Hanako x Reader | Lonely

By Dramatic_Flowerz

93.3K 2.4K 4.6K

(y/n) is a very meek and lonely girl who somewhat recently transferred to Kamome High. After a few months of... More

Author Note (PLEASE READ)
Chapter 1 | Lonely
Chapter 2 | Fake
Chapter 3 | Exorcise
Chapter 4 | My Power
Chapter 5 | Hugs
Chapter 6 | Misaki Stairs (Part 1)
Chapter 7 | Misaki Stairs (Part 2)
Chapter 8 | Hate
Chapter 9 | Confession Tree
Chapter 10 | Scold
Chapter 12 | Kisses
Chapter 13 | Tsukasa
Authors Note

Chapter 11 | Mitsuba

3.9K 135 218
By Dramatic_Flowerz

I open my locker nervously. I grab my backpack and swing it over my shoulder before fixing my hair in the mirror and closing it. Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm. I look over. "Do you remember me?" a voice asks. I stumble backwards. "(y/n)... remember?" Something clicks. "Wait-" "Get him!" Hanako and No. 5 tackle the scared apparition, pin him to the locker wall, and tie him up.

"Hey, let go of me!" the boy shouts. The two hold the flailing apparition down. "Who are you and who sent you?" Hanako asks, flashing a flashlight in his eyes. "Hanako stop!" I shout. Hanako looks at me with surprise. I push the confused boy aside and kneel in front of the tied up apparition. He was scared. I squint. "Mitsuba!" I exclaim.

His eyebrows shot up. "Y-you remember! Somebody remembers me!" "You know him?" No. 5 asks. "Actually, yes!" I exclaim. "I met him 2 months ago. We met behind the shed in the garden! He was crying because he was lonely. I was lonely too and was going back there for a break. When I saw him I tried to leave and I was about to leave when he told me a name and tried to start a conversation. I ignored him though and left. I felt really bad so I remembered him. It's hard to forget somebody with such cute hair!" I smile.

Hanako flinches behind me and Mitsuba smiles smugly. "Hey, I'm sorry. You needed somebody to talk to and I ditched you." I untie the boy. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." I say picking up his hands in mine. Mitsuba looks at me. "Um... sure." he says, quietly. "Anyways, what was that about my hair being cute?"

I blink."Well I think pink hair is cute. It's just," I gently moved his hair out of his face and tucked it behind his ear. "I think you'd look better with your hair tucked behind your ear." I say. "You have such a slim face, you should show it off more, not hide it under your hair!" I smile again.

(Third Person POV because Hanako about to get JEALOUS)

Hanako whips out his knife and starts marching towards the two but No. 5 stops him. (y/n) doesn't see Hanako. She waits for Mistuba to say something. "Pfft, you've only known me for a few seconds and you've already cracked under my cuteness! HAHA! Though honestly who could blame you? With somebody as cute as me it's hard not to love me huh? HAHAHA!" Mitsuba shouts. "Huh?" "It's okay, I am the cutest person who's ever walked these halls! Don't feel bad! HAHAHA!"

(y/n) turns around to look at Hanako before turning back around to look at Mitsuba and saying, "I could argue otherwise but, sure." she says shrugging. Hanako's eyes widen as his cheeks turn a shade of pink. No. 5 blinks. "Smooth girl." he mutters to Hanako. "Maybe." he grumbles. (y/n) smirks. I honestly thought this would be harder. Oh well, it's kinda cute.

"You think that hobo looking guy is cuter than me?!" Mitsuba shouts. The girl blinks twice. "Hobo looking guy?" "I mean just look at that messy choppy hair? What'd he cut it with, a knife?! And look at that hat! What are you pretending to be, a sailor? Not only that, look how short he is! I am WAY cuter than that pig!" Hanako's eyebrow twitches. "Oh really?" he asks, putting his knife to the boy's throat.

"Hanako!" (y/n) shouts. "Let me just give him a bruise or two!" Hanako shouts as (y/n) and No. 5 drag him away from Mitsuba. No. 5 clears his throat. "Anyways, why are you here Mitsuba?" he asks. "I'm here because of the rumour that was spread about me. I find anybody who I thought was my friend and ask them if they remember me." "Well, can you please not do that? Some kid passed out because of you." (y/n) asks. "I can change your rumour, just please don't scare anybody like that anymore."

Mitsuba looks at the girl. "Sure, I suppose." he mutters. She smiles. "Thanks!" Mistuba looks at her. "I see my cuteness has done a number on you," "Let's go guys." she says, walking away. "Wait a second!" Mitsuba shouts. The girl turns around and looks at Mitsuba. "I'll... see you around?" he asks. She looks at him, surprised, before smiling and saying, "Yeah! I'll see you around!" Mistuba blushes as the 3 leave. No. 5 separates from the dou and heads to his classroom not long after.

The two walked in, what (y/n) thought was comfortable silence as they walked through the old school building. "Hey, (y/n)?" "Yes?" Hanako sticks his hands in his pockets. "Do you... like Mitsuba?" he asks. "Yeah." she replies instantly. Hanako felt his heart lurch forward. "Like, like like?" he asks, a bit worried. The girl looks at him confused. What is he... OH!!! WoW that was fast! I didn't think he'd get jealous that quickly! Wow... well, now that we're here I might as well... I'm so evil XD

"Well... yeah kinda. I mean his personality is a bit full of himself and stuff but I can tell that he's a really nice person and he's pretty cute too!" Hanako pouts slightly. "What about me? Is my hair cute?" he asks. (y/n) looks at his hair. "I'd love to sue your barber." she replies casually. Hanako winces. He looks away and grabs his hat. "So you think I'm ugly?" he asks quietly.

The girl turns around and looks at him. He looked sad and embarrassed almost. The girl felt a pang in her heart. "Hanako..." Hanako looks at her from the corner of his eye. She looks away. "I've been messing with you the entire time." she says, so quietly even whispering was louder. Hanako blinks. "You know, touching Mitsuba's hair and calling him cute. I thought it'd be funny if I became you for a day to see how you'd react." she says, looking away. Silence fills the room as Hanako comprehends what was just said.

Suddenly the girl felt her legs come flying out from under her and she was pushed back onto the wall. "Be me for a day? Okay, then I'll be you." He slaps his right hand on the wall, not far from (y/n)'s head, his face just a few inches from hers. The girl stares at the boy bewildered. He looked determined, slightly frustrated, and a bit embarrassed noting his pink cheeks. He stares at the ground and inhales deeply.

"You seem to be nice to everybody but me! I keep thinking you hate me but then you said you didn't hate me and then you said you did and now I don't know whether you hate me or not! I never know how you'll react to anything and your reactions are so random I don't get it! One moment you're shy and embarrassed and the next moment you're aggressive and persistent! I don't know what to think anymore! You're so spontaneous and you keep giving me mixed signals! One day it seems like you like me and the next it seems like you despise me and no matter how hard I try I just don't get you and I don't know why but it's driving me insane! I don't understand you and I want to but you act so distant and I'm not sure if you normally just act this due to habit or you hate me and I wish I knew because it's painful not knowing!" he shouts all in one breath.

Wow... He really feels all that? The girl stares at the frustrated boy. "I... I never hated you." "That's what you always say." he grumbles. "I-...." The girl bites her lip and stares at the ground. "I'm sorry..." she whispers quietly, not looking at the boy. "I guess... I'm not used to social interactions quite yet so... yeah." Hanako stares at the girl. He sighs and puts his forehead on her shoulder. (y/n) looks up and stares at the boy, unsure what to do.

"I hate thinking about you so much." he says. "I get tired too, you know? I don't know what to do anymore." He pauses. Hanako turns his head slightly to look at (y/n). "Do you mean it? Do you really like me?" The girl nods. Hanako smiles. He cups the girl's face in his hands like (y/n) always does and kisses her on the forehead. "I'm glad." 

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