Chapter 2 | Fake

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The bell finally rings for dismissal. Hanako gazes out the window until he lays eyes on a small figure carrying a backpack and brown paper bag, running towards the old school building. He smiles and sits on the window sill, staring at the entrance of the door waiting for her to arrive.

Hanako watched as a small figure peeked around the door and anxiously looked into the bathroom. The girl walked in and looked around. That's not (y/n)... Hanako watched as the white haired girl slowly walked up to the third stall and stood in front of it.

The girl took a deep breath and walked up to the stall. "Hanako!" shouted (y/n) making both Hanako and the girl jump. "I got the do-" (y/n) freezes at the sight of another girl. Awkward silence filled the room. "I-I-I'm so sorry! Were you using the bathroom! My ba-" "Did you say Hanako? Is she here?!" the girl asks looking around frantically.

(y/n) blinks a few times, trying to figure out what to say. The girl looks at her expectantly. "Um... well... you see..." (y/n) says, scratching the back of her head. "T-the rumor isn't real." "But you just called for Hanako so it must be real! Where is she?" the girl asks.

(Y/n) looks at her shoes and slowly points at her head. "She's in my... my head. I tried to summon her but nothing happened so... I... I pretended she was here. And even brought a few donuts and was um... planning on pretending to eat with her..." she mutters, completely ashamed.

The girl looks at her, obviously disappointed. "Oh, um... I see. Okay I'll um, be taking my leave. Have a good day." the girl says. "Y-you too." (y/n) mutters. And with that the girl was out the door and gone.

(Y/n) stood there, face hot, completely ashamed. "This is stupid. Hanako isn't even real. There's no point in this." she huffs to herself. "But I told my foster parents that I'm bringing these to eat with friends and if I come back with them all still here they'll get suspicious. I might as well just eat these on the roof... alone."

The sulking girl slowly walks away with her head hanging down. Hanako blinks trying to comprehend what just happened. "W-wait!" he shouts as he chases after (y/n). The two slowly walk up to the roof and take a seat near the edge.

(y/n) puts the bag aside, staring off the roof. It was a beautiful day but her mood didn't match it. Hanako sits down next to the girl. Minutes pass but the girl doesn't move. She seemed lost in thought, staring out at the scenery. Hanako sighs and rests his head on the girl's warm shoulder.

A cool breeze brushes by, knocking the bag of donuts over. The girl looks over at the bag and sighs. She stands up and begins to gather when somebody walks up to the roof. The two look up. "Mr. Tsuchigomori! Hello!" (y/n) greets. Hanako waves.

"Hello you two, what are you guys doing up here this fine evening?" he asks in a deep voice. (y/n) gives him a very confused look. "You... two?" "She can't see me." Hanako comments. Mr. Tsuchigomori's face turned into surprise for a split second before he quickly corrected it and said: "Oh I thought that bird that just flew away was your friend. Anyways what are you doing up here (y/n)?"

The girl quickly gathers her donuts and puts them back in the bag. "Just eating a few donuts." she says. "That many? Did somebody bail on an appointment or something." "Yeah, something like that." she says, not making eye contact with the teacher.

Hanako stares at (y/n) with a mixture of shock, offended, and sarcasm on his face. "I did not bail!" Hanako huffs. "Have you tried summoning Hanako the bathroom ghost before?" the teacher asks, completely ignoring the younger apparition.

(y/n) stares at him in shock. "H-how did you know?!" she gapes. "Did it work?" he asks. "... n-no... it's a fake rumor." she mutters. "Is that so?" The girl stares at Mr. Tsuchigomori. "Why? Is the rumor real?"

"It has been said that a selected few have been able to summon hi- her. Though most who try do fail." he says. "Really?! Am I summoning her wrong?" "No, no that's not it. It's a bit more complicated than that."

"Well then what is it?" (y/n) presses. "I don't know the exact detail myself, it's quite the old rumor. Though have you heard about the new Yousei rumor?" "Oh yeah! I've heard of that one before! Why? Did somebody die?!"

"No, not at all! That part of the rumor isn't true! Yousei don't kill people, they simply like playing little pranks. It's said that if you give them candy they'll leave you alone too." Mr. Tsuchigomori says. "Really? No way!"

"Yeah, I've been trying to change that rumor since it seems to be decreasing the amount of attendance but students don't listen to me. Can you help me with that?" he asks. "Oh um, I don't really talk to anybody..." "That's fine! It's highschool. Word'll get around." he says.

"Anyways, how many donuts did you bring?" "Um... 6. Why?" "Check the bag." Confused, (y/n) checks the bag. Only 2 remained. Her mouth nearly falls off her face. "Where did the other 4 go?! They were right here!" she screams.

Mr. Tsuchigomori laughs. "That's probably Hanako's doing." he says, trying not to look at the shorter boy who was stuffing his face and pockets with donuts. "W-wait, she's REAL?!" "Now that is for you to decide. I have to go back to correcting homework. Enjoy yourself." He says, waving goodbye.

(y/n) waves happily as the middle-aged teacher went. "Hanako really is real!" (y/n) cheers. "Hey, Hanako? I'll meet you in the bathroom tomorrow at 4! Is that ok? And you can keep the rest of the donuts!" Hanako smiles at the last part. "More for me!" he shouts.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" she says. "Okay, bye!" Hanako shouts as the girl runs off. He smiles as the girl runs off but the smile doesn't last long. He quickly grabs the last of the donuts and Makes his way to Mr. Tsuchigomori's classroom.

"Hello No.7. Is there anything you need from me?" No. 5 asks (Tsuchigomori is a handful to type so I'm calling him No.5). "I'm guessing you have a favor to ask of me?" the short boy says. "And why do you think that?" "You gave (y/n) hope that I exist and helped me with the mokke so that I would be in debt to you which means you probably have a favor you need to ask of me."

"Gee I didn't know you thought THAT lowly of me." No. 5 scoffs sarcastically. "Just being logical." No. 5 chuckles. "Well, while you are in debt to me I might as well as a question or two." he says.

"Why were you hanging out with her? You don't usually hang out with students, let alone ones who can't see you." Hanako laughs. "She pretends I'm there and talks to the wall! It's hilarious!" "Well, as long as you haven't done anything indecent I suppose it's okay." No. 5 says.

"I'm insulted that you assume such things!" Hanako pouts. No. 5 raises an eyebrow at the boy and shrugs. "Just make sure she doesn't get hurt okay? Utilize her with caution. The school is becoming increasingly dangerous with all of the false rumors being spread and she's still a student." "I know, I know. I will." Hanako says.

"I promise I won't let anything harm her." "If you say so." the teacher says. Hanako smiles. "Anything else you need from me?" "No, that's all." "Okay then, I'll be on my way!" "Bye." The two bid each other goodbye and Hanako was gone.

No. 5 sighs. He thinks about what he saw on the roof. "Tell me what you're thinking." "Oh, hey tape worm breath." "Excuse me?" No. 5 laughs. "Well, I just never thought No. 7 could make an expression like that."

No. 2 looks at him confused. "You'd understand if you saw it." No. 5 says. "I never thought he'd be interested in making friends. Not with everything he's been through." "People still get lonely." No. 2 comments. "I suppose so. I wonder how this will play out though."

"You sound worried." No. 5 sighs. "You know Teru Minamoto?" "The exorcist?" "Yeah, he seems to have a strong dislike for that boy. I wonder how this will play out." No. 2 gazes at the older wonder.

"Also, when did you get in here?" No. 5 asks. "I've been in here the entire time. I left you a present too." "Present?" No. 5 sniffs the air. His eyes widened. "I hate you." "As you should."

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