enchanted | a. pendragon [on...

By theilliterateironman

799K 26.7K 17.2K

"๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ซ๐ž ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ง๐จ๐ง๐ž ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฏ๐ž๐ฅ๐ข๐ž๐ซ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ง ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ, ๐ฅ๐ข๐š." "๐ข ๐š๐ฆ ๐ง๐จ๐ญ ๐ฐ๐จ๐ซ๐ญ๐ก ๐ซ๏ฟฝ... More

p l a y l i s t
c a s t
p a r t o n e
i | the dragon's call
ii | valiant
iii | the mark of nimueh
iv | the poisoned chalice
v | lancelot
vi | a remedy to cure all ills
vii | the gates of avalon
viii | the beginning of the end
ix | excalibur
x | the moment of truth
xi | the labyrinth of gedref
xii | to kill the king
xiii | le morte d'arthur
p a r t t w o
i | the curse of cornelius sigan
ii | the once and future queen
iii | the nightmare begins
iv | lancelot and illyria
v | beauty and the beast pt. i
vi | beauty and the beast pt. ii
vii | the witchfinder
viii | the sins of the father
ix | the lady of the lake
x | sweet dreams
xi | the witch's quickening
xii | the fires of idirsholas
xiii | the last dragonlord
p a r t t h r e e
a d d i t i o n a l c a s t
i | the tears of uther pendragon pt. i
ii | the tears of uther pendragon pt. ii
iii | goblin's gold
iv | gwaine
v | the changeling
vi | the crystal cave
vii | the castle of fyrien
viii | illyria's lament
ix | the eye of the phoenix
x | love in the time of dragons
xi | the sorcerer's shadow
xii | the coming of arthur pt. i
p a r t f o u r
i | the darkest hour pt. i
ii | the darkest hour pt. ii
iii | the wicked day
iv | aithusa
v | a servant of two masters
vi | his father's son

xiii | the coming of arthur pt. ii

12.4K 477 469
By theilliterateironman

"what do you say to calling up a couple of wyvern and having them rip morgause and morgana to shreds?"

[3.13 — The Coming of Arthur pt. 2]

"Tell me, Sir Leon," Morgana said as the knight was forced on his knees before her in the council chamber. "How have you enjoyed the first week of my reign? Speak up. Are you and your fellow knights ready to honor and serve me?"

Leon glared up at her, full of hatred. "I would rather die."

"That can be arranged," Morgause said, a pleased grin on her face.

"My loyalty is to the King and Prince Arthur. There is nothing you can do to change that," Leon said, his tone unwavering.

Morgana narrowed her eyes. "We shall see." Morgana nodded her head and the immortal soldiers dragged Leon away, back to the dungeons. She leaned back in her throne, frustrated that the knights had not yet submitted to her.

"Things would move swifter with Lia at your side," Morgause stated.

Morgana looked away, her jaw clenching. "She is hesitant, but I know she will renounce her loyalties to Arthur and Uther. She only needs time."

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Merlin ran through the forest, barely escaping Morgana's men as they chased him. Once evading them, he quickly returned to the hiding spot that they had been staying in for a week, Gwaine meeting him at the entrance to make sure he was not followed. He took off the bag of provisions he managed to collect and handed it to Elyan and then grabbed the water canteen. However, only a few drops spilled into his mouth.

"I'll get some more," Elyan offered.

"It's too dangerous," Merlin told him.

"What happened?" Gaius asked.

"Nothing," he said, not wanting the others to worry. But then he moved to Gaius and Xavier's sides and whispered to them. "We need to do something. Morgana's men are everywhere."

They all looked to Arthur, who was sitting in the corner, staring off at nothing as he had been since fleeing from Camelot. Since learning of Morgana's betrayal, the Prince had been useless, still processing what had happened.

| | |

Lia hardly left her chambers — well, she wasn't allowed to even if she wanted to. She only ever saw Gwen, who was instructed to bring her food — she couldn't bear to think of young Clement locked in a cell somewhere — or Morgana, who'd pay her a visit every day. Lia hated the visits, as Morgana would show her true nature. She'd try to coax Lia into joining her and go on about how Arthur was already dead. Morgana did not care as Lia cowered from her touch while she went on about ruling side by side.

Shortly after morning came, two guards entered Lia's chambers and forced her out, pushing her through the corridor. They took her to the balcony that was overlooking the Main Square, where Morgana and Morgause were both waiting.

"Come, My Princess," Morgana said, smiling when she saw her. The guards shoved her to Morgana's side. Lia slowly looked over the Main Square and froze at what she saw. Villagers surrounded immortal soldiers that were lined up with crossbows aimed at the remaining Knights of Camelot.

"No," she said, her voice hardly above a whisper. Then she ripped her arms out of the guard's grip and ran to the edge. "No! Leon, no!" The immortal soldier roughly grabbed Lia and yanked her back. She struggled in his arms, but it was hopeless. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she turned to Morgana. "What are you doing? Don't do this, please!"

Morgana simply stared ahead, not acknowledging her pathetic pleas. "I will give you one more chance to pledge your allegiance to me."

Leon met Lia's eyes, who was shaking her head. He simply smiled sadly. "Long live the King!" he shouted, the other knights following.

"Perhaps this will help you change your mind," Morgana said. She waved her arm, but instead of firing on the knights as they had expected, the soldiers turned to the people of Camelot. Leon and Lia screamed helplessly as they slaughtered the innocent citizens who could not escape.

| | |

Merlin approached Arthur, who sat unmoving in the corner with his head in his hands. He held out a bowl of stew, but Arthur was uninterested, as he had been with all the food they tried to feed him.

"It's rat," Merlin teased, thinking the memory might at least bring a smile to his face. It didn't. "Oh, believe me, you've eaten far worse. I mean, I've definitely served you things I would never have touched, but you wolfed them down no problem."

"Merlin, for once, leave me in peace, please," Arthur begged.

He sat the bowl down at his feet and got up to leave, but paused. "I understand. Your father lied to you about Morgana. I don't know why. I'm sure he had his reasons, but now is not the time for that. He's still your father. He needs you. Camelot needs you. Lia needs you."

"I've known her all my life," he muttered. "How could she do this to us?"

"I can't answer that, but you have a duty to your father, to your people. You can't give up on them now," Merlin told him.

"You cannot defeat an immortal army," he mumbled.

"We don't know until we try," Merlin said, his determination present. He only wished Arthur would find his own.

| | |

Lia did not look away from her quilt as Morgana entered her chambers. She could not bear to look at her, not after what she had done to those innocent people whose bodies were still being carried out of the square. The bed shifted as Morgana sat next to her, and she gently placed a hand under Lia's chin.

"Look at me, Lia," she said softly. Though Lia had no choice as she turned her head for her. "Have you given my offer any more thought?"

"There's nothing to think about!" she snapped, pulling her chin from her grasp and glaring at her.

"Do not look at me like that," Morgana said, shaking her head. "Do not look at me as if I am some monster for loving you."

"You are not a monster for loving me! You are a monster for what you've done. You had all those innocent people killed — there were children in that square! You betrayed everyone. You created this army, bringing my worst fears to life. There's no telling how many people you have hurt."

Morgana bit her tongue and turned her head, trying to control her temper. "Uther and Camelot deserve this for persecuting my kind. This is for the years spent living in fear, for all the innocent lives Uther took. You used to agree with me, or has Arthur corrupted your views on magic, convinced you that it is evil and vile?"

"It is not magic that has caused you to commit these atrocities," Lia said, shaking her head. "It is Morgause that has twisted your mind and led you down a path of hatred. And I cannot believe you would ever think I would join you."

Lia tried to pull away as Morgana reached for her hand, but it was pointless. "I know that you believe you love Arthur, but he is gone. And one day, I know that you will see sense and you will love me just as I love you."

"This is not you, Morgana!" Lia shouted, standing from the bed. "What's happened to the Morgana that I know? The Morgana who was terrified of losing Arthur to the Questing Beast and selflessly protected Ealdor simply because her friend Merlin was in need?"

"She was a fool," Morgana said darkly, stepping towards her.

"I don't believe that," Lia whispered, tears in her eyes. "If I was ever capable of loving you, it would be the Morgana who hand-picked flowers and used her magic to show me beautiful stars on her ceiling. I could never love the person standing before me."

"You want the stars?" Morgana asked frantically, moving closer with jarred movements. "I'll give you all the stars." There was an somewhat crazed look in her eyes as they flashed gold. The ceiling erupted with bright stars that almost blinded Lia. "You want flowers? Here!" Roses, as dark as blood, appeared out of nowhere, overwhelming each surface, falling off of tables and sticking out of cupboards. "I will give you anything you want, My Love, just say that you love me too."

Lia slowly backed away, terrified by the wild look in Morgana's eyes. Carefully, she grasped the buttercup necklace around her neck, wishing that Arthur was there, and she shook her head, her lips trembling. "This is not love, Morgana."

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It took some time for Morgana to calm down after Lia's rejection. Though she did not take it too seriously, her twisted mind convinced that by the next day, Lia would see sense. She'd see that Arthur's love was nothing in comparison to hers.

Morgause had been with Morgana after she left Lia's chambers. She had patiently listened as her sister went on about her plan to woo Lia, all the while keeping her opinion to herself. Even the evil sorceress could tell that  Morgana's once pure love was twisting into a dark obsession. If it continued to hinder her, Morgause would have to take Lia out of the picture herself, knowing nothing was more important than Morgana assuming control — with or without Lia.

Eventually, Morgana made her way back to her own chambers. Gwen was there, making her bed for the day. She watched the servant carefully. "I'm beginning to see the challenges that I face. Being queen is not so simple, Gwen," Morgana said.

"You're doing well, your Majesty," Gwen told her.

"You think? The knights do not share your view," she said bitterly.

"They don't know you," she told her.

Morgana smiled appreciatively at her. "I need their allegiance. Without that, the people will not yield to me."

"My mother was a maid in Sir Leon's household. We grew up together. I could talk to him," Gwen offered. "Try to make him see sense?"

"You would do that for me?" she asked, skeptical of the plan.

"Uther killed my father," she reminded her.

"Yes, I... forgot you too had suffered," Morgana said, looking down.

"Let me meet with Sir Leon," she asked once more.

Gwen may have suffered at Uther's hand, but something about the idea still struck Morgana as odd. "I will arrange it."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Gwen said, smiling and bowing to her. Then she returned to her work, already beginning to form an escape plan.

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Xavier sat by Merlin's side in the cave as he whispered to Gaius. "We need to act before Morgana gets any stronger."

"Have you sent word to that Lancelot fellow yet?" Xavier asked, remembering how Merlin had mentioned him.

"I sent a letter to Haldor days ago," Merlin said, frowning. It would have been plenty of time for Lancelot to find them. "He's probably moved on."

"Give it time," Gaius told him. After all, the lands were difficult and dangerous to travel through at the moment.

"We don't have time. We need to act now," he insisted.

"Yes, Merlin, but how?" Xavier asked, trying to make him see sense. Merlin was getting stir crazy and needed to stop and think clearly.

"There were two immortal armies before. How were they defeated?" Merlin asked.

"Drachen simply got rid of his," Xavier stated, leaning back against the cave wall. "He had no use for them anymore."

"The Cup of Life had to be emptied of the blood it contained," Gaius added. "Once that had happened, the enchantment no longer held."

"Then that's what I have to do," Merlin said.

"They're immortal, Merlin," Gaius said as if he needed reminding. "You don't know the power to defeat a soldier, never mind an army."

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"Guinevere," Leon said in disbelief when she was let inside his cell in the dungeons.

"It's all I could get," she said, offering him some bread.

"I don't understand. What are you doing here?" he asked before shoving the food in his mouth.

"Morgana sent me—" He sharply looked at her. "—to talk to you, to make you see sense. Listen to me."

"I'd rather starve," he said, spitting out the food. "Guard!"

"I'm going to help you escape," Gwen hastily whispered. Then she turned to the guard that had approached. "It's alright. Get me some water. The queen has instructed me to get the prisoner food and water."

"You know what will happen to you if you're caught," Leon warned as the guard walked off.

"We have to find Arthur," she insisted.

"I've a good idea where he'll be hiding," he told her.

"Then I need to get you out of here."

"How?" he asked. "It's impossible, surely?"

"I'm a trusted member of the court. Morgause has the keys to the cells in her chambers."

"No, Gwen," he said, not wanting her to risk it.

"I can do it," Gwen said confidently. "We're going to get out here."

"And what about Lia?" Leon asked, thinking back to her horrified face on the balcony. "How is she faring?"

"At least she is not locked down here," Gwen said, knowing that Lia was at least getting food. "She's kept locked in her chambers most of the time. But I can get the key to her room when I get yours."

"Good," he said, nodding. "I would not leave without her."

As Gwen and Leon continued to plot their great escape, Morgana and Morgause spied on them from a grate above.

"It is as we suspected. She's betrayed me," Morgana spat. "I will have her executed at dawn."

"No," Morgause said quickly, an idea coming to mind. "Wait. This is good. Let her run to the prince. She will lead us straight to him." Then she carefully eyed Morgana. "You'll have to let them take Lia."

"No," she said, glaring at her sister.

"You must," she insisted. "Worry not. They will not get far, and then you will get her back. You can kill her beloved prince right in front of her eyes."

It took a moment, and despite every bone in her body screaming for her to refuse, Morgana gave in. By the next night, Arthur would be in their grasp and no one would be able to defeat them.

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Merlin had spent the better part of the night staring at the water from the Lake of Avalon, wondering how it was meant to help. He had tried spell after spell, trying to get it to reveal its power. Everything seemed pointless, and even Xavier had no clue what to do with it. He felt a bit bad, knowing Merlin looked at him as some magical expert, but Xavier really only knew healing and offensive spells. Whatever magic the water was imbued with, the Druid had no idea how to wield it.

Eventually, he grew too exhausted to keep trying and fell asleep next to Xavier, determined to try again the next day. All was calm as everyone slept until Gwaine got up, bumping into Merlin.

"Sorry," Gwaine muttered tiredly. "Nature calls."

But Merlin paid him no mind. Instead, he looked to the vial of water that had shattered, the water spilling over the rocks of the cave. However, his worry turned to curiosity as the water seemed to glow and move on its own, forming a small pool. And in the center, he saw a very familiar face which made his heart ache.

"F - Freya?" he whispered in disbelief.

"I've missed you," she said with a smile.

Merlin shook his head to make sure he was not dreaming. "You're—"

"Merlin, we don't have long," she interrupted gently.

"Is it really you?" he asked hopefully.

Freya nodded, letting him know that she was not a dream or illusion. "I swore that one day I would repay you. Now is the moment."

"I don't understand," he murmured.

"There is but one weapon that slays something which is already dead," Freya stated.

"A blade forged in the dragon's breath," Merlin realized. The weapon he and Lia had made for Arthur to fight the wraith with all those years ago.

"That weapon lies at the bottom of the Lake of Avalon. Where you hid it," she reminded him.

"But Morgana's army are not dead. They're very much alive."

"Anyone who toys with the cup pays a terrible price. The moment they entered their pact with Morgause, they became the living dead," she explained. "You must come to the lake."

"And you will give me the sword?" he asked.

"In your hands, it has the power to save Albion," she said.

"Thank you," Merlin said softly, smiling down at her.

"No. It's given me the chance to see you again," Freya said, grinning back.

"That's better," Gwaine sighed, walking back into the cave. Merlin looked at him over his shoulder. "You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I'm fine. Really," Merlin said, the smile still present. Once Gwaine laid back down, he turned back to the pool of water, only to find it empty. "Freya?"

His chest hurt knowing that she would not be coming back. But to see her one last time meant more than anything. Then the determination set in and he rushed from the cave, calling out to Kilgharrah as he ran.

But someone else joined him before the dragon reached their location.

"So," Xavier said, slinging an arm around Merlin's shoulder. "Where we headed?"

"You should go back," Merlin told him. "Get some rest."

"If you wanted me to sleep, you shouldn't have woken me up. For someone so scrawny, you have very heavy footsteps," he told him, smiling. Merlin found that his heart sped up when Xavier smiled at him like that, reminding him of the similar feeling he had had when Freya was alive. "So, where to?"

"The Lake of Avalon to retrieve the sword that can kill the dead," he revealed.

"The Lake of Avalon is on the other side of Camelot," Xavier said, narrowing his eyes. "It'll take days, and that's if we don't run into any of Morgana's men."

As he heard the sound of wings flapping in the distance, Merlin smirked. A moment later, Kilgharrah flew overhead and landed in front of them. Xavier's eyes were wide, never having seen a dragon in his lifetime.

"I have to cross twenty leagues of hostile territory. I need you to take us," Merlin said, not wasting any time.

"I am not a horse, Merlin," Kilgharrah complained.

"Really? I never would've noticed," Xavier said sarcastically.

"If you do not, then Morgana will have won. Unless that's what you want," Merlin told him.

"My allegiance has never been with the witch," he claimed.

"I know. But is it with me?" he asked.

"Yes, young warlock," Kilgharrah told him, truly believing in Merlin's destiny. "It is with you."

| | |

Lia couldn't believe it when Gwen had snuck into her room, telling her to come with her, that she and Leon had an escape plan. But she hadn't wasted time asking questions and instead pulled on her boots and followed her out. They somehow snuck out of the castle without being spotted and made it all the way to Gwen's home in the Lower Town.

While they waited for Leon, Lia found a sword and hid it under her cloak. Though she knew it would be useless against the immortal soldiers, it made her feel better to be armed. The warning bells soon began to sound, letting them know that Leon had escaped the dungeons.

Soon, he was barging into the house and Gwen was shoving a purple garment into his arms. "We haven't got time to waste."

Leon held the dress out and looked at it in disbelief. "You... you can't be serious."

"Just hurry!" Gwen whispered sharply. "Every guard in Camelot will be looking for you. They won't be looking for three women courtiers."

Leon sighed in annoyance before giving in and putting the dress on. Lia helped him out of his chainmail and packed it in the bag of other clothes and supplies. Once he was dressed, the three of them ran off, making it past the gates without being caught.

Unaware that they were being followed, they ran throughout the night, led by Leon who knew Arthur enough to know where they were hiding. Once they were far enough away from Camelot and close enough to the cave, they stopped to change. It took no time at all for the girls to change, Lia removing the dress that had been from Morgana and now wearing a pair of trousers and one of Arthur's red tunics. Leon, however, seemed to be struggling.

"What's taking you so long?" Gwen asked impatiently.

Leon stepped out from behind the tree, unable to get his arms and head out of the dress. "I'm a woman," he complained.

"Here, let me help you," Lia said, unable to hide her amused smile. She untied the strings at the back to loosen it a bit, freeing up his arms to pull it off. Then she moved back around the tree with Gwen to give him a bit of privacy.

"From here, we need to take the path heading north. There's a cave in the Darkling Woods, five minutes due east of the fallen oak," he told them. Lia looked over her shoulder but turned back when she saw he was not finished getting ready. "It has a concealed entrance and fresh water. My guess is that's where Arthur's hiding out."

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"Having a little lie-down, Merlin?" Arthur asked, startling Merlin who was kneeling over in the cave.

"No," he said, sitting up.

"Good. Because the time for sleeping's over," he stated.

"You seem better," Merlin noted with a smile. For the first time since fleeing Camelot, Arthur seemed almost back to his normal self.

"You're hopeless at a lot of things, Merlin. Well, most things, in fact. But very occasionally, quite by accident, you say something useful," Arthur admitted.

"Really?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yesterday, amongst all your gibberish, you said something that, if I didn't know you, I'd be completely fooled into thinking you were..."

"What?" he questioned as he trailed off.

Arthur was almost hesitant to admit it out loud. "Wise."

Merlin paused for a moment before, shaking his head jokingly. "Nah."

Then they heard shouting in the distance. Arthur, Gwaine, and Xavier all grabbed their swords while Merlin followed. They crept out of the cave and hid out of sight, searching for the source of the noise. Arthur heard a twig snapped and jumped out of his hiding spot, snatching the culprit. Lia gasped in surprise when he tightly grabbed her but then sighed in relief when she realized it was only him.

"Illyria," he breathed out, hugging her tightly. Once they let go, Lia hugged Merlin, and Arthur nodded to Gwen and shook Leon's hand, happy to see them as well. "Gwen. Sir Leon."

"We've been found!" Elyan suddenly shouted, running back from his watch station. "They're almost upon us!"

"Get Gaius," Arthur ordered Merlin, who ran off, Xavier following him. Then Arthur pushed Lia ahead of him. "We need to get out of here. Run!"

The six of them set off, knowing that Merlin and Gaius would follow. The immortal soldiers chased after them, forcing them through a narrow ravine.

"Look out!" a man suddenly shouted. Large boulders were pushed over the edge of the ravine, falling down towards them. The rocks blocked the path of the soldiers that were behind them.

"Who's that?" Arthur asked.

"Don't know, but I'm liking him already," Gwaine said, grinning.

They all looked to the top of the ridge to see two men standing above them, one a very familiar face.

"Lancelot," Lia whispered in disbelief.

"We need to hurry," he said, signaling his head to the blocked soldiers.

The ever-growing group fled deeper into the woods until they were sure they were far enough away from the immortal soldiers. It was then that they took the time for everyone to get acquainted with each other.

"I take it that rockfall wasn't an accident," Arthur said, walking over to the tall man. He was wearing chainmail, but the arms were cut off, revealing large muscles.

"This is Percival," Lancelot introduced, clapping him on the back. "It was his strength that brought them down."

"Your Highness," he said, nodding his head.

"Arthur," he said, smiling and offering him his hand to shake.

Percival took it with a grin. "Arthur it is."

"What were you doing here?" Arthur asked them.

"Uh, it was me," Merlin said, moving from Gaius's side. "I sent for him."

He nodded in understanding. "Well, we owe you our lives. Thank you." Arthur shook his hand and then pat Percival on the bicep, happy to have them. Lancelot smiled and then his gaze fell on Lia, who was standing to the side with some of the others, it dimming somewhat.

"I can't believe what I have gone through in order to see you again," Lia said, her hands on her hips as she addressed Gwaine. "No illegal visits. No letters. Merlin's been bragging left and right about all the time he gets to spend with you on his adventures."

"I missed you too, Princess," he said, laughing. And then he wrapped an arm around her and ruffled her already messy hair. "What do you say to calling up a couple of Wyvern and having them rip Morgause and Morgana to shreds?"

"I don't think defeating them will be that simple," she said with a sad smile. And then she spotted someone standing by Merlin who was both familiar and not to her. "Xavier?"

"Was wondering if you'd recognize me," he said, grinning at her. Then he dramatically bowed before her. "Your Majesty."

"Ugh," Lia scoffed, not holding back a laugh. Then she harshly shoved him. He grabbed Merlin's arm to steady himself and stop from falling over. "Do that again, and I'll push you into a lake."

"It's good to see you, old friend," Xavier said, nodding to her. "Try to not get into any life or death situations just cause I'm around."

"I'll do my best," she promised. "I am just glad to be safe and out of Camelot. To see those soldiers again, the carnage and destruction that they create — I can only hope they can be stopped before it ends up like Lórien."

"We'll make sure of it," Arthur spoke up, gathering everyone together. "Not far are the ruins of an ancient castle. We should be able to hide there while we come up with a plan. Is everyone alright to travel?"

Once everyone was ready, Arthur led them through the woods and to the safe location to make camp. As they walked, Lia moved to the only one she hadn't been introduced to in the group. As she stood next to Percival, who was easily a foot and a half taller than her, she had to angle her head to look up at him.

"Thank you so much for saving us, Percival," she told him, smiling gently.

"It was my pleasure," he said. "And it is an honor to meet you, Princess Illyria."

"Lia is fine, I assure you," she said, earning a grin from him. "I am not sure how you and Lancelot came together, but I am glad."

Percival ducked his head, a small frown on his face. "My family was killed in a raid of our village by Cenred's army. Lancelot found me shortly after."

"I am sorry for your loss," Lia said gently. "It is noble of you to continue to fight and protect those that Cenred continues to torment."

Lia stayed by Percival's side for a bit longer, getting to know him better. Despite his size, she found him to be rather gentle and almost shy at times, which she adored. But eventually, she parted from him, determined to get some answers from her best friend who had yet to speak to her. She grabbed Merlin's arm and moved him to the back of the group, staying far enough back that they would not be overheard.

"You knew, didn't you?" she asked quietly.

Merlin felt a pang in his chest. "Yes."

"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Lia asked, shaking her head. "We've learned our lessons about keeping secrets from each other."

"Morgana is dangerous—"

"I picked up on that, funnily enough," she said, scoffing. "A little late, though."

"She had already tried to kill me countless times. Gaius and I feared that if she found out you knew, she would do the same to you. And Lia, you don't have magic to protect yourself," he stated. Despite all that had happened, he stood by his decision to keep Lia in the dark. "I did it to protect you."

"I didn't feel very protected," she muttered. But then she sighed, knowing that Merlin always had and always would have her best interest in heart, even if she did not always agree. It was also a far too dangerous time to be fighting with him. "Next time you find out one of my closest friends is evil and in love with me, I'd rather you tell me."

"Morgana's in love with you?" he asked, clearly not having expected that. Then he scoffed and shook his head. "Why does everyone have to be in love with you? It's rather inconvenient sometimes. Personally, I just don't see. You are revolting and you snore and you are mean to me."

"I am mean to everyone, Merlin. Just earlier I was making fun of Leon for wearing a dress."

Merlin burst out laughing, which gained everyone's attention. "Leon was wearing a dress?"

"Lia!" Leon hissed, his cheeks heating up. "What part of never speak of it again do you not understand?"

"That's on you," she said, putting her hands up in defense. "Everyone knows that anything you tell me goes straight to Merlin. So, don't be mad at me. Be mad at him for blurting it out to everyone."

Most everyone began to snicker as Leon sulked. Elyan clapped him on the shoulder, shaking his head. "So what color was it?"

"Shut up, Elyan," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Was—" Gwaine cut himself off to laugh, well, it was more of a giggle really. "—was it tight? You know I like them low cut."

"I hate all of you," Leon grumbled.

| | |

They managed to reach the castle before the sun went down. After passing around torches, Arthur led them through the ruins to the abandoned Throne Room. Cobwebs covered every surface, the crumbling building untouched for centuries.

"Are you sure we'll be safe in here?" Gaius asked, looking around cautiously.

"This castle belonged to the ancient kings. It'll do for a while," Arthur answered.

"Can't be worse than that cave," Elyan muttered, just happy to be under a roof with four walls.

"Search the place, see what you can find," Arthur told them.

Everyone went their own way, Merlin getting the fireplace started, Gwen lighting candles, Percival making sure that Gaius was comfortable, Gwaine searching for weapons. Arthur moved to Lia's side, speaking softly with her in the corner.

"Are you alright?" he asked, not having a chance before then. "I - I was there, hiding in the Throne Room when Morgana was crowned. You looked terrified."

"I was," she admitted in a weak voice. "I still am. But I feel safe now that I am back with you and the others. But there are more in Camelot who are not safe."

"And we will do all we can for them," he promised. "C'mon, let's have a look around."

Gwaine had returned with an armful of weapons and set them on a table. Elyan, Leon, and Lancelot circled around him, inspecting the swords which would need a bit of sharpening. "They must've been left by bandits."

"I should be able to sharpen them with what's here," Gwen said, picking up one of the weapons.

As they looked over what Gwaine had found, Arthur studied the table that Gaius had taken a seat at. It had a large cloth covering it, which he removed to reveal something quite special. He studied the ruins carved into the table before calling the others.

"Here, come and join me," he told them. As Lia came, Arthur offered her his hand and pulled out the chair next to his for her. Everyone circled around the table except for two individuals, one who did not think he was worthy and the other who thought he was not wanted. "Merlin," he called, nodding to the chair to his left. "You as well Xavier."

Lia smiled proudly at both of them as they took their seats at the table. Arthur didn't truly know what it meant to Merlin to be considered an equal for once after constantly hiding who he really was, afraid of persecution. As for Xavier, he just looked pleased to be earning a bit of respect from Arthur, even if it was not much and it would not last long.

Once everyone was seated around the table, Arthur went on. "This table belonged to the ancient kings of Camelot. A round table afforded no one man more importance than any other. They believed in equality in all things. So, it seems fitting that we revive this tradition now. Without each of you, we would not be here. My father has languished in prison for too long. Tomorrow, I make my bid to rescue him. Are there any around this table who will join me?"

Lancelot, ever so noble, was the first to rise. "You taught me the values of being a knight, the code by which a man should live his life. To fight with honor for justice, freedom, and all that's good." But as he spoke, his eyes trailed to Lia, as it wasn't truly Arthur, but her who taught him those things. Quickly, he looked back to the Prince. "I believe in the world that you will build."

"Even though I was a commoner, a nobody, you were willing to lay down your life for me, Arthur," Elyan said, joining them on his feet. "It is now my turn to repay you."

Leon was the next to stand. "I have fought alongside you many times. There is no one that I would rather die for."

"I think we've no chance," Gwaine muttered. But then he smiled and stood proudly. "But I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Your enemies are my enemies," Percival said, keeping it short and simple as he rose.

"If you need an old man," Gaius offered, getting to his feet and making everyone smile.

Gwen was next to stand. "You've shown me, a lowly servant, more kindness and respect than most anyone. I believe in your world."

"I know you don't like me, Pendragon," Xavier said, standing slowly and leaning against the back of Merlin's chair. "And you may not want me here, but you're stuck with me at least until that Cup is out of their wretched claws."

Arthur watched Lia with a caring expression as she rose. "You know you don't even have to ask."

Everyone was standing except for one, who was lounging back in his chair. Arthur stared forward, doing his best not to smile as he already knew the answer. "Merlin?"

"No, don't really fancy it," he muttered, shaking his head.

"You don't have a choice, Merlin," he told him flatly. Xavier playfully smacked the back of Merlin's head.

"Okay," he said before getting up. Then he nodded and shared a small smile with Arthur.

"I want to thank you all for staying loyal to me in Camelot's hour of need," Arthur said, looking around at all of them. "I'll do something that my father won't approve of."

Lia was bursting at the seams with excitement and pride as Lancelot, Gwaine, Percival, and Elyan all knelt before Arthur. With his sword in hand, he went down the line, bestowing knighthoods on them each. "Arise, Sir Lancelot, Knight of Camelot. Arise, Sir Gwaine, Knight of Camelot. Arise, Sir Percival, Knight of Camelot. Arise, Sir Elyan, Knight of Camelot. Tomorrow, when you fight, you can stand proud knowing you are members of the most noble army the world has ever known."

| | |

After the impromptu knighting ceremony, everyone was in high spirits — even Gwaine, who never in his wildest dreams imagined being a knight. They sat around a fire, eating and talking, dreaming about a victory the next day. Lia sat next to Gwen, helping her sharpen the weapons they had found.

"You still never told us what color the dress was, Leon," Gwaine stated, snickering as he finished his stew.

Leon sighed and rolled his eyes, not paying Gwaine any attention. "Don't be embarrassed, Leon," Lia said, giggling with Gwen. "You look quite dashing in purple."

Everyone laughed at Leon, trying to picture him in the dress once more. Putting his soup down and crossing his arms, he narrowed his eyes at Lia, unamused with her constant teasing. He thought it was about time she had some of her own tormenting. "And just how many men in this room have you actually kissed?"

Xavier was the only one to really laugh, finding the prying question hilarious. Lia stared at Leon with wide eyes and red cheeks. And then it was almost as if tears were welling in her eyes as she put her hand to her chest. "L - Leon, how could you ask something so rude and - and insinuating about m - my reputation—"

"No, no, no," Leon said quickly, shaking his head apologetically and leaning forward, realizing his cruel mistake. "I am so, so sorry, Lia. I overstepped. That was - I am s—"

Leon stopped himself when Lia and Gwen suddenly burst out laughing, leaning on each other for support. Everyone was shocked that she had gone from fake sad to amused so quickly.

"Ha, she's not mad at you," Gwen said, still laughing. "We — ha — we were literally talking about that on the walk over here. I even got her to rank all four of you."

Leon scoffed and threw a pebble at Lia for making him think he had hurt her feelings. "That's mean. I thought I was making you cry."

"Sorry," Lia said, giggling. "You looked so—"

"Hold on," Gwaine interpreted loudly, putting his hands on his hips. "Am I at the bottom? That's not fair. I didn't know I was going to be ranked. For heaven's sake, I was drunk. It wasn't even a proper kiss — I didn't even get to use tongue!"

"I'm not telling any of you where you're at," Lia said, rolling her eyes. Then she elbowed Gwen, who grinned. "You weren't even supposed to know about it."

"She's probably keeping it from you to protect your fragile ego," Elyan teased Gwaine, who was pouting.

"Look at me," he said, gesturing to his face. "Obviously, I can do better. But Arthur's not going to let me try—"

"Oh, do shut up, all of you," Arthur finally said, rolling his eyes. He was quickly getting annoyed with almost everyone in the room. But then he paused and he studied the group with narrowed eyes, focusing mainly on Gwaine and Lancelot. "Gwen, you said four."

Both Gwen and Lia found the fire suddenly very interesting to stare at. "Did I now?" the servant asked, picking a strand of hair off her pants. "I don't recall."

Arthur scoffed but then looked around the room once more before sighing, his eyes landing on Leon. "Honestly, I am not surprised, Sir Leon, and I thank you for keeping it to yourself."

"Not me," he muttered, scratching the back of his head.

The Prince's face fell once more and looked at Lia with wide eyes, who was staring off at the wall, humming under her breath. Then his mind started racing, thinking out loud as he tried to figure it out. "It's not Elyan," he stated, confident in that. He and Lia had already been together when they met him, and Arthur knew she'd never betray him in such a way. "Just met Percival. Ah, Lia, if it was Xavier when you were like five years old, that doesn't really count — just like Gwaine's."

"Mine counts!" he exclaimed, crossing his arms childishly.

"Wasn't me, Pendragon," Xavier said, leaning back against the wall. "She's always been a bit too feminine for me."

"You couldn't have lied?" Lia asked, looking at him accusingly. "Taken one for the team?" Xavier only shrugged, a pleased look on his face.

"But, the only other person is..." Arthur trailed off before a look of disgust overtook his face. "Really, Lia, Gaius is old enough to be your grandfather! That is disgusting."

Everyone looked at Arthur in absolute disbelief that he came to the conclusion that Lia must have kissed Gaius instead of the last person in the room — who was coincidently easing towards the exit. Gwaine was the first to loudly laugh, throwing his head back.

"Honestly, I'd be feeling rather insulted if I was Merlin right now," he said, smirking.

"M - Merlin?" Arthur said, his eyes blown wide. His head whipped back and forth between Lia and Merlin, who had frozen in place — as if that stopped Arthur from seeing him. And then his face turned red with anger. "MERLIN!"

Merlin bolted out the door as Arthur scrambled to his feet and raced after him. Lia covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.

"Did you really kiss Merlin?" Xavier asked, chuckling.

Lia rolled her eyes. "I was fifteen, and it was my first kiss. As soon as we parted, "gross" was the first word that left his mouth."

Of course, everyone snickered at the story. "I'm sure that is not exactly what Arthur is picturing in his head," Percival said, grinning.

"He's gonna kill Merlin before the immortal army does," Elyan added, smirking as he looked in the direction they ran off in. And then they heard a loud "OW!" meaning that Arthur had caught up to the servant.

"Wait," Gwaine said, putting his hands up. "Does this mean I am higher on the ranking than Merlin? At least I didn't call you gross."

| | |

After Arthur returned from smacking Merlin around, everyone began to settle in for the night, spreading out around the room to try and get some rest. Merlin had grumbled a lot about Arthur's stupid jealousy before setting out a bedroll next to Lancelot.

"You're a knight," Merlin whispered, grinning. "At last."

Lancelot let out a breathy laugh. "But for how long?"

"Who knows?" he muttered. Though Merlin had faith that Arthur would not revoke their knighthoods once all was said and done.

"What're you planning?" Lancelot asked, rolling on his side to study Merlin carefully. "And don't even think about lying. I know you too well."

"It's too difficult to explain," Merlin said.

"You can tell me."

"Morgana has the Cup of Life. If I can find it and empty it of the blood within, then the army will be destroyed, and Morgana will be powerless," he explained.

"Aren't you forgetting something? It's guarded by an immortal army," he said as if he needed reminding.

"Aren't you forgetting something? I have magic," he told him, smirking. "And I've got Xavier."

"It doesn't make either of you immortal," Lancelot said, worried for their safety.


"You know, Merlin, you're the one Arthur should knight." Merlin scoffed, thinking the idea ridiculous. "You're the bravest of us all, and he doesn't even know it."

"He can't," Merlin whispered. "Not yet. That's why I need to find a way to get to the Cup without Arthur knowing."

"Leave that to me," Lancelot said, smirking as he rolled over.

On the other side of the large Throne Room, far enough away from the others, Lia and Arthur laid next to each other. Lia was toying with his hand while he continued to pout.

"I can't believe you kissed Merlin," he grumbled.

Lia laughed quietly and rolled on her side to face him. "We were kids, Arthur. I know you get jealous easily, but you're being a bit ridiculous."

"It's not though," he mumbled, facing her as well. He reached over and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Merlin is who you are closest with in all the world. When I first met you both, I'll admit I was jealous. At times it seems as if your two souls are one — like two sides of the same coin."

She had to refrain from chuckling, knowing that the Great Dragon described him and Merlin in the same way. "Merlin is my family — a brother. I can assure you that there is no one to be jealous of, least of all Merlin."

"He's not the only one to be jealous of," he couldn't help but utter.

Lia sighed, knowing what — who — he was thinking of. "Arthur—"

"I am not a fool, Lia," he whispered sadly. "We never speak of it, but I know very well that if Lancelot had never left, I would not be the one to hold your heart."

Lia wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself closer, pressing up against him. Arthur's hands instinctively held her closer as she put their foreheads together. "I love you, Arthur Pendragon. Do not doubt that for a single moment and never think that I would choose another. I chose you — I waited for you. And now that I have you, I have no plans of letting you go."

Arthur grinned, comforted by her words, and gently nudged her nose with his. "I love you, My Princess."

"And I,  you, My Prince," she whispered. Lia leaned forward to kiss him, but just before their lips could brush, he spoke.

"But just between you and me, I am at the top of the ranking, right?"

A quiet laugh escaped her lips as she shook her head in disbelief. But then she smirked and wound her fingers in his hair. "It's not really fair, as you have an unfair advantage."

"And what's that?" he asked, squeezing her waist.

"When you kiss me," she whispered, brushing her lips against his jaw as she spoke, "my heart stops. When your lips brush my skin, my whole body feels like it's on fire. Now, that doesn't sound very fair to the others, does it?"

"No, it doesn't," he murmured, gently gripping her chin. And then he leaned in, capturing her lip with his own. Lia hummed softly, trying to pull herself even closer — though they were already pressed as close to each other as they could be. They were in each other's arms, exactly where they were meant to be.

| | |

When morning came, everyone was prepared for battle. They had one chance to save Uther, and for Merlin, one chance to stop Morgana and Morgause. Once again, they were circled around the round table as Arthur went over the plan.

"There is a tunnel under the northern ramparts that brings us only a few paces from the entrance to the dungeons. It will be well guarded. So, if we're going to break everyone out, we must remain unobserved. We cannot let them raise the alarm," he stated.

"We need to take out the warning bell. That way the warriors have no means of communication," Lancelot suggested.

"Good idea," Arthur said.

"I'll need someone with me who knows the castle."

"I'll go," Merlin quickly offered, knowing it was their chance to sneak off and find the Cup.

"Alright," Arthur agreed, surprised by Merlin's initiative. "Bring Xavier along. He has a habit of sticking by your side anyway."

The Druid nodded to Merlin and Lancelot, letting them know he'd be going along with whatever plan they came up with. Once everyone else had their orders and positions, they prepared to leave, putting on their chainmail and getting their newly sharpened swords from Gwen. Arthur moved to Lia's side.

"Stay here with Gaius and Gwen. I want you to gather firewood and make bandages. There'll be casualties, and I know no better healer," he told her.

"Alright," she said, nodding and moving to get started.

But Arthur held her back, grabbing her hand. "Illyria," he said softly. Deep down, he was terrified that they wouldn't meet again once they parted. "I want you to know that if you never see me again—"

"Stop," Lia said, shaking her head. She cupped his face, brushing her thumbs over his cheeks comfortingly. "This is not a goodbye. You will. You will see me. I watched you last night. You gave us hope, something to believe in. I saw the king you will become. I'm so proud of you, Arthur."

"I love you," he whispered, leaning down to kiss her, pouring as much love as he could into it.

No one really noticed Lancelot, who turned his head away and stepped out of the room.

Gaius moved to Merlin's side, who was handing a sword to Xavier. "You need to be careful," the physician told him.

"I've got the easy bit," he said, smiling easily. "The warning bell is nothing compared to the cells."

"I overheard you, Merlin," he said, causing his smile to drop. "If Morgause catches you, she'll kill you."

"I have no choice," Merlin stated.

Gaius sighed, knowing there was no changing his mind. "I remember the bumbling idiot that came charging into my chamber all those years ago. Who would believe." Gaius hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go.

Once they pulled away, Xavier placed a comforting hand on Gaius's shoulder. "I shall bring him back to you in one piece."

| | |

As Arthur, Merlin, Xavier, and the knights approached Camelot, Lia did as instructed. Gwen gathered firewood while she made bandages. She also foraged in the woods for a bit for herbs that would be of use for those that were injured. When both women returned to the Throne Room, where everything was being set up, they were surprised to find someone missing.

"Gaius?" Gwen called, searching the room.

"Gaius!" Lia shouted, thinking he had wandered off. But then she realized what must have happened. "He's gone to try and help Merlin."

"But Merlin's just doing the warning bells," Gwen said, frowning. "That makes no sense."

Lia shook her head and ran a hand through her hair. "No. That's just what they told Arthur. They're going for the Cup, to try and take out the army. Gaius must have gone to try and protect them from Morgause."

"He must — what are you doing?" Gwen asked as Lia grabbed an extra sword.

"I'm going after him!"

Gwen grabbed Lia's arm tightly to stop her from running off. "Lia, think. If heaven forbid, something happens to Gaius, you are the only healer. I know the both of us can fight — Arthur knows that too — but we need to stay and wait. Trust that they will be alright."

Lia did not want to, but she put down her sword, nodding weakly. "I just... I hate this. I hate waiting, not knowing if they will all survive."

Gwen wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder. "Come on, let's see some of that Lytar optimism. We've got bandages to make."

| | |

Lancelot, Merlin, and Xavier made their way quickly through the castle. Much to their relief, the sword that Merlin retrieved from the Lake of Avalon did its job well, causing each immortal soldier he struck with it to explode, killed instantly. Both Xavier and Lancelot were impressed by the blade's power and let him take the lead.

When they reached the council chamber, where Merlin could feel the power of the Cup originating from, they looked around the corner to see a line of soldiers guarding the door.

"What do we do now?" Lancelot asked, knowing it was a lot to fight off with only one magical sword, and the one wielding it wasn't the most skilled swordsman. Merlin shook his head and went back to hiding around the corner.

"Follow me," Xavier muttered.

He rushed around the corner, Lancelot right behind him. They took on the soldiers and one by one knocked them over to Merlin, who'd take them out with a final blow. Then they rushed into the council chamber, killing the last one before shutting the door and locking it tightly.

Merlin and Lancelot shared a pleased smile as Merlin handed him the key, thinking they hand made it.

"Guys," Xavier muttered, gaining their attention. He nodded across the room where the Cup of Life was sitting, surrounded by more immortal soldiers. "Not done yet."

Lancelot and Xavier charged forward, fighting off the soldiers as best they could. Merlin managed to pick off a few. One had come up behind Lancelot and struck him in the shoulder, injuring him. As he cried out, Xavier put out a hand, forcing the remaining soldiers back with his magic. And then the warning bell began to sound.

"One of us probably should have actually gotten those," Xavier muttered, knocking a soldier back towards Merlin who killed him.

Lancelot fell to the ground as he fought off the last soldier. Before he could be killed, Merlin slid in front of him, blocking the soldier's fatal blow. Then he swung his sword, stabbing the soldier in the stomach and killing him.

Merlin wasted no time in running for the Cup, swinging his weapon to knock it over, but he was a moment too late. Morgause, hearing the warning bell, entered just in time to throw him back against the wall with her magic. Xavier began a spell, but she was quicker and stronger, knocking him across the room.

"I have a feeling I won't be seeing you again," Morgause said, standing over Merlin, who was struggling to get up.

"No, you won't," Gaius said, coming out of his hiding spot and surprising them all. He threw out his hand and shouted a spell that sent Morgause to the ground. She got up and tried to attack him, but Merlin managed to throw her into a pillar, which she hit her head on, rendering her unconscious.

"Merlin!" Xavier shouted. "The Cup!"

Merlin picked up Excalibur and ran to the Cup, knocking it off its pedestal. The blood inside spilled out, emptying onto the floor. Below, in the dungeons, where the knights of Camelot were being overwhelmed, the immortal soldiers exploded before their very eyes.

And then Morgana ran into the council chamber, spotting Morgause's still body on the ground. "No! No!" she shouted in horror, embracing her. "Sister."

"It's over, Morgana," Merlin told her.

Morgana glared up at him, tears in her eyes as she seethed. "No, you're wrong. This has just begun!"

She cradled Morgause's head, who was unresponsive and screamed in anguish. Her magic lost control and the windows in the room exploded. The walls began to crumble and the ceiling caved in. Merlin grabbed Gaius, and Xavier pulled Lancelot to his feet as the four of them fled. Morgana paid them no mind, continuing to scream as the room fell apart.

In the dungeons, Arthur knelt at his father's side, who was practically unresponsive, still dealing with the trauma of Morgana's betrayal. "You're safe now, Father," he told him, helping him stand.

"Where's Gwaine?" Elyan asked, looking around and noticing someone missing. They all looked down the corridor, where he had previously been surrounded by immortal soldiers. "Gwaine? You still alive?"

"Gwaine," Arthur called when they got no response. "Please be alive. Illyria will kill me if you aren't alive."

"What do you think?" Gwaine called a moment later. Everyone sighed in relief as he stumbled around the corner. He leaned against the wall tiredly and smirked. "And that's Sir Gwaine to you."

| | |

Arthur and Merlin sat side by side on the steps of the palace — Xavier was behind them, silently leaning against a pillar. All around them, people were moving about moving bodies and searching for injured people.

"Have you seen the state of these boots?" Arthur asked, glancing down at his muddy shoes.

"Yeah," Merlin muttered.

"Well, go and get something to clean them."

"Why?" he asked, scoffing. "They're your boots."

Arthur looked at him, expressionless. "Have you lost your mind?"

"I thought you believed in equality," he teased.

"I'm sorry?"

"At the Round Table, you said—"

"Shut up, Merlin," Arthur ordered. But then he gave Merlin a playful shove.

"How's your father?" Merlin asked after a moment.

"I don't know," he said, sighing. "All this — Morgana. It's hit him hard."

"Perhaps we're heading for a new time," he told him. "You may need to take charge, become... become King."

"Who knows what the future will bring," he said, staring off. And then he spotted Lia riding through the square, who the knights had gone to retrieve. Arthur smiled as he stood, walking down the castle steps to meet her. When they came to a stop, he helped her from her horse and pulled her into his arms, kissing her fiercely.

Merlin smiled as he watched them, knowing for certain what the future at least held for those two.

| | |

"And they searched through the remains of the rubble, and still no Morgana?" Gaius asked. He, Merlin, and Xavier were gathered in the physician chambers, speaking about the threat that still lingered.

"Or Morgause," Xavier said, sighing.

"They won't have gone far,"  Gaius stated. Then he smiled. "Merlin, no one else but Lia is going to say this to you, but I will. Well done."

"I told you Camelot needed both of us," Merlin said, grinning.

Gaius chuckled and looked around the ransacked room. "We're going to have to tidy this place up."

"But not now," Merlin said, getting to his feet.

"Where are you going?" he asked. Merlin glanced at Xavier, who seemed to understand. "What are you up to?"

"There's something I have to do," Merlin stated.

Kilgharrah's warning rang through his mind as he went to get Excalibur. "In the wrong hands, this sword can do great evil. You must promise me, Merlin, that once its task is done, you will place it where none can wield it."

Xavier and Merlin trekked deep into the woods, far away from any civilization. The Druid stayed back as Merlin approached a large, plain stone. He raised the sword high above his head, chanting a spell that caused his eyes to glow. With a sizzling sound and sparks, the sword sank into the stone where no one could remove it.

Xavier sauntered over and gave it a tug for good measure. "Yup. That's stuck."

Merlin chuckled and shook his head. "Time to head back."

"For you," he said, staying in place as Merlin moved to leave. Merlin's smile dropped as he looked at him. "You know I cannot return to Camelot with you. This alliance or whatever Arthur wants to call it — it was short-term."

"Where will you go?" he asked sadly.

Merlin couldn't stand the idea of Xavier leaving. Even with Lia at his side, Merlin was still lonely so often with the burden of being the greatest sorcerer to ever live on his shoulder. He had gotten spoiled from his time with Xavier, and he knew he'd miss him greatly — Merlin would miss Xavier's sarcastic jokes, the stories they shared, and the magical secrets they had whispered back and forth all those nights they slept next to each other while hiding from Morgana's men. And Merlin wouldn't be the only one to miss those things.

"Back to my cave and life of solitude," Xavier said with a wry smile. "Don't look so upset, Handsome. We'll see each other again."

"How can you be so sure?" Merlin asked, a longing look in his eye.

Xavier stepped closer to him and gently hooked his finger under his chin. Merlin's breath caught as he leaned down and kissed him softly. Just as Merlin began to kiss back, Xavier pulled away, that familiar smirk back on his face.

"So that I can do that again."

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