Court Of Night

By the_rebellionxx

1.2M 48.8K 11.2K

The pack on the verge of collapse, Fie Wright watches as her Alpha falls into a downward spiral due to his dy... More

Love Drunk
Tick Tock
Kit Kat


8.8K 395 91
By the_rebellionxx

King Malleus' P. O. V

"Cheer up! Where else would you get to have a chance of having a boys trip like this." An incessant nagging continues to ensue around the otherwise tranquil forest. The sound like an annoying discomfort to my ear such as a buzzing from a fly that won't simply fuck off.

That is how I could only describe my mate's cousin, Ezra being the focal point of where all my anger is currently directed to. I was so close to having a nice peaceful trip with the possibility of having a nice stress relieving fight with heads being ripped off and arms dislocated from witches' bodies.

Now even the thought of shredding people to pieces isn't enough to put me in a good mood, considering the fact the man I despise most in this world is currently walking beside me.

"You know Kier, you and I should bond a bit. Have our own sort of bromance going on considering the fact that I'm seeing your sister." The annoying sound continues to drawl on while a silent Kier continues to walk with the same monotonous pace he's being walking with for the better half of a day. His only acknowledgement of him being mentally present with us, a subtle side glance thrown at his sisters's mate.

I don't know the man all that well, but a glance from Kier means certain death. At least it won't be me who will end up having Ezra's blood on my hands.

Ugh, but if I don't stop Kier from killing Ezra, then Fie will be made at me for not having stopped her cousin being killed in cold blood.

"Are you pouting?" A nosy Ezra questions, stepping into my way just as I try to step over a gnarled root. His only answer is my hand shoving him away, causing him to trip a few good steps and nearly falling face first into a pile of thorns if it wasn't for Apollo clamping a hand onto Ezra's puny shoulder.

I could snap that runt in half with my bare hands, but Fie wouldn't approve.

I miss Fie.

I miss Fie very, very much.

I wonder what she's doing right now? Probably in the same boat as me. Wondering what I'm doing.

Sending a subtle glance at the men besides me, I shift inconspicuously to the side, wanting to remain out of everyone's view as I let my wolf pull forward to lead us while I shift my own consciousness to a delightful thread in my head which sends shivers down my spine just thinking of who it is tethered to. The sparks ensue almost as if my mate is physically next to me, an unknown pent up tension escaping me as my shoulders loosen up, even my wolf letting out waves of joy at the thought of us being remotely close to us in any shape or form.

Following the almost invisible thread, my mind delves into crevices that feel like a second home to me now. My mind so encapsulated with the image of my mate that I can practically smell her scent of jasmines wafting up into the forest.

What irks me is the fact that the underlying scent is wrapped around the very plague himself, Ezra.

Focusing on the whereabouts of my mate, I block everything else out that could potentially be distracting such as the constant yammering of Ezra, trying my hardest to delve into Fie's mind.

A split second is all it takes, a certain image clouding my mind which causes me to lose my footing and nearly following Ezra's steps of falling face first into the ground to eat a mouthful of mud.

"My King, are you alright?" Apollo asks from beside me, his words hushed so no one else hears or gains attention to the fact I nearly made a fool of myself.

All I can manage is a curt nod, eyes trained ahead while I try not to ponder on the image in my mind.

Soft swirls of what one could easily mistake to be smoke rising up in plumes but actually being fog from a steamed up bathroom. Soft pink skin turning brighter from the hot water being in contact with my mate's supple body. Hands gliding down the entirety of her frame as she washes the soapy suds away. Lips parted- No.

Bad Malleus.

You told Fie you don't spy on her in the shower and you'll stick to that promise.

You saw nothing.

The heat rising to my face is more than enough to give away the entirety of the situation, the tips of my ear and my neck most likely a shade of pink that goes nicely with that of Fie's.

I'm missing my mate for more than the previous reasons now.

I have to clamp my lips shut in fear of a moan slipping past me when I lower my guard down.

I don't need to be turning into an overly hormonal horny wolf. Especially not Aldine the weirdos that consist of our travelling group. I just wish Fie were here. I'm sure she'd help me with the little scenario I've got going on.

Shifting my cloak further around me, I try my best for the soft black material to cover the lower half of my front, not wanting the guys thinking I'm acting up in a certain way because of them.

It's as if my feelings are changing frequencies from one channel to the next as once again the sudden ache of longing hits me once again. The fact of the matter being that my mate is miles away from me.

Great. I'm horny and lonely now and I'm not about to give these lot a break so I can sort myself out. My right hand has never been less unappealing to me after the sight of my mate has greeted my eyes.

My wolf pounding away at my thoughts causes me to let out a loud huff this time, not caring who notices now. Why can't I just be sulk in peace while my boner dies down?

It's because you're out here looking for stupid witches who are threatening to ruin everything and you're far away from your mate whom you left alone not even ten hours ago but you're a codependent little shit who's too whipped for his own good. Not only that, but a quick peaceful trip turned to absolute shit when Asha claimed it would be best if Rui stayed behind to defend the palace and more so what's important; my mate.

I was perfectly content with Apollo tagging along and a few others, our settlement party more than equipped enough to turn into a hunting party if the dynamics of the situation changes but oh no, of course that can't happen. Asha would just have to dig a little further and urge Ezra to come along, the man in question eager to keep his mate from danger by putting himself up for the duty even when no one asked him to.

"I can't wait to get home and back to Rui. It might not seem like it but boy oh boy has she turned something on in me-,"

"I can kill him." A harsh voice cuts through Ezra's voice, Kier's bluntness not taking anyone off guard since we're quite used to his disturbing comments whenever he does take the rare chance of speaking.

I sigh out loud, glancing from the man's hidden face and over to a pouty Ezra before shaking my head once, "I'd rather you not. Fie and Rui wouldn't like it if you did that and I didn't stop you."

A simple head nod is all I get, the man not bothered to go against me nor giving me an apt reply as he treks forward, most likely to quel every fibre in his body to stop from killing Ezra like I told him not to.

"How much further do we have to go?" This time Ezra asks a somewhat sensible question rather than his consistently annoying ones.

Glancing at him briefly, I then turn my direction to the tree filled scenery ahead of us, trying to roughly calculate so I can answer his question. "You're in luck. It's just a little bit ahead. Thaddeus should be here any moment now." I inform, thankfully this causing the man to shut up even if it is for a brief moment.

True to my words, it only takes but a few more steps till the man in the cloak appears. Thaddeus having set out before us so he could take his time in figuring out how to take us to the exact spot where the witches lair ought to be.

"Did you manage to figure out how to do it?" I cut to the chase, not having the patience for niceties at the moment. Not when my mate is currently naked in the shower and I'm here left with nothing but half a boner and surrounded by men on all sides of me.

A deep bow is my first answer which is quickly followed by a rapt shaking of an old man's head till he finally answers me with words, "Yes, your Majesty. Please step this way and it will automatically lead you to a few miles short of the witches lair," the slight hesitation with which he begins his next sentence rouses my suspicious. Already ready for what the man is about to spew next, I motion for him to hurry up.

"The black magic hits fast and almost goes straight to your head when you near the gate to the realms. I'm assuming when you cross over it, you'll have to fight through it so as to not get affected. If you would like," Thaddeus stops, half turning towards the two trees practically shimmering with the magic that spills out of it, "I can step into it and let it affect me first. It shouldn't harm me as much considering how I am tied to the two realms." He continues on which I wave away, unbothered.

"There is no need for that." I say, ignoring the worried expression on Thaddeus' face as he glances from the gate and over to me.

"Your majesty, please do not go ahead first. There might be irreparable harm done-," I stop the man with a shake of my head, hooking a thumb behind me as I speak up.

"Who said I am going to be the one going first?" I ask rhetorically before turning my discernible gaze to the sole focus of my current attention, "Ezra. You go first."

"Damn it Malleus. Why do I always have to go first?" The annoying whining that greets me almost makes me want to dive head first into the black magic filled gate, hoping it'll strangle me to death before I have to hear another word slipping passed Ezra's lips.

"Because I said so. Either you go in voluntary or I throw you through the gate." I threaten easily, the man goes to argue but one stern look from me has his legs peddling towards the  gate between the trees as if he were taking a merry stroll through the park, the only si of him being against it is the sour expression on his face in the shape of his frowning lips.

"I better not die. I'm valuable to both of you, do you hear me? I'm your mate's cousin and your sisters mate. Do not let me die in vain. Do not let me die at all." I'm mere inches from shoving Ezra through the hole in the trees, not in the mood for his theatrical drama but luckily enough for all of our sanity, he steps in and vanishes without another word.

Everyone stands in silence with no bated breath since none of us care much for the nuisance who is named Ezra but a burden is lifted from my shoulders when I see a detached hand wave it's way through the thin barrier. That being more than enough of a sign for me to see it's clear to walk through.

The spell I had placed on everyone the first time we delved into the forest still placed within their minds. The magic won't completely bypass them but it should lessen the damage considerably.

Kier makes a move to go first but I stop him, allowing myself to head to the other realm since I want to make sure everything is okay.

"I'll go after him just to be safe." I inform the rest of the group, no one daring to butt in and tell me not to as I already make my way to the gate. I slip through it easy enough, my blank stare finding a quiet Ezra perched against a lopped off tree trunk, picking at his nails in discontent.

"I'm going to complain about you to your mate." He says childishly while I roll my eyes.

"I don't care. She likes me more than she likes you anyways." I shoot back, not liking his insinuation that my mate likes me less than him. Fie will always choose us over this worthless excuse of a wolf.

My wolf grunts in agreement, not liking the non serious man either since he threatens everything we've worked hard for. Our mate's love and affection being at the forefront of it all.

Ezra will not ruin that for the both of us. Not one bit.

I send a quick mind link to the group on the other side, urging them to come quickly so we can get this over and done with.

Just one day. We can have this all over and done with in one single day. Half a day to travel to the gate, spend a few hours talking to the witches in a peaceful manner and then straight back to the gate after which it will take us another half a day to get back to the castle. Even if we have to divert to plan B, it will still be wrapped up within a little more than a day considering the fact that killing a coven of witches shouldn't take that long. Especially when I'm apart of the fight.

Although Ezra is a factor that could slow us down considerably.

A complete and utter nuisance.

The gate shimmers behind me, the magic both white and black alerting me to the fact that the rest of the group is making their way through right now.

Keeping my eyes focused on to the ground, I take a few steps forward so I won't be in their way and turn to watch each of my members taking a step into this part of the realm. A timid Thaddeus following up behind everyone else.

"No one is affected by the magic right? No cloudy thoughts or muddled feelings?" I ask to the attentive group, each person giving me a nod.

"That question pertains to you too Ezra." I practically hiss at the man, turning on my heel as my narrow filled gaze lands onto him.

However in that one screeching moment it's as if everything goes stock still. My heart hammering a mile a minute while my wolf whines in the back of my head. Confusion laced with a tingling heart has me nearly scratching at the nape of my neck in sheer confusion as one thing runs through the entirety of my body.

It's as if Fie is standing right in front of me when I'm actuality I'm very well aware that it is only Ezra.

The person who I'd rather throw into a vat of acid rather than even show him a singe ounce of affection but why is it that I'm acting like this right now?

Feeling as if I'm simply in love with the man in front of me?


AN: Ayo I love you so please love me back and don't hate me for the incredibly late and also short chapter. I've got exams which is my some excuse for all of this. My last exams were literally shite and I failed my criminal law so yay me (good thing it doesn't count towards me final grades) but yeah I need to get better grades in these exams you know? Why am I rambling? Who knows?

Question: How is life treating you? Like school/ work/ seasonal allergies?

Please remember to:


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