11♡Our Side (WonMina X MinTzu...

By JeonMina_05

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In his world, all look at him as strict, stone, cold and ace lawyer. They wont dare to make any mistakes on t... More

1》Sudden News
2》The Violence
3》Trigger Feel
4》Trauma Show
5》Past Abuse
6》False View
7》Permanent Pain
8》Trust Issues
9》Terrible Mood
10》Limit Me
11》Your Perspective
12》Pain Hold
13》Save Me
14》Depend On
15》Your Blessing
16》Choice Type
18》Relieve Area
19》Creepe Gift
20》Our Day
21》New Treasure
22》Mine Circle
23》Guide Hero
24》Fragile Argue
25》My Wound
26》Your Happy
27》Random Talk
28》Help Us
29》End Court
30》Broken Awards
31》Break Wall
32》Run Away
33》Found You
34》Be You
35》All Solve
36》Just Celebrate
37》Smooth Present
38》This Feel
39》Cramp Sickness
40》On Way
41》Hello Minhyun
42》Hello Minjoo
43》Lives Goes
44》Our Side

17》Bad Welcome

263 24 1
By JeonMina_05


They glaring each other. 10 minutes has passed and still they keep throwing their glare. Tzuyu and Mingyu who seat beside them exchange their look. Wonwoo and Mina start stay like this since they out from building penthouse. Even when they ordered their menu, they dont speak anything but just pointing what they want to eat.

Tzuyu dont want to judge her sister but she can feel they might fighting again.

Mingyu dont want to interrupt but they two not touch their drinks for 10 minutes and stay crossing their arms.

"Are we had battle eye contact?"

Mingyu was suprise when Wonwoo and Mina now glare him like he do something wrong. Tzuyu shake her head and try to stop the tense situation.

"Okay okay, lets stop. Can one of you tell us what happend?"

"This lady dont want to tell the truth."

"This man wont let me live in peace."

Tzuyu and Mingyu lost their words. One said Wonwoo dont let her live in peace and one said Mina dont tell him the truth. Exactly what just happend?

"Mind tell us why?"

"Mina said she get into accident and it was one of reason she take break from her carrier."

She groan when he said it as he pleased. Tzuyu understand what he try to pointing but Mingyu dont get it. He sign Tzuyu to explain but she nudge Mina arm to tell the truth. Mina more groan when Wonwoo made victory face.

"Fine! After the tragedy my manager almost raped me, two weeks has passed and im still not going to my boutique. But then my assistant texted me that our project had problem so i rushed to go there in midnight because it happend when no one at boutique. So i decided to go there to take my laptop, but there is car crossed from opposite road. I cant control my car that time and i accidently hit side of his car. At same time my knee injured bad that made me cant do a ballet anymore."

"You really love ballet, arent you?"

"Of course! I have learn for 11 years and it was my favourite hobby. I lost my confidence to continue my Black Swan brand so i was planned to closed it forever, but Tzuyu not allowed me."

Now Mingyu and Wonwoo look at Tzuyu. She stop drinking and put her glass down. Tzuyu glance Mina, she see her sister dont want to continue her story. She sigh while look at Mingyu and Wonwoo.

"Yes im not allowed my sister closed her boutique design. Dont blame me because she had been studied for 5 years about fashion and it wasted if she stop her carrier. What work she can do except designer? She injured on her knee and cant dance anymore, then what education she had? Lawyer? Degree not enough to made her like Wonwoo. Doctor? She didnt even know how to use type of knife. Enggineer? I dont think Mina like to hold those paper like Mingyu."

Mina can just grin her teeth to heard those fact that Tzuyu tell. She sure Tzuyu can tell more than that but she think its enough to made Mingyu and Wonwoo understand.

"Why you dont tell me from the start?"

"My past story dont involve your life."

"But i had right to know."

"Can we just eat without spealing the past especially my life? We still need to go mall since i and Tzuyu had something to do."

Mina wide her eyes when she accidently give a hint about going to mall. Tzuyu hide her hand and pinch Mina back light. Wonwoo and Mingyu furrowed when two of them exchange weird look.

"Now what you guys doing, miss Tzuyu and Mina?"

"Nothing, Mingyu! We always like this."

"Yeah new tactic to fool me. Tzuyu, tell me what you two hiding."

Tzuyu throw curse eyes to Mina as she look down while playing her food. Wonwoo who infront her kick her feet made her winch in pain. She almost raise her voice but realise there is many people inside restaurant, she control her voice.

"Lee Mina, what something you guys wanna do?"

"Ish! Fine! I and Tzuyu plan to had a pet!"

Boys was speechless a while. Not because they dont like to have a animals inside their house, but its new thing for them. Mingyu seems dont have problem for that and look Tzuyu with innocent face.

"What pet you want, Tzuyu? I dont mind if you want as it made you not lonely at home."

"I already had it picture. We both already decide and called the pet shop there to keep our pet. Mine was a dog but i still dont have idea to name him."

"A dog, huh? Is it big?"

"No, its quite small and it had white fur. You like a dog?"

"Oh i am! Why dont we eat quick to see your dog?"

Tzuyu smile and excited eat her food made Mingyu chuckle to see her action. Mina look away and eat her food in silence when Wonwoo dont give any reply about her plan to had a pet.

"What pet you want? Dont ever think to had monkey inside our house, enough having neighbour like him can made your day mess."

"Hey! Im not a monkey, Jeon Wonwoo. Im being happy man in my life, you should enjoy your day without facing those boring bunch of paper."

Mingyu try to defend himself when Wonwoo mock him like that. Tzuyu chuckle to see her fiancee like that. Mina give her small smile watching them bickering.

"I plan to had a cat. Its okay, if you dont like it, i can just let it lives at my parents house."

"I didnt give any agree yet. Well you said a cat, then buy it. Make sure the cat you buy was behaviour one or not im the one who will turn to a lion."

"Arra, arra! You too chatty!"

Tzuyu quickly put the tissue inside Mina mouth to stop her nagging and Mingyu stuffing the tomato in Wonwoo mouth. Now they two glaring their youngest in annoyed.


Wonwoo and Mingyu cant walk anymore when Mina and Tzuyu keep stopping every shop that sell cosmetics and most made them groan was when they stop at candy shop which they bought many sweets like lollipop, gummy and even the cotton candy.

"Are you sure we will marry this two girl?"

"Did you think i wanna married a crazy girl?"

"They almost 30 but they acted so happy when bought those candy. This has been 30 minutes they stop at cosmetics shop. They even dont buy any of that!"

"Urghh! Woman! They said they just want to buy their pet."

They sigh after Mina and Tzuyu stop again, but this time they get inside pet shop which they already told this shop had their pet. Wonwoo and Mingyu wondering around and spot hamsters area near them.

"This hamster remind me about someone."

"Mmmm you mean, Hoshi?"

"Ah yeah! He have been busy being racing car. I heard his wife are artist choreographer dance. Its been 9 months we dont meet him, oh! and Momo give birth a twin if im not mistake just 7 months ago."

"How did you know?"

"He is popular racing man, of course news always spread like tornado!"

Wonwoo just raise his brows and walk away to see Mina carry one cat that had fluffy white fur. Not gonna deny that the cat had pretty blue eyes but his face look little scary. Mingyu also notice Tzuyu carry little dog that she had show him the picture.

"Wonwoo! Can you carry him a while? I wanna buy his stuff."

"Did you already name him?"

"Why not you the one who name it?"

"Me? Dont blame me if i put a ugly one."

"This cats is ours, Wonwoo. I write your name inside the secrificate card too."

She walk away with Tzuyu after both hand their pet to them. Mingyu look too distract playing with their dog and Wonwoo stare at the cat on his arms. He observe it and take his times to name him as if he thought Mina would take a female one, but he dont expect she would take a opposite gender.

"I had decide it! I name our dog, Pepsi!"

"Really Mingyu? Your dog is not a drink."

"Gwaenchana! What about you?"

"Mmm maybe Nova?"

"Pffft!! Its...its good one, Wonwoo! Really pfft! a nice name."

He glare Mingyu who still cant stop holding his laugh. But when he said 'nova', the cat seems respond him as it made the sound.

After 5 minutes, Wonwoo and Mingyu carry the stuff that their fiancee already bought while they just carry their pet. When they at parking lot, Tzuyu suddenly forget something.

"Wait! I think i forget something!"

"What is it?"

"I was suppose to buy a plastic bowl that mom want."

She was about to turn but Mina stop her.

"Its okay, there is store near our house. We will stop there beacuse now already 3 and we had many things to pack our stuff."

Tzuyu sigh and continue their walk to Wonwoo car. But before they can get in, two figure man stand infront his car. They knew who they are and very familiar the face they saw. Mingyu and Wonwoo already grip their first tight when they see those evil smile plaster on their face.

"Wow! Our daughter had a pets now!"

Tzuyu and Mina shock to see their own father show up with smile that they cant forget it. Suddenly their body become trembling. Mingyu and Wonwoo quickly stand infront them. A dog and cat that on their arms was hugging tight.

"We already told you, dont show your face infront of us!"

"Ah yes but its little rude to not invite us to our daughter wedding. At least let us say congratulations."

"Mina doesnt need that words out from your mouth! If you want money, give us time!"

"What about me? I didnt get to hug my daughter."

"Tzuyu doesnt need your hug! If you touch her, you will hurt her!"

"Past is past, young man. Tzuyu, wont you hug daddy?"

Tzuyu body shaking hard when she flashback those times when he came home with anger. Her father hit her when she dont want to listen him or Mina also became his victim to release his madness.

"I-i wanna go home!"

Tzuyu quickly get inside car and pull Mina too. Before Wonwoo and Mingyu can move, those two man give them a words that made them hold their anger.

"Remember, young man. No money, your future wont live happy."

"You too, tall guy. Take us meet our wife, or not your future wife might hurt."

They two get in and Wonwoo drive fast out from the mall. Tzuyu look outside without talking even her lips still trembling. Mina hold her sob to not cry loud but Wonwoo still can see her from side mirror.

"We will send you two home. We give you three days to pack your stuff and we move in. Next week after work, we gather to settle our wedding."

"Are you mad?"

"What on earth i need to?"

"Just asking."

"Im just little chill."

"Wonwoo.....what you name our cat.....?"


"I like it....thank you...."

He clear his throat when see Mina kiss their cat while hugging it tight. He can see her tears fall down to Nova fur made him pity to see her like that.

"Hey Mingyu."

"Errr yes?"

"My father is bad guy....dont trust him, okay?"

"I just trust from your mouth. I will never fall those bad people trap easily."

"Thank you."


"I think Pepsi not bad at all."

"Errr...you dont like it?"

"If you like it then im okay."

Mingyu sigh after glancing Tzuyu from back. She seems try to calm herself by cares Pepsi fur but her face look lost. He suddenly feel bad that her mood was ruin because their dad show up. He  doesnt realise his hands was fist, he was like ready to punch those face but he hold himself to not put more troubke there.

"We need to settle this quick."


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