The Third Brother

By tvdnicole

284K 4.6K 975

What if Damon and Stefan had a younger brother?... Meet the brother who has a charm and attitude like his old... More

Brother reunion
So (not) cool
Im here to stay
Missing your sibling
Dont tell
Pretty sleeper
If you mean it
What is love?
Facing reality part 1
Facing Reality Part 2
Humanity part 1
Humanity part two
Christmas loss
The last dagger
No hope
Ready to run
Where? What? Why?
No sign of weakness
High and low
Wedding bells
The opened gates
Familiar Faces
Planning failures
Vampire and human
Reborn part 1
Reborn part 2
Do you remember?
Youll continue to suffer
Because he is my brother.
We can overcome this (part 1)
We can overcome this (part 2)
Alot to learn
Hearts will remember
Two brothers.
Go to hell.
Goodbye, Brother.

No care in the world

3.6K 67 25
By tvdnicole

Ow. What the hell? Where am I?
I blinked my eyes a couple times. Open. Shut. Open. Shut. Until the blur went away.

"Rise and shine sleepy head!" I heard, I weakly moved my head to look at the heavy door, the metal bars didn't hide the person on the other side.

"Damon?" I sighed, "jokes over, let me out"

"No can do, baby bro" He smirked with his arms folded. "You see, Stefan? Well he's followed your footsteps, by the way... you won't be familiar with this, but our brother without his humanity equals ripper Stefan, which is not pretty" He tutted

"Then let me out" I said in heavy breaths, "I can go have some catching up fun with..."

"Ah ah ah" Damon shook his head, "one no humanity Salvatore is hard enough to deal with, I don't want two on the loose"

"Damon!" His head moved to see the person coming down the stairs of the dungeon.

"Ah, good timing Bon Bon" My brother rubbed his hands together, "Bonnies come to babysit you, I have to go find and kidnap our other stupid, off switched brother"

"Good luck" I heard Bonnie sigh

"Catch ya later Bon" Damon placed a hand on her shoulder before speeding off. Great. I'm left with the person I threatened not too long ago.

"Just so you know, I don't agree with this." Bonnie said in a blunt tone, "I thought you should have just ran away somewhere and not returned, instead Damon and Care are going to torture you until you flip that switch back on"

"What are they going to do? Kill me?" I chuckled weakly, "Caroline... maybe, Damon... no"

"Leo... I'm serious" Her voice was stern, "I think you should just flip it... flip it back, so they don't have to do the stuff they're planning to do!"

"You'll have to do better than that" I said before getting myself comfortable on the hard floor.

"You know... I remember when Enzo flipped his switch..."

"God!" I rolled my eyes, "You're torturing me by talking about this freaking guy! He's dead, and you keep bringing him up, just let him go already!"

"When he flipped his switch" She carried on after a small pause, but her voice was a lot more shaky now, "The thing that brought him back was almost losing me..."

"I wish I could have saved him instead of you" I grin, "He could have been a good drinking Buddy"

Bonnie's voice gentled even more, "What if you could turn back time and save Rebekah..." The mention of her name made my eyes widen. "Would you have saved her with your switch off?"

"I don't know if you're just slow... but she's the whole reason I did turn it off. Remember?" I tried to reply as sharply as possible.

"I know... but if you had your switch off then, would you have saved her if you could?" She asked

"No..." I lied, of course I would have saved her.

"So you mustn't have loved her as much as..."

"Shut up!" I grunted, "I don't want to hear it!"

"Well you're going to" God, she was stubborn.

"You know..." I laughed, "when I get out of here... I'm going to tear your heart out of your chest"

"Sure you are" She shrugged. This woman is driving me insane.
"Damon... I don't think this is going to work" Stefan said after dragging his brother outside of the Salvatore home, making sure Leo wouldn't be able to hear their conversation.

"Well we have to try Stefan" The older brother argued, "we have nothing else!"

"What if... the herbs..." Stefan started, "Remember the herbs Elena used to see you? What if we slip some of them into a small amount of blood, feed it to him, he could see Rebekah and then..."

"We're geniuses!" Damon called out

"Well actually I..." The younger brother tried

"I know where the herbs that are left are" Damon spoke smugly

"Fine." Stefan chuckled at his brothers reaction.

"Okay, if the original plan doesn't work, we will do that..." The older Salvatore said, and Stefan agreed by nodding his head. "I'm going to go back down there, see how Bons doing, you stay well away, got it?"

"Got it"
It was peaceful. I was in my bed, without a single care in the world.

"Morning handsome" I heard that familiar soft voice that made my heart flicker and twitch a warm beat.

Rolling over I was met by the deep blue eyes and full lipped smile that I loved. "Rebekah?" I said with a surprised tone

"Don't sound too surprised to see me" She giggled, her hand moved up to my hair as she twirled a piece of it around her finger, "do you remember the way my human touch felt against your skin?"

My hand was took in hers before she placed it on her bare chest, I could feel the warmth of her human blood, and the beat of her human heart, "Yes" I gulped, not making an effort to move my hand. "How are you here?" I asked

"Because of you, Leo" She sighed, her smile had faded. "Christmas night, my brother took my life... but I've forgiven Nik, I want you to tell him that for me"

"I can't" I shook my head, "I haven't forgiven him and I never will..."

"Yes you will... but that's not the main reason that I'm here" I missed her soft voice. "I'm here because you have done something that has made you unrecognisable, when I watch over you, I cringe... I cover my eyes so that I'm unable to see your actions..." Her voice became pained, "I understand that you're sad, I understand that you felt weak, but I can't stand seeing you this way, this isn't you"

"I can't function without you Rebekah" I tell her honestly, "I need you"

"And I need you to go back, go back to being the lively, childish, hyperactive Leo Salvatore that I fell in love with" Rebekah rested her forehead against Leos.

"He's gone." I reply bluntly

"He will never go" She shook her head, "You will always be him deep down, you just have to find him again"

I stayed silent. I just wanted this moment to last forever.

"I will always be with you" She placed a hand over my heart. "In there", She moved the same hand up to my head, "And in there"

I took in her familiar scent that I missed so much, "Please... please don't leave me again"

"I have to" She spoke with an unsteady tone, "but I need you to remember who you are"

"Why do you have to leave?" I sounded desperate, but I was! I needed Rebekah with me.

"Because you need to move on, you need to find another love, you need to have an epic love..." She told me

"My epic love... was you!" I argue back

"The beauty of immortality Leo, is you can have multiple epic loves, you'll find someone who will love you just as much as I loved you, and you'll love them back the way you loved me" Her hand found my cheek. "Now... turn that switch back on... for me"

I smiled at her warm touch. But something then clicked.

"Get out of my head!" I bellowed before waking up. It took all my strength to be as loud as I was, but I saw the criminals of the dream. "Think a sweet little dream will make me turn it back on?"

"The beauty of it Leo is... I saw that emotion just then... you were so close" Damon said with wide eyes

"So what? You weaken me, lock me up, read my mind and then make me see dreams of my dead girlfriend, come on... you're going to have to do better than that" I laughed, "you know... when I get out of here, I'm going to kill your sweet little Elena, shove her heart down your throat and then when you flip that switch, I'll keep constantly reminding you of your dead fiancé"

Damon looked at Bonnie, his jaw was clenched and his stance was stiff, "okay, that's enough" He opened the door and walked into the cell, "you want to hurt me? Hurt me... go on"

"Damon..." Bonnie warned

"No Bon... if he wants to hurt me so bad, that he would kill Elena, why doesn't he just kill me right now!?" My brother was always stupid.

I pushed my weak self to my feet, and stood face to face with my oldest brother. "You think I won't kill you?"

"I know you won't" He challenged.

I chuckled before my dry throat reminded me how hungry I was. "You were always stupid, that's why our father hated you..."

"I hated him... there's no difference" He shrugged. "So come on big guy, you want to take me on, come on... have a shot... kill me"

I moved my hand to plunge through his chest... but I stopped it, just where his heart was. I wasn't getting my hands dirty. Not while I can't wash the blood off.

"I'm your brother, even in your darkest place, you wouldn't kill me" Damon looked me in our matching blue eyes.

"I don't take freebies, I prefer a good fight" I mutter, "you know... aren't I the only Salvatore Elena hasn't had in bed? Maybe once I'm out of here, she might do the old switcheroo again, you know... Katherine didn't choose you, what makes you think Elena will?"

My brothers jaw was clenched again, and suddenly my breath was took away as his hand found my heart inside my chest. His fingers wrapped around the organ, and with one slight pull I'd be dead. "You won't go near Elena, don't forget who's older than you, don't forget who I am , Leo... I'm not and have never been the good brother, and if you really ... really want to piss me off, don't make it this easy for me to kill you" He said before moving his hand out of my chest, and I dropped to the floor. I was now even weaker than I was before.

"Damon... come on, just leave him" Bonnie said as I looked up and her trying to drag Damon out of the cell.

"You two look cosy? Let me guess... you two have slept together too?" I ignored Damons warning of not pissing him off.

They rolled their eyes and left the cell, locking the door and leaving me alone with my dark thoughts once again.
I left the house and leave Bonnie to babysit my obnoxious brother. God... I shouldn't have let him get under my skin like that...
I did see something though, I saw emotion in his dream. He's still there.

"I heard everything" Elena appeared and pulled me into her arms, "It's okay to be mad."

"I just... I lost my cool, as soon as he started to talk about you..." I told her

Elena let me go, but she still kept her arms around me, looking up into my eyes. Them big brown eyes literally melted my heart. "Tell me how the dream went..."

I took a deep breath and made sure I was calm, before I explained exactly what happened and how Leo reacted.

"So he sounds not too far gone" Elena stated

"I know he's still in there, I just want him back!" I had a desperate tone to my voice, "Me and Stefan are going to do the plan tomorrow, you know the whole heart getting ripped out thing"

"We will get him back" She said reassuringly, "if we can get Stefan back, Caroline, me... you... we will get Leo back"

"I love you" I sighed and rested our foreheads against each other's, "So much"

"Why don't you show me then?" She smirked, with that I threw her over my shoulder and zoomed back inside the mansion and took her straight to my bedroom.
It was the day of the plan and my nerves really kicked in. I had to take myself somewhere dark. I had to be him again. The monster inside of me, but I couldn't let him come out, I just had to pretend.
I had been staying at Bonnies house, just so Leo wouldn't be able to listen in and hear that I'm around.

"I have the heart waiting in the freezer for you" Bonnie told me before leaving the house, she had been so weary over the past twenty four hours, and who can blame her? She had been babysitting Leo, and god knows what he would have said to her.

Once getting prepared, I left the house and made my way to my actual home.

"Okay, you're here" Damon met me outside the doors. "I'm going to go down there, wait an hour or so, and then come down there as silently as you can, give me a little push and pull and I'll drop to the floor like a bag of bricks, got it?"

I slowly nodded my head and waited.
"You're still here?" I groaned as I saw Damons face appear in the small window of the cell

"You bet" He winked smugly, "brought you a present"

I watched as he pushed a small cup of red liquid towards me. I stumbled to my feet and took a gulp of the blood, but before I knew it... it was gone. "I need more"

"I can't do that... sorry"

"Come on... I'm your brother, just... just a little more..." I tried to sound as innocent as I could.

"How about... we talk" He suggested and I slumped down the wall.

"About what?" I asked, since all I can do is either ignore or chat. "Aren't you supposed to be finding our other brother?"

"I don't have to spend every minute searching for Stefan, plus... Caroline and Elena are on their shift" He replied, "Do you remember mom?"

My eyes stopped and my heart paused. "What about her?"

"Do you remember...the way father treated us, just because we have her eyes?" He said, "And when she was alive, our mom would try and protect us from him... as best as she could"

"Stefan was Giuseppe's golden child" I mutter coldly

"And we were moms" Damon sighed, "I bet you can imagine my surprise when I found out she was a vampire"

What? "Mom was a vampire?"

He nodded, "A ripper in fact, we found her after discovering a new prison world, but... she had a new family"

"You mean to tell me our mom left us to be a vampire?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "to have a vampire family?"

"Well Giuseppe kicked her out, but yes... and you know what the most painful part of the whole story is?" He took a sip of the brown liquor from the glass that was in his hand. "She only said goodbye to Stefan"

"Stefan said he saw her angel" I put the pieces together in my head. "But that was really our mom?"

"Yep..." Damon popped the 'P' , "Her eldest and her youngest were forgotten... once again, and she left us without anything"

I couldn't even speak. I mean, what am I supposed to say to that?

"We were a constant reminder of our mother to our father" He said looking down at the glass, "I knew Stefan wouldn't be targeted by Giuseppe, so that's why I protected you... as much as I possible could"

"Damon" I whispered quietly as I hid inside the large oak cabinet.

My brother bent down to see me curled up into a ball, knees tucked under my chin and my arms making sure they didn't slide down. "What're you doing in there?"

"Father... he's going to kill me" I told my older brother, "I didn't know that I wasn't allowed to play the piano"
The piano inside the living room was our mothers, and it was to remain untouched. My father heard me playing soft notes of the instrument and before he could catch me, I ran up the stair case and hid in a place he wouldn't bother checking.

"Don't worry" Damon sighed, pulling me out of the uncomfortable position I was in, "I'll tell father that it was me"

"He won't believe you..." I shook my head

"He will have no choice but to believe me" He straightened my suit, "now come on, I'll go get you a drink of water"

"Where is Stefan?" I asked

"He's gone hunting with Father" Damon replied, we had gotten used to being left out now. "How about we go on the field and play that game we like, the one where we kick the ball into the space between the trees?"

"I wonder what the game is called" I smiled, I'm happy that I have Damon, he looks after me.

"Let's just call it... kick the ball" We chuckled, "come on"

"Little did we know, 'kick the ball' Would later be called soccer" Damon smirked and shook his head as he reminisced.

My eldest brother took the role of being my father figure as we grew up without our mother, he protected me and made sure that Giuseppe wouldn't hurt me, he took beatings and harsh words, just to make sure I was spared by our father.

"Damon!" I heard Elena scream, what was going on?

I looked up to see Damons mouth wide open, his eyes watery and I watched as he fell to the floor. The only person I saw stood behind him...

"Stefan..." I said with my eyes now wide open. His hand was dripping in blood as Damons heart was firmly in his grasp before he dropped it to the floor.

"One down..." Stefan had no emotion on his face. So this was the ripper?

Elena came sprinting into the room. "No!" Her scream had terror running through it. "How could you!?" I stood up to see her on her knees next to Damons lifeless body. "Damon" She cried. "No! No no no no"

My heart stopped. Was Damon dead? No! No he can't be.
I concentrated as hard as I could, I heard Stefan's heart beat, Elena's heart beat... and... one more!
I clapped my hands and laughed, "I'll give it to you... you put on one hell of a show"

"Wha..." Elena looked up at me

"I have to admit...that was brilliant, ten out of ten on the acting!" I carried on my slow clap. "It's okay Damon, you can get up now... by the way, considering your heart was just ripped out of your chest, it sounds like it's in incredible condition, your heartbeat still sounds so strong"

I heard Damon grunt and Stefan sighed, "You have got to be kidding me!" Stefan moaned
So everyone! I hope you're all enjoying the story, and I'm really enjoying writing it! There's a lot! And I mean ALOT! More to come, but I would really appreciate some advice and reviews, tell me some ships that you might want to see... tell me some characters you might want to see be brought into it. So please please please review guys! Thank you so much❤️

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