The Wolf and the Raven

By kheflin1

19K 652 102

James Potter's younger sister joins him at Hogwarts becoming a part of the Marauder mayhem. War is on the hor... More

Ch 1 - Meet Cute
Ch 2 - The Hogwarts Express
Ch 3 - Letters Home
Ch 4 - Even More Letters
Ch 5 - Diagon Alley
Ch 6 - The Sorting
Ch 7 - No Homework Allowed
Ch 8 - Operation: BugFest
Ch 9 - Minus One
Ch 10 - The Disappearances of Remus Lupin
Ch 11 - I Know What You Are
Ch 12 - Christmas and Its Aftermath
Ch 13 - Rendezvous
Ch 14 - The Thing Inside Me
Ch 15 - A Furry Little Problem
Ch 16 - Where There's a Will
Ch 17 - Rescue Mission
Ch 18 - Play Day
Ch 19 - The Seeker
Ch 20 - Games
Ch 21 - Calchas' Prophecy
Ch 22 - The Gamekeeper of Hogwarts
Ch 23 - Seeker vs Seeker
Ch 24 - Sibling Rivalry
Ch 25 - A Very Potter Christmas
Ch 26 - Goin' Back to Hogwarts
Ch 27 - Quidditch and Jelly-Leg Jinxes
Ch 28 - Green-Eyed Monster
Ch 29 - Lone Wolf
Ch 30 - Happy Birthday Moony
Ch 31 - Moonlight and Malfoy
Ch 32 - A Small Problem
Ch 33 - End of Term
Ch 34 - Branwen Takes America
Ch 35 - Change of Plans
Ch 36- Here We Go Again
Ch 37 - In Sickness and In Health
Ch 38 - Hogsmeade at Last
Ch 39 - Crash and Burn
Ch 40 - Lost and Found
Ch 41 - Happenings in Hospital
Ch 43 - Prophecy Revisited
Ch 44 - Of Soulmates and Animagi
Ch 45 - Christmas Visitors
Ch 46 - Valentine's in Hogsmeade
Ch 47 - "We Got Lost"
Ch 48 - Wormtail
Ch 49 - Consequences
Ch 50 - Showdown
Ch 51 - We Did It!
Ch 52 - The Marauders
Ch 53 - Goodbye for Now

Ch 42 - A Dark and Stormy Day

240 7 0
By kheflin1

TW: harassment, cat-calling, unwanted sexual attention

The tale of Branwen's illegal escapade had taken hold, and been greatly embellished, before she was even released from hospital. According to the gossip in the halls, she had stolen a rogue hippogriff which had thrown her into the Forest as she tried to ride it to the coast. Her friends then battled trolls and ogres and all other manner of viscous creatures in order to rescue her. When she was returned to the castle, she had to have several fingers reattached. Or so the story went.

The most remarkable (and the only true) aspect of the repeated tale was that none other than Dumbledore himself had visited them and cancelled any detention they might have incurred. Everyone wanted to know what kind of magic the five Gryffindors worked that got them out of a punishment for such outlandish acts. Severus and Lily especially watched them with suspicion throughout the week.

By the end of the week, though, Branwen's story had become old news. Now everyone's attention was focused on the upcoming match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Shacklebolt did his best to keep the team in order, but in the days leading up to the match, the Prewett twins dazzled the Great Hall with red and gold fireworks and banners that roared like lions. By the end of the week, the banners not only roared, but booed anytime someone said the word "Slytherin."

The day of the match was the stormiest of the year so far. The November winds whistled around every corner, howling like an animal in pain. Every few minutes the steely sky would tear apart and roar with thunder. Rain had yet to fall, but no one doubted it was close at hand.

Remus and Peter left the Great Hall after breakfast, their friends having already headed to their locker rooms. They walked down to the stadium with the wind clawing at their overcoats, as though determined to rip the cloaks from their backs. The usually colourful stands were a sea of black and grey. Some brave (or foolish) souls had dared to bring umbrellas, but they were quickly swept out of their hands, twirling and tumbling across the pitch like so many black, spindled tumble-weeds.

As they walked, Peter wrung his hands and whined at Remus' elbow. "What do think Dumbledore wants with us? Are we going to be expelled? What if he turns us over to the Ministry?"

Remus sighed like an increasingly impatient parent. "What on earth would the Ministry want with us? We were out in the Forest after hours, not robbing Gringotts. Now sit." He shoved his friend's shoulder, forcing him onto a bench.

They found themselves beside Marlene and Mary, but Lily wasn't with them. "Where's Evans?" Remus asked the girls. "She never misses a match."

Marlene rolled her eyes. "She's angry with Potter and your little gang for always getting away with everything. So she's protesting by sitting over there."

Remus followed the line of her pointing finger. He saw Lily across the pitch sitting beside Severus in the Slytherin section. Despite the bravery of her intentions, she was looking very uncomfortable. Severus was marking in a book beside her and seemed completely unaware of the attention his friend was drawing, especially from seventh-years Dolohov and Moriarty. Even from his position across the pitch, Remus could see the boys cat-calling and making crude remarks to the red-haired Gryffindor girl.

Down on the pitch, the teams faced off. The wind whipped red and green robes like taut flags, snapping them back on their wearers. Branwen came face-to-face with Regulus for the first time that week. She was furious that, despite leading the others to her, he left them in the Forest and then studiously avoided her from then on.

Shacklebolt and McTavish shook hands. The sound of Madam Hooch's whistle was lost in a crack of thunder, but the teams saw the silver instrument on her lips and leapt into the air.

It was a physical match from the start. The Prewetts smashed into Wilkes and Rosier as soon as they were in the air, sending the Slytherin Chasers spinning. James took the opportunity to snatch the Quaffle and, guarded up the pitch by Sirius and Shacklebolt, made the first score five minutes into the game.

With the activity whirling beneath her, Branwen flew alongside Regulus. She had to scream to be heard over the wind and splatters of rain that had just started to fall."I hope you're happy! I broke my leg down in that Forest! I may never have been found! Was that your plan? Get me out of the way and you could be the best Seeker in the school?"

"Are you kidding me? I went and found your idiot brother. There was no plan!" he yelled. "I only wanted to have fun with a friend."

"Then why did you ditch me and the others in the Forest? And why have you ignored me all this time? Friends don't do that!"

A roll of thunder and the increasing rain drove them apart. It was nearly as dark as night now and cold raindrops pelted their faces.

"Oooh," Peter shivered in the stands. "Come on, Bran. Get it over with."

Remus only pulled his coat tighter, but silently agreed.

Branwen must have had the same thought, for she gave up her usual methodic search and was darting back and forth across the field, diving into corners, whipping faster than the wind in her desperate search for the Snitch. Regulus finally caught up to her, smashing hard into her shoulder, causing her to pull up.

"Is this your idea of an apology?" she shouted.

"I just want you to stop and shut up for a minute!" Regulus glanced around, but no one seemed to notice the two Seekers conversing. Between the rain and dark, it was a surprise they could see each other. "Look, the only reason I ignored you was because....because I was ashamed. I kept saying our brothers and those other gits weren't good enough for you. But when it came down to it, I was the one who put you in danger and they were the ones who rescued you. You deserve them, not a prat like me."

Branwen wrung the rain from her hair. It was likely the closest to an apology that a Black ever made. She smiled sheepishly.

"We're all right?" Regulus looked hopeful.

"Yeah, we're all right."

A scream interrupted their conversation. Looking up, the Seekers realised they were just below the Slytherin stands. Lily Evans was being dragged through the crowd by Antonin Dolohov and Francis Moriarty. Severus was crawling after them, stepping on his fellow students, but his wand remained in his pocket.

A shout and blast came from above. "Protego!" James' Shield Charm threw the two Slytherins to their feet, giving Lily a chance to run from the stands.

Another shout followed. "Petrificus Totalus!" Sirius' spell cast Dolohov and Moriarty into a Full Body-Bind Curse.

Severus finally made it to where the seventh-years were laying, stiff grimaces on their faces. He released them, then glared at James and Sirius, who smirked before flying off.

Between the storm and the Prewetts scoring another two goals, the scene in the Slytherin stands went unnoticed by the rest of the spectators.

The wind and rain were raging harder than ever. Branwen and Regulus knew that one of them had to catch the Snitch soon, or the game would be a draw, no points to either team. They would never have spotted it though, had the tiny orb not flown directly between them, its soft wings brushing their ears as though wanting to be found.

Without another word to each other, Branwen and Regulus raced forward. The Snitch flew forward several more yards, then doubled back on itself, racing toward them once more. Regulus took the time to turn around, but even though he could spin on a dime, he couldn't beat Branwen who, instead of turning, simply flipped upside down on her broom. Her legs hooked around the thin shaft of wood and the Snitch flew neatly into her hand.

No one but Regulus saw the phenomenal catch though. It was too dark, too wet. The Seekers flew up to Madam Hooch, waving their arms to indicate the game was finished. She did a sweep of the pitch, alerting the rest of the players to the end of the match. Both teams gladly landed and rushed to their respective locker rooms.

James, Sirius, and Branwen skipped the locker rooms, meeting up with Remus and Peter in the Entrance Hall. Each of them stood in their own puddle, dripping from their thoroughly soaked clothes. Branwen giggled when Sirius gave a canine shake of his head and body, resulting in a further splashing on the rest of them. Remus rolled his eyes and pulled out his wand. His warm air charm had them all sighing in relief, glad to be back in dry clothes and feel their fingers once again.

"Well," James pushed a hand through his hair, "are you ready?"

They nodded, except for Peter who was still trembling from head to toe.

The five of them made their way cautiously down the hall. The only students they passed were Gryffindor prefects Bertha Jorkins and Kaleb Newman who congratulated them on their recent win. Everyone else was likely huddled around their common room fires, drying themselves out and exaggerating the glories of this match and all the ones before it.

When they reached the gargoyle that McGonagall had pointed out to them, they paused and looked between themselves. It was James who stepped forward and said, "Chocolate cauldron."

The gargoyle stood aside and they found themselves squished together on a narrow staircase that slowly revolved upward. The stairs came to a stop in front of an imposting oak door. James again took the lead and knocked, though quite more timidly than he had intended.

"Come in."

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