The Rare Ones

By Pearl-esque

5.1K 1.9K 991

They say no two persons are the same, and it's the truth. Some are lovers, some fighters, others are stars an... More

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Cast Aesthetics & Playlist
0: Prologue


250 82 36
By Pearl-esque

"I had a dream,
I got everything I wanted.
Not what you'd think,
and if I'm being honest,
it might've been a nightmare,
to anyone who might care."
-Billie Eilish(everything i wanted)


I woke up from my nightmare feeling calm and peaceful, like I always do.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, waiting for the bad memories to sink in.

Once they did, I instantly felt sick to my stomach.

I rushed to the bathroom and puked until I could see yesterday's lunch in the toilet bowl.

That swallow and egusi soup did not look so great back up.

Most people wake up from nightmares screaming and/or drenched in a cold sweat.

Others go cray-cray in the bathroom.

Like me.

I'm others.

I flushed the nasty mush, brushed my teeth and took a shower.

Dressing up in my school uniform, I said a quick prayer.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, and decided once again that whoever designed the uniform for Hillsong High was a genius.

It was based on the official Hillsong High colors of white, black and gold. White blouse with gold detailing, black pleated skirt, blazer, bolo tie, almost thigh high socks and gold rimmed head band.
I held my braids in a low bun, then smoothed glow oil on my face, before taking another glance.

I looked.....appropriate enough.

I sat on my bed and went through my bag, making sure I had everything.

Once done, I opened up my phone and checked my WhatsApp.

Adejare, my best friend had sent a message saying she was in school already and I should get my ass over there.

I shook my head and held back a giggle.

Knowing Deja, she'd probably be fast asleep once she herself got there.

After checking other messages and status updates, I left my room and headed downstairs.

"Morning, Cookie," I greeted our cook cheerfully as she arranged the plates on the dining table.

Of course her real name isn't Cookie, I just started calling her that after I watched an episode of Empire when I was much younger.

The name just kinda stuck and it's way more appealing than Carol.

"Good morning, Cheta," she said with a smile. "Are your parents up?"

"Nope, I suspect they'll be down by, like, nine-ish."

She nodded and then went into the kitchen.

My parents are by far the busiest people known to me.

My mum is the MD/CEO of her own travel agency, while Dad is one of the most successful lawyers in the country.

They're also pretty high ranked in the society and always get invited to these fancy dinner parties and stuff.

Heck, they attended one just last night.

I don't mean to brag, but they're pretty awesome.

Their  busy schedules might mean they're not always at home, but they're still able to take care of the lunatic that is their daughter both emotionally and financially.

I shoved a piece of pancake into my mouth and chewed with intent.

Tochi loved Cookie's pancakes.

I was on my second piece when I saw the time and nearly choked.

If there was one thing you couldn't be at Hillsong, it was late.

And I'm a prefect this year.

"Um, Cookie, I have to go like now."


I grabbed my bag and walked outside, where one of our drivers was waiting to take my to school.

"Good morning," I greeted him.

"Morning, Miss Cheta, how are you?" he said, opening the back door.

"Fine," I said, stepping in.

I put my earphones in and sat back as     Soke by Burna Boy played from my phone.

It took about 15 minutes to reach my school.

The driver parked the car and I swiftly put on a coat of strawberry lip gloss, before thanking him and stepping out.

I walked straight to the elevators that took me up to the fifth floor of our gigantic school building.

The first floor was separated into three blocks for juniors, the second was for SS1, the third for SS2, the fourth and fifth for SS3s.

I headed for SS3A, the class both Deja and I had been assigned.

Walking in, the class was empty, as people were in the hallways, socialising and flaunting their new phones, bags and whatever.

The class was empty alright...except for Deja, who was resting her head, fast asleep on the desk she had chosen.

What did I say?

I sat on the seat next to her, in the middle row, noticing the bags that had been placed on the desks behind us.

I began to arrange my books in the desk.

One of the things, I really like about Hillsong is their organized way of handling things.

Like, our books and stuff are given to us during the holidays to prevent stress. Classrooms and posts are also assigned during holidays via set group chats; this allowing us to resume peacefully.

Tochi would've loved it here.

Someone walked into the class and I looked up.

It was Lekki Johnson.

"Hi, Chetachi!" she beamed at me, flipping her pink braids and showing off her pastel coloured acrylics in the process.

Yeah, people always went crazy the first week of resumption.

"What's up, Lekki? How are you?"

"I'm great!". She walked to a seat and sat down, dropping her bedazzled Fendi bag on the desk.

I remembered meeting Lekki in JSS1 and questioning her about her unusual name.

"You know how some people are named after famous cities like London or Paris? Well, my parents decided to name me Lekki, 'cause it's where I was born and sounds a whole lot nicer than Lagos, doesn't it?" she'd said, patting her hair.

"Your hair and nails are pretty," I commented, closing the lid of my desk.

Maybe I should get mine done that way, Tochi would like something like that.

"I know, right?" she quipped, admiring her nails.

She stood up and went to the door. "Lemme go see who else has come," she said.

I nodded and continued scrolling through my playlist.

Minutes later, another person entered the class and the energy she brought was almost tangible.

"Cheta!!!" my other best friend, Beryl, shrieked, running to me and neary choking me with her hug.

I'd only recently started accepting Beryl as a 'best friend'.


Because she became friends with Deja and I just a few months after Tochi passed.

So, at first, she gave me impostor vibes.

But over the years, I've grown to love and respect this girl like a sister.

She's one of the most popular people at Hillsong, considering the fact that, at almost 18, she's among the best dancers in the continent.

She's also crazy famous on TikTok and exudes a humble, uplifting, brilliant energy.

Deja grunted and rubbed her eyes.

"Sorry Deja," Beryl said, moving to give her a hug.

I gave her one too, as well hadn't seen this morning.

"When did you get here?" the dark skinned, doe-eyed beauty that is my bestie asked Beryl and I.

"See Deja's skin, naw!" Tochi used to say. "Isn't it like Hershey's chocolate?"

"I've been here for, like, 20 minutes," Beryl said .

"Signing autographs, ba?" I said and they both laughed.

"I pretty much just got here,"I told Deja.

"You two are lucky, I'm stuck in B class," Beryl whined.

Deja and I laughed as she folded her arms and purses her pink lips in a mock tantrum.

The bell for assembly sounded and we stood up, chatting as we took the lift down and walked into the huge theater-style assembly hall.

Sitting down in the space reserved for SS3s, I saw Noelle and her crew, including Lekki.

I don't really know Noelle like that, because she only talks to and hangs out with her crew and treats the rest of us like second class citizens.

Bitchy, much?

After prayers, praise and worship, anthems and all that, the Principal came out to announce this year's prefects and the Head Boy and Girl.

Of course, all those appointed already knew their posts, including myself and my two best friends.

He called out names and those called stepped out of the crowd and went to meet him on the platform.

I was Library Prefect, aka nerd-in-chief, Deja was Chemistry Lab. Prefect and Beryl was the female Social Prefect.

We were all standing on the platform, facing the rest of the school, as the Head Boy, Kesiena, gave his speech.

Then I felt someone move behind me and turned to meet green eyes that only belonged to one person.


He gave me a small, tight, almost nervous smile and turned back.


After the speeches, the prefects returned to their seats and we were all told to go to our classes and wait for another bell that sighed our termly fire drill.

"I don't get why we still do these fire drills. Everyone knows there won't be any fire, except Zik and Darius decide to fight again," Deja said as we walked into our classroom.

I chuckled.

Azikiwe Ogwu and Darius Akachi.

Our school's official cat and mouse.

Ever since JSS1, the two had been enemies. One day, in our junior years, they'd bother been sent to drop a few things in the Chemistry lab. Big mistake on that teacher's part.

Long story short, they had a huge ass fight, knocked over some chemicals and started a fire. Hence, the fire drills every term.

I sat and brought out a Fanta, sipping at it intently through my straw.

"I'm not even coming sef," I said.

Deja gave me a look. "Why?"

"Just don't want to."

The bell rang and the others in the class moved out.

Beryl walked in.

"Come on, y'all."

"Tachi's not coming," Deja told her.

My face was impassive as I looked at Beryl.

"'Kay,"was all she said.


"But, Chetachi, you're a perfect o," Deja said.

"I'm aware."

"What if Principal or some of the teachers ask of you?"

"Then you come and call me. You know where I'll be."

"In that case, see ya," Beryl said and they both headed out.

Once they'd gone, I went to stand at the door.

I waited the hallway was completely empty, then turned, wanting to head to the library.

"What the-!" someone said.

I looked up, realizing I'd tripped and poured my Fanta on.....him.

First chapter complete.🥳🥳🥳

Can I get a whoop-whoop!

How do y'all find Chetachi?

Who do you think she poured her Fanta on?

Chap 2 on it's way.



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