Gummy Bear Acception 《Chensun...

By lovilyhyuck

13.3K 484 474

《A Chensung fanfiction》 In which Zhong Chenle is a new boy at high school who moved to Korea because of his p... More

+Chapter 1+
+Chapter 2+
+Chapter 3+
+Chapter 4+
+Chapter 5+
+Chapter 6+
+Chapter 7+
+Chapter 8+
+Chapter 9+
+Chapter 10+
+Chapter 11+
+Chapter 12+
+Chapter 13+
+Chapter 14+
+Chapter 15+
+Chapter 16+
+Chapter 18+
+Chapter 19+
+Chapter 20+

+Chapter 17+

458 15 20
By lovilyhyuck

Today was the day of the art show and Chenle woke up extra early. He was excited to attend. He found out a week ago that there will be a few judges who will be looking over each piece of art.

The winners, which only three will be selected, will receive a certificate and a recommendation later for any college of their choosing. Chenle was beyond nervous, but mainly motivated to try and win.

"Don't be nervous, Lele. Be the confident badass you are! Your art is astonishing. You'll definitely win," Donghyuck told with sass.
"I wouldn't say I'm confident..." Chenle murmured.

The five boys were sitting outside the school building, waiting to be called inside so the art show can start.

"You're really not, you just talk a lot for no reason," Mark added and Donghyuck raised his hand to slap him while Yangyang glared at him. Mark raised his hands in surrender.
"Chill, you guys are so light hearted when it comes to jokes."

"That wasn't a funny joke, dipshit," Donghyuck spat and Mark was ready to beat the tanned male. Jisung extended his arm across Mark's chest, blocking him from hitting anyone.

"Let's calm down. Chenle, you're going to be fine, don't worry," Jisung reassured. It's only been a day since they started their relationship and their friend group was still unaware about it.

Chenle smiled, "Thanks guys." They decided to play a few rounds of rock paper scissors while waiting to go inside. Donghyuck and Yangyang had a suspicion of Jisung and Chenle being weird, casually talking to one another with little tints of blushes on their faces.

"Yangyang!" A voice called out from the distance. Yangyang looked over as he recognized who that voice belonged to. He stood up, wiping the dirt off his pants and pushing a piece of hair behind his ear.

The group of friends eyed Yangyang as the said boy now displayed crimson cheeks.
"Hi, Xiaojun!" Yangyang greeted as the boy, Xiaojun, finally arrived in front of the younger.

"I didn't know you were participating in the art show. Why didn't you tell me? I would've bought you flowers or something," Xiaojun smiled as Yangyang was hypnotized by his sparkling eyes.

"Thank you, but I'm not the one participating. It's my cousin, Chenle," Yangyang managed to say without stuttering and pointed at his cousin. Xiaojun's eyes averted to the small black haired boy seated on the grass and smiled.

'Cousin?!' Jisung mentally cursed at his stupidity. How didn't he know that Yangyang was just his cousin? That explains a lot and he can't believe he got jealous for no reason.

'How embarrassing.'

"I'm Xiaojun! Best wishes for the art show," he encouraged and faced his eyes towards Yangyang once more while Chenle gave a small 'thank you.'
"Are you participating in the show?"

"No, I'm just here to help the staff set up," Xiaojun shook his head while Yangyang nodded, the silence growing over the two which was making the younger nervous.

"Well I should get going inside. Hendery must be waiting for me," the older broke the silence while patting Yangyang's hair.
"Hendery will love to hear that I ran into you today! Maybe we can all hang out later, if that's okay with your friends?"

Yangyang looked back at his group of friends who nodded in agreement and smiled. "That would be great. I'll see you later."
Xiaojun chuckled while loosening the first button of his shirt, "You sure will." Yangyang blushed as the older walked inside the school building.

Donghyuck and Chenle both folded their arms across their chest as Yangyang turned towards them with a nervous smile.

"So when were you going to tell us about this Xiaojun guy?" Donghyuck questioned with a smirk.
"I'm guessing you and Hendery made up," Chenle remarked slyly.

"Um.." Yangyang stammered, his facing beating red as the four of them stared at him.

Yangyang had made up with Hendery a week after the huge blow out they had in the hallways. Xiaojun practically forced his best friend to apologize to Yangyang for being arrogant.

They got to know each other more and soon the three of them became close, maybe a little too close as Yangyang was confused on what to do with his feelings for both males.

Surely, they don't like him in the way that he does and probably will never return his feelings. Or so that's what he thinks. Plus, he doesn't want to have to choose between one when obviously he is out of the picture as Hendery and Xiaojun already have each other.

But for now, all he can do is get what he can get. He's thankful that they're even friends at this point.

"The art show will be taking place in ten minutes. Please come inside and find your appropriate seats," one of the staff members had informed, holding the door open for the students to walk inside.

The five boys went inside the school building and into the gymnasium, where the art show was being held. Chenle found his art standing on the easel and made his way over to it, his friends trailing behind.

His friends complimented his work as they went to take their seats since the judges were already going around to take a look at all the pieces of art in the gym.

The judges announced who the winners were, Chenle being in first place as his friends cheered wildly. Chenle's smile grew as he retrieved his certificate.

"I'll be writing your recommendation letter. Once it's done, I'll be sending it to your school's main office for you to pick up. You're very talented and creative with your art. Keep up the good work and you might even earn yourself a scholarship for future contests and shows," the judge informed the younger with a warm smile and shook his hand.

"Thank you so much!" Chenle cheered and the judge walked away. The staff and students in the gym were helping in cleaning up. Chenle glanced at the school doors as no one entered or left since the show started and looked around the room. His smile dropped.

'The art show is tomorrow. You guys are definitely coming, right?" Chenle asked eagerly as his mother and father were eating dinner with him.

Chenle's mom smiled, "Yes, honey we'll be there. What time does it start?"
"Noon, but I have to leave before you guys," Chenle told while stuffing his face with rice.

"Careful son. Not too fast," his father warned and Chenle giggled, mumbling a sorry.
"But yes, we'll definitely be there. You can count on that," his father spoke again.

"I want you to know how proud we are of you for participating in such an event. I know you'll be able to be one of the winners," his mother encouraged. Chenle had told his parents about how there will be judges at the show and they'll be rewarding the winners.

"Thank you! I don't really care about winning. I just want you guys to see my art!" Chenle spoke up happily. His parents have never seen a piece of his works as they are always busy with their business.

But this time is different. They're definitely coming to see him tomorrow so he's joyful that they'll finally be able to endure his art. He wants them to be proud of him. He knows they say they're already proud of him no matter what, but being proud of your son for something that you witnessed him doing is even better.

Not just saying you're proud when you didn't really observe the reason for his praise. That's why Chenle is so eager. His parents will finally be able to be there for something he really enjoys doing and can possibly earn a reward for.

It's all he wants, which is for his parents to make time for him and to come see him in events or sports matches, something they've never done before. The time is finally here.

That will be his confidence booster, them being there with proud smiles on their faces.


Poor Chenle, don't worry everything will be okay! :(

Thank you guys so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Please stay safe, happy, and healthy 💕
Much love...xx

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