Ch 6 - The Sorting

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Branwen was forced to peel off from the boys as she was herded with the first years to the waiting boats. When they arrived at the castle (oohing and awing) they were left to mill in a disjointed group outside a small door on the other side of which they could hear loud laughter, benches scraping, and footsteps pattering up and down. Branwen's stomach began to growl at the thought of the feast that would follow her sorting.

Trying to distract herself, she glanced around for any familiar faces. Standing on tiptoes she spotted Regulus Black near the front of the crowd. She smiled and waved. He nodded, then turned back toward the door, squaring his shoulders.

A short, round-faced girl with a wide smile bumped into Branwen. "Oh sorry!" She held out a small chubby hand. "My name's Alice. Alice Farless."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Branwen Potter. You can call me Bran."

"Do you know what House you want to be in?" She was practically bouncing with excitement.

Branwen shrugged. "I'll probably end up in Gryffindor with my brother."

"Ooh, that's what I want! Who's your brother?"

"James Potter."

"Oh, yeah. My cousin Marlene is in his year. She said he seems like a nice guy. Well, good luck!" Alice's voice had dropped to a whisper as a tall, stern-faced witch strode up the stairs and waded through the eleven year-olds to stand in front of the door.

"Good evening, students. My name is Professor McGonagall. In just a moment, we will enter the Great Hall and begin the Sorting ceremony. You will line up in an orderly fashion and approach the stool when called. Once the Hat has determined your House, you will join them at the appropriate table and the feast will begin. Be sure to stay in line and follow your Prefects exactly. And good luck." A thin smile reached her eyes behind sparkling square-rimmed glasses.

James had written about it in his letters and her parents had both described it in great detail, but Branwen still found herself awestruck at the splendour of the Great Hall. The ceiling was bewitched to mirror the sky above, right now a dazzling blanket of constellations. The stars were joined by hundreds of candles floating above the heads of the students who were divided among four long tables.

The loud chattering and laughing died down almost immediately as the first years entered and were led to the front of the Hall. The older students leaned over the heads of their friends, craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the tiny new students who might end up, for better or worse, joining their House.

Branwen knew she would be near the end of the line, so she contented herself with watching the others before her.

"Black, Regulus." Professor McGonagall called the first name. Branwen could see Sirius rise from his seat at the Gryffindor table. The Hat was on for mere seconds, before yelling, "Slytherin!"

Sirius slumped back down and Remus patted him on the back as Regulus strode proudly toward his cousin Narcissa and her boyfriend at the Slytherin table.

Two more students were sorted (Burbage, Charity and Dupree, Alore, both into Hufflepuff) before Branwen's new friend, Farless, Alice became the first Gryffindor of the night. There was a maddening burst of noise from the red-draped table.

More students came and went. Two more each for Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, three for Slytherin, and another for Hufflepuff. Finally, it was Branwen's turn.

She tried not to stare in the direction of her brother and his friends, but already they were leaning on the table, eager grins on all their faces. She settled herself on the stool and waited patiently as the Hat fell over her eyes, plunging her into darkness.

"Hmm, another Potter, eh?" The Hat's voice echoed around her head. "Not Slytherin, that's for sure," she smiled, "nor the brains for Ravenclaw," she frowned. "Ah, I see a great deal of loyalty here. A second child, always working hard to live up to the first, but not proud, no, rather kind and noble. You would find a great many peers in Hufflepuff. But, what's this? Do I sense disappointment?"

Branwen tilted her head back far enough that she could see James, Sirius, Remus and Peter. "Ah, the one's you are loyal to are in another House?" the Hat chuckled. "Very well then....Gryffindor!"

The noise was deafening. James scrambled onto the table and was letting loose a barrage of tiny firecrackers that sent red and gold sparks spiralling around the room. Sirius was stood on the bench whistling and clanging together his plate and goblet. Remus and Peter, though slightly more reserved, were nonetheless jumping and clapping with excitement.

"That's my sister!" James shouted as she approached the table. He jumped down, tackling her to the ground in a crushing hug.

"Mr. Potter!" The shrill voice of Professor McGonagall rose above the din. "You will sit down now and allow the Sorting to proceed unless you wish have points taken from Gryffindor before the year has even started!"

James obeyed, but the rest of the Sorting was rather a blur as the boys kept whispering their congratulations to Branwen, joined by their older Gryffindor friends, Frank Longbottom and Kingsley Shacklebolt, and her new friend Alice.

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