Adriens Nightmares

By Anabug3304

16K 476 223

Ladybug gave Adrien Agreste a gift. Everything seemed so perfect! Marinette fixed her mistake from the past a... More

Sleepless Nights
Sleepless nights 2
Fuzzy Memories
Questions and Questions
Late night talks
Accidents happen...
Love is in the air
Time to talk
Authors Note!
Double Trouble
Another Lie
Friends or Foes?
Awkward Encounters
Hello again...
Its coming...
10k reads!
Satisfaction brought it back
The Fox Goes Down pt.1
The Fox Goes Down pt.2
Discussions Discussions


525 12 19
By Anabug3304

Hello! Im back!! Sorry for the super late update. I recently lost 2 people from my family within 2 days- and then the 3rd day was my birthday and I was just- sad and I didnt wanna update for a bit.
Im doing better now tho! And i have a job now too!!
I also wanted to say thank you to everyone for 1.64k reads!!!!

The most i have ever gotten until now was like 46 so thank you :)

Now on to the story!

"What does he even see in her?"
Lila said as she was watching both Adrien and Marinette from afar. She couldnt hear a thing that they were saying but she sat there watching them.

She was jealous.
Jealous of the way Marinette made him blush and jealous that she had all of his attention and his heart.

She was angry because he looked at her with so much love in his eyes even when she wasnt looking at him.

Lila felt her heart break.
It broke and tore into a million pieces.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng..."
Lila said
"You're going to pay"

Lila walked off to the school and decided to contact two people who she knew would be very angry at the news.

Of course Lila will "stretch" the 'truth' a bit to make them angrier.

Lila decided to call Chloe first.

"What do you want Rossi?!"
Chloe said.

"I just want to talk. I saw something at the park and I just think you deserve to know! These news are something you'd want to know anyway! Besides I would never let a friend find out on her own the hard way!"
Lila responded.

"First of all Rossi we are NOT friends and far from it. If anything Dupain-Cheng is closer to a friend than you EVER will be."

Lila laughed which made Chloe confused.

"Well your "almost" friend just betrayed you Miss Bourgeois. Lets just say...she met up with your dearest bestfriend...and its not Sabrina. If you want more information meet me at the park ASAP before they leave."

And before Chloe could respond Lila cut the call.

"Your turn Tsurugi"
Lila said as she called Kagami.

"Who is this and why are you calling?"
Kagami said.

(Because of the obvious fact that she didnt have friends- she only had like 3 contacts)

"Hi Kagami! My name is Lila! Lila Rossi. I have some news regarding your "boyfriend" Adrien. Adrien Agreste."

"We are not dating but what "news" do you have miss Rossi?"
Kagami asked

"Oh wow! I can't believe you guys arent a couple! If you want more information meet me at the park in front of the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Hurry up before they leave!"
And with that Lila hung up on Kagami.

Now we wait...

Chloe was the first to arrive. Not long after her Kagami arrived.

"Thanks for meeting me here"
Lila said.

"I have brought you both here because we all love Adrien, and we all care for him and we want what is best for him. And lets be honest... we all want to be with Adrien as more than a friend. Agreed?"
Lila asked.

Chloe and Kagami looked at eachother and then looked at Lila.
They both nodded and waited for Lila to talk more.

"Well ladies...we have a new competitor. Marinette dragged Adrien out to the park and tried to kiss him. She was rubbing all up on him even though Adrien was clearly uncomfortable. Adrien being the poor innocent person that he is- just cant bring himself to leave! Its up to us to eliminate her and save our poor Adrien."
Lila said.

"Where are they.?"
Chloe asked.

"Over there by the fountain"
Lila responded.

Chloe looked behind Lila and saw Adrien sitting next to Marinette. He was laughing with her and they were sitting close but not too close for comfort. Adrien would occasionally touch Marinette's shoulder and he would even blush sometimes.
It was obvious that Lila was lying because

1: Chloe has known Marinette long enough to know that she doesnt have the balls to run up on someone.
2: Adrien always knew how to tell someone to stop doing something and how to leave respectfully if someone was making him uncomfortable.

Kagami also took a look and saw / knew the same thing that Chloe did.

Chloe looked at Lila who was waiting for an answer.

"Listen here Rossi. I have known both Adrien and Marinette for years and they are both not what you painted them to be just now. Marinette is not a whore who would rub up on someone she likes. The girl can barely even form a sentence without stuttering let alone touch them. Adrien is and always has been my bestest friend. He is not some poor soul who needs to be saved he can do it himself. And from what I'm seeing he is enjoying her company and isn't uncomfortable in the slightest. You say this is a "competition" for Adrien when it isnt. Adrien is not a trophy or an object to be won. He is a human being who can choose his significant others for himself. If he chooses Dupain-Cheng them that is his choice. I love Adrien with all my heart and I would love to be with him as more than a friend but his happiness means more to me. So if this is the "news" that you called me about then I'm leaving."

Chloe got her purse and walked to her limo.

Lila was at loss for words. The person she needed most for her "plan" to work just left.

"What about you Kagami??? Do you love Adrien enough to fight for him? Or are you too weak? Do you really want to lose him to some bakers daughter?? A nobody???"

To be continued....

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