Deep End - Magnus Bane

By stormyshadows__

238K 7K 395

"Love is for the weak" She said staring out of the window of Magnus' apartment, lost in the city below. "If... More



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By stormyshadows__

Sarah swiped the sweat off of her forehead before walking to the table perched in the corner of the training room, she sighed looking at the piece of the mirror she contacted Ithuriel through, she wanted to talk to him again to understand what happened and what was about to happen.

A knock on the door pulled the brunette out of her thoughts, "Lost track of time?" She looked up her eyes landing on the warlock, her worries seemed so far away now that Magnus was here, "I missed dinner, didn't I?" She asked slowly realizing that she had totally lost track of time while training.

But the warlock didn't hold it against her knowing the stress Sarah was in, he quickly dismissed her guilty look with a wave of his hand, "Only by a few hours."

She shook her head taking extra steps to the warlock, "It's been nothing short of crazy around here." Sarah said pursing her lips, her eyes drifting to Magnus' lips, wanting to feel them against her, she gave him a brief kiss, "I can't believe I forgot."

"It's okay, Sarah. If we can't go to the Cape, I'll bring the Cape to us." He smirked snapping his fingers together, making a table with food and candle appear out of thin air, Sarah couldn't help the grin that broke on her face, "You're amazing."

He smiled pulling the chair for her like a true gentleman, She smiled gratefully settling in her chair as he removed the silver covers from the plates, "Lobster tails and champagne to toast to a successful Downworld meeting."

He settled on the chair in front of her handing the brunette a glass of wine, toasting to the downworld meeting, "I take it. It went well?"

Magnus shrugged taking a sip off of his glass, swallowing the red liquid, "Relatively." She nodded listening intently to the warlock, "But the Downworlders barely trust the Clave to begin with, and the Seelie Queen went on and on about the Clave being nothing but a bunch of liars."

Sarah refrained from agreeing to what Magnus said about the Clave, what Alec entrusted her about the soul sword she won't reveal, "Yeah, I won't trust the Seelie Queen that much either."

"Is it because of the offer?" Magnus wondered putting the fork to his mouth, staring at the brunette who shrugged, "No, the other day, I talked with Ithuriel." She shrugged as if it was not a big deal when in fact it was.

"The angel?"

"Yeah, He warned me about Jonathan and the Seelie Queen."

"Why is he helping you?"

"No Clue." and it was the truth, Sarah had no idea why the angel would help her although maybe because they share the same blood made him kind of sympathetic towards her situation, it was one of the things she still hadn't figure out yet.

Sarah walked into the shop smelling the demonic energy wafting through the air, it's easier if you trained Sahdowhunter to smell that type of smell almost immediately, the shop was destructed as if a hurricane had gone through it, her eyes landed on the dead body on the floor that apparently Clary knew he was.

"Oh, Elliot..." Clary whispered closing the warlock's vacant eyes, Sarah paused trying to give the redhead a few seconds before talking, "A demon was here."

Jace nodded agreeing with the brunette before bending by the warlock's dead body examining it while Sarah looked around the place, she frowned feeling discomfort on her right side of her chest before a flash of white passed in front of the brunette's eyes.

"Where's the Mirror?" Valentine asked, her eyes widened but she couldn't react she was only watching unable to interact but she found herself talking, it wasn't her voice in fact it wasn't even her body she inhabited not in that vision.

"I don't care what you do. I promised Jocelyn." Elliot shouted before chanting something in a weird language probably casting a spell, he was shaking in his seat by the time he finished his chanting, Valentine along with whoever was with him stood with their mouths agape.

"Jonathan, do not let him die!" Sarah gasped in shock pulling herself out of the vision, standing in the shop with wide eyes she muttered one word, "Valentine"

"What?" Jace turned at the mention of the name falling from Sarah's lips, she shook her head anger coursing through her, "Valentine and Jonathan are behind this."

"How do you know?"

"There was a vision..." She trailed hoping the couple would understand which they did, they nodded, Jace clenched his jaw, "Do you know what Jonathan looks like?"

Sarah shook her head, of all the time she wanted the vision to at least reveal who Jonathan was what he looked like especially now that he's involved with Valentine. "No, this one was different. It was like I was Jonathan."

"Who's Jonathan?" The three Shadowhunters turned around abruptly after being rudely interrupted by Sebastian, Sarah clamped her mouth up still reeling from the vision, Clary frowned, "Sebastian? What are you doing here?

He cleared his throat, scratching his head nervously, "I, ... I saw the alert at the Institute. Is everything under control?" He inquired looking around at the damaged place with wondering eyes, "So Who's Jonathan?"

Clary sighed as if she dreaded having to talk about her not-so-dead brother, "My brother." Sebastian nodded, he knew better than to ask about Clary's complicated family.

"If he comes after the mirror again, I'm gonna have to deal with him," Jace stated which made Sarah and Clary turn to him with furrowed eyebrows as far as they know, Jonathan wasn't involved with Valentine until recently.

"You'll kill him?" She asked with distaste as if she couldn't believe Jace would do such a thing, but he shrugged the answer was quite easy for him, "If that's what it takes, yeah."

"What if Valentine's forcing him to do his bidding?" Sebastian chimed in, not taking his eyes off of the murderous blonde who shook his head. "Jonathan Morgenstern is a demon-blooded monster who is responsible for the death of an innocent warlock."

Sarah scoffed, she of all people would know what Valentine's manipulations can do to anyone, "No. Jonathan is definitely manipulated by Valentine."

"How are you so sure?" Jace asked with raised eyebrows, he couldn't believe that Sarah would oppose him on that, "I know firsthand what his manipulations feel like, I don't think he's evil, Jace. I think he's just like I was. Doesn't know what he wants and Valentine is using that. Probably making him some empty promises. Demon blood or not no one is getting killed."

Sebastian never took his eyes off of the fierce Shadowhunter a small hidden smile creeping on his face which was gone before anyone noticed, he cleared his throat, "Yeah, I suppose the, uh... the priority right now should be finding that mirror."

Sarah sighed as she sharpened her blade, staring at it intensely, she was going on a mission to retrieve the mirror her blade and mind needed to be sharp for that mission. she looked up when she heard Magnus knocking on the doorframe, she frowned, "Please don't say you've been waiting for me all this time. Did you not get my message about the mission?"

"I did. Just wanted to see you." Sarah settled her blade down, looking at the warlock with a worried gaze, "Is everything okay?"

Magnus' eyes narrowed like he wanted to say a lot of things but wasn't sure how to start, he shrugged, "I thought so, but now I'm not so sure."

Now Sarah looked at Magnus like really looked at him noticing his stiff posture and tense gaze, she wasn't used to the warlock looking at her like that, which made her even worrier, "What's going on?"

"You tell me, Sarah. From the day I met you, the one thing I knew I can count on from you was honesty. Absolute, total honesty." Sarah didn't answer, she honestly had no idea where this conversation was going. On her creased forehead, Magnus didn't hold back. "You knew about the Sword?"

Her eyebrows shot up and it was all the warlock needed to confirm his suspicion that the brunette didn't trust him, kept secrets from him while he had been nothing but open with her, "Magnus...." She started but she couldn't continue what would she say.

"When? When did you know? Tonight, when I talked about trust, did you know then?"

His accusations rendered her silent, he had every right to be mad about that, she had absolutely nothing to say, "Magnus, Look, I just...I had a lot on my mind with everything that has been going on..."

He frowned cutting her off like the brunette was just making it worse, "So you didn't care? Valentine had the soul sword and you didn't think to tell me."

"Of course, I wanted to tell you." She blurted out but Magnus sneered, "Don't." She swallowed heavily taking a few steps back, "Don't lie to me. You had no intention of telling me anything. Is it because Alec ordered it? So you're blindly following orders again?"

"If the Downworld found out, there'd be widespread panic. It could've led to a rebellion. Another problem we don't need on our plate not right now." The brunette stated trying to make Magnus that she never really intended to keep it a secret

"And you didn't trust me to stay quiet?"

Sarah shook her head vigorously, she can already feel an invisible wall building between them, "You know damn well that I do trust you, more than anyone in my life but I didn't wanna ask you to have to keep a secret from your own people. That wouldn't be fair to you."

"Oh. You're just like Valentine, spitting lies left and right for your gain. Trying to weasel your way out of your lies just to spin another."

"What?" She couldn't how harsh Magnus she understood his anger but she didn't deserve it or perhaps she was waiting for this moment, the moment he'd realize that she doesn't deserve him that Sarah was the last one he should be with.

He shook his head, breathing out, "After I bared my heart and soul. I told you things I have never told anyone and you looked me straight in the eye and lied." She stayed knowing quite well that this was it, nothing she would say would make Magnus understand, he scoffed, "Blood or not you and Valentine are definitely alike." He walked out of her room with the brunette passing her hand through her hair watching the warlock walk down the hallway without sparing her another glance.

A portal opened in Central Park. Jace, Sarah, Clary, and Dot walked out of it, the warlock's eyes darting between the lines on her wrist and around the park searching for the mirror, she walked forward with the Shadowhunters following after her.

They walked into a pergola that had a statue in the middle, "It's here." Dot got closer to the statue, she created a ball of energy with her magic, chanting in Latin. Her hand reached in the ball, now taking her hand out of the ball of magic with a small object in hand

"It's the Mortal Mirror." Clary remarked when Dot turned to her with the object, Sarah cleared her throat, "Okay, let's go."

Turning around, their eyes fell on a demon with a burnt flesh, he flung Jace onto the ground deeming him unconscious while Sarah's bow materialized in her hand, "Jonathan!" She yelled already knowing who the demon was.

To her confusion, he tilted his head at her I don't want to hurt you. She felt the message in her head as if Jonathan was already there and he was merely just sending a remark, it rattled the brunette, she didn't even notice Dot conjuring a ball of magic flinging it at the unsuspecting demon.

She opened a Portal turning to the redhead, "Take the Mirror and go, Clary!" Sarah nodded at Dot knowing that this was the only way to protect the mirror along with the blonde, the three Shadowhunters went into the Portal leaving Dot and Jonathan behind.

The Shadowhunters were back at the institute the portal closing after them, "What was that out there?" Jace asked his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the brunette who passed her hand through her hair in frustration.

She clenched her jaw tightly, confusion swirling inside her, "You hesitated, Sarah." He shook his head as if the words were foreign on his tongue, "You don't hesitate."

"I know." She said simply because she didn't wanna go down the road where she denies everything going on around her, "What's going on with you?"

Clary nodded agreeing with Jace, her own eyebrows furrowing, "He's right. Something is wrong. We can help you."

"You can start by telling me what this is." She pushed her collar aside so the redhead along with Jace could get a good look at the rune that wielded itself on her skin, Clary frowned, "I don't..." Sarah cut her off adjusting her collar, "I know."

"It appeared on its own?"

"That day when I activated the sword, shortly after."

"What do you think it is?" Jace wondered not bothering to conceal his worry over the mysterious rune.

"My best guess was that the angels put it there as a punishment for activating the sword so I can't do it again. But Jace since that rune appeared, I'm not myself I don't feel like myself, my feelings aren't mine, my thoughts aren't my own." She shook her head, "Magnus was taking my mind off of it but..."

Sarah paused swallowing heavily, the sting of Magnus' harsh words never dulled instead it felt like it burnt her skin and etched itself there, it took all of her power to stop replaying the conversation over and over in her mind torturing herself with the way it had gone, she wished to forget it, to crawl back into Magnus' embrace and forget about the whole world even for just a few seconds erase the look of betrayel she'd have never thought he'd ever give her but she couldn't. It was like she was meant to suffer, even those moments of peacefulness she had, was ripped away from her.

Maybe she was pining or maybe she wasn't but could anybody really blame her when all of her life she never opened up about her feelings and thoughts except for the warlock that she even dared to go as far as to think she might be feeling love but like everything in her life she ruined maybe she was meant to ruin that too.

"It's stronger than ever." She said finally referring to the rune, ridding her mind of all Magnus thoughts.

Sarah along with Jace rushed to the infirmary room after Clary yelled something about Max being attacked in the institute, the boy was just barely ten years old and for someone to attack him like that didn't have a grain of humanity in them.

Her eyes wandered to the unconscious kid who had a nasty gash on his head, "We checked the Institute's security camera footage. Whoever attacked him is somehow covering their tracks."

"Has he been able to talk?" Sebastian asked his eyes darting from Max to his siblings with narrowed eyes, Isabelle shook her head, "Not yet. He's unconscious."

"I don't understand. Who would wanna hurt him?" Clary shook her head in disbelief just like the brunette's thoughts she couldn't fathom how could someone hurt a kid.

"I don't know. But I'm gonna find out." Alec announced determinedly while the rest of the Shadowhunters nodded their head in agreement.

Meanwhile, at Magnus' apartment, the warlock settled on his couch with a rose in his hand, fingering the petals softly, his mind wandering to the first time Sarah had stayed over in his place.

The warlock walked to the couch where the brunette was passed out soundlessly, they hadn't talked that much perhaps not at all, but he had considered the fact that she agreed to share a drink with him was the start of their story.

He put the tray with the coffee on the coffee table, "Cream or Sugar?" He asked looking at Sarah putting his hand on her shoulder to shake her awake

Sarah opened her eyes with a jolt her hand flying to her dagger and in a flash, the weapon was pointed at Magnus' throat, "Woah, Woah. Easy." Magnus breathed trying not to make any moves, raising his hands in surrender, the brunette clenched her jaw her eyes adjusting to her surroundings as memories of the other night flooded her mind. She shook her head, putting the dagger down slowly, "I fell asleep, didn't I?"

"We both did." Magnus excused her, going to settle beside her on the couch, but she flung herself away wanting to stay as far as possible from the warlock who was adamant about being close to her, "On separate couches. Never fear."

Sarah closed her eyes tightly before opening them, her eyes falling on her jacket moving to grab it, "This was a bad idea." She said pointing her finger at the liquor bottles.

Magnus dismissed her with a flick of his wrist, now standing up from the couch, "In hindsight, liquor might have been a bad idea after being drained of all my magic to heal your friend Luke."

Sarah scrunched her nose in disgust appalled by the idea, "Oh, he's not my friend. Not by a long shot."

"You're more than just a pretty face, aren't you?"


"You shared your strength with me to help your friend. It's rare to find a Shadowhunter with such a..." He trailed off before settling on a word that best described the Shadowhunter that had enamored him since his eyes landed on her, "Open heart."

The brunette had shaken her head as if she couldn't believe a word he uttered, "This is just a lapse of judgment. Don't mistake me for someone who cares, you'll be disappointed."

Magnus sighed looking down for a few seconds collecting his thoughts, "You know I'd lose all my credibility if my people found out that I let a Shadowhunter spend the night.

"If you care so much why'd you let me sleep here?" Her eyes stayed on him as if Magnus was a riddle she was trying to unravel to understand the extent of it, his eyes met hers, "Trust makes you do strange things."

"Trust is the last thing you should hand someone like me."

Magnus sighed, she had told him before that she wasn't right, she wasn't equipped to handle trust or even love perhaps he had pushed her but Sarah was different, isn't that what he had told himself when he first met her, nobody had ever rattled him the way she did she was always honest with him sharing as much as she could, Sarah made a mistake he just wasn't sure how to deal with it.

Back to the institute, Sarah crossed her arms in front of her chest after she and Clary discovered that Max tried to track Jonathan and as a result, Jonathan must have found him, "What did you find?"

"The box my mom used to keep Jonathan's things in." Clary started, glancing at Sebastian and Alec tentatively trying to assess the situation in her mind, piecing the parts together like a puzzle, "It was right where Izzy found Max." Sarah added.

"I remember Max had his eyes on it. He was so determined to prove himself." Alec shook his head, guilt oozing off of him in waves but he wasn't responsible for this.

"It's possible he found a way to use the box to track Jonathan." Sarah voiced her concern watching as the wheels behind Alec's eyes started to turn, "Wait, all of this would mean that Jonathan found a way to get inside the Institute without us even knowing."

"If Jonathan attacked Max and came for the Mirror..." Sarah nodded continuing Clary's train of thoughts, "He wouldn't have left here without it. We saw what the real Jonathan looks like. He will be glamoured as one of our own."

"Hiding in plain sight."

Alec nodded his head turning to Sebastian with determination, "Okay. Hey, Sebastian, I want you and any other personnel on supplemental guard duty. Effective immediately, the Institute's on lockdown."

"Hey, Alec. A word." Alec walked with Sarah to one of the abandoned hallways, she looked around her making sure that there weren't any Shadowhunters nearby she wouldn't risk it.

"You might need to call Magnus. He'll know what to do." She started, she wanted to help the little boy, but knowing she had a limited power over the situation she opted to trust Magnus even if he himself doesn't trust her not anymore.


She bit her lips, her mind resolved, "I have a plan, I need you to trust me." Sarah said with a serious gaze her eyes never straying away from Alec's who frowned listening intently to the brunette.

Sarah stood in the darkness her eyes never straying away from the door expecting danger any second, any second now either she'd have her answers or it'll be gone perhaps forever or she'd find another way, she always did anyway.

Her lips curled up when she heard shouting from inside of the institute, it meant her plan was working in a just a few seconds she'd get her answer, the black figure had rushed out of the institute in a hurry, but the brunette had the blood of an angel, pure blood even in all his demonic power he's no match for her.

"Stop right there." She yelled bow in hand an arrow already attached to it, the man had stopped his back turned to her, her concentrated face never wavered, "Jonathan."

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