THE DREAMWALKER. [five hargre...

By _bumbleebee

178K 5.6K 3.9K

AU!F. HARGREEVES/READER An alternate universe where The Umbrella Academy is a secret group of seven people sa... More

the dreamwalker
the boy
the nutcase
the hunt
found you
the number five
a kiss
the séance
the commission
the reason for being
the caligo
through time and space
right back where we started
spider webs
family meeting
at last
not goodbye
changes in time
the hard truth
home is with you [1]
home is with you [end]
small announcement :D
Sneak Peek into THE DREAMWALKER Sequel.

family secrets

3.8K 145 189
By _bumbleebee

A/N: Before diving in, I want everyone to know that this is a supernatural story—which means that there are mythological creatures that will be mentioned. It's an AU, and as superpowers here exists, so does the supernatural. 

Also, the following will be explaining the lore of the [Lastname] family, and how they came to be. Sorry, I'm not quite good with lores ;;


Within the next five minutes of getting Luther to get off his ass, Vanya and Allison arrived. The surprise in everyone's faces except Five's was unmatched, but Allison and Vanya waved it off saying, "we're a team, aren't we?"

[Name] pulled the girls in a hug which they reciprocated and Klaus joined in in contentment. Meanwhile, this time, Five didn't look too bothered with the hugging.

"Let's go." The boy says as he walks past everyone, Diego and Luther in tow. It's almost comical, they look like a coming of age characters following their gangster leader, especially with the dark clothes. [Name] laughs to herself as she follows everyone out.

Elliot is left stuttering, meanwhile, "H—have a great day! Every—everyone...." he waves to no one in particular, but [Name] suddenly pokes her head back in.

"Goodbye, mister!" And with that, she's gone again, leaving an awkwardly laughing but grateful Elliot.

[Name] sees Klaus on the passenget seat, just beside Five and she taps the window. Klaus immediately heads to the back seat, squeezing himself between the other girls and Diego. Everybody groans, "just sit with Luther!" Allison cries out to a heavy Klaus. 

"There's literally another car outside beside this one." [Name] points out to the others, buckling her seatbelt. Five sighs outloud in irritation. 

Diego immediately stumbles out, and is followed by Ben. Luther also follows, but Diego holds a hand up, "bro." The bigger man looked offended.

"Any day now." Five grits his teeth, watching as Luther gets back inside the back of the car, struggling. He pinches the bridge of his nose while everyone else tries to stifle laughter. Klaus turns to Luther and before he could open his mouth, Luther speaks.

"Anybody say a fat joke, I'm out."

Klaus remains silent.

[Name] sighs in content, her happiness rolling off her in huge waves, and everyone is confused to see her almost bouncing in her seat. The trio behind her glance at each other, "someone's happy."

"Why wouldn't I be?!" The girl immediately snaps her head to them as Five starts the car. Her eyes are twinkling, lips pulled into a wide and charming smile. Klaus places a hand over his eyes.

"Too bright!"

"I mean, look at us, back together again. Isn't that so amazing?! To be able to banter and talk to you guys again..." she sighs with a smile, leaning back into her seat as her eyes trail towards a silent Five. She smiles even wider, "you guys look so pretty."

Klaus hums, "oh, you mean Five?" Allison nudges him and Vanya looks over at them with a mischievous smile playing at her lips.

[Name] frowns, clueless, "not just Five, no, everyone. Maybe except for Luther. I don't like his haircut." The mentioned man releases a 'huh?'.

Five bites the inside of his cheek, trying not to show any emotions in regards to their conversation. Why is she even talking about that?! What's wrong with this girl? He frowns in a way to avoid thinking about the warmth crawling up to his face. Disgusting

"Well, you're the prettiest out of everyone here." Klaus wiggles his eyebrows, and the girl chuckles in embarrassment. 

"Not really...I just grew up."

Allison grins, "twenty-two, huh? Quite the adult now." 

"You look no older than seventeen." Klaus comments half heartedly, and everyone turns to him with a hint of annoyance.

The girl blinks, "oh..."

Klaus winces, "not...quite."

[Name] just chuckles, before turning to the rest, "so, what have you guys been up to?"

"Vanya's in a secret love with a farm Frau." Klaus immediately answers.

"Yeah, and you said you started a cult!" Vanya rolls her eyes.

"Luther's working for Jack Ruby." Klaus points at the man, "well, at least used to." He shrugs.

Allison clears her throat, almost hesitant to speak, "well, I've been involved with the Civil Rights Movement...with my husband."

[Name] gasps, whipping her head to the taller woman with her mouth agape, "no way!" Her mind races with so much buzzing excitement, and the girl unconsciously holds unto the car seat of Five to fully twist her body around. The boy almost loses focus as he glances at her with his eyebrows furrowed.

"You idiot!"

"What's his name?!" She ignores him, and Allison blinks in surprise. Klaus purses his lips, trying not to glance at an obviously suffering Luther. Vanya clears her throat.

"Raymond. Raymond Chestnut."

The name leaves Allison's lips in adoration, and [Name]'s hand slips from Five's seat as her eyes widen. Five swerves the car to the left, but she doesn't make a noise as her mind start to spin. There's...there's no way. 

The trio looks at her in worry, "[Name]?"

Five glances at her, noting her frozen state, and he swallows as he tries to snap the girl back with them, "hey."

"...Raymond...Chestnut?" She trails off, a shaky breath leaving her lips as she turns to Five, "I'm an idiot..."

The boy furrows his eyebrows, "What's going on with you?"

"Are you okay, [Name]?" The trio asks worriedly, especially Allison. Why did [Name] react that way?

But the girl gulps as she blinks, now staring off somewhere behind Five, "matthiola incana and roses, sunflowers and lavender, tulips and chrysanthemums...Allison," she glances to the confused people inside the car, "your husband gets his flowers from us." Her eyes settle on Allison, watching as realization dawns on her. She gasps.

"All this time I thought...oh my God..."

"What's going on?" Klaus speaks out loud for everyone, and the two girls look teary eyed. Five glances at his sister and the girl beside him. He finally realizes why they reacted the way they did.

"All this time you never asked his wife's name?" He asks incredulously, and [Name] looks at him with a hint of regret.

"I was too shy!"


Vanya looks over the two, "well, at least we're all here now, right?"

The two females sigh, and [Name] reaches for Allison's hand, "your husband is a great man, Allison."

Allison smiles with love, "he is."




[Name] remained in her seat. 

Everyone had already gone out, but her nerves and fear kept her planted on the passenger seat. The rest glances at her, and Five sighs. He gets it. This is exactly what he felt meeting his dad back here in 1963. He gives everyone a side eye glance before walking over to the clearly terrified girl.

He leans his arm on the roof of the car, biting the inside of his cheek as he tries to think of something to say. Before he opens his mouth though, [Name] speaks.

"Five. Do you think I can do this?"

Her somber eyes meets his, and he looks down for a moment before giving her a small smile, "you may be an idiot, but you're more capable than some of my siblings." His lips quirk more into a smirk, and she releases a soft laugh.

"I don't think they'd like you saying that."

Five's smile widens, and [Name] couldn't help but watch his lips, "they'd get over it."

"We can hear you." Diego muses from behind them, and they hear snickers coming from the siblings. The two ignore it.

[Name] inhales deeply, looking up to him, "okay, I guess..." grinning, her hand finds its way to the handle, and Five takes a couple of steps back as [Name] finally comes out. It's a poor reassurance, but knowing Five at least tried and is not the type to lie, she smiles to herself, following the boy back into the group.

When they all finally settle together, their eyes turns to the large house sitting atop of a forest-y hill. It has a worn off but still pleasant paint of yellow and grey, the windows all in good shape. The scenery is beautiful, and although the house itself looked old, it fit the whole background on where it stands. It's a lone house sitting in the middle of nowhere, and everyone wonders how exactly [Name]'s aunt got this place.

"Ladies first." Klaus gulps.

Allison, Diego and Five walks forward, and [Name] immediately follows behind them with the rest. It's a bit of a trek going up the house, first having to enter the forest before the property. When they reach the clearing of where the house stands, they notice a two women standing by the porch. [Name] feels her heartbeat pick up.

" that them?" Vanya asks.

"This is so weird. They look like a young [Name] and an old [Name]." Klaus comments as the girl mentioned continues forward. Her feet move unconsciously on its own, and right as she sets foot on the stone stairs, she's running.

When she's a fair distance from them, she stops. It feels odd. Looking into the eyes of the woman she's come to admire from the moment she's set her eyes on her. Her grandmother looks over to her with a hint of amazement and oddity, probably feeling as weirded out as she is. 

Aurelia stands beside her niece, her wise [e/c] eyes trained on the younger girl. She smiles in welcome, and [Name] realizes where her grandmother got her smile from. She swallows down her nervousness, lips shakily perking up as she wipes her clammy hands in her skirt.


"Hello." The tall woman smiles softly, and her niece nods in acknowledgement, her head tilting to the side, before settling on the seven siblings behind [Name]. Her granddaughter nods slowly back, understanding her dismissal, since it must be weird for her to see a future relative she won't have until she's fifty-eight. [Name] awkwardly shuffles in her feet, not knowing what to do. She's only known of her great aunt's existence three years ago, and she's not exactly close with her grandmother...yet.

Klaus ventures forward, placing his hands up in a wave that shows the Hello and Goodbye tattooed on his palms. Anita looks over in wonder at the strange fellow. Aurelia grins to him widely.

"Hi, I'm Klaus." He titters, and the tall [h/c] woman nods.


Klaus winces, "yeah..."

"I assume these are your siblings, Five?" Aurelia gestures to the others behind Klaus, who all gave their own greetings in the form of a smile or a nod. The mentioned boy nods.

"Yes. I'm sorry we're late." His apology is half-hearted, but Aurelia doesn't seem to mind. She holds her hand out to [Name].

"It's so nice to finally meet you," Her voice is soft, and the girl takes her hand before she is led forward, "this is an old family home, one of our many—" The girl looks at her grandmother in a a comical way, eyebrows so furrowed as she lets her aunt's next words sink in, "but it's long been abandoned. My father's side of the family aren't quite...the healthiest bunch. My sister didn't want the property, so I decided to take over most of the properties left behind."

[Name] turns to her grandmother, "oh my God, ma, why didn't you tell me we were rich?!" The girl whispers to the young Anita, who frowns at her.

"I didn't know, either." She huffs, the grandmother - granddaughter duo both sulking as their aunt/great aunt opens the big wooden door. Inside the house is simple but quaintly furnished to suit a more vintage English look. As they walk forward of the hallway, she sees pictures hanging by the walls, her eyes scanning the portraits of her distant relatives. It feels weird looking at them now, since she's never really seen any other relative of hers except her grandparents and the blurry images of her own mother and father in her mind.

Diego whistles out, the rest of the siblings also glancing around at the furnished and clean house.

Klaus gulps, "is it just me or does anybody else feel like they're back in dear old daddy's house?" Allison pushes him lightly in reprimand.

Soon enough, they reach the living room, and Aurelia gestures for them to sit on the couches and single chairs. They all follow except for Five and Luther—who is afraid to break the vintage looking furniture, so he settles within himself.

"It's nice to meet you all," Aurelia clears her throat as Anita leaves to make some beverages to drink, "my name is Aurelia, and that's my niece Anita. I'm glad you all came." She starts as she smiles at everyone, her [h/c] hair curled and styled into perfection on her head, her lips tinted with red. She carries herself gracefully, and the siblings feel a bit of anxiety filling their guts as the woman's presence overpowers anything else inside the room. It's almost as if they can feel her own powers emitting from her form. It feels suffocating as they think further into it.

"Likewise, ma'am." Allison smiles and Klaus fidgets in his place inbetween Vanya and Ben. The latter greets the older woman back politely, and everyone else follows.

"Just Aurelia is fine," Aurelia waves a hand to dismiss the formal title, and she then sees Five's impatient mannerism. She smiles, "what's the rush, dear boy?"

Everyone turns to a frowning Five, who stops his impatient fidgeting. He clears his throat as his hands settle inside the pockets of his trousers, "what's there not to be in a rush about?"

[Name] watches the interaction, amused to see Five being treated like a bratty child. Everyone must be thinking the same thing as they tried to look anywhere else to avoid releasing amused smiles.

Aurelia sighs, "men. Quite the impatient creatures, aren't they?" She smiles at [Name], who nods.


"Well, I guess I better head straight to the point; Five will surely lose his marbles," the mentioned boy scowls, "as you all may know, [Lastname]'s are a family of dreamwalkers. But I guess I should go back to where it all started," she leans in her seat to get comfortable as she looks at [Name], "it was a gift, one that had been passed on for decades. It all started with Elita [Lastname]. My grandmother told me a wandering man fell in love with the girl as did she, and in return, gifted her the ability to travel between time and planes to be able to be with her,"

Five isn't one for supernatural stories, and so, he sighs as he soundlessly chuckles to himself. Luther frowns at his brother, probably a sucker to the story being told. Everyone continues to listen.

"We weren't exactly sure, how he was able to do that, and what exactly he is—but everyone continues to lean on the possibility that he's a spirit god of some sort. I don't know, I don't quite believe it, but I mean," the woman shrugs her shoulders, but continues, "part of this gift is that it can be passed on to future blood relatives, all because he wanted to be able to speak to his children, and their children, and their children's children."

She is silent for a moment, and [Name] leans forward, "...but?"

"But the greatest abilities of dreamwalking are not always passed on to every relative, and one [Lastname] did not like that. And so, her greediness led her to summon an untamed nature, one that promised her she'd be the strongest among all of us. The Caligo promised her the body of the strongest [Lastname] during that time. Deceiving her into thinking it can transfer souls, but as you know, Caligos are mal-intent by nature, and managed to take a whole lot of our family as hosts. It chooses the strongest, and only wants one thing; to travel planes and take as much life force as it can."

[Name] holds her spinning head, the information rushing into her head as she frowns, "that's a lot to take in."

Klaus breathes out in a daze, "tell me about it..."

"So, this Caligo basically wants to take over the whole universe? Is that it?" Diego asks with his arms crossed. This whole supernatural talk is surely messing with his head.

Aurelia nods, "exactly."

"So then, how do we stop it?" Five questions and Aurelia releases a chuckle. 

"Hold your horses, boy, I'm quite still unsure of it myself."

At her words, everyone started panicking,  "what, what? We thought you knew?" [Name] cries out.

Five grits his teeth, "you lied to me?"

Diego is mumbling the words 'I knew it', while Luther just sighs. Allison, Vanya and Ben are no different than the first two panicking, but Klaus remained his usual self, sliding down his seat.

"I love the smell of chaos in the morning, don't you?" He smiles at a just now arrived Anita, who awkwardly places the drinks down after ignoring Klaus.

"Like baboonsall of you!" Aurelia hisses, and everyone is surprised to see her change in demeanor, "has your family ever taught you mannersLet, me, finish." Her voice is balanced, but it's authority bounces across the room that everyone immediately shuts up, anxious. Her usual soft [e/c] eyes are cold and sharp, and Klaus gulps as he sits straighter.

The older woman releases a sigh, grabbing a steaming cup of tea and finishing it within a few. Everyone's eyes almost bulge out of their sockets. But she dismisses it as they all notice her clearly troubled expression.

"Have a drink, please. I apologize for my outburst." 

Everyone except Five grabs a cup.

"As I was saying," she turns to [Name] with a troubled expression, "I do know one of the ways we can seal off and stop the Caligo. But one must pay the highest form of a price." Her tone is laced with something alarming, and the girl frowns as she asks.

"What price?"

Aurelia's eyes harden as she looks straight into the depths of [Name]'s eyes. The girl feels her breath leave her, unable to look away as her great aunt speaks in a grave tone, "are you willing to die, dear?"


A/N: Five is so in denial.

here's a gift; some incorrect quotes for the TDW cast!


Klaus and [Name] sitting on a bench;
Ben: Why do you guys look so sad?
[Name]: Come sit down with us so we can tell you
Ben sits down;
Klaus: The bench is freshly painted


Five trying to cheer Klaus up;
Five: Things could be worse, you know?
Klaus: How?
Five: How what?
Klaus: How could they be worse?
Five:...They couldn't. I lied. 


[Name]: Five, I'm sad.
Five, pulling her in a hug: It'll be okay.
Klaus: Five, I'm sad.
Five: Okay, and? 


Five: I'm fine
Klaus: You don't look fine
Five: Then stop looking, dickhead


[Name]: There are seven chairs, and ten kids. What do you do?
Diego: Have everyone stand.
Allison: Bring three more chairs.
Klaus: Have the best ones sit.
Five: Kill three.
[Name]: Five, no!


[Name]: How do I deal with my enemies?
Five: Kill them
[Name]: I was hoping for a more passive solution
Five: Kill them only a little?


Five, banging on door: Klaus, open up!
Klaus: Well, it all started when I was a kid--
Allison: No, he meant--
[Name]: Let him finish.


Five not getting what he wants;
Five: I have an idea
[Name]: No murder
Five: I no longer have an idea


[Name] steals a taser from a cop;
Diego: [Name], what do you have in your hand?
[Name]: .....
Diego: [Name]?
[Name] grins mischievously: A taser!
Diego: NO!


[Name]: I am very happy to announce that I am officially a lost cause! Thank you to all those who have helped me, unfortunately it was all for nothing!


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