Ch 41 - Happenings in Hospital

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Branwen woke from unconsciousness for the second time in twenty-four hours. She was grateful to find that this time she was in a soft, warm bed rather than on the cold, hard ground. In fact, she was so comfortable, she wondered if everything that had happened was only a dream.

Then, as her eyelids fluttered, she heard Sirius' voice. "Hey! She's alive!"

A hand grabbed hers and another flew to her forehead, brushing aside her hair. "Bon-Bon. You okay?"

Branwen opened her eyes all the way, then drew in a startled breath. James, Sirius, and Peter were inches from her face, their eyes wide as they watched her reactions.

"Come on," Remus' voice broke through the huddled group, "no one wants to wake up and see your ugly mugs. It's enough to send someone back into a coma."

"That's cold, Lupin," Sirius said, but stepped back nevertheless.

Despite protesting his friends' huddle, Remus quickly took their place. He leaned in close; his green eyes were filled with so much concern, Branwen began to worry. Was she hurt worse than she had previously thought? "Give it to me straight," she reached up and grabbed Remus' shirt, "will I ever play Quidditch again?"

Remus rolled his eyes. "She's fine," he announced to the chuckling boys.

James shoved his friend aside and took his sister's hand again. "Are you really okay, Bon-Bon? I mean, really, really?"

She nodded.

"Good." He pulled her close and squeezed her as hard as he could. She thought for sure that he would break her ribs all over again. Then he shoved her back on to the pillows. "What the hell were you thinking! You could have been killed! Then mum would have killed me!"

"In case you haven't noticed, I came out of it quite well."

"Besides the broken leg, broken ribs, and," Sirius tapped her forehead, "a scar lovely enough to rival our dear Moony."

Branwen's hand flew to her brow. There was the tiniest of scratches below her temple.

"Don't worry, Bran," Peter smiled, "you still look pretty."

"Thanks, Peter," she smiled. "Um, by the way, what happened to Regulus?"

"I sent him away," Sirius huffed. "He doesn't need to be involved."

"He did come and get us," Remus said slowly.

"Instead of looking for her himself," James shot back.

Seeing where the conversation was going, Branwen asked, "Hey, how long have I been out?"

Remus looked at his watch. "We found you Saturday night and it's Sunday afternoon now."

"Ugh," she groaned. "I've been out a whole day?"

"Thanks to Madam Pomfrey," James said. "She gave you a Sleeping Draught. She said you'd be up running around if she didn't. And I think she was right."

"Uh, speak of the devil," Peter elbowed his friend.

Just then, Madam Pomfrey strode from her office. The Healer, usually firm but kind, looked positively furious. "Miss Potter."

Branwen gulped, and the boys took a step back.

"I am extremely disappointed in you." There was a weighted silence. Branwen hung her head; she was unable to look Pomfrey in the eye as the woman said, "I have alerted Professor McGonagall about your activities. I'm sure she will have quite the punishment in store. As for me, I am seriously considering discontinuing your lessons here."

The Wolf and the Ravenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें