a answer about their gown but didnt expect Miss Jeon different explaination. But when she heard about Mingyu, her feelings like soft a while. Maybe he really deserve Wonwoo family love.

They walk until arrive at wide boutique that was labelled Carats Boutique. As soon they step inside the shop, they were greet by young lady that look same age with Tzuyu or Mina. Her smile more wide when she see Mina from their mom back.

"Welcome to Carats Boutique! Oh you are Park Mina right?! A designer of Black Swan and owned a lots of boutique around South Korean!"

"Y-yeah, im Park Mina."

"Oh my goodness! Im Kim Dahyun, a owner of this Carats Wedding Boutique! Im one of your fans and i have been dying to meet you, my inspiration."

"Oh thank you, i cant believe i had a fans that had same designer job like you."

"Wait, you are Kim Dahyun, a wife to Chwe Vernon or Hansol, right? A man that work as famous music composer."

Tzuyu interfere their conversation and looks like their mom get ignore for a while. Dahyun nod and clap her hands in excited on her face.

"Yes! He is my husband! Oh, may i know who want to look for wedding gown?"

"Actually we with our mom and our mother in law. We both will get marry in three weeks."

"On the same day?!"

"Yes Dahyun, i will release a annoucement soon."

"Well then, you can look every design here and call me when you find what you guys attract."

Dahyun pave the way that had lots of gown and obviously all design was special for bride. Their mom pull Miss Jeon to find a perfect gown for themself on the wedding day meanwhile Tzuyu and Mina go to Dahyun.

"Hey Dahyun."

"Yes miss Mina and miss Tzuyu?"

"Dont call us miss, drop the formality. Its little awkward to use formal language with you and we here to give you this."

Tzuyu hand a paper that was full of wedding gown design and Mina touch Dahyun hand.

"Can you made two gown like this one with your own style?"

"My own style?! B-but its for y-your wedding!"

"I trust you, Dahyun. Dont copy this design but change it to your own way. We both just want it simple and long sleeves. I believe a talented wedding designer like you can made it fabulous."

"I-im not that t-talented like you! Your Black Swan brand was amazing with your gorgeous design of your fashion. My boutique dont deserve to be compare with you."

"Dont say that, we not always success and not always fail. I believe your boutique is the best one and i hope both of our boutique more succesful than we expect."

Tzuyu silently hand a tissue to Dahyun when see her eyes little shine that made Tzuyu think she teary by Mina courage words. The way she touch by the words can made Tzuyu proud of her oldest sister.

The person who break from her carrier for 10 months now being a good example for people and how cant Tzuyu not proud of her sister. Of course she is and seeing Mina happy pluss succesful like this was enough to made Tzuyu grateful to be her sister.

Dahyun agree to made two wedding gown with her own style, Mina and Tzuyu told her they dont want to look sexy much but enough to had comfortable fabric while they wear it.

"Moms? You two already decide your gown?"

"Yes we do and will send it three days before wedding days at our house. So now we just need to find your both shoes before your dads call us for dinner."

"Oh about the invitation cards, Wonwoo and Mingyu already get it. I also told them to give everyone with you two. Remember, only gave to people you knew and tell them to bring the invitation cards on wedding days to make sure our place safety."

Both of them nod after miss Jeon tell them about the invitation cards. They wave their goodbye to Dahyun and not forget Mina take a photo with her as memories.

As four of them get out, Mina hide herself little behind Tzuyu when caught some people recognize her exits from wedding boutique. She sure certain people will asking why she going there and who Wonwoo mom are.

"I think i cant announce the news two days before our wedding days. Some people here spot me with you guys. Is it really better if i release it next week?"

"Maybe good because its not just you who will be main attention, remember im your sister? They already knew our family and our dad might also tell everyone in his company about our wedding."

"What about mom?"

"She is the most excited one, so as an president of famous woman's pride club, she will spread it to them as soon we get the invitaion card."

"Mina, Tzuyu? We here."

They two stop their little conversation when their mom stop infront of luxury shoes shop. They nod and fast their walk to stand beside their mom. Miss Jeon take Tzuyu to find a shoes at left side meanwhile Mina be with her mom.

"So are you ready to spread the invitation cards on Monday?"

"Im not sure, mom. We will go to Wonwoo place first before to my boutique. I have been take days off since two weeks ago and i feel bad Wonwoo need to work by himself without asistant guide him."

"Being his temporary assistant isnt bad at all, right?"

"Kind of, but little annoyed when he told me to print the file for more than 50 copies! He think he want to do a dictionary? He just want to bully me there."

"Hahaha, Mina! He being teasy guy. You also dont have nothing much to do there."

"Oho i do, mom! This designer wont rest her hands to handle her boutique for one day even from far."

"Suit yourself, my candy."




"Did you think if i release the announcement, everything will be fine?"

"You worried about your dad and Tzuyu too, arent you?"

She nod while wondering her eyes on rack to observing the shoes there. She can feel a hand brush her hair and it made her calm. A touch of her mother made her hard to let go the soul of being solo girl.

She cant believe yet she wil be marry with a guy and leave the house that she always depend on. A house that bring a laugh, tears and argue for many years with just four of them.

She know one day she will leave that house to open new book with a guy she married and the atmosphere will not same like everyday she lives with her family.

"Thats why miss Jeon told you two to give the invitation cards to people you knew. Your father and Mr. Jeon already take 30 security to protect your marriege place. I know its little protective but i want you to know we made this to let your special day become happy and memoriable."

"Huh, i wonder if you not married with Lee dad that time."

"Then you will not get the penguin plushie you want 10 years ago."

"Mom! Its the past! I already throw it okay."

"You still pamper like always."

She pout and act like she dont want to face her mom, at same time Tzuyu and miss Jeon come with two box that inside it had same design shoes.

"Mina, Tzuyu try this shoes and look for the suit size."

Mina and Tzuyu sit beside each other leaving two oldest mom stand infront them. At first Tzuyu want to ask why need to wear a beautiful shoes when they will wear a big gown, but seeing how excited their moms are, she dont want to spoil the mood.

"Oh it fits perfect! You two like it?"

"For me its fine."

"Im good."

"Well then, we done our list thing today."

Tzuyu and Mina get up and let their moms pay the shoes. When they exit from the shop, a phone was ringing inside miss Jeon handbag.

After couple minutes answering, she said the boys already tired and tell rhey waiting at food court.

So girls walk to food court and end their day with gathering together dinner as big two family before the couple can give the invitation cards on Monday.


She sit while lean against on the rack. On her lap was her cat and on her hand was invitation card that she gave to her worker a while ago. She spacing out a while to remember back the scene at lawyer company.

She really nervous there a while ago but she still see how relax Wonwoo are giving the cards to his team. Not suprise too when the Ceo there pat Wonwoo back to congrats them even when he shake hands with her made Mina sweating.

The reaction they got from all worker and staff was different. Certain of them was jealous of her and some of them happy.

She dont know if the reaction she got made her satisfied or opposite, but a while ago when she handed to her team, their face was excited and looks like they too wishing about her love relationship to become true.


She look down to see Nova licking her fingers. She carry him up and observe his action.

"Nova will stay with mummy, right?"


"Dont let me alone, my Nova."


"I have been looking you for 5 minutes."

She raise her head finding Wonwoo cross his arms while glaring her. She dont care by those eyes and decide to let him be. She pat Nova, but suprise when he seat beside her.

"You dont look excited today."

"Who said i dont? Im happy okay."

"Then why you still here and spacing out? You worried about something and dont want to share with me?"

She sigh and stop pat Nova. Wonwoo lift Nova to his lap and she dont mind it. Yes, there is budging her mind and it wont fade since a weeks ago.

"Im just worried about the announcement."

"You scared about people reaction and their opponent, right?"

"What do you think? Our biogical dad will know we quick our marriege. They might looking for us as soon we still didnt give them the money."

"I respect your decision to move in all our stuff that day and lives together after married, so i hope you respect my decision to let me and Mingyu handle your fathers with help by Lee dad and my dad."

"I know they still our fathers, but wont you think why cant they change to let us lives peaceful."

"Be thankful they dont do a crime to you guys. Tzuyu already told Mingyu she suffered with lots of wound and you told me you almost get raped by your own father. So if they do a crime to you, they will had death sentences."

"I dont want they died but i just hope they get a return after ruin their daughter lifes."

"If that you want, then just wait."

"Did you mad if i said that after we married, you need to attend press confrence with me?"

"About your comeback carrier and get asking about our marriege?"

"I wont push you. I can try to go alone."

"I didnt say i dont want to go. I will attend it and end those stupid question about our marriege. Its one of our privacy and i think they dont have right to ask it more than the limit."

Wonwoo stop moving his hands when notice Nova already sleep. He also dont try to move his body when Mina put her head on his shoulder.

Little do they know, a silent talk like this made them find their comfortable on each other.


"For how long you will stare our invitation card?"

She snap out when notice Mingyu lean back on her office door. She sigh and ruffle her hair. She dont mind when Mingyu take his seat infront of her.

"What reaction you got at your place?"

"They happy but certain of them little sad to know their handsome manager will get married."

"Handsome your butt. For me here, yeah they congrats to me and some of them look dont believe im going to married in two weeks."

"Come on! A gorgeous cold girl here will married and of course it takes time for them to accept you already mine."

Tzuyu roll her eyes to hear those flirty words out from Mingyu mouth. She dont know since when he become like this but she not annoyed it. She just feel he little easy going to made her comfortable.

"We will not see each other for one week before married, so any plan to do today?"

"Today wednesday, Kim Mingyu. Saturday is our last day, i and Mina will go to hall hotel to check our stage wedding and you with Wonwoo need to take your wedding tuxedo."

"Dont worry, Wonwoo will get it. For me, i had some work to do with your father."


"The security on wedding days and settle off at our penthouse building. The building had to renovate some side to make sure surround it safety and i will sure our penthouse had strong security. I dont believe they can stay safe our olace 24 hours. They human too and need rest."

"Be sure they had their own time to rest and change their shift to work."

"Aye aye ma'am. Wanna grab lunch together?"

"Sure lets go."

Without her realise, he intertwine their hands together while walking out from hospital. As soo people start whisper and gasp, he grip her hands little tight to show they lovely couple made Tzuyu fluster inside. Even the cards that still people hold was keeping safe, they still cant believe a pretty and successful doctor plus sister of famous designer will get married soon.

They think they already find their way to show they are the couple who dont need obvious their relationship.


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