Burn to flame and Reborn from...

By kanzakiciel

1.1M 33.6K 7.9K

Harry Potter. The Boy-Who-Lived, Hero of the Wizarding World, Master of Death. He was loyal to his friends. H... More

Chapter 2:"Travel back to Past..." [✔]
Chapter 3:"Black Manor" [✔]
Chapter 4:"Diagon Alley" [✓]
Chapter 5:"Hogwart"
Chapter 6:"Slytherin" [✔]
Chapter 7: "Deal with Dark Lord" [✔]
Chapter 8:"Chamber of Secrets"
Chapter 9:"Begin of War"
Chapter 10:"Past and Truth!"
Chapter 11:"Malfoy Ball"
Chapter 12:"Revival..."
Chapter 13:"Marvollo Lannister Gaunt"
Chapter 14:"Twin..."
Chapter 15:"End of 1st Year
Chapter 16:"The Explosion of Truth"
Chapter 17:"Neville Birthday Party"
Chapter 18:"Little Hope"
Chapter 19:"Lord Gaunt is existed?!"
Chapter 20:"Second Year"
Chapter 21:"7th Horcrux"
Chapter 22:"End of Gilderoy Lockhart"
Chapter 23:"Heritance Reveal!"
Chapter 24:"Gratitude Feeling"
Chapter 25:Valentine"
Chapter 26:"Lost and found.."
Chapter 27:End of 2nd Year
Chapter 28:"3rd Year"
Chapter 29:"Bellatrix Lestrange"
Chapter 30:"Foreign Student"
Chapter 31:"Hogwart Ball"
Chapter 32:"End of the 4th Year"
Chapter 33:"5th Year!"
Chapter 34:"First step to Orphanage"
Chapter 35: Incoming Blizzard
Chapter 36: "The Trial"
Chapter 37: Madness of the Dragon
Chapter 38: Revolution
Chapter 39: "Hail to the Wolf King"
Chapter 40: "New Era"
Chapter 41: Incoming End-Game
Chapter 42: END GAME
Chapter 43: "END GAME II"
Chapter 44: "New Generation! NSFW"

Chapter 1:"Betrayal!" [✔ ]

76K 1.5K 1.3K
By kanzakiciel

Harry Potter knew he had a temper, that became clear after the war with Voldemort. He was angry when his friends got hurt, and he was angry when that snake dared to besmirch the memory of his parents, but now he is furious.

The source of this anger began when he got a letter from Gringotts, It was already a few months after the war, Harry is now 18 years old, and he can sense something in his soul is missing. His magic is in agony, he can feel it. It feels like half of his soul has been taken away. At first, he had thought it was survivor's guilt since so many had died in the warfighting Voldemort, but that doesn't really seem to be the issue, at least not the whole one.

Harry drifted around aimlessly, with no real purpose, mostly living in 12 Grimmauld Place or in the Burrow, though he rarely went to the Burrow except when he felt up to accepting one of the Weasleys' many invitations. Harry generally spent his days in the Black Library. Even though he'd never been much of a reader, after the war it was one of the few things he could do that didn't instantly remind him of those he'd lost. The Black family library was legendary amongst the pureblood families of Wizarding Britain, and for good reason. There was nothing that one could not find hidden in its towering dusty shelves.

During one of Harry's periods of introspection as he's curled up in one of the library's armchairs, he had come to the realization that he didn't love Ginny anymore. For the first month after the war, they'd tried , but it was like neither of them knew how to return to the people they'd been, the ones who had fit so perfectly with each other back in fifth year. It was as if, with the removal of Voldemort's Horcrux, the puzzle piece that was Harry had lost one of its connections, and he and Ginny had realized that they belonged to totally different puzzles now.

This was about the time when Harry started avoiding social interaction, when he started to sink deeper and deeper into himself, and started to spend most of his waking hours in the library at 12 Grimmauld place sleep restless, disturbed by dreams of the fallen, of Tonks, Lupin, Lavender Brown, and of Colin Creevey. He may not have liked Colin in life, but he was still just a child. Fighting in a war. Children should never be involved in war.

Over the parade of death and madness in his nightmares, suspended in the dust-choked sky above the Battle of Hogwarts, a crimson eye always gleams, looking all too familiar from that night in the woods. It enraged Harry that even as the others fade from his dreams, turning into wisps as their features get more and more blurred with memory, the crimson eye of Lord Voldemort glows ever brighter over the hellish landscape. He is gone– dead and gone– like all of the others, and yet he remains. Tortured by his dreams and spending all of his waking hours in the Black family library, the world spins around, but Harry stays still, not allowing himself to move forwards in time.

One day, Harry hears a faint tapping on the window from his armchair in the library– itself an unusual occurrence, since he hardly ever gets letters anymore, his friends moving on without him. He rises wearily from his seat, with the weight of one who has carried the world on his shoulders, and opens the window to allow the owl entry. Snatching the letter from the owl, he looks at the envelope.

Gringotts Wizarding Bank

614 Diagon Alley, London, UK

Urgent Mail

Harry raises an eyebrow, all sleepiness gone. Well, this should prove interesting , he thought to himself as he sank onto the nearest couch, already opening the envelope.


Harry scanned the letter from Gringotts again, just to make sure he hadn't missed anything. Judging from the contents, it was quite the emergency.

Dear Lord H.J. Potter,

We at Gringotts would like to sincerely apologize to you for our unacceptable handling of your accounts and our failure at guarding your account from thieves.

More information will be forthcoming if you come to sort everything out with us in person. This would be our preferred method of communication, as it is both confidential and allows us to quickly eliminate any misunderstandings. We are adding this letter to your account statement from last year.

We request your presence in our bank at the earliest convenience.

May your gold always grow and your magic flow.

Head Goblin of Gringotts Bank Diagon Alley branch ,

Lord Ragnarok

Harry sighed, it wasn't like he had anything else he was doing, so he pulled his invisibility cloak on and Apparated to Diagon Alley with a sharp crack. Without further ado, Harry strode to the large marble building that towered over the rest of the alley. As he rushed along, he started having second thoughts. It was hard to believe that the Gringotts goblins wouldn't be hostile towards him after he'd punched a large hole through their roof. Harry supposed technically it was the dragon who'd punched the hole through the roof, but he didn't think the goblins would appreciate such technicalities.

He pulled the cloak tighter around him, acutely thankful for his invisibility. Despite having totally faded from the public eye, he still attracted gawkers whenever he wasn't invisible. This had not been helped by his decision to break up with Ginny- they'd been hailed as each others' "true love" in the newspapers after the war, and news of their separation had been a field day for those same newspapers.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Harry goes up the steps into Gringotts, pausing only for a moment to appreciate the imposing facade that had so awed him seven years earlier. As he stepped into the lobby, he pulled off his invisibility cloak theatrically, feeling slightly silly when he realized that the only person there besides the goblins. It appeared that today was not a particularly busy day for Gringotts Wizarding Bank. Harry walked over to the teller and showed him the letter. In a flash, the teller guides him over to a nearby office and told him to have a seat on the sofa. Besides the sofa, the office contained a elegant leather chair and a table with another goblin behind the desk, who immediately stood up when he saw Harry in the doorway..

"Ahh... good afternoon, Lord Potter. Please sit we're very sorry for our unacceptable oversight in regard to your account. Where would you like for me to start?" Lord Ragnarok asked as Harry sat across from him.

"Good afternoon, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Lord Ragnarok. I would like to begin with the first sentence of this letter. I don't understand why it refers to multiple accounts and why I'm addressed as Lord Potter. I also don't understand why what you have to say is so confidential that you could only share it in an in person meeting." Harry asked confusedly, brandishing the letter. "Also, what do you mean by thieves?"

Lord Ragnarok scowled and looked somewhat confused by this question. He took out a sheaf of paper and what looked like a ritual dagger.

"It seems there is more to this than meets the eye, Lord Potter. We could get a more accurate reading if you place 7 drops of your blood on the paper I've placed before you. That would show us your abilities, inheritances, soulmate if there is one and surviving relatives if you have any."

Lord Ragnarok held the ritual dagger out to Harry causing him to hesitated for a moment, not fully wanting to know what his inheritance or surviving relatives were like. He mentally shook his head steeling himself and took the dagger hilt from the Lord Goblin. He sliced his middle finger and allowed seven drops of blood to hit the paper. Together, he and the goblin waited until the writing appeared.


After a few seconds, a medieval script of twining purple and crimson started appearing on the paper. Not long after it started the writing stopped and the paper sat waiting to be read. Taking it slowly, Harry started to read the paper. The more he read the more shocked he was.

Inheritance Test

Name: Hadrian Lilian James Potter-Black

Born: 31 July 1980

Age: 18

Blood Status: Pure-Blood

Magical Core: Gold (Merlin Level)

Father: James Fleamont Potter (deceased/ Pure-Blood)

Mother: Lily Marie James Potter née Evan née Pendragon(deceased/ Pure-Blood)

Blood-Adopted Father: Sirius Orion Black (deceased/ Pure-Blood)

Adoption: 07 May 1994

Godfather(s): Sirius Orion Black (deceased), Remus Lupin (deceased), Peter Pettigrew (deceased)

Godmother(s) : Alice Longbottom (unfit guardian)


Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter (Paternal)

Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black (Blood-Adoption)

Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Gryffindor (Paternal)

Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Hufflepuff (By Magic)

Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin (Blood-Adoption/ Conquer)

Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Ravenclaw (Blood-Adoption/ Conquer)

Lord of the Most Ancient and Royal House of Emrys (Maternal)

Lord of the Most Ancient and Royal House of Pendragon (Maternal)

Master of Death

Crown Prince of Camelot/ Britain Wizarding World

Vault :

Trust Vault (Num. 11,560)

Potter Family Vault (Num. 125)

Potter Vault (Num. 11,563)

Black Family Vault (Num. 115)

Sirius Black Vault (Num. 11,670)

Gryffindor Vault (Num. 4)

Slytherin Vault (Num. 5)

Hufflepuff Vault (Num. 3)

Emrys Vault (Num. 1)

Pendragon Vault (Num. 0)

Properties :

Potter Manor (Unplottable; unknown location)

Potter Cottage(Godric's Hollow, England)

Potter Summer House(Mykonos, Greece )

Black Manor (Wiltshire, England)

12 Grimmauld Place(Unplottable; somewhere in London, England)

Black Cottage (Villefranche-sur-Mer, France)

Black Beachhouse (Manarola, Italy)

Gryffindor Manor (Unknown)

Ravenclaw Castle (Unknown)

Slytherin Castle (Unknown)

Hufflepuff Manor (Unknown)

Emrys House (Unplottable; most probably in Caerfyrddin, Wales or Tweeddale Forest, Scotland)

Pendragon Castle (Unplottable; somewhere within the area formerly known as Camelot)

Island of Avalon (Unknown; may be mythical or simply not exist anymore)

Abilities, Blocks, and Current Potion Effects :

Parseltongue (at 90% capacity; 10% blocked)

Parselmagic (at 10% capacity; 90% blocked)

Natural Occlumency (completely blocked)

Eidetic Memory (completely blocked)

Core (at 25% capacity; 75% blocked)

Soulmate (completely blocked)

Glamoured in the image of James Potter

Compulsion Charm leading to Personality Change (Laziness, Rashness)

Loyalty Potion (Subjects: Molly Weasley, Ronald Weasley, Ginevra Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus P.W.B Dumbledore)

Hate Potion (Subjects: Slytherin House, Malfoy Family, Severus Snape)

Love Potion keyed to Ginevra Molly Weasley

All blocks keyed to Albus P.W.B. Dumbledore

Marriage Contract between Harry James Potter and Ginevra Molly Weasley signed by Albus. P.W.B . . Dumbledore and Molly Prewett Weasley

Soulmate: Tom Marvolo Riddle


After reading and rereading the inheritance paper with growing astonishment, Harry paled over the final section, as a sinking feeling settled in his gut. Could this possibly be true? Even if it was, did it matter? Ron, Hermione, and the Weasley family had proven themselves to him thousand times over, and he didn't doubt that they genuinely cared about him.

He pushed those thoughts to the back burner for a minute, and wordlessly handed the paper to Ragnarok, allowing him to peruse the contents. Ragnarok took the paper and started reading it, his eyes getting wider the more he read as shock reflected in their black depths. He started distractedly mumbling in Gobbledegook, the harsh, scraping sounds pulling Harry out of his half-meditative state.

Among goblins, few wizards are ever considered worthy of mention, let alone respect. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore was one of those few. Lord Ragnarok had never doubted that Albus Dumbledore had a good soul. Marred, perhaps, by his childhood, but still wholeheartedly good. However, looking at the writing on the paper, he starts to wonder whether the goblins had placed their trust in the wrong person.

It just goes to show, it never pays to get involved with wizarding affairs. He leans back in his chair, steepling his long fingers and smooths his face back into a carefully neutral mask, careful not to let his thoughts breach the surface. He studies the hardened man (still a teenager, really) sitting across the desk from him. It was a miracle that Lord Potter managed to survive during the War with 75% of his core blocked. He knows that the only reason Albus Dumbledore would ever do such a thing is if he intended that person to die. In addition, the business about this boy being the Crown Prince of Camelot is interesting, though not as unexpected as the first thing– it had been eighteen years since any money had been withdrawn from either the Emrys or Pendragon vault.

"What do you want to do, Lord Potter?" Lord Ragnarok said, his eyes locked on the boy sitting across from him.

"Can we remove all of the blocks? Isn't Camelot mythical? What the hell is this marriage contract? Was I stolen from whoever my real guardian was supposed to be?" Harry asked in rapid succession.

"Lord Potter,we c-"

"Please call me Harry."

"You must call me Ragnarok, then, Merlin was known as perhaps the greatest wizard of all time, He is the son of the Dragon Lord, Balinor. He has a duty to lead Arthur who at that time still a Prince, Merlin hide his Magic as at that time, Magic has seen as a Curse and devil. The Calimot who is the greatest place for the Wizard and Magical Creature was in fear because of the Execute, therefore, they stay hidden but when Arthur become a King, The Rule to Banish or Executed the Magical Creature got lifted and the rest, of course, is history. I cannot answer your last question right now, though there may be something in our records. Allow me to check."

With that, he stood up and walked through a door on the other side of the room that Harry swore he had never seen before. He returned a couple of minutes later, bearing a new folder, this one much thinner than his original one. After paging through for a couple of seconds, he pulled out a sheaf of paper and handed it to Harry.

"Here is every transaction made from the joint Potter account since your parents died. You may find some clues there."

Harry ran his eyes over the paper. Money going towards Albus Dumbledore to act as his guardian, a bribe going to the Malfoys to act nasty towards him, a small sum of money going towards Arthur and Molly Weasley, and much more. 

As he continued to read, he started shaking with suppressed rage, and had to put the paper down to stop entertaining thoughts of homicide.

In a carefully neutral voice, he asked "And what about the marriage contract?"

"It was drawn up by Albus Dumbledore and signed by Molly Weasley in your second year, presumably as a result of that money being sent to the Weasley family. It would have gone into action this summer, but since it was not signed by a member of your family, it is null and void."

"Thank Merlin!" Harry sighed in relief. Second-year, that must have been around the time he first showed signs of being able to speak Parseltongue. Dumbledore must have cast around for the first witch he could find close to Harry's age, and when Harry dragged Ginny out of the Chamber of Secrets, he also unwittingly set his future on yet another course determined by Albus Dumbledore.

"I want all of that money to go back to my account, except for the money given to the Weasleys," Harry said, remembering the shabby state of the Weasleys' clothing.

"I don't want the innocent Weasley involved. How can I claim my inheritance, and how do I access my blocked skills and resist the compulsion?" Harry asked in a firm voice.

A nasty and predatorial grin flitted across Lord Ragnarok's face. "Of course we will claim your inheritance first. Then we can proceed to the lower mines and have a medigoblin give you a purging and block breaking ritual."

He walked through a different concealed door this time, returning with six black boxes, each engraved with a different golden crest. These he carefully placed on the desk in a semicircle around Harry.

There were 8 Boxes on the table each containing a ring in it with each bearing their corresponding Family Crest. Harry took a deep breath and began to take the inheritance, every ring that stayed on his finger made his Core warm except Slytherin and Ravenclaw these two filled him with a deep sadness from the Rings Magic.

This made him realize that his soulmate Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lord Voldemort heir of Slytherin and Ravenclaw was truly gone bringing sadness to the rings. He also suddenly understood why half of his soul felt lost. He killed his soulmate with his own two hands under the guidance of a manipulative old fool.

The next task they underwent was the ritual to cleanse his Block and Compulsion, it was painful and suffocating like he stayed underwater for too long, it made him pass out. When the Goblin Healer came to the room he saw Harry waking up, and rushed over to check his core. Harry felt amazed by the power that overflowed from his Core, He felt lighter and Free.

Harry looks at the mirror and gasped in surprise, his face had changed, it was no longer square and masculine, but Heart-shaped, soft and with snowy white skin. His raven black hair was now tame and shoulder-length with emerald eyes that glowed with power. Harry also notices his body had become more slender while his vision had cleared.
He thought he looked like a replica of his mother which made him tear up a bit, Harry took a deep breath and went to Ragnok's office.






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