By ungodIy-

135K 6.2K 659

❝ we're all great pretenders, aren't we? ❞ (pre-acotar to acowar) (eventual azriel x fem!oc) (ungodly- [2021]) More

chapter i.
chapter ii.
chapter iv.
chapter v.
chapter vi.
chapter vii.
chapter viii.
chapter ix.
chapter x.
act ii ― FAR FROM HOME
chapter xi.
chapter xii.
chapter xiii.
chapter xiv.
chapter xv.
chapter xvi.
chapter xvii.
chapter xviii.
chapter xix.
chapter xx.
act iii - FINALLY HOME
chapter xxi.
chapter xxii.
chapter xxiii.
chapter xxiv.
chapter xxv.
chapter xxvi.
chapter xxvii.
chapter xxviii.
chapter xxix.
chapter xxx.
chapter xxxi.
chapter xxxii.
chapter xxxiii.
chapter xxxiv.

chapter iii.

4.4K 182 20
By ungodIy-

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IT'S BEEN A QUIET FEW DAYS, Callaghan and Vik rarely left their room. They couldn't erase the fear of being reprimanded then punished for literally nothing wrong. Occasionally they went to the library, where Callaghan began teaching the boy how to read and write. Then to the gardens where she accompanies Vik while he plays with the flowers.

Then she hears a knock on the door. Callaghan glances at Viktor who was playing around with some rocks he found in the garden before she opened the door. On the other side was one of the twin wraiths, who she figured out as Nuala. "High lord Rhysand requests you and your brother to join him and his circle for dinner."

Requests, not wants or demands. The high lord gave her a choice.

"Dinner?" Vik's head shoots up at the word, "Cal, I'm hungry!"

Nuala and Callaghan smiled at the boy. "Let's go, then. We don't want to keep the high lord waiting don't we?"

In an instant, the boy runs out of the room, but runs back to pocket a rock from his collection. "C'mon, Cal!" The boy pulls on her hand.

She offered a small smile to Nuala then giving in to the young boy's pulls. He was actually growing stronger every single day. The change of environment may be a contributor to that. Constant meals, the fresh air, the sunlight, the big spaces. It was very different from their lives back in Hewn.

When they got to the dining room, the others were already there. She gave a sheepish smile for their tardiness.

"You walk so slow, Cal," Vik comments, making a flash of amusement appear in the high lord's eyes. Callaghan helps the boy sit on his chosen seat beside Mor, "You were so fast I couldn't keep up."

Viktor smiles proudly at Mor, "Hello, Mor," he greets, pulling out the smooth light colored rock from his pocket, "I got this for you."

Mor wanted to melt on the spot. Her heart warmed at the boy's gesture. She took the rock and held it close to her chest, "Thank you, Vik. It's beautiful."

Cassian chuckles, nudging Azriel, "Looks like you got some competition, Az. And he's winning." The shadowsinger hits him back, but harsher.

When they began eating, the others were engaged in their own conversations but Callaghan kept a close eye on her brother. Ready to clean up his messes. She was quick to wipe a napkin when there was food on his face. They were in the presence of the Inner Circle, the most powerful faes in the court. They could easily erase her in this world if they wanted to. As much as she wants to change her way of thinking about them, her fear always wins.

Accidentally, Vik toppled over his glass of cranberry juice. The dark liquid spreads quickly across the table. The conversations ceased and the young boy rushed off his seat and ran out. As this was happening, Callaghan immediately pulled her sleeves down, using them to wipe the mess, "My apologies, my lord. He didn't mean to knock it over, he's just clumsy. He's young. Don't worry, my lord, I'll clean this myself. I—" She cuts herself off when Rhysand waves his hand and the stain vanishes, leaving no trace of the mess behind.

Cal bowed her head in shame, "Will you excuse me, my lord?"

"You're excused, Callaghan."

And with that, she rushes out to find her brother.

The air in the room certainly felt different after what just occurred. All heads turned to Rhysand. He was caught off guard with seeing the fear in Vik's big eyes. As a high lord, he was used to that look, but it was different when it came from a child.

"What did Keir think when he didn't see the thief in the dungeons?" Rhys asked, turning his head to his cousin. She scrunched her nose, "He was furious. He wanted her head on a pike for display."

"Good thing you got her out, then," Cassian comments, returning to eating his food.


JUST AS CALLAGHAN GOT VIK TO SLEEP, a knocking sound came from her door. She opened it and saw that it was the High Lord Rhysand. "Is your brother asleep?" he asked, his voice soft.

She nodded then opened the door wider to let him through. "Again," she closes the door, "I apologize for earlier, my lord."

"You apologize too much," he noticed. "There's nothing to be sorry for. It was an accident, I understand."

Callaghan was confused. All these years, she believed that Rhysand was just as cruel as his father before him. But seeing him now, being in his presence, Callaghan felt like she was wrong. The high lord in front of her has a heart for his people. She can see it in his eyes.

"I just want you to be comfortable in your stay," he said when she stayed silent, "Again, you are not a prisoner here. You're free to do what it is you please, as long as your loyalty is to me and the court. You don't have to fear me or my circle. We will not hurt you, we will protect you."


A simple word uttered by Callaghan rendered Rhysand silent.

"Why me?"

He looks to the floor, "You have that fire in you. A fire I once saw in my sister. I guess, I saw her in you and I — I couldn't save her. When I saw you, it was like the Mother gave me the chance to save another innocent person's life or let them die. So, I got you out of there and brought you here."

She tears up at his words. A true high lord, inside and out. Cal smiles at him, "I will not let you down, my lord. You won't regret your decision."

"Good," Rhysand clears his throat, "But first, call me Rhys."


A name he entrusts to his friends – his family.

And he allowed her to call him that. She felt honored.

"Then call me, Cal."


[ notes! ]

nice :>

honestly,, i wasn't gonna update but,,,

heYy here it is :>

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