Ch 19 - The Seeker

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Walburga Black was true to her word and kept her oldest son isolated until the moment he boarded the Hogwarts Express.

"Do you think he'll be here?" Branwen leaned out the door of the compartment, looking desperately for their friend. It wasn't until the train was already swaying down the tracks that she saw him stalking down the aisle. "Siri!" She darted out and threw her arms around his neck. "We were so worried!" She dragged him back into the compartment. "Found him!"

The boys all jumped up at their friend's entrance. They embraced with the awkward affection unique to boys becoming simultaneously aware of and embarrassed by their masculinity. "You okay, mate?" James finally asked. "I've never see you so....clean."

It was true that their friend looked entirely unnatural. His hair, which had been cut to ear length, was split down the middle and plastered to his skull with what appeared to be a gallon of Sleekeazy's gel. Both his white button up shirt and black slacks looked almost too starched for movement.

Sirius only grinned though. He ripped his spotless shirt off and used it like a towel to rub his hair. Most of the gel came off in oily streaks and his hair ended up ruffled in an unintentionally attractive way. Branwen looked away quickly though,because she saw the bruises that littered his arms and knew why they were there.

"Well, you lads ready for the best year ever?" James leaned back in his seat, throwing an arm around Sirius.

Branwen frowned. "What's going to make this year better than the others?"

"Well, first of all, Bon-Bon," he reached across and mussed her otherwise perfect hair, "you are going to become the new star Seeker of the prestigious Gryffindor Quidditch team!"

"Oh yeah!" She brightened up. "Well, if I make it through try-outs."

Remus smiled. "We've all seen you fly, Bran. Fairchild would have to be blind not to pick you."

She blushed.

Sirius continued. "Plus, this is the year we finally get to go to Hogsmeade."

"Yes!" James pumped his fist in the air. "Wait, how did you get your mum to agree to sign your form?"

He shrugged. "Sometimes her nasty pride works in my favour. She didn't want anyone to question what one of the Noble and Most Ancient Blacks could have done to deserve staying at the castle."

Branwen huffed and pouted, "I hate being a year younger. I don't want to stay at school alone."

"Well," James poked her on the nose, "if you're nice to your big brother, I'll let you use the cloak to come with us."

"That's so boring though, having to stay hidden. I hate the stupid tradition of giving the Cloak to the first-born Potter. They should give it to the smartest."

"That would still be me," James laughed.

"You wish! Who was the first to figure out about Remus? Hm? Who saved your arse that time you scorched Mum's favourite rug? And the time you flew your broom down Tottenham Court Road?"

"Yeah, and who's been paving the way for you at Hogwarts? Making sure you ace all your classes?"

She scoffed. "Not you, that's for sure."

The door to the compartment slid open and Lily Evans stuck her head. "Potter. I should have known. Look, as much as I sympathise with your sibling rivalry, some of us are trying to get homework done and your voice carries like an Erumpet in season!"

"Homework?" Peter asked. "But we haven't got any yet."

"Severus and I are looking ahead to some of the more advanced Potions."

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