Ch 34 - Branwen Takes America

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Branwen was true to her promise to write.

In fact, there was a parcel waiting on the Lupins' doorstep when they returned from Kings Cross. It must have left the Hogsmeade Post Office even before the Express pulled out of the station.

The full moon was only three days away and the package contained everything Branwen had brought during her first visit to the hospital wing: a thermos of tea, a bag of chocolates, and her worn copy of "Tales of the Beedle the Bard." The page on which "The Fountain of Fair Fortune" began was dog-eared. The short note attached read only: Be safe. B.E.P.

The next letter was much lengthier:

Dear Remus,
I can't believe I'm finally here in America! It's all so exciting.
We flew over on a Muggle aeroplane. James kept teasing me because I was scared. He said that I shouldn't be afraid because I fly on a broom all the time, but I told him that it's completely different being trapped in a metal tube a million miles above an ocean. Merlin, the noises that thing made – I thought we were going to crash any minute.
When we finally got here, Mum and Dad bought James and me special Muggle cameras called "Polaroids." They print pictures as soon as you take them! Dad is convinced there's magic involved, but Mum says the inventors are definitely Muggles. By the way, did you know that they call Muggles "No-Majs" here? It's very weird.
Anyway, we're staying here in the MACUSA building in the hospitality suites they have reserved for foreign visitors. We met the headmaster of the Mahoutokoro School of Magic when we were checking in. He was very kind and gave me a fan that transfigures into a cherry blossom when it's closed. I'm sure you already know that they mostly use cherry wood for their wands over there.
Dad's arranged for us to meet the MACUSA president in the morning, after we pick up his and mum's wand permits. James says we have to bow when we meet the president, but I don't think that's right. We'll see I guess.
Hope you're doing well. Remember to write me. I want to have lots to read when I get home.
Love, Branwen

Attached was a Polaroid of Branwen and James standing outside the Woolworth Building in New York. It was blurry, since they were both trying to wave; clearly they'd forgotten it wasn't a wizarding photo and therefore wouldn't capture movement. Still, it was impossible to miss the smiles on the siblings' faces.

The next letter came a week later.

Dear Remus,
Today we visited Salem, Massachusetts. You remember from Binns' class about the trials that happened there. Witches and muggles executed for no reason at all. Dad was furious that the Muggles don't have a memorial there, since their own kind were persecuted too. They just wander up and down the streets as happy as can be, as if they don't even know or care about the tragedy that surrounds them.
There's a magical monument, of course. On the edge of town, there are twenty-five granite stele with the names of the victims inscribed on them. There's also a plaque that talks about how MACUSA was formed after the trials.
Remus, please don't tell the others, but I'm properly frightened. What if something like that were to happen again? Isn't that what Malfoy was talking about? And that Voldemort guy. They said that Muggles would kill us on sight if they knew about us. I didn't really believe it until I got here. I just don't ever want to see the names of people I love carved in stone like that.
I'm sorry this wasn't a happier letter. I hope you're doing well. Tell your mum and dad I say hello.
Love, Branwen

The picture attached showed a very solemn Branwen staring up at a stele engraved with the name Bridget Bishop.

Another week later:

Dear Remus,
I wish you could be here! We got to visit Ilvermorny today. It was amazing, but still nowhere near as good as Hogwarts.
In their Entrance Hall, they have carvings of their House mascots: the Horned Serpent, the Wampus, the Thunderbird and the Pukwudgie. Apparently, the statues choose who they want in their Houses. Sounds awful to me. What if none of them choose you?! At the least the Hat seems a little more impartial since it's not loyal to any one House.
We also met some funny little creatures called Pukwudgies. They're sort of a cross between elves and goblins. They're very grumpy – although everyone was pretty grumpy after James started playing with a screaming yo-yo that sings the Hogwarts school song. At least we can't get detention since we're not students here! Hogwarts forever!
Love, Branwen
P.S. I've sent along a book on the history of Ilvermorny and magic in the U.S. I hope you don't have it in your library yet.

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