Burn to flame and Reborn from...

By kanzakiciel

1.1M 33.6K 7.9K

Harry Potter. The Boy-Who-Lived, Hero of the Wizarding World, Master of Death. He was loyal to his friends. H... More

Chapter 1:"Betrayal!" [✔ ]
Chapter 2:"Travel back to Past..." [✔]
Chapter 3:"Black Manor" [✔]
Chapter 4:"Diagon Alley" [✓]
Chapter 5:"Hogwart"
Chapter 7: "Deal with Dark Lord" [✔]
Chapter 8:"Chamber of Secrets"
Chapter 9:"Begin of War"
Chapter 10:"Past and Truth!"
Chapter 11:"Malfoy Ball"
Chapter 12:"Revival..."
Chapter 13:"Marvollo Lannister Gaunt"
Chapter 14:"Twin..."
Chapter 15:"End of 1st Year
Chapter 16:"The Explosion of Truth"
Chapter 17:"Neville Birthday Party"
Chapter 18:"Little Hope"
Chapter 19:"Lord Gaunt is existed?!"
Chapter 20:"Second Year"
Chapter 21:"7th Horcrux"
Chapter 22:"End of Gilderoy Lockhart"
Chapter 23:"Heritance Reveal!"
Chapter 24:"Gratitude Feeling"
Chapter 25:Valentine"
Chapter 26:"Lost and found.."
Chapter 27:End of 2nd Year
Chapter 28:"3rd Year"
Chapter 29:"Bellatrix Lestrange"
Chapter 30:"Foreign Student"
Chapter 31:"Hogwart Ball"
Chapter 32:"End of the 4th Year"
Chapter 33:"5th Year!"
Chapter 34:"First step to Orphanage"
Chapter 35: Incoming Blizzard
Chapter 36: "The Trial"
Chapter 37: Madness of the Dragon
Chapter 38: Revolution
Chapter 39: "Hail to the Wolf King"
Chapter 40: "New Era"
Chapter 41: Incoming End-Game
Chapter 42: END GAME
Chapter 43: "END GAME II"
Chapter 44: "New Generation! NSFW"

Chapter 6:"Slytherin" [✔]

42.5K 1.3K 207
By kanzakiciel

Severus Snape looks at the first years who lined up. He can see his godson among the students but when he looks at the boy beside his godson he needs to take a double look because the boy was a replica of Lily except his Crimson Hair.

The boy was indeed the Potter Brat but Black?! The boy also walks like a pureblood and the Hall was silent for 5 minute even Prof. McGonagal looks at Dumbledore who has worry in his face, the boy had his eyes closed, He converses with the Hat.

"SLYTHERIN" The hat shout

It was all of his might to not wide eye in jaw drop by the result but unfortunately Dumbledore has an disbelieve in his eyes even the people has a disbelieve but more shocking more the Hat talking to him

"Come visit me sometime..." It say to him

The Boy bow to him politely with soft smile that remind him of Lily and not James Potter and all of the resentfulness disappeared from his mind seeing that smile

"I will..." He say softly walk proudly to the Slytherin table

Severus raised one of his eyebrow looking at his Godson and Potter Brat interact, obviously they're close friend with Draco has a smug expression and the Potter Brat has a fond and amused expression


After the Feast, the prefects bring the 1st year to the Sytherins house. Hadrian stands beside Draco and the password is 'Basilisk'. The Door opens showing a Green and silver color with an underwater view from the window.

"Everything is in Order, sir..." One of the Prefect spoke

"Welcome to Slytherin..." Prof. Snape says and it is like before his low, silky voice is echoed in the room making the students stay silent. It made Hadrian know that he indeed is needed to come back to save the wizarding World.

"I am Professor Severus Snape, Your Head of House and the Potion Master of this School. As a new member of this House there are few rules that you must know and learn to abide by. Outside these walls you will experience prejudice and Discrimination because of your House Selection: The Slytherin House is not seen in a Positive Light. Because of this, all Snakes, within our main Territory, will appear as a United Front. Even if you truly despise a fellow housemate, outside these walls you will allow none of this to show. If you see a fellow Housemate in need of aid, you will help them. This rule is non-negotiable" He look each of them to make sure they understand

"We are Slytherin, and this is the house of Cunning Champions. Should you, perchance, deviate from the written rule: Do. Not. Get. Caught. If you think you might be caught, Have an alibi at your disposal. And if you are Caught, make sure that it's by me" Prof Snape gave them a look that might get them a slow painful death and it almost made him grin.

A True Slytherin!

"The Prejudice you will face, unfortunately, also extends to members of this faculty. They will believe the word of another house over you in a heartbeat. So, if you have any problems, any issues or any concerns, you are free to come and speak to me at any time. My office can be accessed through the Painting of the Stirring Cauldron, and if you are unsure, a Prefect or an Older student will show you the way"

"All the First and Second years are to travel in groups, unless absolutely necessary and your curfew is at 8PM during the week and 9PM on weekends and holidays. I expect the Prefects to Organize and structure study sessions where necessary and see to it that our youngest members are settling and adjusting accordingly. Any Concerns you may have can, of course, be brought to me. Marcus Flint is the Current Captain of Quidditch Captain, any questions of the sport are to be directed to him" Prof. Snape halted regarding them all to understand the meaning of the sword

"Any questions?" He ask

When there was no negative response, he dismissed the Student, Hadrian sighed and walked toward the Bedroom, it was a curtain bed at each of the walls with tables at each other besides.

Hadriana took out his Trunk and use a wandless magic to put all of his clothes into wardrobe

"Say, We haven't met, introduce yourselves..." Hadrian calls to the other 3 roommates, "I'm Hadrian Potter-Black... Pleasure and please call me Hadrian since we're gonna be stuck together..."

"Theodore Nott, Pleasure to meet you Hadrian..." He greet him

"I'm Blaise Zabini, Nice to meet you..." He greet them

"Draco Malfoy, nice to meet you all..." He greet them

"We can call each other using our names since we are going to be together for 7 years..." Hadrian's comment made them agree, "I'm gonna change my clothes and go to bed..."

They went to bed with Hadrian, who lay in the comfy bed with Hogwarts Magic calming him down, making him hear a humming sound that lulled him to sleep


Hadrian woke up in the morning, the sun still has yet to rise , He gave a pulse of Magic to Hogwarts and indeed a warm magic blanketing him making him smile

'Good morning Crown Prince... It's still early for the Crown Prince to wake up...' She say

'It's okay... I got used to waking up early, and I wanted to read a book in the Common Room. A Refreshed Brain is easy to remember, My dear...'

Hadrian goes to the Bathroom to wash his body and face. He sleeps deeply since normally he sleeps late night and wakes early but now he sleeps 21.00 at night and wakes up at 05.00. It makes his eyes open wide with how long he rested.

He wears his uniform clothes except his robe, then he begins to meditate for at least 30 minutes, then he's gonna go read a book. Hadrian finished meditating on the bedroom floor. Hadrian meditated to organize his mind from the bunch of Information that he stored in his mind and to circulate his Magic to make it spread out around Hogwarts.

Hadrian needed to sharpen his senses so he meditated until 30 Minutes later He opened his eyes and turned off the silent alarm from his side. He began to open the book he needed to read until Dracos curtain got pulled open, making him look at him, who yawned.

"Good morning...." Hadrian greet him with amusement

Draco blinked numerous times and frowned, "How long have you been awake?"

"Since 5 in the morning...." Hadrian answer in amusement

"Merlin, it's too early..." Draco sigh

"Go to the bathroom before it is packed by the Students..." Hadrian said, made him nod and got out of the bed.

Hadrian huffed in amusement, He saw Draco come back to the Bedroom with proper clothes on and much more awake thanks to the water he assumed. They fixed their bed silently

"I'm gonna go to the Common Room..." Hadrian say make him nod

He exhales and goes down to the Common Room, He sits in the chair. Hadrian saw Draco go down from the stairs

"What subject do they teach first?" Hadrian ask in curious

"I don't know.. Perhaps Charm or Transfiguration?" Draco comment make him hummed

The sun is rising and the students are gathered around the Common Room, He and Draco stay behind especially Hadriana who stays behind like a Ghost. He rarely speaks to other snakes except for Draco.

The students begin to walk together to the Great Hall for Breakfast. Hadrian sits beside Draco and eats toast in silence while reading a book in silence. He ignored everyone until Prof. Snape gave him the schedule.

"Thank you Professor..." Hadrian say in soft voice

"What are you reading?" Blaise ask in curious

"Barely Legal Dark Ritual Book from Black Mansion Library..." Hadrian say bluntly didn't look up from the word that they can not read

"Barely legal?" Theodore ask in wary

"Yes.. Unfortunately this Book is Illegal in 40 Countries but barely legal in Britain and thankfully Black Ancestor has a permission from the International Council to have this book be kept by Black Library..." Hadrian say without hesitance make them blanched

Everyone knows about the Black Mansion Library, it has a Darkest and most Illegal book that somehow The Black Family managed to attain and how? No one knows. For Sure, no one can open those Books without blood and Magic of The Black Family and it makes the Book stay safer from other Wizards.

The first lesson is Transfiguration Class with Gryffindor, He saw Neville, it made him grin while walking towards him.

"Hey.. How was your night?" Hadrian ask

"Agonizing.. Really, they talked about you sorted into Slytherin and when I thought they finished the discussion, in the morning they discussed it again..." Neville ranted sighing

"Ouch... I pity you" Hadrian say

"Thank Merlin I am in Slytherin..." Draco Comment in relief

"You don't know what happened... Ron is complaining that you joined Slytherin..." Neville comment

"Harry!!" Ron walked to him and shoved Neville away, "Hey!! I'm Ron Weasley..."

"Hello, Weasley..." Hadrian says and with glare, "My name is Hadrian Potter-Black please call me as such..."

"Hey... I'm sure that the Hat put you wrong, there's no way Boy-Who-Live is in Slytherin!" Ron say make the other Slytherin glare at him

"Are you saying that the Hat, which is made by the Founder, is wrong to judge the students? Weasley?" Hadrian drawled in a cold voice, void of emotion made the people stay quiet and perhaps made Prof. Snape Proud, "Did you know that you just insulted the Creation of the Founder?"

"I..I.." Ron face become red flustered

"Also, I didn't wish to befriend you. Please stop pretending to become my Friend..." Hadrian say politely

"You! You Traitor!! You're just a slimy Snake!!!" Ron shout point at him

"What's happened here?" Prof. Snape come to them

"Professor Snape. Weasley has just insulted the Founder Hat. He says that Hat put me in the wrong house, sir." Hadrian said with a tone void of emotion, he narrowed his eyes, "and it is an insult to the Founder, sir..."

Prof. Snape looked at Hadrian then at Weasley, "10 points from Gryffindor..."

They enter the class with Hadrian sitting beside Draco and Neville who decided to sit beside him. It was a Comical scene since Slytherin and Gryffindor sat together. They ignored the looks from other Students especially Hadrian who sat in the middle without prejudice of the House.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, some of you will not appreciate the subtle science and art, which is Potion making" He spoke softly and it make Hadrian to leaned forward absentmindedly flick his finger to copy what he say

"I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, and ensnare the senses. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death"

Hadrian leaned forward hearing Prof. Snape speaking, it was so calming and comforting. He wished that he would become his Uncle, since his mother was his sister in all but in blood.

"Mr. Potter-Black..." Prof. Snape called him to make him stand up in polite, "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion wormwood?"

"Adding powdered root of Asphodel to an infusion of Wormwood would give you a sleeping draught so potent it is known as the Draught of the Living Dead..." Hadrian answer softly

"Would you look if I were asked to bezoar?" Prof. Snape ask again

"To find a bezoar, you would look in the stomach of a Goat, and the stone would save you from the most poison if administered in time..." Hadrian answer again

Prof. Snape stare at him humed, "Correct, 5 Points to Slytherin"

Hadrian bows to him slightly and sits back in his seat ignoring Glaring from Hermione Granger.

"Mr. Longbottom!" Prof. Snape calls him, which makes him yelp and stand up shakily, "What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"T-There no differences between between Monkshood and Wolfsbane, They are the same plant that also know by the name aconite and is a key Ingredient within highly regarded wolfsbane potion: Which allow Werewolf to retain his or her mind during the full moon and was created and developed by you" Neville answer nervously

Prof. Snape stared at Neville in silence until he nodded, "Correct, 5 points to Gryffindor.."

The other Students jaws dropped in surprise that Prof. Snape gave a point to the Gryffindor house with Hadrian who is Amused by Prof. Snape stared at Neville and it was a proof that 'To not Judge a Book by it's Cover.' The class was delightful to Hadrian, He and Neville worked together to make the Potion, with Draco and Blaise teamed up, thankfully there were no accidents except Weasley and Granger who fought until Weasley threw his hands up in the air in anger.

"Well, go on then!" He say threw the ingredients into the Cauldron make it explode

They looked up at the smoky Granger and Weasley, Prof. Snape scolded them more angry at them making Hadrian and Neville shake their heads.

"That was dangerous..." Hadrian comment

"I know, right..." Neville say

"There we're done!" Hadrian say in delight make him nod satisfied that there no accidents in his First Class

"Professor.. We're done, sir..." Neville raised his hand

Prof. Snape goes to their table to inspect the Potion and looks at the boys, "5 points to Slytherin and 5 points to Gryffindor for a perfect Potion..."

"Thank you, sir.." They High-Five silently

"Ah, Professor. After the class, could you spare some time?" Hadrian ask

Prof. Snape narrowed his eyes and nodded then returned to the Front of the class, Hadrian summoned the Will Letter Box and when the class finished. He told Draco to go into the next class that made him nod.

"What do you need, Mr. Potter-Black?" Prof.Snape ask

Hadrian put the small box on the table, "It's a Will Letter from Mother and Father, sir.." He gave 2 letters to him, "I should give you these as soon as possible since they belong to you, sir... I know when i was 8 years old, I ran away from my Abusive Muggle Family and Lord Ragnarok soon showed me this will and my Inheritance, also it is preferred if you check into Gringotts since we don't know how many blocks or compulsions you have, sir..."

"Wait? Block? Compulsion? Abusive Household?" Prof. Snape look up in surprised at him

Hadrian tilted his head snickered, "I can imagine that the Headmaster told you that I lived a Luxurious Life, didn't he?"

"Yes..." Prof. Snape respond drawled

Hadrian smiles sadly close to the box, "I'm fine already, the Goblins gave me a Nutrient Potion from when I was 8 years old until now and they healed my Scar, even though it can not disappear since it was infected. Well, I'm glad that I ran away from that House..." He gives a cold smile that makes Severus shiver, "I never believed in that Old Man who leaves me in the Winter, outside, for the whole night with a bunch of Blocks and Compulsions... also, can you give me a Notice since I am late for the next class..."

Prof. Snape gives the notice to Hadrian who bows to him and looks up at him, "Mother told me to call you 'Uncle Sev' so please read the Will, sir.. And have a good afternoon..."

Hadrian turned on his heel and left the Classroom leaving him alone. Severus read the Letters and took a deep breath to save the letter from both James and Lily. He has a nephew from a Magic-Bond.

He sends a message to Minerva that he needs somewhere to go.



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