Chapter 13 | Tsukasa

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(Things about to get confusing but just keep reading :D Heh - Author person)

"(y/n)!" Hanako shouts. "Are you okay?" He runs over to the girl. She lies on the cold floor, face facing the ground. She wasn't moving. Hanako kneels onto the ground and flipped her over. Her eyes were barely open, chunks of flesh were ripped out of her face, her glasses were nowhere to be seen. Her head moved slightly and her eyes fell onto the boy. "Hanako? Is that you?" the girl whispers. Hanako's face turns pale. She can see me. She can see me! "We're getting you to No. 5!" he shouts, picking up the girl bridal style.

The girl was too tired to reply. She goes limp in Hanako's arms as he sprints to the classroom. The boy bursts into the classroom. "No. 5! Help! We have a dire emergency!" Hanako hollars. No. 5 turns around in his chair and gapes at the girl. "What happened?" he asks, jumps up and out of his chair, quickly checking over the girl. "I don't know! I've been searching for her all day and Haku-joudai just located her on school grounds!"

No. 5 checks for a pulse. It was weak, but present. He looks over the scrapes on her face next. His eyes widened and his face turned pale as well. "These are your protection charms." he says to No. 7 as he studied the wounds. "It seems that someone or something has ripped them all out. Her soul has been damaged from the impact. We need to get her to the infirmary now!"

(y/n) could hear all of the shouts and orders as the two apparitions ran around her trying to save her life, but they were all so muffled she couldn't make out any of them. I wonder what they're saying. They seem worried about me. I've have been gone for a long time. How did Hanako find me anyway? What is going to happen to me? Is this how I die? Why do I have to die like this? Why did he do this? This... I...


(Flashback, First Person POV)

"Wow Mitsuba, this is your boundary?" I exclaim. The boy smiles. "Yup! Do you like it? Being the 3rd wonder is pretty neat huh?" he brags. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks for showing me this place. It's so cool!" "I know." "Oh. My. God. Stop!" I shout at him, laughing. He laughs a nervous laugh. I look at him. Though he looked like a strange version of Mitsuba, it's like we've never met before. I mean, he still has the same personality, he's just so awkward. Who is this guy?

"Mitsuba!" a voice shouts. I turn around. A tall brunette boy waves at the apparition. He was accompanied by a green haired girl and shorter boy. I stare at the shorter boy. No way! "Hanako? Is that you?" I call, running up to the boy. Wait. That's not- "Wow! Look at that!" the boy shouts, scanning my face. "You have quite the amount of protection charms huh! You must be Amane's girlfriend!" What?

"I'm sorry, what?" "You know, Amane! My twin brother?" I stare at him, trying to comprehend his words. His twin... br- "You're Hanako's twin brother?!" I scream, slapping my hand over my mouth in shock. The boy smiles. "I'm Tsukasa! And you must be my brother's girlfriend! It's very nice to meet you!" I stare at him. "W-w-w-what?! N-n-no! I'm not his g-g-g-g-g-g-g-girlfriend!" I stutter. "Then you're a fling?"

"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-what?!" I scream. The tall brunette puts a hand on the boy's shoulder. "Stop it. You're creeping her out." he says. "Aw, but look at all of the protection charms on her face!" The brunette squints but sees nothing. I cock my head to one side. "What protection charms? I only have one." I said. "No, you have quite a few." Tsukasa replies.

He proceeds to point at each one and say: Here's one, Here's another, Over here too, etc. "That's impossible," I say, slapping away his hand. "I rubbed them all off!" Tsukasa looks at me before snorting. "You can't rub off a protection charm!"

The world stops. You can't rub... can't rub... can't... "You can't rub off a protection charm?! Dammit Hanako!" I scream. Tsukasa laughs. I cross my arms and glare at the ground. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, Hana- I felt something cold touch my chin and lift it up. Tsukasa was so close. I felt my cheeks fill with heat. "Let me help you!" he says cheerfully. "H-how?" I ask. I try to back up but he grabs my arms.

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