my strange addiction

By lunqreclipse

21.1K 910 16

Clarke is a lonely fbi agent sent on a mission to catch the criminal Lexa Woods. She didn't know what she exp... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35: epilogue
Part 36: epilogue

Part 10

735 25 0
By lunqreclipse

Clarke ran through the hospital halls. She wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. She wanted to go home. To forget about this. There were so many things she wanted, but she couldn't get. She ran around a corner and bumped into someone. She couldn't see who it was because her tears blurred her vision. 'Clarke?' Clarke's eyes shot up. She knew this voice. This person knows her. She can't be here. Why is she here? So many questions were going through her head right now. She didn't need this. Clarke tried to run away like she always did, but the woman grabbed her wrist and made her turn around. She was facing the slightly taller woman now. 'Clarke why are you here?' The woman asks. 'Why are you here?' Clarke asks.

Two days ago...

'I need you to find out what's going on between Clarke and that criminal.' Finn said. 'Why do you need me?' The woman asked. 'Because she will kill me the second she knows I'm behind this.' Finn said. 'So you're just procrastinating your death.' The woman said. She chuckled. 'She'll never find out if you do your job right.' Finn said. 'I'm a doctor not a fucking spy.' The woman said. 'You're going to do this.' Finn said. 'Hypnotising me won't work.' The woman teased. 'You want her right? Then go find out what is going on between them. They're really close. There are rumors they slept with each other.' Finn said. 'Fine, but you're gonna pay me.' the woman said. 'A thousand dollar if you find her.' Finn said. 'Make it two and I'll do it.' She said. Finn smirked. 'Deal.' He said. He shook her hand and then went back to the office.

'Niylah?' Clarke asks. 'Yep that's me.' She says. 'What... why...' Clarke stumbled over her own words. She didn't know what to say. She didn't know anything at the moment. 'Let's get you cleaned up and go to some bar.' Niylah said. Clarke felt a strong urge to hit her in the face, but she was too exhausted to move. 'I don't really like bars at the moment.' Clarke said. Niylah chuckled. 'Oh right your girlfriend blew one up with your friends inside it.' She said. At that moment Clarke collapsed. 'Bye bye baby.' Niylah said as she dropped Clarke on the floor and walked away.

'Hey Finn.' Niylah.


'I might have killed her.'

'You what?!'

'I'm kidding she'll wake up in an hour or so.'

'Hold on what?'

'She wasn't going to give me the answer I wanted anyway. I'm coming back.'

'No you can't.'

'Watch me.'

Niylah smirked.

'Ma'am are you alright?' She opened her eyes to see someone looking at her. She's on the floor. Why is she on the floor? What happened? Niylah. Niylah happened. She put something inside her which made her collapse and pass out. 'I- yeah.' Clarke got up on her elbows. She looked around her. She's still in the hospital.

'We're in trouble.' Clarke says. It's a few hours later and they're all in the restaurant except for Octavia. The hospital wanted to keep Octavia overnight to check her vitals. Octavia resisted at first but then the doctor explained how bad she got hit she agreed. 'What do you mean?' Monty asks. 'Someone knows.' Clarke says. 'Who?' Raven asks. 'Remember my ex?' Clarke asks. 'Yes. Niylah right?' Raven says. 'Yeah well.' Clarke says. 'No.' Raven gasps. 'How?' Monty asks. 'I don't know.' Clarke says. 'I think she didn't do it on her own though.' Clarke says. 'Finn?' Raven asks. 'Maybe.' Clarke says. 'Who's Finn?' Echo asks. 'Finn Collins, investigation department. A guy who's in love with Clarke, but she doesn't love him back. Something happened in a restaurant. I think he wants revenge, but why?' Raven says. 'Clarke.' Raven says. She sees the change in expression on Clarke's face. She knows something. Clarke sighs. 'Maybe he found out I slept with her and he got jealous.' Clarke says. 'You slept with her?!' Echo shouts. 'Yeah.' Clarke says softly. She's kind of embarrassed right now. She just told a bunch of her coworkers that she slept with a criminal.

'I can't believe, how? What?' Echo asks. 'We were at a bar. It got kind of intense and then I let her take me to her house.' Clarke says. 'So it was for the case?' Echo asks. Clarke's eyes shoot up. 'Yes.' She croaked out. 'That doesn't sound very convincing, Griffin.' Raven says. Clarke sighs. 'I don't know, maybe I liked her.' Clarke says. 'Liked. So it's in the past now?' Raven asks. 'Well yeah she blew up a bar and my friend is still in the hospital because of that.' Clarke says. 'That's also partly my fault.' Monty says. 'Yes you should've listened to me, but she's still the one who blew up that bar.' Clarke says. She raised her voice slightly while she spoke. 'Clarke take a break.' Raven says. 'I don't need a break!' Clarke shouts. She sits back down on her chair and lowers her voice. 'Sorry.' She says. 'Let's just call it a night.' Echo says. 'The fire department will let us know what they got tomorrow morning.' Monty says. 'Goodnight guys.' 

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