As You Are // D.M.

By Ethereal6513

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Sequel to Dark Blood // Armena has been through hell and back in the past ten years, ever since she said good... More



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By Ethereal6513

Song: Lovely by Billie Eilish

I wrote this chapter to like really aggressive music so I wouldn't cry so I'm sorry. If you don't want to cry I suggest the same. 

Anyways, I just want to thank you all for continuing to read this story. This story has meant so much to me and I hope that it means a lot to you as well! I could not have completed this story without your love and support so thank you! 


Armena Malfoy


I watched as Draco disappeared into a cloud of black smoke before I sunk down onto the large cloud sofa. My body gave out the moment he left, my bones aching and creaking in pain. I felt like I had been hit by a hippogriff or a train for that matter. I rubbed at my wrists and my neck, trying to ease the tension that was building.

Was I dying?

There was no way that how I was feeling was normal in the slightest. There was no way that the agonizing ache in my bones was something good. It all seemed like a bad omen to me.

As if to answer my silent thoughts, a black crow landed on the window of the living room. I jumped out of my skin as its mocking cries rang out in the light and airy space. Almost destroying the aura that was pulsing around.

"Shoo!" I hissed, my eyes narrowing at my family's familiar bird.

That damned bird always gave me the most gut wrenching feeling. Legend had it that a black crow would appear when either life or death was to arrive in the Lestrange family.

"Bloody omens" I groaned, throwing an arm over my eyes.

The sound of footsteps sounded from the hall upstairs and I knew Scorp was now up from his midday nap. I rolled my neck from side to side and turned my torso around on the couch, offering the pale blonde haired boy a soft and kind smile. He thundered down the stairs and rested his elbows on the back of the couch.

"You just missed your dad" I smiled, leaning an elbow causally on the pillows to look at the young boy.

"That's fine" Scorpius replied, his smile spreading on his sharp features. "I want to spend some time with you anyways."

I rolled my eyes and hoisted my body up off the couch, the pain in my bones screaming at me but I had to keep going. I had to keep moving and doing something or else I was going to lose my mind.

If I closed my eyes, even for just a small second, I could smell the scent of that Doctor and Healer. I could smell the stench of that steril ward as they performed their magic on me searching for any sign that Draco and I might be able to conceive.

I shook off the feeling as Scorp and I apparated to Diagon Alley.

They told me that there was nothing. No signs of even a magical womb, I was nothing but barren. Draco and I would never have children. I would never be able to hold my small child in my arms. The girl with raven dark hair with grey eyes or the pale haired boy with emerald green eyes. I would never be able to sit in a nursery and stroke that soft cheek, whispering how much I loved them. I would never be able to teach my own child spells or potions or find out what house that they would end up in.

I was barren, infertile, nothing.

I thought about it. I thought about it on those nights that I would just stare and stare at the crackling fire with a bottle of whiskey in my hands. I thought about digging deep within me and pulling out my dark magical core. I thought about performing rituals, blood sacrifices, dancing naked in the moonlight like some savage beast if it meant that I could bring a child— our child into this would.

Oh, I thought about it day and night until it was the only thing consuming my every thought.

I thought about it and let the idea swallow me whole. If I could have a child with Draco I would protect it as if my life depended on it. I would guard it and keep it so safe from any sort of harm. I would--

I felt a tug on the sleeve of my cloak. I glanced down to see a wide eyed and excited Scorpius, pointing towards the sweets shop down the alley. He blinked his blonde lashes at me, his grey and silver eyes sparkling on the cool fall day.

I had a son.

I had Scorpius, who I promised Draco I would love as my own and I did. I had to step in and become that mother figure for him, no matter how badly I wanted to let the tub water consume me or the flames swallow me whole during that dark June month. I had to be his mum now, I couldn't abandon him like my mother did to me. Draco and I made a vow and I made a vow to Scorpius.

"Okay" I smiled down at the six year old. "You can get one bag of sweets and that's it. Your father will have my head if he comes home in three days and finds you bouncing off the wall."

Scorpius grinned up at me with a toothy smile. The pale haired boy tugged me along in the direction of the sweet shop. I shook my head but let him take the lead.

That's when I felt it. I felt every hair on the back of my neck stand on end and I knew that she was near.

"Granny!" Scorpius cried, releasing my hand.

The small boy ran up to the older witch, engulfing her into a hug. Narcissa smiled down at her Grandson with the utmost adoration that she could give. I had no idea if Scorpius still kept in contact with his Grandmother, Draco and I never talked about her after that day at Malfoy manor

I let out a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as I approached them. Narcissa looked up at me, her back going stick straight as her nose cinched up like she smelled something rotten.

"Narcissa" I muttered, not bothering to give her a proper greeting.

"I hear congratulations are in order" she smirked, her red lips curling up slightly.

I watched as her eyes trailed down my body, hovering over my flat stomach then to my ring. I felt my insides twist, knowing very well that she was looking for a sign of pregnancy in her son's new wife. She wouldn't find a child there, probably much to her sick and twisted pleasure I might add.

I was far from pregnant.

I was barren for a lack of better terms and I didn't need her to fucking remind me of it. I shivered at the thought.

"Yes" I sighed, shifting on my feet. "It will be one year in February."

"Well, I offer nothing but the utmost congratulations to you two" She trailed her eyes down my body once again. "I do mean it, Armena. Tell Draco hello for me."

I watched her as she walked away, I felt my jaw go slack as I stared and stared at her until she was no more than a speck of black and white. A sense of dread and unease washed over me like a tidal wave.


The week came and went. 

I let out a long sigh, as I moved my finger around in a slow circular motion, stirring the piping hot tea in my porcelain cup. My nails drummed mindlessly on the counter as I waited. I glanced towards the clock on the steel oven. Pansy and Blaise would be here any moment now for our Thursday night wine session. Pansy had been overwhelmed the past month after she had given birth to those sweet boys.

Had it really been that long?

The boys, James and Albus, were beautiful, each one reflecting their personalities. James was identical to Harry while Albus was Pansy's doppelgänger. That boy was going to be trouble when he got older and there was no doubt in my mind that he was going to grow up to become a Slytherin. 

Pansy was elated and stressed, as she should be, but motherhood suited her. She and Potter deserved the world and they deserved this. They had found each other and had brought into this world beautiful life. I was more than thankful to be called those sweet boy's godmother. I had the exact same thing, I had Draco and I had treated him like—  fuck. I didn't realize how removed I was from him until he went away. I was a shit wife for the past few months. I was a shit wife since I removed myself from my body after that horrid news in that month in June. 


I needed Draco to come home from his Auror task now. I needed him to come home so I could plant a thousand kisses on him. Tell him that I was so sorry for being absent in these past few months. To tell him that I would make it up to him, I would lay right here on this counter that we made love on so many times before that awful day in June. Him and Potter were sent to Romania to deal with another crisis, one which I clearly was not paying attention to when they debriefed us the other day. I knew the task wasn't dangerous but still something ate away at me. Something deep within me nipped and pulled, telling me that something was off— something was wrong.

A groan escaped my lips and I picked up my cup of tea, blowing on the steaming liquid. I flipped open the most recent Daily Prophet that I picked up on my way home from the Ministry. That would keep my mind off of my husband in Romania and that fucking feeling.







I stilled on a page, my eyes glancing towards a photo of a cemetery. I recognized it instantly, it was Cimetière du Père-Lachaise. The very Pureblood wizard cemetery in Paris that the entire Lestrange family was buried in. I cocked a brow, reading the fine back print below.

On October 31st, 2011, several tombs and mausoleums were robbed in Cimetière du Père-Lachaise, Paris France. The French Ministry of Magic Auror department has stated that a few precious items were stolen from various families' mausoleums. The families have been contacted regarding the items. 

I furrowed my brow, as I leaned my elbows onto the counter. I narrowed my eyes spotting the familiar raven crest in the background. I hadn't heard anything and I was the last living Lestrange heir. If anything of value was taken then I would have been notified. Right?

A knock from the front door sounded, causing me to jump out of my skin. I shook it off and stood up straight. I furrowed my brow. 


I moved to set my porcelain tea cup down onto the table when something sharp stabbed my side. 


I let out a sharp gasp, gripping at my side. The porcelain cup fell to the floor, the loud crash sounding as it rang out in the air. The knock pounded louder and I heard screaming, blood curdling screaming that wasn't my own voice.

Yet, it was.

I gripped at my side that felt like a cursed blade.

Screams, my own now filled the air and I fell forward, my head slamming down onto something hard. I felt something warm and sticky run down my face before I saw the front door fly open and a woman stood in the doorway.


Black, cold, bone chilling darkness rushed over me and I fell. I actually fell, or at least that's what it felt like. Honestly, it felt like how my body did after a rough night with Pansy and Blaise when it hurt to wake up the next morning. The spinning of my body was gut wrenching, it felt like I was about to vomit. Almost like someone was ripping out my stomach. I wanted to throw up, I wanted to stop the feeling but I just kept going and going. Down and down in the black pit of darkness.

I had to be dying.

I had to be dead because the darkness that kept pouring in was unbearable and heavy. Merlin, it was so heavy and cold and utterly wet. Blood. My blood, my dark blood was filling my senses as it left my body. I could smell the coppery tang in the air; I could smell the death and the disease that plagued it.

I was going to die on this kitchen floor. I was going to die and Draco was going to find me dead on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood when he came home. Oh Merlin, my husband was going to find me dead. But Pansy and Blaise— they were supposed to come over tonight. They would find me. Right? They would find me at any minute and I would be okay.

Darkness pushed in harder.

I couldn't give in, I knew what that darkness meant. I knew what it meant to have the hands of death on your shoulders. I prayed to whoever would listen, I prayed and prayed and prayed that my husband— my loving and adoring husband would not find me dead on the floor.

My soul mate, my confidant, my world.

The man who broke through Unbreakable Vows, memory charms, created horcruxes with me and became my soulmate was going to find me dead on the floor.


I wanted to keep fighting, I wanted to push back at that darkness but it was so beautiful. The cold chill started to feel nice against my hot and sticky flesh. I think I liked it here, it was peaceful and serene. I felt calm almost, I felt more calm here than I had in months. I felt at peace with myself.

I felt something inside of me tug and twist and pull.

Was that the bond between us snapping? Was that what it felt like to lose your connection to your soulmate? To have the bond that was so beautifully woven together into an orb of emerald, silver, and sunkissed gold. The thought of it brought me to a certain peace, that no matter what I would have that memory of us even in death.

Fight for me, Armena.

I could hear his voice, his beautiful fucking voice. But I was so cold, so bone chilling cold that I just wanted to curl up and sleep. Rest sounded nice, right?


I love you Draco. I love you so much, please end up okay. Please, my love promise me that you will not break apart into tiny pieces when I am gone. Tell Pansy that I love her, tell Blaise thank you for being the older brother that I never had. Tell Ginny and precious Josiette that I love them too. Tell Harry thank you for believing in me. Tell Albus and James about their godmother. Tell Scorp that I am sorry for failing him. I love you Draco.

I love you so much my soulmate.

My soulmate.

I was a cold invisibility cloak but I wanted to wrap myself up in it and stay there. I felt my lungs rise and fall one last time before I slowly embraced the fall into that black death pit.

And I went to sleep.


"What did you do!" I heard a familiar voice boom in my head.

I blinked my eyes, trying to adjust to the bright white light. I couldn't open them though, they felt too heavy. Merlin, they were heavy. I felt like someone was holding my eyelids shit tights. I felt so heavy and so tired. My body ached and groaned as I came to my senses. White light reflected through the thin skin of my eyelids. 

It was too bright in here, I didn't like it one bit. Take me back to the darkness, that was way more calming than this room. I let out a groan as I shifted my body on the cool marble floor. My fingers trying to grab at something— anything.

Where was I?

I made a mental note of everything that had happened: tea, Daily Prophet, blood, shadow, darkness, falling and now white.

I heard a rustling beside me and I realized that I was not alone. I slowly opened my eyes as I gazed upon three dark haired males. I shut my eyes again tightly, only to open them once more at the realization.

There standing over me was my uncles, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, and my favorite Professor. I felt my lips pull up into a grin as I took them in. The men in their black robes with their arms folded across their chests. I stayed on my back, feeling like my body was glued to the floor. None of them spoke, they only just stared at me.

"We have to stop meeting like this" I smirked at the dark haired professor, trying to lighten the gloomy mood of the room. 

He just frowned at me, giving me a disapproving look.He reached out his hand, I felt my body coil inside by the gesture. Should I take his hand? I knew that it was not malicious in nature but something, no, some alarm inside of me sounded. 

I ignored his hand and heaved myself up, my hands instantly going to my head. I touched the area where I felt a throbbing pain, expecting to find crimson blood but nothing was there. I frowned at my hand, my eyes trailing down the rest of my body. No other signs of injury, but my clothes-- I was wearing a long white silk slip dress that went down to my shins. The expensive and beautiful material dipped slightly at my breasts and was held up by thin straps. I picked the fabric up in between my fingers, letting the coolness slide through them.

"Confused?" Professor Snape hummed.

I jerked my eyes up to him, dropping my hand down onto the white marble floor. I placed my palm down onto the cold floor, welcoming the chill into my flesh.

"You could say that" I huffed, pulling myself fully up off the floor.

The room was stark white, almost steril in nature. There were no seats, no windows, save for one black door at the end of the square shaped room.

"Please stay my love" a voice rang from above.

I felt my skin shrink to my bones. The tears welled up in my eyes as a shaky hand moved up to my mouth. I looked up at the ceiling, at the exact spot where the voice sounded. I felt all of the color drain from my already pale skin. 

"What— " I spoke, my voice shaking.

I could feel something boiling deep under my flesh, coursing it's way through my blood. It wasn't a feeling of anger or fear but of understanding— I knew where I was.

"Armena—" Rodolphus started.

I held up my palm to him, my eyes still peeled onto the ceiling as I waited to hear his voice again. I waited and waited but it never came again. I could feel my cold tears fall down my face, my body growing tight and rigid.

"What happened?" I gasped.

I jerked my head over to my uncles and then Snape, my eyes wide with the fear of the response. Snape just folded his arms over his chest, his black robes billowing on the floor.

"Armena I think it would be best—"

"No!" my voice rang loudly in the hallow white room. "No— you will tell me now. No bullshit, no anesthesia, you will tell me now what the fuck is happening to me and why I am here. Why my husband— " I motioned towards the ceiling, "is telling me to stay."

Draco was telling me to stay.

Oh no, oh no, oh Merlin please no. I brought both my hands to my lips, holding them in a prayer position. I needed answers and I needed them now.

"Now!" I hissed, my eyes shooting daggers at the three men.

"You had an accident" Rodolphus sighed, twisting his Lestrange signet ring around his pointer finger.

Snape cleared his voice, drawing my attention back to him. He gave me a sympathetic look and then stepped forward.

"Armena" he began, "do you know where you are?"

I shook my head, knowing that if I opened my mouth I would stay something cruel to him.


I felt something move out of the corner of my eye. I glanced towards my white silk dress, I watched as the ends of the fabric started to appear a dark shade of black. It looked like someone had dipped my dress into an ink pot. The darkness was spreading upward until it reached my knees, creating two divided halves of light and dark.

"What is going on?" I furrowed my brow.

"Armena, you are dying" Professor Snape sighed, "you are in the in-between. It's a place where we all go as we wait to decide if we want to stay here or if we want to go back. Not many of us have that choice but you do."

I blinked at him, unable to move from my position in the middle of the room.

I was dying.

My favorite professor just told me that I was dying. This couldn't be happening, this couldn't be happening to me.

"What?" I gasped, feeling all of the air knock out of my lungs.

I was shaking— I was violently shaking as the cold rushed through me. This dress was doing nothing to keep me warm. Rabastan wrapped his black cloak around my shoulders, the cashmere black threads feeling oddly itchy and uncomfortable against my icy flesh.

"Thank you" I muttered, hugging it close to my body.

Rabastan was wearing his usual attire that I had grown up with. He had a black button up shirt with a pair of dress pants. His shoes were of a pristine patent leather. They were polished so well that I could see my reflection in them as if I was looking into the mirror. His shorter dark chocolate curls looked lucious and full of life.

He looked angelic.

Like a dark angel sent from the heavens above. It seemed only fitting considering where we were. This place, this bone chilling place that I was now stuck in as I was dying. 

What was happening to me?  

What happened to me?

"Armena, I think you should sit down" Rabastan ran his hands through his hair, he looked worried and distressed. 

"Please!" Draco's voice cried, echoing loud in the room.

I glanced back down to my hands, my skin felt cold and translucent. I don't remember being sick or feeling ill. I was in the kitchen making some tea, reading the Daily Prophet. I have been a little tired these past few days, my joints a little achy but nothing of alarm.

I sat down onto the cold marble floor of where ever the fuck I was. Was this purgatory? I rested my head in the palm of my hands. I let out a long scream, hearing my voice echo into the vacant space. I don't know how long I stayed like this curled up on the floor like a child. I was a thirty one year old woman, I was married and yet I was acting like a child.

"What is happening?" I asked in a small broken voice.

I looked up seeing the three men standing around me in their long balck robes. All of their faces long and solemn as they gazed down at me. Rodolphus only looked at me, crouching down in front of me.

"Armena" he breathed, reaching out a hand to place on my knee. "You have to make a choice. You have to decide if you want to keep fighting.

"You have people waiting for you on the other side, you have a wonderful life ahead with Draco and the—"

Snape gave Rabastian a sidelong glance, as if to warn him to not speak another word.

"Lestrange" Professor Snape hummed, "You have people who want to meet you and get to know you."

I furrowed my brow, looking at my favorite professor with confusion. I opened my mouth to say something else but the voice came back again.

"Armena—" Draco's voice begged. "Please come back to me, please come back to me."

I felt my heart break into a million different pieces, shattering onto the floor below me. I watched as the darkness crept up even higher to my stomach. At this rate, my dress was going to be fully covered in darkness within seconds.

"How do I go back?" I asked, my eyes blinking back cold tears.


I was so cold, I was so fucking cold. The tips of my fingernails were blue and I was sure that my lips reflected the same. The magical blood draining from my body. I closed my eyes tightly, rocking back and forth as I clutched my knees closer to my chest.

"We love you Armena" Rodolphus, "but this isn't your time. Go back to Draco, he needs you and you need him."

I needed to go back, I needed to go back to Draco. I felt my chest tighten as if someone was standing on it. The black started to slowly creep up to my breasts. Only a small bit of fabric remained before my white silk dress would be gone only to be filled with complete darkness. I couldn't breathe as the breath started to leave my lungs.

I was dying.

"I have to go back" I whispered in the smallest voice, my emerald green eyes blinking as the cold tears spilled down my face. "I'm not ready to die."

I looked up at Rodolphus, Rabastan and Snape. The three men looking at me with adoration. Snape gave me a low nod, recognizing that it was okay to let go. I looked towards my uncles, both of which were giving me a soft smile.

"Then go back."

I closed my eyes tightly, my body rocking back and forth as I let the darkness creep in. I let out one final breath before I let go.










Noise filled my ears. The sounds of shouting and arguing rang deep in my ears as I laid in a prone position. I was scared to open my eyes, I was scared that I would see only darkness when I opened them.

"I did everything I could!" Pansy's voice sounded.

"Well it wasn't fucking enough!"

"Will you all please shut up!" I hissed through my teeth, my hand going up to my eyes as I adjusted to the light again.

I could hear the gasps come from the room. Pansy let out a loud wail, the sound of her body collapsing onto the floor could be heard. Draco's presence was instantly upon me. I felt his hands cup my face, his tears spilling down onto my face.

"Armena" Draco breathed, placing a thousand kisses on my flesh.

I blinked my eyes open, staring straight up to the ceiling. I could only see pale blonde hair as Draco held onto me like his life depended on it.

"Hello" I breathed, my voice raspy.

Draco's face came into view and I felt something inside of me tighten deeply. His grey eyes were bloodshot and red rimmed, dark purple circles were present in the soft skin under his eyes. I reached up, cupping his cheek as he pressed it into the palm of my hand.

"Armena" he breathed again, remaining tears streaking down his face.

I tried to push myself up into a seating position but a sharp stabbing pain came from my abdomen. Draco noticed my pain and gave me a soft smile, helping me up slightly.

"Careful" he breathed, "you have been through quite a bit darling."

I furrowed my brow as I watched him do a quick scan over my body. I glanced around the room, noticing that everyone was crying uncontrollably as well. Pansy was shaking as Potter was holding her, preventing her body from collapsing onto the ground before her. Blaise was crouched down onto the ground, visible tears spilling down his face. Ginny stood there with a hand over her mouth unable to move. My eyes fell on a certain older witch who stood in the shadows watching me carefully.

"Mum?" Draco breathed, jerking his head over to my direction.

I furrowed my brow, wincing at the pain that was forming at the side of my skull. With a shaky hand I reached up to touch a gauzy bandage that rested on the top of my skull.

"What happened?" I winced, even talking hurt.


"You hit your head" Draco sighed, brushing his thumb against my cheek. "My mum was the one who found you."

Draco moved to sit down next to me on the hospital cot, wrapping his arm around the back of the bed as he watched me carefully.

"I don't understand?" I looked around, but no one met my eyes.

I looked back towards Narcissa, who slowly walked over to my hospital cot. She looked at me with sympathetic eyes before she placed her hands on the metal frame at the foot of the bed.

"When I saw you in Diagon Alley" she began, "I noticed something about you."

"You noticed something about me?" I blinked. 

"I wasn't certain but I had seen it before—" 

"I don't understand?" I glanced up to Draco, who just stared down at me and stroked my cheek.

She moved to sit down at the foot of my bed, her hand gently placed on my leg. I jerked slightly and she removed it, her blue eyes going soft with kindness.

No fucking way was Narcissa Malfoy showing me kindness.

Maybe I was in hell right now.

"As a Malfoy, we are self preserving creatures and you and I are both Malfoy's by the bond of marriage. I was a Black before and you were born Lestrange. A long, long time ago, old pureblood families were nervous about protecting their bloodlines. They would go to dramatic measures to protect them with certain— spells" she paused at the word, letting it sit on her tongue. "These spells are found in old family tomes and are strictly pure blooded in nature. Not even many Healers know about them. It's extremely rare and the only time I had ever seen the spell performed was when your mother was pregnant with you."

"What?" I gasped. 

I glanced from her up to Draco who kept his face calm, his eyes still on me intently. He had a sweet and serendipitous look on his face. His grey eyes sparkling brightly. 

"You were pregnant, Armena" Draco breathed, his thumb stroking my cheek. "You have been pregnant all this time."

I glanced down to my stomach, there was nothing there, maybe only a slightly swollen belly but no sign that a child was growing in there. I placed a hand on my only slightly swollen stomach. There was no way that I was pregnant all this time. I would have known if I was carrying a child in my womb. Fuck, my magical womb that the doctors said didn't even exist.

"But the doctor—"

"The doctor didn't know" Draco signed, "your stubborn hard headed nature protected the child without even knowing it. You placed a shield around your body to say or an illusion. No one would have known and since you didn't know about the magic that you were casting—"

"I would assume that it was something you inherited from your mother" Narcissa sighed, "normally when this is done, the pureblood witch only places the spell around them for the first and maybe the second trimester. The spell was suffocating the baby, because it's not meant to go until full term but you were so strong willed about protecting the child that it held. Not to mention that you didn't know you were even doing it or even about it so there was no way you would have known—"

I bought a trembling hand up to my lips, looking to Draco with panic in my eyes. I had been treating my body like absolute shit for the past nine months. I wasn't even able to take care of myself a few months ago, Draco had to step in. 

"Is the baby?" I gasped, looking up at Draco with panic but he only smiled blissfully.

"The baby is fine" he breathed, placing a kiss on my forehead. "They are running tests as we speak but everything is coming out just fine my love."

"I didn't know, I—"

"Everything is fine, the baby is fine" he breathed, stroking my hair. "By placing this shield you protected the child from any external forces and even yourself."

"You went into labor and you didn't even know it. I stopped by because after seeing you I was suspicious. I wanted to just see for myself if—"

"And what were you going to do when you found out I was?" I hissed, my eyes narrowing. "Were you going to kill me?" 

Draco pulled my body in closer to his, rubbing circles against my arm. 

"I understand why you would think that and I am sorry. I am truly sorry that you would think that I would bring harm to your child" Narcissa sighed, pain clear in her eyes. "I am truly sorry." 

I narrowed my eyes at her, not fully trusting her apology. 

"I came to your home a few days later and I heard you screaming, I tried to get in but you wards" Narcissa drummed her nails on the metal bed, "they are immaculate by the way."

"That was all, Draco" I muttered, glancing towards my husband. 

"Please continue mother" Draco sighed. 

"Once I got in, I found you on the floor and I knew something was wrong. Since I am like you Armena, and as a Malfoy, I could break through the shield but the baby's heart rate was slowed. You were bleeding so much and then you hit your head on the counter—"

I placed a protective hand on my stomach. 

"Pansy came in right when I got the spell down" Narcissa glanced towards Pansy and gave her an appreciative nod. "We had to get the baby out of you, Armena. We had to make a choice and my son would have had my head if I let you die. I was thankful that Pansy came when she did because without her, you and the babe would not have survived."

"Draco was acting as your life line Armena" Pansy breathed, her voice quiet. "Your bond saved you." 

Our beautiful and magical soulbond.

I glanced at my friend, feeling the tears swell in my eyes as I watched her. The amount of times that Pansy Parkinson-Potter has saved my life was endless. Her chocolate eyes reflected sadness and joy, I can't even begin to imagine the fear that she experienced in that moment. What she saw as Narcissa cut the baby out of my body. I felt my bottom lip begin to tremble but as it did, she shook her head. Her silent way of telling me that we would discuss it later. Right now it was about my family— Draco and I's family. 

I let out a deep breath and I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose trying to process this information. To think, Narcissa would be the one to save my life— my child's life. To think that my life was hanging on by a thread as I sat in that white room. To think that I could have left Draco, Scorpius, Pansy, Harry, Blaise and Ginny in this world. 

To think I could have left my child. 

"How long have I been out?" I glanced around the room.

No one spoke a single word, everyone awkwardly shuffled on their feet. I glared at Blaise trying to get him to break but nothing came out of anyone's mouths. It was all like they were bound with a lip locking charm. 

"Three weeks" Harry finally spoke.

"Three weeks!" I gasped, my eyes going wide. 

Three fucking weeks. 

"I thought you were—" Draco's voice broke. "Fuck, I thought we were losing you."

Draco pressed his lips to the top of my head as he held me close, his body trembling with the recent memory. I stared at Narcissa who was sitting at the foot of my bed still. How could this woman, who had been so awful to me for a decade, who made me give up her son so that she could protect him— be the one who ended up saving me? Not only saving me, but saving my child.

Our child.

"Thank you" I mouthed to the older witch and I meant it.

Narcissa only dipped her chin down slightly and moved to stand up. She grabbed at the frame, her red nails drumming slightly on the wood of the door. She turned around to face both Draco and I.

"Congratulations to you two" she smiled, her red lips bright in the dim hospital lights. "You will make wonderful parents, I wish you nothing but happiness and love."

Draco only nodded his head, placing another kiss onto my head as he inhaled deeply. Someone cleared their voice from the corner of the room. I jerked my head over to her, noticing now that she was holding a small infant in her hands.

"Do you want to meet your little girl?" Pansy asked.

I nodded my head rapidly, feeling the tears swell in my eyes. Pansy placed the small child into my arms and I felt my heart burst into a million different pieces.

My baby girl, our beautiful baby girl.

I smiled down at the small child, my shaking fingers brushing the soft cheek of the child. The small child opened up her eyes, reflecting the exact same light grey as her father's and brother's eyes. I let out a gasp as tears poured down my face. I glanced up to Draco, my lips pressing against his as we both held our child in my arms. I broke from the kiss and glanced down to the little girl. Draco wiped the tears from my face with the back of his hand.

"I love you" He pressed his lips on my head, murmuring those three words over and over again.

Scorpius rushed up to the side of the bed, hugging his father as he stared down at his sister. I watched as his eyes went wide as he took in the child. Draco placed his hand on the pale haired boy's head, smiling down at his two children.

Our two children.

"So" Blaise chuckled walking up to the side of the bed. "What's this precious baby girl's name?"

"The first Malfoy girl" Draco sighed, as the small child grabbed onto Draco's finger. "The name has to—"

"Oh, we have a lot to think about" I sighed, glancing up towards Draco.

He only smirked as he continued to hold the small child's hand. The look in his eyes was unlike anything that I had ever seen. It was like his grey eyes had a thousand tiny stars. He was on cloud nine and I couldn't blame him. I was equally as thrilled to hold our daughter in my arms.

"Whatever she says goes," he chuckled.

Our friends eventually left, leaving us to spend some time together alone. I stared longingly at the bassinet that was holding our baby girl, the magical spell rocking it back and forth. An enchanted lullaby was playing silently overtop of her. We still hadn't discussed a name but I had a few ideas on my mind.

"Draco" I breathed, patting the side of the bed next to me. "What do you think about Leta?"

I held my breath as I watched him pause at the side of the bed, with the covers lifted up slightly.

"Leta" he repeated, before moving to slip under the covers of the hospital cot. "Leta Malfoy— I like it and the middle name?"

"I have a few" I picked at a loose thread on my blanket. "I would like to continue with your family tradition and pick a constellation name."

Draco bumped my leg and I scooted over on the cot, allowing Draco to slide under the covers. I curled up into his side, my fingers interlacing in his.

"Go on?" he breathed, "what are you thinking?"

"I want to do something that means blessing or heaven" I glanced up at him. "I like the name Celeste, it means heavenly."

"Leta Celeste" he sat on the name as I picked more at my blanket.

"But I want to honor Pansy" I sighed, "she saved me Draco and not only today but for years she has saved me. She is the sister that I never had and for her to step in and help deliver our child—"

I felt my throat close up tightly as I lost the words. Draco rubbed my shoulder in soothing circles, pressing his lips to my ear.

"Pandora—" I breathed, "Leta Pandora Malfoy."

Draco didn't say anything for minutes. I could only hear his breath as he kept his lips at my ear. He kissed over to my temple, pulling me in closer to him causing me to wince slightly at the dull pain from my scar.

"Pansy is going to think she is the Queen of fucking England" he chuckled darkly. 

I let out a small laugh, curling more into his side.

"Oh, don't think I didn't think about that" I sighed, "but it's something I want to do for her."

Draco brushed his lips against me again and smiled into my flesh.

"Leta Pandora Malfoy" he breathed, "I love it."

Draco and I sat in silence for a few minutes as we both stared at our daughter in the bassinet. She was so beautiful, so perfect and all ours. I thanked Merlin every second since I woke up that I was blessed with such a perfect creation. Her beautiful light grey eyes and those small hands. I only hoped that she had my raven hair.

Draco and I had a daughter.

"I nearly lost you" he breathed, as he pulled me closer to him. "I thought you were going to die. Do you know how that felt?"

"It's—" I winced slightly again. "It's going to take a lot more than that to kill me."

"Don't joke, Armena" he let out a low growl.

I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, but I could not imagine what he experienced during these past three weeks.

"We have a soulbond, a marriage bond, and a horcrux together" I sighed. "I'm like a fortress over here."

"Still—" he sat up, "I was so fucking scared. When I got word that you were here, I almost blew this hospital up. They wouldn't let me in, they didn't know what was wrong and there was so much blood. Our house looked like someone threw red paint all over the place. Not even a scourgify charm would work. Potter, Blaise and I had to get on our hands and knees and scrub."

"I would have loved to see you on your hands and knees" I purred.

I bit my lip, watching as his eyes tracked down to my mouth. Silver flickered in them slightly only to fade quickly. Leave it to him to want to shag not even a day after I woke up from the coma.

"Still, I—"

I pressed my finger to his lip, stopping whatever words were about to come out of his mouth. 

"What did you used to say to me?" I smirked, drumming my finger against his lip. "Oh I remember, for me to end up leaving you, you would have to obliviate me and even then I would find a way back to you. Draco, I will always find a way back to you no matter what. I could hear you, you know? I could hear you and I think that it was the reason I held on for so long. If you weren't there, I would have given in."

His eyes became milky as he gazed at me, I gripped onto his hand, our fingers interlacing over our scar from the marriage bond. I could feel our magic pulse together in perfect harmony as our souls sang.

"I love you" he kissed the top of my head.

I looked up at him, watching him so intently that I swore that I went deep into his silver eyes. He lifted up my chin, pulling me towards his lips. It was all I needed, the force of the kiss more powerful than anything I had ever experienced. I should have been in pain by the way that my body pressed against his but it was like he took away my pain. It was like he was my own medicine and my healer.

"I love you" I breathed into his mouth.

"Forever Armena."

I loved him and he loved me. I was complete with him and he was complete with me. We were one through mind, body and soul. Our bond was so strong, so beautiful woven together that nothing could separate us again— not even death.

Till death do us part.

And not even then.

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