Doflamingo x Reader {The Girl...

By Op-Law

47.9K 1.7K 1.7K

(Y/n) finds herself facing eviction but an ad for a guesthouse catches her eye. Her only problem is that her... More

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By Op-Law

Sometime Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Isn't Baby 5 supposed to be meeting us here (Y/n)? We're being sitting here for close to an hour now but that girl still hasn't shown up yet" As I took my lips off of my straw, I started to address the man across from me though the response didn't do much to calm him down. "She'll be here eventually just give her some time Bell... I need to go to the bathroom I'll be right back, protect my drink for me while I'm gone"

Before the man could protest my leaving, I had already left the table and made a beeline for the restrooms. Since the café across the street was too busy for my liking, we had decided to go to the small soba shop a few buildings down since it looked interesting enough. "Please call me when you get this little brother! I-I'm worried about you!" As I walked into the restroom, I noticed another girl around my age was already in there but she was looked like a complete wreck at the moment. "Are you okay?"

"H-Have you seen this boy!? I've been looking for him all week but I haven't had any luck with finding him. We came here from Wano to taste the different noodles from the soba shops here though my brothers been missing ever since last Monday" Once I was handed a piece of paper, I started to think back to Doflamingo since he had mentioned that he was going to Wano for his business trip. "I'm sorry he doesn't look familiar. Do you need any help handing out your flyers? I don't mind helping you out since if someone I loved was missing, I'd want all the assistance I could get. My name's (Y/n) by the way"

"Thank you (Y/n) I could really use the help! I'm Ulti and this little guy is Page One but I like to call him Pay-pay" After I had used the bathroom, I washed my hands before I began to speak to Ulti once again. "What do you think happened to him?" When she handed me half of her flyers we started for the door. "He's not a weak person but there's been a number of kidnappings taking place in this town lately. I didn't realize it until after though and if I had known I wouldn't have ever made Pay-pay come here. He's missing now because of me"

"Is Wano a big city? My boyfriend Doflamingo was going there for a business trip but he left me at home for some odd reason" I didn't think that Ulti would have known the man though she perked right up after I mentioned his name. "Your Doflamingo's girlfriend? Damn, I wasn't aware you looked like this but good for him. That man's probably meeting with my boss then if he's in Wano though it's for the best that you stayed home since my boss's men can a little on the mean side at times"

"Really? Hmm, I guess Doffy was being smart then. Come on Ulti... Bellamy, can you please pay the bill? I'm going to help this girl look for her missing brother. Your free to join us once you're done in here" My bodyguard looked a little confused but by the time I had made it to the door he was already done paying for the meal and was trying to stop me from leaving.

"Wait (Y/n) you can't just leave the building like this. Aren't you going to wait for Baby 5 to get here?" Bellamy was such a worrier but at least he cared about me to some extent. "Bellamy have you had the pleasure of meeting Ulti yet? Ulti this is Bellamy one of Doflamingo's most trusted something or other"

"He is going to help us find my little brother? If so then he may join us but if not then this blonde piece of trash can get the hell out of my way" When Ulti exited the noodle shop I quickly followed after her as Bellamy followed behind me. "I'll text Baby 5 and tell her that there's been a change of plans. Come on Bell"


?'s Pov

"Hey, check it out. Isn't that lizard boy's older sister... she's known as Pachy, right?" We had originally planned to grab the girl once she had left her house but as it turned out Doflamingo was smart and decided to leave Hyena to guard her. "The lab wants all three of them. I think it's doable if we pick them off one by one but what do you think?"

"Who do you want to target first? I'm thinking we take out Pachy since we can keep her distracted by bringing up her dear little Pay-pay" Usually the two siblings didn't leave Wano often but we had managed to catch in the city last week though at first the lab only wanted the male. "I think your right Icarus. How should we split them up? They're both holding onto Mellow as if their lives depended on it"  

"Icarus why do we always refer to your targets by their other name? That girl is known to everyone as (Y/n) and it's a nice name so let's call her that until she shifts... I also have some more information from the lab about why they don't want her to come to any harm... She's carrying a child though I thought if a person possessed a demon it lowered the chances to conceive a child but two demons conceiving a child together is definitely strange"

"How do you know that Joker is the Father to her unborn child, Whisper?"

Whisper's Pov

"Don't worry about it Icarus though that greed of yours is going to be your undoing if you keep it up. Please don't fly too close to the sun... Come on let's get this job over with" As I stepped out of the car, I made sure my gun was loaded before I tucked it into my waistband and waited for my partner to join me at my side.

"You worry about me too much Whisp but it's cute. How do you want to go about doing this?" Once I had the younger male's hand securely within my own, I started pulling him down the street before we happened upon the trio we were ordered to bring into the lab. "Excuse have you seen this boy?" At first, I thought it would have been a good idea to split them up but then I realized neither would be willing to abandon the girl so we needed to go with the direct approach.

"He looks familiar to me but what do you think Iccy?" When I handed the flyer with Page One's face on it to my partner, I briefly released his hand before I took a strand of the girl's hair within my fingertips. "Hey don't touch he-"

"Don't speak to me again. Hehehe. Iccy why don't you take care of sweet little (Y/n) here and I'll take care of these two? Run along little (Y/n)" At first her eyes were glazed over but I knew the girl was fighting against my command the moment the color within them started to change back to its original shade. "Sorry about this (Y/n) don't take it personally though... Icarus have some fun but remember to keep your head on straight"

As the male's wings started to appear from his back, I kept the other two in place until he had started to fly through the air above our heads and far away from the city. "Now whatever shall I do with you two? Oh, I know! We'll all go met up with Iccy and (Y/n)! Don't that sound like a great plan? Hehehe. Follow me"

(Y/n)'s Pov

"Put me down right this second you stupid jerk! W-What do you even want from me!?" I didn't know who this creep was or why he felt the need to kidnap me though I had a few theories bouncing around in my head about it and none of them were good. "Hehehe. Stop moving around so much Mellow! I might end up drop you and that wouldn't be good for anyone!"

"Who the hell are you!?" It wasn't a good sign that he knew the name of my demon but it was slightly concerning that Mellow wasn't stepping in to help with the situation though it's been days since her voice has spoken to me. "The name is Icarus and that sweet-looking male back there was Whisper!" As we got closer to the edge of the city I started to panic more since if I let this continue then it would only result in something terrible happening to me and I wasn't going to let my baby suffer when I had the power to stop it.

"Ahhhhhh!" When my scream rippled through the air around me it had caused Icarus to drop me as he reached up to cover his ears but now nothing was stopping my body from falling to the ground below.

'Your such a little troublemaker (Y/n)~ Tsk~ Tsk~ Tsk~'


To Be Continued...

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