Chapter 1 | Lonely

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Please be real... please be real...The girl knocks 3 times. "Hanako, Hanako, Hanako, are you there?" (Y/n) asks.


She falls to her knees in defeat. Hanako chuckles. "You should be glad you can't summon me. If you could summon me that would mean you're not far off from your demise!" Hanako sighs. "Oh well."

He floats gracefully back over to the window sill and takes a seat. I wonder how she'll react to my absence... "Dammit." Dammit? Hanako looks at the girl with curiosity. He watched as a wave of loneliness washed over the hopeless girl.

"Maybe I really am destined to be alone forever! I can't get any human friends, or any ghost friends! I'm a lost cause." she cries to herself. Hanako's expression softens at the sight of the pitiful girl.

The girl stares at the floor for a few moments, face in her hands, when suddenly the girl jumps up. "I know what it must be! Hanako is a ghost so that's why I can't see her! She's probably in this bathroom waiting to be friends with me but I just don't know it because I can't see her!" Geez, desperate.

"And even if she isn't here I'll just pretend she is! There's no problem with using a bit of imagination! And there are no cameras in the bathroom to see me making a fool of myself anyways! A perfect plan!"

Hanako blinks at the once again, hope filled girl. Wow... this is sad. The girl looks at the wall and smiles. "Hello, Hanako! My name is (f/n) (l/n)! It's very nice to meet you!" she says cheerfully.

Hanako tries to hold in his laughter as the girl continues to cheerfully introduce herself to the wall. "I'm so glad we could become friends!" she exclaims. Hanako raised an eyebrow before floating into the empty space between (y/n) and the wall.

"I really like your red skirt! Red really fits you!" she says. Hanako looks down at his black trousers. "Thanks? I think." "You're welcome!' she says a few seconds too late.


"You like my skirt? Why thank you!" she replies to what probably was a compliment on her skirt. Hanako looks at her skirt before crouching down and looking up her dress. White. Classic.

"So, why did you choose to haunt a bathroom?" she asks. Hanako stands up. "I gave into lust!" "Wow that's so cool!" she answers half a second too soon. Hanako chokes on his laughter. "If you say so-"

"Hey, Hanako?" (y/n) interrupts. Hanako looks at her, a bit concerned with the sudden tone change. "Do you ever feel... lonely?" Hanako's eyes widens in surprise. He stares at the girl's sorrowed filled eyes. "Yeah... kinda..."

"Oh..." she says, on time for the first time. "Well I'm glad you don't ever feel lonely because feeling lonely is horrible. It's like this empty hole in your chest, waiting to be filled up, only to grow and grow as the other students are chatting and laughing among themselves, nobody giving you a second glance. I hate that feeling. It's like sadness but instead of it all coming out, it's trapped inside of you, waiting and waiting, trying to be filled. It's almost like nobody cares about you. If you disappeared tomorrow nobody would notice. You're like a tree in the background. Irrelevant and insignificant. And it's... awful."

(Y/n)'s eyes filled with tears as she observes the floor tiles. Hanako looks at the girl with a soft expression. "I know what you mean. It's pretty bad." he says. "It's like god can grant friends to everyone else but you. Because when it comes to you, friends are just too much to ask for." The short boy stares at his shoes, thankful that the girl can't actually hear him.

"I-I'm so sorry Hanako! I didn't mean to just don't all of that on you, hanging out with friends should be a fun thing not... this. Um, how about I bring some snacks tomorrow? My foster family owns a bakery! Do you want anything? We have quite the selection!" (y/n) stutters.

Hanako smiles. "Yes! I want the entire store!" "You like donuts too! That's amazing! Original is the best hands down. I'll bring some of those!" Hanako stares at the smiling girl. We have something in common...

And right then and there, for the first time, Hanako noticed something. (y/n) was gorgeous. She had big round eyes with long elegant eyelashes and glossy lips with a heart shaped face. Not only that, her eyes had a kind look to them.

She gazes out the window, her hair looking like it was flowing in the wind. "Oh my god! Look at the time! I have to get home!" The girl rushes out the door, before stopping in the frame, scanning the hallway for people, and turning around. "Bye Hanako! I'll see you tomorrow! Take care!" she shouts, waving and smiling before running down the hall.

Hanako stands there, dazed. He smiles and watches the girl leave school grounds from the window. He has a new friend and she's bringing him donuts tomorrow! He couldn't help but feel excited.

And that's when, for the first time in centuries, Hanako couldn't wait for tomorrow. 

Hanako x Reader | LonelyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora