Burn to flame and Reborn from...

By kanzakiciel

1M 31.9K 7.6K

Harry Potter. The Boy-Who-Lived, Hero of the Wizarding World, Master of Death. He was loyal to his friends. H... More

Chapter 1:"Betrayal!" [✔ ]
Chapter 3:"Black Manor" [✔]
Chapter 4:"Diagon Alley" [✓]
Chapter 5:"Hogwart"
Chapter 6:"Slytherin" [✔]
Chapter 7: "Deal with Dark Lord" [✔]
Chapter 8:"Chamber of Secrets"
Chapter 9:"Begin of War"
Chapter 10:"Past and Truth!"
Chapter 11:"Malfoy Ball"
Chapter 12:"Revival..."
Chapter 13:"Marvollo Lannister Gaunt"
Chapter 14:"Twin..."
Chapter 15:"End of 1st Year
Chapter 16:"The Explosion of Truth"
Chapter 17:"Neville Birthday Party"
Chapter 18:"Little Hope"
Chapter 19:"Lord Gaunt is existed?!"
Chapter 20:"Second Year"
Chapter 21:"7th Horcrux"
Chapter 22:"End of Gilderoy Lockhart"
Chapter 23:"Heritance Reveal!"
Chapter 24:"Gratitude Feeling"
Chapter 25:Valentine"
Chapter 26:"Lost and found.."
Chapter 27:End of 2nd Year
Chapter 28:"3rd Year"
Chapter 29:"Bellatrix Lestrange"
Chapter 30:"Foreign Student"
Chapter 31:"Hogwart Ball"
Chapter 32:"End of the 4th Year"
Chapter 33:"5th Year!"
Chapter 34:"First step to Orphanage"
Chapter 35: Incoming Blizzard
Chapter 36: "The Trial"
Chapter 37: Madness of the Dragon
Chapter 38: Revolution
Chapter 39: "Hail to the Wolf King"
Chapter 40: "New Era"
Chapter 41: Incoming End-Game
Chapter 42: END GAME
Chapter 43: "END GAME II"
Chapter 44: "New Generation! NSFW"

Chapter 2:"Travel back to Past..." [✔]

46K 1.4K 562
By kanzakiciel

Harry entered Ragnok's office and sat down across from him sighing. Lord Ragnarok looked at the crown prince observing the power rolling off of him reflecting the blood of Merlin and the Royal family.

"Is there any will from my parents?" Harry asked.

"Yes, Harry..." Lord Ragnarok gave him 3 letters.

"I will read them when I go back home..." Harry says and then remembers, "Ah... Also, Ragnok. Take some money from my Vault as a tip and as an apology for the incident with the dragon please..."

Lord Ragnarok's eyes widened in surprise and nodded to him, "As you wish, Harry..."

"Once again, I'm truly sorry about the incident with the Dragon and apologize to the Goblin Nation for trying to break into Gringotts..." Harry said apologizing once more and bowing to him.

"You're forgiven... The Goblin Nation will stand alongside you Harry. You are the Crown Prince of the Britain Wizarding Throne and it is our duty to protect the Royal Family..." Lord Ragnarok said.

"Then we shall become friends..." Harry said firmly as he stood up,"Thank you my friend... may your Vault overflow and your enemies cower at your feet..."

Lord Ragnarok give him a grin showing his sharp teeth satisfied by his sendoff,"May your gold flow like a river and your enemy flee before you."

Harry went back to the Grimmauld Place only to be stopped by Hermione and Ron talking in front of the shop which made him curious so he decided to stop and listen in on their conversation.

"How did he manage to live? Dumbledore said he was gonna die in the war with those Blocking Charms!" Ron whined making Harry clench his hand to keep silent.

"I know! That's why we brewed the Obedience Potion so he remains obedient to us so we can get our wishes! Imagine how many books he has! Imagine how much money he can give to us!" Hermione said in a gleeful tone.

"I know! With this Potion, we can become rich and famous!" Ron says joyfully.

Harry apparated away from the shop and went to Grimmauld Place, where he unleashed the anger out until he was panting and slumped on the sofa. Harry sat on the couch, his throat kept constricting allowing little air to enter his lungs. He was sobbing tearlessly, if this kept this up he would certainly cry so he calmed himself and focused on his parents' letters. While Harry didn't cry the fury in his heart was immeasurable.' He clenched the letters, it was clear his parents told him to not trust Dumbledore and his 'light'.

He has no doubt that Severus was also a victim and it made him feel exhausted, Harry leaned back and drank warm tea to ease his throat. He wondered how to call Death since he was the Master of Death.

"Death?" Harry called to no one making him snicker, there's no way that just asking out loud de- he was yanked out of his thoughts when he heard a flap of wing feathers.

"You called, Master?" A genderless voice with a void of emotion called out making him yelp.
Harry noticed a black shadow surrounding the person who was wearing a black cloak, he couldn't see anything except darkness and silver eyes glinting like spotlights in the night.

"You are Death..." Harry said breathlessly as he sat in stunned silence until he blinked back into reality, "Uh. Hello, I guess. Finally, we meet... I'm your Master, apparently..."

"Yes... You are my Master..." Death drawled making Harry nod, "What makes you call me out Master?"

"I want to know about what happened.." Harry says in a determined voice.

"Oh?" Death asks in intrigued. If Harry can see its Appearance perhaps it looks like a Cat, tilting its head with a Cheshire grin

"What happened to Tom Riddle?" Harry asked after he took a deep breath.

"His soul is scattered away Master... He can not stay or Rest In Peace. Tom Riddle is a victim, the same as you, he was a scapegoat used by Albus Dumbledore. He is your King. Soulmates can not live without each other." Death explained.

"I- Can you explain..." Harry says in a questionable tone.

"Yes, Master... Tom Riddle is a Pure-Blood, the Slytherin, and Ravenclaw heir. He was a charming man and he wanted to change the Wizarding World to its former glory. Embracing the old Holliday's once more changing Christmas to Yule, And Halloween to Samhain. He wanted to change the world he embraced as his home. Albus Dumbledore who saw it felt threatened by his power and knowledge so he plot against him to become the next Dark Lord, the people began to shun him except his followers. Albus Dumbledore was the one who commanded Slughorn to tell Tom Riddle about Horcruxes, Slughorn couldn't do anything except obey him since Albus Dumbledore had lots of power and the fact that everyone believed in him. Tom Riddle didn't know the consequence but Albus Dumbledore did and the little bit of sanity he had slipped away with that first Horcrux..."

"And Voldemort was born..." Harry said, finishing Death's sentence in his hand then he blinks when heard something wrong from his Knowledge, "Wait, Wait, Pure-Blood? I thought he was Half-Blood?!"

Death smirking inside the darkness and for some reason, Harry can sense the Michievous in it Silver Eyes as he purred, "What the fun for I to answer that, Master~"

 Harry sigh took a deep breath, balled into a fist then unclenched and took a deep breath, "I dream about him... Voldemort and Tom Riddle, they are different people."

"Yes, master... They're different people..." Death responded.

"Every night I dream about those crimson eyes," Harry admitted, looking down.

"Yes, Master, the Longing of the Soulmate is painful indeed..." Death informed him.

"Everything he said was a lie... I have no doubt that the prophecy that began this madness was also fake..." Harry said, rubbing his face up and down with his hand.

"Yes, Master... That prophecy was indeed Fake..." Deaths words trailed off making Harry's head snapped up.

"What?" He asks in disbelief.

"There was no such prophecy, It was Albus Dumbledore's plan to let Sybill Trelawney have another interview in the Pub. It was because of this a Death Eater heard of it, also" he said pausing dramatically, "It was Albus Dumbledore's spell to control Sybill Trelawney that produced the fake prophecy..."

"What was the prophecy?" Harry asks with dread in his stomach

"The one with the power to stand along the Dark Lord approaches. Born as the seventh month dies, the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal.

Heir of the Serpent and Eagle will stand beside Heir of the Lion and Badger who will become a King...

He who stands and is marked by the lost one will bring back the former glory of the Wizarding World and the Long Lost Forgotten Britain Royal Magical family will return...

The Kings who are destined to bring back the Wizarding World to its former glory will be blessed by the Lady Magic Herself...

Either must not die at the hand of others for neither can live without the other by their side...

He is stronger than any Wizard since Merlin to defend his Kingdom from any threat using his brilliant mind and He who is gentle like Mother Magic herself with the courage and wisdom to protect the Innocent...

At last, the peace of the Wizarding world will come under their Reign..."

"That was..." Harry groaned, then slumped on the couch in defeat.

Everything was a lie. Everything was a fabricated lie to control and destroy him. Harry never felt this kind of betrayal in his life and it burned as tears streamed down his cheeks like rivers; it felt like the world was opposing him. He killed his own soulmate and the people who he thought as friends only backstabbed him.

"Death..." Harry calls out.

"Yes, Master?" Death replied swiftly.

"What should I do?" Harry asked. He looked down at the floor through the gaps in his fingers.

"You have 3 choices, Master... " Death says making Harry look up at Death with hope blooming in his eyes, "First, you can go back to the moment Voldemort killed your parents, or go back to when you were 8 years old and finally you could go back to when you had received your Hogwart letter."

"Go back? I can travel back in time?" Harry asked in a hopeful tone.

"Indeed. You will merge with your past soul..." Death informed him.

"But, what about the Block?" Harry asked.

"Unfortunately Master, you need to go back to the goblins to remove them once more..." Death informed him.

"What about Tom?" Harry asks in worried and concern

"You would need to find all of the Horcrux so I can bring back his sanity, the faster the better..." Death says.

"8 years... Please transfer me back to my 8-year-old body..." Harry demanded in a determined voice.

"Deal..." Death said.

"I need to tell Ragnarok about this..." Harry said standing up and walking toward the door.

Death disappeared swiftly into the darkness as Harry walked away and went to Gringotts to tell Ragnarok about this. When he did, Ragnarok agreed for him to travel back in time.

"It's a pity that you won't remember me when I travelled back, my friend..." Harry said in a sad voice.

Ragnarok gave a great toothy grin, "Goblin Magic is different, Harry..."

Harry let out a sigh of relief knowing he would have an ally in his journey back. He went back to Grimmauld Place sad as he thought of Hermione and Ron and when they went on their epic adventures together. Harry stood in the Study room and looked out the window taking in the scenery.

"Are you ready, Master?" Death asked, appearing beside Harry.

"Yes." Harry said in a firm voice with a sharp nod.

Harry could feel a coldness surrounding his body as if the ice was engulfing him until a warm feeling started to overwhelm the cold and surround him when he felt as if someone brushed his cheek like a mother to her child. Before losing consciousness he heard a woman's gentle voice speak into his ear.

"Please bring back the Glory of the British wizarding world, My heir..."


Harry opened his eyes and the first thing he noticed is the darkness that made him frown, he looked around and finally realized that he is back at number 4 Privet Drive, the Dursley's Home. Harry looked around wanting to see how much things changed, he looked down at his body and indeed he was 8 years old once more which made him exhale in relief.

'It worked! It really worked! ' Harry thought in delight.

'Of course, it worked!'

' Death! You can connect to my mind?!' Harry's eyes widened.

'Of course, I can Master! You are Master of Death, after all, we're connected...' Death informed him to which Harry hummed in response.

'I need to get out from this hell hole... Can you look around? Are there any Wizards who are looking after me?' Harry asks in caution, he can not let the Spy from Dumbledore notice about him to use Magic.

'There's no such thing... ' Death informed making him freeze, 'There is no one who checks up on you, Master... There are no Blood Wards there are only Protection Charms around the house.'

'No way' Harry said excitedly, he gasped, 'Then I can do wandless Magic without being found out!.' Harry says in an even more excited tone.

'Yes... ' Death says in amusement

Harry stiffened when Aunt Petunia's footsteps come down from the stairs, and not long after a loud banging noise from his door followed by her shouting to him that he needed to make breakfast. Harry sighs and gets out from the cupboard and makes a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast for everyone else, but himself.

After breakfast, Vernon went to work while Dudley went out to terrorize the neighbourhood and Aunt Petunia left to shower, Harry had no belongings to take with him. He decided to write his aunt a note as a final goodbye.

Aunt Petunia...

I've decided to go away from this house. I will send you Money as payment because I stayed under your roof.

Harry Potter

Harry took some money for the bus from his aunt's wallet to take a bus to the Leaky Cauldron and a well-fitting outfit. He bought some simple jeans and a button-up t-shirt, he also purchased a jacket and a cap to hide his scar.

He rode the bus for about an hour until he arrived at the Leaky Cauldron, Harry adjusted his cap as he went to the Bartender who he remembered as Tom.

"Can you show me the way to Diagon Alley?" Harry asks.

"Follow me," Tom gestured for him to follow him to the backdoor and opened it, "Have fun..."

"Thank you," and Harry entered Diagon Alley.

He could see a lot of children and the wizards gathered around, making him feel a little nostalgic. Harry shook his head to get rid of those thoughts and went straight to the Gringotts heading for the first free Teller he could find.

"Greeting, may your vault overflow and your enemies cower at your feet. I'm Harry Potter and I want to meet with Lord Ragnarok if the Master Goblin doesn't mind," Harry says bowing to the goblin making the goblin surprised.

"Greetings young wizard. May your gold flow like a river and your enemy flee before you. Please Follow me." The Master Goblin says, leading him to Lord Ragnarok.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me what your name is, Master Goblin?" Harry asks politely.

"I'm called Whitefang, Mister Potter," Whitefang replied, introducing himself.

They arrived at Lord Ragnarok's office, who stood up immediately when he saw Harry and gestured for him to sit down.

"Greetings, my friend.." Lord Ragnarok greeted Harry.

Harry exhaled in relief fearing that what he said before about goblin magic being fake, "Greetings, my friend."

"What do you want to do first?" Lord Ragnarok asked.

"The Inheritance Test and to clean all the blocks from my body. Also, When can I take my titles?" Harry asked.

"You can take the ring but it will be an Heir Ring except for Potter, Pendragon, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Emrys" Ragnarok explained to him.

"Good, I want to take the test and take the rings," Harry said after a few seconds of thinking.

The Test and the results were the same as before, Harry, no, Hadrian brought the rings to his finger and the moment the rings touched his hand, they disappeared. The only thing that remained was a Dragon ring. He looked up at his goblin friend and looked at him with a questioning look.

"The rings know you didn't want to show them so they have hidden from people's eyes." He informed him.

Hadrian hummed, "And my name... It was Hadrian Lilian Potter-Black, right? I want everything that had Harry Potter changed to Hadrian Lilian Potter-Black. Please inform them about this. Everything that is written as Harry Potter is not me."

Lord Ragnarok gives a predator grin, "Of course..."

"Thank you, my friend... Now let's clean these Block off..." Hadrian said standing up and stretching his arms.

He went to the Ritual Chamber and indeed it was the same pain except for some reason it was not as painful as before. Hadrian could hear a melodic humming, a gentle woman's voice trying to make him calm. He could feel his blood boiling in his veins making him wheeze out but with the gentle brushing of fingers in his hair, all the pain was gone.

Hadrian woke up with a warm feeling like Magic itself engulfed him in a warm blanket. Ragnarok told him he had been passed out for 1 hour which he grunted in response to. He looked in the mirror and it made his eyes widened, his reflection was different from before, so different.

He had wavy shoulder length raven black hair but there was a bit of crimson when the light shines upon it. He had a soft heart-shaped face, and soft cherry-coloured lips, and a small nose. His eyes shone like an emerald but this time there was silver that danced around his iris that made him frown.

"Silver in the eyes is a sign that you are of British Wizard Royal Blood and carry the blood of Merlin himself." Ragnarok informed him.

Hadrian looked at his body structure, it was more feminine and slender, He had milky white skin as if the sun never touched it. He just hummed in response and followed Ragnarok back to his Office.

"You know much about Royal Wizards. Can you tell me more about it?" Harry asked.

"Yes, 500 years ago, the Wizarding World was ruled by the royal family. It was ruled by a man named King Arthur Pendragon along with Merlin Emrys and Morgana Le Fay. King Arthur ruled the Muggle World with Merlin and Morgana ruled the British Wizarding world. Merlin knew that the Royal Line was going to lose everything he gave a blessing to four people. Godric Gryffindor for his bravery and courageousness, Salazar Slytherin for his brilliant mind of tactical abilities, Rowena Ravenclaw for her knowledge and helping Salazar Slytherin, Helga Hufflepuff for her wisdom and peaceful nature."

"The four of them ruled the Britain Wizarding World but, the moment the Royal Line was lost they made Hogwarts teach young wizards like yourself.."

"How did the Goblin Nation have such a close relationship with the Royal Family?" Hadrian asked.

"The royal family's ancestor's and Goblin Nations Ancestors are Sworn Brothers. They protect each other and even now the Goblin Nation still protects the Royal Line. As a symbol of our friendship. Every crown prince at age of 18 is to be crowned. The Goblin Nation gives him a sword made personally by the Lord of Goblin's it is I who made the sword for you, Hadrian..."

"Me?" Hadrian points at himself.

"Yes, when you are 18 years old you will be crowned by the Lord of the Goblin Nation and that is I. The Goblin Nation will give you a Sword as a sign of the friendship, and of course, your mate will also get crowned along with you." Ragnarok informed him.

"Okay..." Hadrian drawled blinking slowly, "Okay. I understand now."

Ragnarok talked more about his duty as the crown prince and as Lord of the house until the sun has set. He goes to the Black Manor but before that he transferred some money to the Dursley bank account.






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