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Sarah stood with a bunch of guards behind her, while she locked Valentine tightly with the straps, "Is that tight enough?" Valentine was about to answer before the brunette stopped him, "Wait!" She said tightening the straps even more, "I think, T...

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Sarah stood with a bunch of guards behind her, while she locked Valentine tightly with the straps, "Is that tight enough?" Valentine was about to answer before the brunette stopped him, "Wait!" She said tightening the straps even more, "I think, That's better."

She pulled a device out of her pocket to remove the circle rune on Valentine's neck, she pressed the button, the device hummed electrically in her hand, she smiled a sweet smile, just to show Valentine that this would indefinitely hurt, "Go ahead, Sarah. It's not gonna stop me. It's not some rune that makes us who we are. It's our blood. And yours is exceptional."

"That's 'cause you experimented on me. How sick is that?" She asked with her eyebrows pulled together in a mocking question. He shrugged, which appeared quite crook when he was held by tightly by the straps that bruised his wrist, "I taught you to be a warrior and there you are."

"You turned me into a monster." She said, now looking at Valentine with all the disinterest she could master, a little indifferent to his piercing gaze on her, "There's a lot you don't remember, Sarah. The last thing that I'd ever want is for you to be a monster."

"Oh, but I do remember." She said lowering herself so she could look him straight in the eye, "You taught me not to feel. You taught me that to love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be the one destroyed."

He stared at her unwavering like always not giving the brunette any reaction, "And you've proven how right I've been all along." He sneered at her, "Look at you. Your love for Magnus will be your downfall."

"I think it'd be the opposite actually, not that I care about your opinion."

He tilted his head, looking down for a second as if overcome by a memory that quickly left his mind, "There was a time when you did."

"You mean when you were glamouring yourself as my father, it's an endless cycle of how sick you are, Valentine." Valentine sighed, "You know you should have killed me that day but you're still a coward."

"Or maybe." She paused, debating her words before continuing, "I just wanted to see you suffer. It's sweeter that way." She threw a quick glance at one of the guards, who stepped to Valentine pulling his head back so the brunette could laser Valentine's circle rune away.

"Magnus?" Sarah called out walking into the warlock's apartment that felt like her home, considering that she had been sleeping most of the night in it away from the institute, "Magnus?" She called with a frown on her face when her eyes landed on Magnus' face which was clearly elsewhere as if pulled by an invisible force in an alternate universe.

"Well, hello." He shook himself out of whatever vision he was pulled into, approaching the brunette with steady steps, "I was just about to make myself a drink. You want one?"

She studied his face for a few seconds as if she could actually pinpoint what's going on through his head, sighing she shook her head, "No. We're transporting Valentine to Idris. I need to be sharp."

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