my strange addiction

Por lunqreclipse

21.1K 910 16

Clarke is a lonely fbi agent sent on a mission to catch the criminal Lexa Woods. She didn't know what she exp... Más

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35: epilogue
Part 36: epilogue

Part 21

445 19 1
Por lunqreclipse

'Lexa darling it was lovely to meet you.' Abby says. Clarke rolls her eyes. 'Goodbye mom.' Clarke says. The door shut and Lexa's body finally relaxed. Clarke let out a breathy laugh. 'What?' Lexa asked, cracking up herself. 'Meeting parents is always awkward, but I did not expect this.' Clarke says. Lexa snorts. Lexa kissed Clarke's cheek. 'I'm gonna go to bed.' She says. 'I'll be right behind you.' Clarke says.

Clarke wrapped her arm around Lexa's waist. It made her feel like she was protecting the girl she loves. Lexa was asleep already, but she could feel the blonde wrapping her arm around her. It made her feel safe even though she wasn't. She would never be safe. Clarke felt Lexa's body tremble. Clarke shook Lexa's body to wake her up from her bad dream. 'Hey Lex it's okay.' Clarke whispered. Lexa's body shot up and she opened her eyes. Clarke sat up straight. 'Clarke.' Lexa said. 'I'm here. You're okay. You're safe.' Clarke whispered. She gently rubbed circles on Lexa's back to calm her down. 'It's just a dream.' Clarke whispers. Lexa relaxes into Clarke's touch. She lets herself fall into Clarke's arms. The blonde kisses Lexa's cheek. The brunette's back pressed up against Clarke's chest. The blonde's head resting on Lexa's shoulder. 'What were you dreaming about?' Clarke asks. 'You don't wanna know.' Lexa says before getting out of the bed to make herself a glass of water. Clarke follows her into the kitchen. She lays her hand on Lexa's back which makes the brunette jump. 'Lexa are you okay?' Clarke asks. 'Yeah I'm fine.' Lexa coldly says. She turns around and goes back to the bedroom. Clarke is left behind shocked.

Lexa is sitting on the edge of the bed. Her head buried in her hands. Her elbows on her knees. Clarke leans against the doorframe. 'You don't have to talk about it, but I just want you to know that I'm here for you and I'm not leaving.' Clarke says. Lexa looks up. Her green eyes meeting the gorgeous blue ones. Clarke notices the brunette's green eyes are filled with tears. She sits down besides Lexa. She wraps her arm around the girl. Lexa rests her head on the blonde's shoulder. 'It's you Clarke.' Lexa whispers. 'I don't understand.' Clarke says. 'It's you who I'm dreaming about. Bad things happen to you because of me.' Lexa says. 'It's just a dream.' Clarke says. 'Besides I survived four years of being an agent at the FBI. I can handle it.' Clarke says. Lexa chuckles. 'You're right.' Lexa says.

'Good morning.' Clarke whispers. She wipes Lexa's hair out of her face. Lexa groans. 'It's so early.' Lexa says. Clarke chuckles. It wasn't that early. Not for Clarke. Clarke leans down to kiss the brunette's lips. 'That makes waking up a little less horrible.' Lexa says. Clarke chuckles. 'You're so beautiful.' Lexa whispers. Clarke smiles and a blush appears on her face. Lexa thinks it's cute and she kisses the blonde's cheeks.

'Come on we have to get up.' Clarke sits up straight. Lexa wraps her arms around the blonde's waist. 'We don't have to get up.' Lexa whispers. Clarke chuckles. 'Yes we do.' Clarke says. 'Why?' Lexa whines. 'Because we have a life to build.' Clarke says. 'One day please.' Lexa whined. Clarke rolled her eyes and let herself fall back. 'You're a bad influence.' Clarke says. 'Oh am I?' Lexa asks.

'Marcus wants to meet Lexa.' Abby says. Clarke has been on the phone with her mother for an hour now. Abby tries to convince Clarke to take Lexa home with her. 'I'll ask her.' Clarke says. 'You won't.' Abby says. 'What makes you think that?' Clarke asks. 'Nothing.' Abby says. Clarke rolls her eyes. She sighs. 'Tell her I'll come with you.' Lexa whispers. Clarke gives her a thankful smile. 'Fine we'll come.' Clarke says. 'You better.' Clarke groans. 'I guess we have to get out of bed after all.' Clarke says. 'Wait what?' Lexa asks. 'She wants us to be there tomorrow.' Clarke says. 'So I get to meet the family huh?' Lexa asks. Clarke groans again. 'Don't get too excited.' Clarke says. 'They can't be that bad.' Lexa says. 'My mom can be a little. Well you've heard her.' Clarke says. Lexa chuckles. 'I did.' Clarke kisses the bridge of Lexa's nose. She ties her hair in a messy bun and walks over to her closet. 'You're so beautiful.' Lexa says. Clarke chuckles. 'No really.' Lexa says Lexa gets up. She wraps her arms around Clarke's waist. 'You smell good too.' Lexa whispers. 'Stop it.' Clarke says. 

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