Ch 26 - Goin' Back to Hogwarts

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The ride back to Hogwarts began as a sombre one. Leaving from Christmas at the Potters' was like waking up from an especially delightful dream. No matter how wonderful the reality you awake to, there will always be a lingering melancholy knowing that dream, that exact set of feelings and euphoria, can never be recreated.

And they had other reasons to dread their return to the school. The full moon was only two days away. It was a painful reminder of their friend's condition and of their failure so far to help him. They thought too of the upcoming Quidditch matches and the defeat they suffered in the past. Even Remus, who was usually coursing with energy so close to the moon, was quiet and withdrawn.

"Screw it; I have to do something." James was the first of them to pop up from his seat. He rummaged in his bag in the luggage case, then pulled out a handful of Dungbombs. "What's say we pay Snape a little visit?" He grinned.

Sirius jumped up as well, rubbing his hands together. "Now you're talking, mate."

"Come on," James grabbed Peter's hand, "you and I will distract Lily, then Sirius will toss the bombs."

"How do you know Lily will be there?" Branwen asked.

Her brother rolled his eyes. "When is she not with him?"

"Fair point."

"Come on."

Remus and Branwen were left alone in the compartment when their friends took off. Remus raised a brow. "Want to go see how it turns out?"

"Oh, most definitely."

The pair grinned and stepped into the corridor where they could watch the scene unfold. James and Peter were knocking on a door a few down from their own. Sirius was no where to be seen. The door slid back, and they could hear Lily's voice. "What do you want, Potter?"

"Lily!" James gushed. "Looking as lovely as ever. Would you care to join me in a stroll around the train? You can tell me how much you missed me over the holiday."

"Funnily enough, I was able to muddle through without missing you at all. Now, if you don't mind...." She went to shove the door in his face, but he stuck a foot in the way, yelping when it slammed into his toes.

"Come on, Lils," he whined. "I....I have a question about Charms class this semester."

"Then ask Peter here. He's good enough."

Peter beamed at the lukewarm compliment.

"Not having much luck, is he?" Remus whispered to Branwen.

She shook her head, then whispered back, "Let's help him out a bit, shall we?" She climbed over to their luggage rack then returned with a handful of black powder. "Instant Darkness Powder," she explained. "My father imported it from Peru. Might want to back up."

Remus stepped back into their compartment and Branwen flicked her wrist, dispersing the powder into the air. True to its name, the powder emitted a thick darkness that filled the corridor. There was a chorus of squeals and shouts down the hall, and of doors sliding back and shouts of "Hey!" "What happened?" "Are you there?"

Then a concentrated source of chaos erupted, along with a hideous stench.

"James Potter!" Lily's voice could be heard screaming and a shuffle of running feet made its way toward Branwen.

"Bran?" James' voice whispered from the dark.

"Yes, it's me."

He grabbed her arm and yanked her into their compartment. She could feel Sirius and Peter slide in as well.

Because the hall had received the bulk of the powder, their chamber was still dimly light. The friends all fell back into their seats, breathless from the thrill. When they caught sight of each other's flushed faces, they burst into laughter, clutching their sides and rolling in their seats.

However, as soon as light returned to the corridor, the door was thrown open, revealing a furious and reeking Snape. His wand was gripped tight in his hand and before any of them could react, he raised it and pointed at James and Sirius. "Unguis Incrementum!"

The boys started screaming. In a matter of seconds it was clear why. Their shoes were ripping open, torn by toenails that were shooting forward faster than imaginable. Branwen yelled and leaped from her seat. She grabbed her wand and shouted "Finite!"

The nails stopped growing, but were still protruding from the whimpering boys' feet.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Branwen was nearly frantic, not knowing how to reverse what had been done.

Remus produced his wand. "Reparifors Incantatem!"

The toenails shrunk to where they belonged.

"How dare you!" Branwen grit her teeth as she faced Snape. By now Lily (also stinking of Dungbombs) had appeared over his shoulder and Branwen yelled at her too. "Can't you control your boyfriend?"

Lily glared at her. "He's not my boyfriend. And I'm sure whatever Severus did, your brother deserved it."

Snape smirked and crossed his arms, but Branwen was still fuming. "If you ever try that again –"

"Now, now. What's this about, children?" Lucius Malfoy strolled up to them, his Head Boy badge gleaming on his chest.

Snape's thin lips pulled back in a wicked grin. "These Gryffindors were just throwing Instant Darkness Powder and Dungbombs around the train."

"Yes, I can smell that." Malfoy's nose rose even further in the air than his typical arrogant posture. He lazily waved his wand. "Ventus." A wind gushed through corridor, clearing it of the lingering stench.

"Well, it's unfortunate that I can't hand out detentions, but I will be taking twenty points apiece from Gryffindor for your disruptive behaviour." Malfoy grinned as he counted the heads inside the compartment. "That will be one hundred points from Gryffindor. I think that might be a record for most points deducted before start of the semester."

"That's not fair!" James leapt up. "No one got hurt from our prank. Snape nearly cut our feet off!"

"Shall I make it thirty apiece?"

Remus was balling his fists now. "At least don't take points from Bran. She didn't do anything. I was the one who threw the Powder."

"Rem –" Branwen started to protest, but he cut her off with a soft kick to the shin.

Malfoy's eyes narrowed. "I find it unlikely that Miss Potter would not be involved in her brother's plans. Snape, did you see her during this debacle?"

He frowned, but was forced to give a "no" by the shake of his head.

"Very well then. I shall give Miss Potter her points back. Congratulations; I'm sure that eighty points is still something of a record."

With a swish of his robes, Malfoy turned and strode back toward the prefect compartment.

"Way to go, idiots," Lily hissed. "Maybe think about the other people in your House next time you do something stupid. Come on, Severus." She grabbed the Slytherin's hand and flounced back down the corridor.

"Still in love with her, mate?" Sirius eyed James as he rubbed his feet.

"'Course I am. But that Snape," his eyes narrowed, "he needs taking down a peg or two."

A/N: For spells where the incantations are unknown in canon, I've tried to stick to original Latin words/phrases. Hope they turn out! :)
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