Alone (Hiccup x reader)

By S0UL_4

23.3K 509 49

[DISCONTINUED] Y/n was shunned from her village because she believed Dragons were just misunderstood. Her ow... More

The Hidden World (Edited)
Light Fury (Edited)
Hiccup and Toothless (Edited)
Dragon Eye
The Truth
A New Life
Wing Maidens
Suprise Chapter!

Wing Maidens (2)

883 23 1
By S0UL_4

Just a bit of a warning! This chapter is one of the very few sad ones I will probably ever write! I know this is not what happens in the series, but I'm allowed to make my own changes. But! Anyway, enjoy reading!

"Fire!" I pointed up at one of the Winged girls. Cloudwhisper's eyes narrowed and purple fire awaited to be shot.

"Stop!" Astrid commanded, "if we start a fight now, Thor knows how many more will be here!" She snapped at me.

"That's not the Astrid I remember!
She would NEVER back down from a fight!" I spat back while asking Cloudwhisper to shoot.

"No!" Astrid screamed as Cloudwhisper's fire hit one of the girls.
I gasped and raced down to catch the falling girl, Astrid close behind me.
Cloudwhisper caught her and that's when I realized a baby Windshear (Razorwhip) on her back. They can't fly on their own-
I screamed as now one of them picked me up right off Cloudwhisper.
"ASTRID!! HICCUP!" I yelled, and suddenly they let me go, I was falling so fast I couldn't breathe properly, but just before I lost consciousness I felt someone grab me and yell my name.

I opened my eyes to catch a glimpse of rock, and I tried to get up but my arms were chained to the walls.
"Hello!? Anyone there!? Cloudwhisper?" I tried yelling.
I gasped when I heard a voice beside me,
"Y/n!" Hiccup whispered.
I looked to see him, also attached to a chain. I gulped and tried yanking at them,
"CLOUDWHISPER! Where are you girl!"
I yelled in rage as they wouldn't budge, "Stupid, stupid!!"

I stopped when I heard footsteps in the entrance I glanced up to glare at them,
"," I growled so lowly, causing them to stare at me with wide eyes. "Y/n stop." Hiccup pleaded me, without even looking I could feel his eyes staring at me.
I started to turn and stared at him with disbelief,
"Hiccup our- MY dragon is gone! Aren't you the least bit worried!" Your E/c eyes narrowed at him before you turned around.
"I'm going to give you exactly three seconds-" She stopped me quickly and smirked at me, "You'll do what? I really don't see you getting out of these chains anytime soon."
She clapped excitedly, "Your dragon is really quite something..she reminds me of you."
My breathing got heavy and I glared at her with full hatred, I could see my E/c reflecting off her green ones, "If you touch her, so help me when I find a way out of this hellhole I will blow this little town of yours to pieces!"
She shrugged, "Well good luck with that! Bye-bye now!" She skipped out of the cave entrance.
I screamed and stomped my foot on the ground, "If we've never met, Me and Cloudwhisper wouldn't be here!"
I started glaring at him now, but not in anger in despair, sadness, "We would still be flying around, saving dragons! Instead, Me and Cloudwhisper are trapped here, and I hate to admit it but I don't see a way out of this!"
I was yelling now, tears starting to form, "If I've never met you...we would be free like we're supposed to be!"
Hiccup gazed at me, his green eyes filled with sadness at my words, "If that is what you truly feel...then I'm sorry you feel like that, but I can't say the same.
Y/n you are the bravest, most independent, and caring person I know. Sure you can get a bit scary...but I don't blame you." He whispered the last part and
looked down, "When we get out, you are free to leave, enjoy your life with Cloudwhisper, just the two of you."
I sighed and felt as I started to calm down, "I'm sorry Hiccup, It's just the thing in my life I care about the most is caged up, trapped, probably scared, and wondering if I'm alright."
As I was talking to him I noticed that his eyes were filled with hurt,
"The only thing you care about?" He asked me, so quietly I could hardly hear him. I nodded, "She means the world to me Hiccup. If anything happens to her...I'll lose myself."
When he was about to respond I heard a familiar battle cry and quickly looked out the entrance, it was Astrid. "Hey, guys!" She was panting heavily, and first unhooked Hiccup, then did mine, though I saw the hesitation in her eyes. "Is Cloudwhisper ok!?" I asked her quickly.
Astrid nodded and turned to run out, closely followed by Hiccup.
When I ran out that's when I saw her, blasting fire beside Toothless.
I smiled and tried to run to her before getting grabbed and tossed to the ground.
It was that same girl I saw earlier!
This time I smirked up at her, "Anytime soon eh? Bit too literally!" Her eyes widened when she realized it was me, I hooked my legs around her torso and flipped her over.
She clasped onto a sword she had and swung it at me, I ducked and hopped off her.
I felt my confidence drop as I realized I had absolutely no weapon to defend myself, "Cloudwhisper!" I shouted for my dragon while dodging her sword.
I was doing good until the sword got too close, time seemed too slow and all I could see was the blade about to stab me. I felt my heart drop when a white flash intercepted the blade. "NO!" I screamed as time moved faster again, "NO!" I wailed again, my head back as I did. The fight stopped as my wails were heard, "Cloudwhisper! you ca-can't be-be.." I couldn't bring myself to say it. All I did was slowly stare up at her, "You will pay for this!" I spat at her, "You could've hurt me! But No! NOT MY DRAGON!" I was about to leap at her, but arms gripped my hips, keeping me from hurting her.
"Let me go!" I yelled in pain, "she hurt my dragon!" That's when I started sobbing and I leaned back.
Of course, Hiccup was there, holding me, "Y/n your hurt and not thinking straight. Fishlegs and Astrid are doing all they can, we're going back to the Edge to treat her. On the way back you can ride with me and Toothless, ok?" He whispered to me, somehow it was comforting, knowing someone was there for me.

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