Chapter 8 | Hate

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"You've been grounded for a month?! Aren't these your foster parents?" Hanako says. "Yes, but they try their best to act like real parents. You know, disciple me." (y/n) mutters. "So from now on, I can't see you after school."

Hanako frowns. The bell rings. Lunch was over. "I have to go back to class now. I'll visit you at lunch on days that I can okay? Bye!" (y/n) shouts over her shoulder. Hanako smiles and waves.

The second (y/n) is out of view; he furrowed his eyebrows and frowns. This won't do.

Time skip!

(y/n) sits in class, genuinely intrigued as she listens to Mr. Tsuchigomori's lecture on the stars. She looks down at her desk, about to pick up her pencil when she notices her glasses sitting there. I don't remember putting that there... Oh no, please don't tell me Hanako's here!

(y/n) holds up the glasses about half a foot from her face and moves the glasses around, peering through the lens. Through the lenses she saw a pair of big bright orange eyes. She rolls her eyes and puts the glasses down.

Hanako's jaw nearly fell off. Did she just ignore me?! Hanako relocated the glasses on the top of her head. She simply took them off and put them on the corner of the desk. Hanako felt moderately offended.

He looks up at Mr. Tsuchigomori who was trying pretty hard not to look at him. He floats over there. "Tell (y/n) to put on her glasses." he whispers. The teacher ignored him. He pouts and starts to scream on the top of his lungs.

Mr. Tsuchigomori flinches. "(y/n)! Please put on your glasses!" he nearly shouts. Hanako smiles. (y/n) stares at the teacher in awe. What in the hell did Hanako do to him?! She cautiously puts on her glasses and is greeted by a large pair of orange eyes, just as she expected.

She grabs her pencil and starts to write. What did you do to Mr. Tsuchigomori? Hanako reads the words. "What do you mean?" he asks innocently. You know exactly what I mean! What did you do? Did you curse him or something? Hanako stares at the words. "Oh, you didn't know? He's a wonder!" He's a what?!

"Ms. (l/n)!" Mr. Tsuchigomori says a bit too loudly. "Please come up here." The girl blinks in shock. Quietly, she stands up and shuffles to the front of the class. Mr. Tsuchigomori quickly takes out a small piece of paper and scribbles some words onto it before handing her the note. "Please give this to the lady at the front desk," he says.

(y/n) looks down at the note handed to her. Take No. 7 and get out of here! It's impossible to teach with him here. When you're done talking with him come back. Thanks. What the actual heck?

The girl nods and walks out the classroom, Hanako happily floating behind her. (y/n) makes her way to a quiet, empty hallway where nobody usually passed and leaned against the wall. "What do you want? Make it quick. I just got kicked out of class and we're learning my favorite subject." she grumbles.

"You like astronomy?" Hanako asks, a bit too curious. "Yes, it's my favorite. Now what do you want?" Hanako blinks. "Well, since I can't hang out with you after school I've decided that I'll just hang out with you in school!" he announces.

"You're kidding right?" "Nope." (y/n) sighs. "I'm sorry but you can't do that." she says. "What?! Why?!" "Well, with you around I'll get no learning done. Grades are important to me. Now I need to get back to class." "But, (y/nnnnnnnn)!" Hanako whines.

"No. No means no Hanako. I'll put my glasses on during lunch but otherwise, I'm not putting them on. I'm going back to class." The girl takes off her glasses and walks back towards her classroom. Hanako watched in silence as the girl walked away.

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