Dreamnotfound Oneshots b/c wh...


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thank you for all the support :) <3 using dnf to improve my writing👍🏻 Will mostly be all fluff and a few an... More

info :)
Bed Hair
Mermaid [Part 2]
Prison Visit
Childhood Friends
Forehead Kisses and Hot Chocolate
An Ocean Away
Be Realistic
A Little Bit In Love
Cuteness Overload
Is That What You Like Now?
The Truth
In Your Dreams
Rivals Or More
Under The Fireworks

Can I Call You Back?

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A/N I recommend you listen to Can I Call You Back by Shy Martin :]

Fluff/Slight Angst

3rd Person POV
Here George was. Sitting at the love of his life's wedding. It should be him up there but he fucked it up. He was happy that he got invited because they were best friends but it took a lot of effort and also some support from his other friends to even show up and not break down crying.

Who's wedding is this? Dream and Fundy's. What did George do? Well here's a short story for you.

George and Dream. The two best friends that everyone adored. They had the strongest bond ever. They have been best friends for nearly 12 years now.

When they reached the 8 year mark of their friendship, that's when their friendship turned into something more. They gained more feelings for each other. Feelings that couldn't be explained. Feelings that scared George. They loved each other. But they didn't make it official. They had a small friends with benefits thing going on but soon George thought it would be best to stop that. He wanted Dream to be with someone who was ready because he wasn't. He didn't want to ruin their friendship or possibly mess something up if they were to date.

The thoughts in his mind made him isolate himself from people and eventually started to push away Dream without knowing.

His mind was like a motel. He's checking out when things don't go well. It sounds like he doesn't care. But in reality he cares too much. He loses himself in conversations. He hears the words but keeps on spacing out. Outside is raining and that's all he can think about. He can't focus now.

He's a no show, he's social, then super low. He stays in and quit things without a warning. He wonders, "Is it ok if I turn off? I don't feel like talking... maybe in the morning."

He would sometimes want to message Dream because he misses him and wants him here. But once he types out something, he deletes them. He writes to himself in his notepad but it's more directed to Dream.

'Can I call you when it ends? When I wanna come down. From the castle on my couch where I shut you out. Can I call you when it ends? When I'm out of feelings. Done with missing out on things. And I'm missing you... Can I call you back?'

Sometimes he wonders what is wrong with him. He always ends up feeling lonely even in a room full of people who he would call his "friends". He wants to call his friends.

He writes again in his notepad.

'Is it alright, is it alright if I don't make sense. Even to myself? Can I call you back again? When I'm out of feelings. Done with missing out on things. And I'm missing you. Can I call you back?'

He would argue with himself if he could call Dream back.

It took George a few months to be at least ok again and he began to talk to his friends more and also to Dream. A couple years later, he soon found out through Dream that him and Fundy were dating and it broke his heart because he still loved Dream but he had to be happy for him.

And now we are here. At their wedding. Where George sat in the very front. He tried not to look at Dream too much or he would burst out crying. He felt glances from Dream which made it harder. The ordained minister, who was Wilbur, called out if there were any objections. George looked up a little bit and he saw Dream looking at him but then looking away. He wanted to object so bad but he wants his best friend to be happy and that's the best thing to do.

He was the one that wasn't ready. He was the one that pushed Dream away. It was fair that Dream found someone else.

As they were doing the rings and vows. George couldn't take it anymore. He stood up and walked out of the beautiful building where the wedding was held. He had tears pricking eyes. He continued to walk until he felt a hand on his wrist which made him stop walking but his head stayed low. Not wanting to look back at whoever stopped him.

"George. Look at me."

It was Dream. Why did he go after George? Why did he just leave his own wedding to go after George? Surely they could've had Sapnap or someone else go see if George was ok but Dream?

"Let go of me Dream. Go back to your wedding."

George tried to get his hand out of Dream's grip but Dream only held his wrist tighter. He pulled George closer to him and spun him around so he was facing him and he cupped his face so that they were looking eye to eye.

Dream saw the tears in George's eyes. Dream knew that he still loves George. The main reason why he even was with Fundy was so he could potentially forget his feelings for George. Fundy is a great person but he wasn't George.

"Why are you crying?", Dream asked softly.

"It doesn't matter. Just leave me alone.", George pushed Dream's hands away from his face and he starts to back away but Dream pulls him into a tight hug. George tried to push him off while tears streamed down his face but he couldn't and gave up trying.

"Why? Why do you do this to me? Why do you-", George couldn't even finish what he was saying because his throat got caught in a sob.

Dream just held George tighter while George lightly kept on punching him on his chest. Dream understood George.

"Say you love me and we can leave this place together.", Dream said into George's ear.

"B-But your wedding..", George managed to choke out.

"I don't care. Just say it. Say those three words and I'm yours.", Dream pulled away from the hug and looked at George. George looked down while trying to control his tears.

Should I say it? No this is wrong..., George thought to himself.

Dream looks back and forth to the building and George a few times, waiting for him to answer.

"I-I- I can't..", George whispered out.

Dream lets out a small sad sigh and turned around to walk back into the building.

But..., George thought before reaching out and grabbing Dream's hand with both of his hands. Dream stops in his tracks and turns back around to look at George.

"I-I-," George started to stutter. It was hard for him to say it.

Just say it George, Dream thought while looking at George and subconsciously squeezed both of George's hands that where still holding his hand.

George finally looks up to Dream, making full eye contact, his eyes were puffy and a bit red from crying, "I love you. I love you Dream."

Dream smiled and pulled George close again and cupped his face. Their lips met in a soft but passionate kiss. They savored this moment as much as they could. They missed each other in many different ways.

They eventually pulled away but still had their faces closed to each other, their eyes were half lidded as they catch their breath.

"What about Fundy?", George asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

And as if on cue, everyone inside the building started to walk out since they got worried about Dream and George taking so long and they saw both of them standing in the middle of the path that leads to the building. Dream lets go of George's face and turns around to look at everyone while George kinda hid behind him and held Dream's hand, interlocking their fingers which Dream gladly accepted.

"Dream? What's going on?", Fundy asked with confusion in his voice. Everyone else was confused too but Sapnap and Karl. They saw Dream's and George's hands and they both quietly started to cheer in their own world before going back to normal.

"I'm sorry Fundy. The wedding is off."

Everyone else gasped, Fundy was hurt and teared up, Karl and Sapnap were trying to keep their composure, George felt guilty. Dream lets go of George's hand momentarily and took off his ring. He walks over to Fundy and hands him back the ring.

"Wha- Why?!", Fundy cried out.

"I'm sorry Fundy. You are an amazing person and I'm grateful for you but you're just not the person I truly love."

Dream then runs back to George and he grabs his hand and he dragged George with him to the parking lot. George looks back and gave an apologetic look to everyone then ran with Dream.

They got in Dream's car and Dream sped away. Dream held out his hand for George to hold which George gladly did so, both of them smiling contently.

"I love you, George."

"I love you too, Dream."

And off they go. To a new adventure. To a new future. To a new chapter.

I guess I could've called him back all along.

1543 words

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