Zombies 5

By Meloetta246

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*Sequel to Zombies 4* It's been two years since graduation and just as everyone is settling into their colleg... More

A Look at Our Lives
College Life
What Happens at Z-Tech, Stays at Z-Tech
The Championship Game
Such a Familiar Gleam
An Unwelcome Guest
Walk in the Woods
A Not-So-Warm Welcome
Old Ways, New Tricks
A Step Forward
Descendants News!
Once Upon a Dream
Solving Riddles
Come Home
Zombies 3 is Coming 2022!
The Painful Truth
Secret Sibling
Look to the Past
More Than Meets The Eye
Family Ties
What Hurts The Most
Different Kinds of Love
The Start of Something New (Epilogue)
Coming June 16....

And Found

921 22 25
By Meloetta246

Wynter had been tracking Walker's trail through the forest for an hour with little success. Though she felt she was getting closer, after tracking him through several areas of thick underbrush and across two small creeks, his scent was growing faint and his tracks were becoming harder to locate amongst the debri littering the forest floor.

Despite the growing difficulty of tracking Walker, one thing stood out to Wynter, she could smell that Wren was with him, but there was only one set of tracks. The size of the tracks also told her Walker had made them, but if Wren wasn't walking with him, that meant he was carrying her.

Wynter's stomach turned as that thought settled into her mind. If Walker was carrying his sister that could mean Wren was hurt. If that was the case, she needed to find them fast.

Wynter pushed through another patch of thick underbrush and found herself in a large clearing. She looked around and a strange sense of familiarity overcame her. She knew this place.

Wynter walked further into the clearing and that's when she saw it, a bare patch of wood with no bark on an old, dead oak tree. Wynter walked over to the tree and ran her fingers across the faded markings, three paw prints with initials carved into the center of each one, W.L.L. (Willa Lennox Lykensen), W.D.L. (Wyatt Dale Lykensen), and W.S.B. (Wynter Sage Barkowitz).

She remembered when they did this. It had been years ago, back when they were just pups themeselves, romping through the forest.

"Willa! Wyatt! Wait up!" 10 year old Wynter cried, running after them through the forest. It was a cloudy day so the forest was darker than usual, making it harder for her to keep track of her playmates. "You're going too fast!"

"Or maybe you're just going too slow!" 10 year old Wyatt called back over his shoulder as he continued to run. "You're gonna have to learn to keep up!"

"Yeah!" 10 year old Willa agreed, peering over her shoulder as she ran. "Hurry it up! We're almost there!"

Wynter groaned but continued to run after them. The two ran into a clearing then stopped at its edge. Wynter grinned and used the opportunity to get ahead of them, laughing as she ran past. "Who are the slowpokes now!?"

Willa's eyes widened as Wynter ran further into the clearing. "Wynter stop!"

Wyatt waved his arms for her to stop. "Come back!"

Wynter ignored their pleas and continued to run. Suddenly, her foot got caught and she fell forward, her ankle twisting as she hit the ground with a loud thud.


"Wynter!" Willa and Wyatt cried as they rushed to her side.

Willa dropped down on her knees beside Wynter as Wyatt kneeled beside her foot which was caught between two rocks that were poking out of the ground.

Wyatt grabbed Wynter's ankle to free it, only have Wynter jerk away in response.

"Don't touch it!" Wynter cried. "It hurts!"

"I know it hurts." Wyatt replied sympathetically. "But we have to get you unstuck. It'll only take a second. Just hold on."

Wyatt slipped one hand under her knee and the other under her heel before quickly lifting up on her leg, freeing it from the rocks. Wynter yelped in pain, sending a set of fresh tears down her cheeks as Wyatt laid her leg gently back down on the ground.

"Better?" Wyatt asked gently.

Wynter nodded, choking back a sob. It felt better to not have the pressure of the rocks against her ankle, but it still hurt. Alot.

Willa wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "You're gonna be okay. We'll get you back to the den and the elders will know what to do."

Wyatt nodded in agreement as he stood up and walked around them, studying the ground. When he got close enough, Willa grabbed his arm. "What are you doing?"

"Look at the rocks Willa." Wyatf replied, pointing at the rocks that had caught Wynter's ankle then several more nearby. "They're all the way around us, forming a circle like the fire pit at the den."

Willa looked around and realized he was right. These rocks weren't naturally scattered about, they were purposely placed to form a ring.

"You're right." Willa admitted. "But why would there be a fire ring here?"

Wyatt pondered her question before speaking. "Didn't mom say the other wolf pack passes through sometimes? Could they have made it?"

"Maybe." Willa admitted. "If they did, it isn't safe to be here. We don't know how they'll react to us being in their territory. We should go."

"What about Wynter?" Wyatt reminded her. "She's hurt. She can't walk back to the den like this."

Willa opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by a loud rumble in the distance. She looked up at the sky and noticed the clouds had grown darker. The rumble echoed again in the distance.

Wynter whimpered and moved closer to Willa. "Not a storm, not now."

"What do we do?" Wyatt asked. "We'll never make it back to the den before the storm hits."

Willa nodded. "I know. We'll have to find shelter until it passes. When it's safe one of us can go get help while the other stays with Wynter."

"Alright." Wyatt agreed. "But where? We're in the middle of the forest."

Willa looked at the rocks then back at Wyatt. "If the other pack did make this fire pit, that means they probably have a den nearby. We'll stay there."

"But you just said it was too dangerous to stay here!" Wynter yelped. "What if they're home?"

Willa gathered as much confidence as she could before meeting Wynter's gaze. "The storm is moving fast. We'll just have to hope they aren't home or if they are, that they take pity on us."

Wynter nodded solemnly and Willa stood up. "Come on Wyatt, help me get her up. We need to get moving."

The two of them helped Wynter stand on her one good leg then attempted to put her arms around their shoulders, only to realize that Wynter's short stature made it impossible for her to hold onto them properly.

"I have a better idea." Wyatt replied. "Hold onto Wynter for a second."

Willa supported Wynter as Wyatt crouched down in front of her.

"Wrap your arms around my neck. I'll grab your legs and carry you." Wyatt explained.

Wynter stared at him uncertainly. "Are you sure? What if I'm too heavy and you lose your grip? I don't want to fall again."

"Wynter, I won't let you fall." Wyatt promised. "I'm not going to let go of you no matter what."

"Okay." Wynter agreed, leaning forward to wrap her arms around his neck.

Wyatt wrapped his arms around her knees and lifted her up as he stood. Wynter gripped him tightly as he took a few steps forward.

"Are you okay?" Wyatt asked. "I'm not hurting you am I?"

"I'm okay." Wynter replied, gripping him tighter as another rumble of thunder echoed across the sky. "Let's just get out of here."

Wyatt nodded and began to follow Willa as she lead the way. She had found a worn trail in the dirt leading away from the fire pit and figured it was their best chance to find the other pack's den. She had only just begun to learn how to track from her mother, but she knew paths worn into the ground meant they were used frequently.

Rain drops had begun to fall when Willa spotted the familiar outline of a cave up ahead. That had to be the den. She turned around pointed it out to Wyatt. "Over there! We found it!"

Wyatt nodded and the two made a run for it, making it inside just before the rain began to fall in sheets. The thunder echoed through the cave and the first flashes of lightning lit up the sky, illuminating the inside of the cave.

The three of them sighed in relief as they realized they were alone. The den was deserted. They were safe.

Willa sat down beside Wynter and took a deep breath. "How's your ankle?"

"It still really hurts." Wynter admitted.

Willa gingerly pulled up Wynter's pants leg to get a better look. Her ankle was swollen and had a bluish purple discoloration to it.

"Ouch." Willa grimaced. "That doesn't look good."

Wyatt peered over at Wynter's ankle then nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's definately bad."

Wynter looked down at her ankle and sniffled. "I'm sorry. I should have stopped when you told me too. It's my fault we're stuck here."

Willa and Wyatt sat on either side of her, wrapping their arms around her shoulders.

"Its okay Wynter." Willa reassured her. "We're together and we're safe, that's what matters right?"

"Yeah." Wyatt agreed. "Willa's right, as long as we have eachother there's nothing we can't do."

Wynter flashed them a small smile. "Thanks guys."

Willa and Wyatt nodded and the three of them huddled together as they watched the storm rage on outside the cave. Despite the pounding rain and thunder, the three of them drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the day's events.


"Willa! Wyatt! Wynter! Where are you!" A voice echoed through the trees.

"Mom?" Willa stirred and opened her eyes. She looked around as the voice came again.

"Willa! Wyatt! Wynter! Where are you!"

"Mom!" Willa shouted, jumping up and waking Wynter and Wyatt in the process as she ran out of the den. "Mom! We're here! Over here!"

The brush rustled as Alpha Wylda came running through the trees. She spotted Willa and immediately rushed to her, gathering her daughter in her arms and kissing the top of her head. "Oh my sweet pup, I was so worried. Are you alright? Where's your brother and Wynter?"

"Right here mom." Wyatt replied, helping Wynter sit on a rock outside the den before rushing over to give his mom a hug.

"My boy." Wylda hugged him tightly and kissed his head as well before letting him go. "We've all been so worried. You we're gone all night and then that dreadful storm came through. Trees are down all over the forest. I was worried you might be hurt, or worse."

"We're okay mom." Willa replied. "But Wynter hurt her ankle. That's why we rode out the storm here. We couldn't make it home with Wynter being unable to walk."

Wylda walked over and Wynter pointed out her hurt ankle so she could examine it. The Alpha took her time examining the injury before standing up. "Its not broken, but it is a bad sprain. We'll have it looked at more closely back at the den."

They all nodded as Wylda picked up Wynter in her arms. "Come on pups, let's go home."

They followed Wylda back through the forest, soon finding themselves back in the clearing where Wynter got hurt.

"Look!" Willa gasped, pointing to a tree at the edge of the clearing. Its wood was dark and patches of it had been ripped off and scatted about the clearing.

Wylda walked over and touched the tree with her bare hand. "Its been struck by lightning. The electricity blew its bark right off."

Willa reached in her boot and pulled out the small hunting knife her mother had given her. "Let's carve our initials into it. So we can come back and remember our adventure."

Wyatt nodded then turned to his mom. "Can we?"

Wylda nodded. "Go ahead, the tree is dying anyway. Just be careful."

One by one they each carved their initials into the tree. When they were done, Wylda took the knife and carved the paw prints around them before giving it back to Willa. The tree had a knew purpose now. It was now a small piece of their history. A reminder of a night they'd never forget.


A bird chirped loudly overhead, snapping Wynter from her thoughts. She ran her fingers over the carvings once more as an idea struck her. The old wolf den. It did belong to the Lupus anyway. Maybe that's where Walker and Wren had gone. Without a second thought, Wynter took off running through the trees.

Wynter followed the familiar worn path and it wasn't long before she heard a familiar voice in the distance.

"I said not to follow me!" Walker's voice rang out angrily through the trees. "Why do you have to be so stubborn!?"

Wynter didn't here a reply but continued sneaking closer as Walker continued to rant.

"Don't look at me like that!" Walker growled. "I had to leave! It was the only way to protect you guys and the pack! Why can't you understand that!?"

Wynter peered through the trees and saw Walker standing in the entrance of the den. Nearby, Wade was sitting on a rock watching Walker as he fussed, not saying a word.

Walker realized Wade wasn't going to leave and sighed. "Fine. You want to stay? Stay. But you aren't coming in this den, ever."

Wynter didn't understand why Walker was so agitated. She also didn't see Wren, which worried her. Something was very wrong.

Wynter knew that getting in the way of an angry wolf was a bad idea, but she knew she had to get answers. Taking a deep breath she emerged from the brush and waved as she made her presence known. "Hello boys."

Author's Note

My phone is dying. Hope you enjoy the chapter.


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