Chapter 7 | Misaki Stairs (Part 2)

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(First person POV)

"She's dead!" "How do you know?" I open my eyes at the sound of mokke. I cough. Where am I? I look around. Was I still in the boundary? It looks completely different. Wait. Where are my glasses?!

I look around frantically for them. "Here!" one of the mokke said. I smiled. "Thank you so much!" I smile taking the glasses and standing up.

I put on my glasses and walk around. It seems like I'm in a forest. There are stone stairs that show that humans have settled here but I didn't recognize the area. I look around and see something sitting on a table in front of me."What's this?" I ask, talking to myself. It's a book!

I picked up the book and read the cover. "Secret. Do not look. Well now I have to read it!" I exclaim. I flip to the first page.

Today I sccard SCARED some students! I was fuun FUN. Teachers comments: Stop scaring students please! - Misaki.

"Is this her book?" I wonder. I flip to the next page.

Misaki cut GRACIOUSLY TRIMMED my hair! I hate Misaki! THANK YOU TEACHER! Teacher's notes: I've fixed it for you! - Misaki

I laugh and flip to the next page.

Today in class I took a photo with Misaki and the other kids too! Teacher's notes: It was a very nice photo! Thank you for participating!

I took out the grey class photo. Is this Misaki? I look at the teacher sitting in the middle of the class. So she isn't Misaki! I flip the page again.

Misaki gave me a pair of haircutting scissors today. He didn't give them to any of the other kids, only to me. I know Misaki loves me now! I will treasure these scissors forever and keep them in the wayside shrine. Misaki is the nicest ever! Teacher's notes: Thank you!

Her handwriting is getting better!

Misaki comes to teach me how to read and write every single day! Thanks to him, I don't even have time to scare students anymore. I wish he would hurry up and get to our lessons though. He takes so long! Teachers notes: I'm glad you enjoy the lessons! I will try to come to your lesson faster from now on!

Suddenly it clicked. She had a crush on her teacher! I giggle. How cute!

Misaki didn't come today! I didn't have a lesson to study so I spent the day playing in the forest and making dolls.

There were no teacher notes. How odd. I flip the page again.

Misaki didn't come today either.

Huh? I flip again.

Misaki didn't come today either.

I flip again.

Misaki didn't come today either.

I flip again.

Misaki didn't come today either.

I flip again.

Misaki didn't come today either.

Misaki didn't come today either.

Misaki didn't come today either.

Misaki didn't come today either.

Misaki didn't come today either.

Misaki didn't come today either.

Misaki didn't come today either.

Misaki didn't come today either.

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