Beauty and the Titan

By xyrothor

109K 2.8K 2.3K

Afer getting kidnaped just before her 10 birthday, Momo didn't expect to find a friend in such a situation. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 2

5.5K 121 56
By xyrothor

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own BNHA or any other fictional story that i my use in here.


Running out of the room, Momo felt her heart beating like a jackhammer. The sudden movement of the mechanical boy in the cage taking her by surprise. Standing near the door, she waited for anything to happened, but after a minute there wasn't even a sound.

Slowly peeking into the inner cage, she saw a strange scene. With the soft green glow coming from the robot's eyes she could clearly track where he was looking, and it wasn't in her direction. A small cloud of dust, only visible because of the light from her dropped flashlight was surrounding it, slowly eating the device. For a moment the raven haired girl panicked that this thing could try to eat her next, but for some reason she dismissed that thought.

Slowly she walked in to the room, going along the wall to still maintain some distance. "... Hello?" She called out to the strange being.

It's attention snapped back to her, making her jump in place from the speed it's eyes moved at. After nothing happened for few seconds the young girl took note of the fact that his body didn't move, only the radiant green eyes were following her.

"Can you understand me?" She asked, unsure of what she was doing.

Again a few seconds went by, thinking that she would get no reaction it took her by surprise when his eyes slowly looked down too the floor, and then back up to the ceiling. The action repeated a few times when she didn't respond immediately.

"Oh, you can't move or talk?" She asked, getting the same reaction. Looking to the slowly dying flashlight on the floor, it clicked for her why it was happening.

"You eat electricity? Is that why my lights died off when I entered this place?" Another confirmation.

"... Will you try to eat me?" Unsure she asked, just in case. It surprised her that for a machine it's eyes were so expressive. He moved his eyes from side to side to convey that he in fact won't do that.

"Are you still hungry?" The young girl's question would seem strange, but the mechanical man in from of her again confirmed after few seconds.

"Oh... I don't think I can make anything in here that would give you more power... Sorry..." She said dejected, his green eyes that were the only thing lighting the room now looked down, as if in sadness too. Then his eyes went to the right as far as they could go, at least trying to look in the direction of the entrance.

"There is no power outside too... Wait, there was a small generator in the room outside! Would it help?" The green eyes of her new companion snapped back to her, again making the young girl flinch a little, then he proceeded to confirm.

"Ok! Wait here! I will be right back!" She yelled to him running out off the room.

Making a small flashlight once more to see anything, Momo quickly found what she was looking for. A small electrical generator, powered by gasoline stood to the side.

Inspecting the device, the thick amount of dust over it didn't give her any hope it would work. In her studies to use her quirk she learned the basics of mechanical engineering and how combustible engines worked, but never had any opportunity to work on one. She decided that moving it inside first was the best course of action. 

Slowly, step by step she managed to drag the thing across the floor, making a horrible scraping sound. It took her a few minutes before she was back in front of her new acquaintance, with the power source in tow.

"I can try to make some fuel but i don't know how to make this thing work." She said to the man, who looked from her to the device she dragged in.

Seeing that another flashlight died in her hands she groaned with a bit of frustration, gaining back the attention of the mechanical teen.

"Could you stop doing that? I can't see anything if you will drain every single battery i make." She asked, causing him to look at the small light in her hands. His gaze grew a bit more intense for a moment, making the black haired girl weary but after few seconds life returned to her flashlight.

Looking with wonder at the device in her hands she again saw this strange dust flowing out of it. Following it with her gaze when it started to move, she tracked it traveling back into his body via the vents to the sides of his torso.

"Can you repair this thing? Maybe we could make it work together?" Momo asked him.

His eyes returned to the generator before him, and a thick dust cloud flew out of him making the girl step back. With wonder in her eyes she observed how it seeped into the old device, and how the old power generator slowly started to shine as if it was just made.

"Wow, how are you doing it? It looks so cool!" Momo asked looking a bit closer in childish wonder.

After few minutes the process took, the dust slowly flew back into his body. The glow of his eyes was significantly dimmed comparing it to before though, so she stepped closer and opened the fuel tank.

Concentrating on making the fuel she closed her eyes to better imagine what she was doing. After few seconds the room lighted up a bit with the shine of Creation, a small stream of gasoline flowing from her fingertips into the tank.

Deciding that it would be best to fill it up entirely it took her a few minutes to produce so much of the liquid. After finishing, the black haired girl looked for some form of a switch to turn it on. There was one labeled start/stop but flipping it on did not do anything. Gripping a strange handle she pulled it slowly, revealing a long steel line. With a puzzled expression she suddenly remembered seeing this thing in a movie.

Releasing it back into the machine, she grabbed it tightly and yanked it out again, the engine coughed up a cloud of white smoke but stalled. She repeated it a few times, and with a yell of frustration she pulled it with all her strength by the tenth time, using both hands.

The generator came to life, sputtering and misfiring a few times before it become stable. She created a small light-bulb with a cord and plugged it into one of the sockets. The single lamp lighted up the whole room, and for the first time Momo truly looked around.

On the opposite side of the room from the entrance were a few tables, littered with tools and few clipboards. A slight shiver ran down her back when she saw busted angle grinders, saws and drills. Looking back to the armored boy in the center, now with better light she saw a few places that those tools we broken on. All of the efforts seams to be centered around the glass like triangle at the center, even with the better light she couldn't see anything inside.

Getting a bit tired by all the excitement of the day she sat near the platform in the center, leaning on one of the legs of the green boy. Closing her eyes to the rhythmical work of the generator she didn't know when the sleep took her.


There was nothing. No villains threatening the world with the unwilling help of the terrified small girl, not even simple kidnappers wanting fast cash. David didn't know what more to do to help his friend find his daughter. He even abused his high position on I-island to use it's advanced technology but to no avail.

His own daughter, Melissa, was still hugging the sleeping form of Meiya. The black haired woman was a mess, her hair were sticking in all directions and the makeup on her face ran down in black lines, only making the whole scene more heartbreaking. Nearly 20 hours from the kidnapping and none of the known villain groups claimed to be responsible for it.

The computer he worked on earlier let out a soft beep, causing him to rush to the monitor. It was brief, but for few seconds the trackers in little Momo's clothing sent out a signal. To little to pinpoint the exact location but it was something at least.

Takahashi entered the room, with his phone in hand and giant bags under his eyes. One of the wealthiest people on this planet was moving heaven and earth too find his daughter, even personally requesting the help of the Hero Commission and ministry of defense.

"Takahashi, her trackers just pinged for a second. She's somewhere in the Nevada desert, it was too short to say where exactly but Momo is certainly somewhere in that region." To David's words the distressed father's eyes gleamed with renewed hope.

"Are you certain?! I'm going to call General Thompson immediately, we will comb through the every millimeter of the dunes if need be." Takahashi explained a bit louder than he should, making his wife and niece squirm in their sleep.

"I will do that, you should try to sleep a few hours. I'll contact Toshinori, maybe he will be able to help when his own mission ends." The brown haired man nearly ordered, seeing that his friend struggles to keep himself upright. With a bit of apprehension the black haired man relented. The tension, stress and jet-lag finally catching up to him.

"Thank you, David. I don't know how to repay you for all this." He said, causing his friend to smile.

"Don't worry, I know you would do the same for me. Your family did more than enough when Marry's sickness get a hold of her. Little Momo is like a family to me and for Melissa she is like a sister." David smiled, gently squeezing his friend's shoulder.

The people who had the bright idea of kidnapping the small Yaoyorozu will know true pain and misery, that's only a matter of time.


= Emergency power at 25%. =

= Recalling Nanite swarm. =

= Hibernation mode active.=

With his power drastically lowered, the green bionic boy hoped that the repairs he managed to do would suffice for the girl to create some more energy.

His eyesight blurry and unfocused, locked into one place by the lack of electricity in his systems. His hearing lowered in quality to the point he could only recognize that there was sound, not what it was.

But even in this state he saw a beautiful rainbowy glow in front of him, the colors mesmerizing to his slowed down cognitive processes. After the light-show ended he saw the blurry form of the girl looking the generator over from all the sides. Then she pulled on something, his meta ability detected a sudden spike in ambient power around them but it was too brief to use.

After a few times trying to turn the thing on, he heard her yell in frustration as she yanked the starting cord with her whole body.

= Energy source detected!= 

=Beginning siphoning process.=

A yellow glow of a light-bulb surrounded him, causing his eyes to readjust to the light. With his head slightly tilted forward he could see just the tip of the girls head, as she sat down near his legs. Waiting patiently for more power to build up in his body he tried to remember anything about himself but was miserably failing. The only thing he remembered was the visage of the old green haired woman on her death bed asking him to protect someone.

= Emergency power at 100%.= 

=Backup power now charging.=

Well he was on the right track to defend the girl that slept now hugging his leg. Weren't his limbs made from metal? He hoped that she wouldn't have any pains when she woken up.

= Backup power at 5%.=

 =Initiate basic movement protocols?=

'Oh hell yes.'

= Warning! Low power.=

 =Excessive movement not advised.=

=Activating main actuators.

With a minuscule jolt, the right arm of the bionic teen started to move slowly in front of his face. Barely audible hum of servos and pistons could be heard from the action. He looked his hand over, not really remembering that it looked how it did.

It had a shape of normal human hand, it's knuckles were reinforced with more armoring. Turning it over, on the palm there was a recessed panel clearly different from the rest of the material surrounding it. The inside surface of his hand looked rubberized, probably to increase the grip.

=Repulsor system offline.=

=Arc Reactor power only.=

=Damage detected.=

A short prompt popped up near the now identified Repulsor in the center of his palm. It was seamless as if the small window with information was physically there, following his hand as he moved it around.

Looking around the room slowly, his systems started to analyze and categorize everything he saw. He learned that this room was totally isolated from the rest of the world, there was barely any signals coming from the opened doors but none of them usable.

The generator in front of him was the biggest signature he could detect, it would be a good idea to connect to it too make the charging process faster.

= Analyze-Adapt-Overcome protocol initiated.= 

=Solution found.= 

=Modificating core chassis.=

He felt his insides starting to shift slowly, new parts forming where there was none. It didn't hurt, didn't really bother him. The new parts were natural for him and didn't gave any discomfort. The armored arm moved slowly to the side of his torso, a small compartment opening and a cord with an electrical plug came out. Grabbing it he slowly lifted his hands back up to inspect the new part of his body.

After few seconds of looking it over, he was certain that beside it's high tech, sleek look, it was in fact just a normal two pronged universal power plug. Being locked in place for now by the chains holding him up, he didn't find any other way than again asking for help his small companion.

Momo felt really safe. She heard the working engine of the generator somewhere in the background, the rhythmical sounds it emitted helping her to relax. The raven haired girl didn't know how long she slept, but the gentle prodding to her head was getting on her nerves. Why was someone trying to wake her up when she was so tired?

Opening her eyes, she looked up. Straight into two green eyes that were looking back down to her. She stumbled a bit back before the happenings of the last day caught up to her.

Getting up to her feet, it didn't go unnoticed by her that not only his eyes followed her movement but the whole head.

"You can move now!" She explained with glee, earning a small smile from him.

"Can you plug me in?" He asked, stunning her even more. His voice was surprisingly deep, even with the low volume she could feel the vibrations of the low tones.

His lifted hand was holding a black electrical plug that she didn't see before. Walking up to him she outstretched her hand, receiving it from him.

"You can talk too... Who are you?" The young girl asked, barely holding in her joy for having anyone to talk to.

"Who... Am I?" The young man looked perplexed at her question, as if he tried to recall something but couldn't.

"Yea, I'm Momo. What's your name?" She reiterated her question, hoping it was the problem.

Suddenly another flash of memories ran thru his head. Seeing the scene from a somewhat lower angle, a younger version of the green haired woman was seating in a dinner table, calling him over to come closer.

Momo looked at the now more animated robotic boy. His eyes were unfocused for a second, antennas to the sides of his head moved back and forth. For some reason it gave an impression of rabbit ears to the young girl. Suddenly his eyes focused back on her as if nothing happened.

"I'm... Zuku." He said, sounding a bit unsure.

"Zuku? That's a cool name, short like mine to." The raven haired girl happily smiled to him. The plug in her hand seemingly forgotten, until his eyes turned back to it.

"Oh, right... Sorry I'll plug this in now." She said sheepishly, making her way to the generator and plugging him into the second slot. The machine protested a bit from the sudden increase in load but after a bit it stabilized back, compensating automatically.

"How long do you think this will take? I was searching for an exit from this place when I stumbled upon you here. My parents probably are searching for me by now and I really want to get back to them." The young girl started to ramble a bit, happy that someone was listening to her even if a little.

= Estimated charging time 13 hours 37 minutes and 18 seconds.=

"Around 14 hours until the full charge. " He responded to her question.

"Aw man, you are charging longer than my father's limousine... And it's so much bigger than you!" She said dejectedly.

Looking into the gas tank, the young girl saw that the generator didn't use even a third of it yet. Using her quirk she created a simple fluffy sleeping bag.

"I'm going to sleep for a bit, can you wake me up if something happens?" Laying down near his legs she asked.

"Yes, I can." He said, looming over her like a guardian angel made of steel. His deep voice even when soft made her insides rumble a bit in a funny way.

After few minutes of silence she opened one of her eyes looking up, the eyes of the still stuck teen were closed and his form was motionless.

"Are you sleeping?" She whispered to him.

After few seconds his eyes opened slowly and he replied. "No. I'm just entering standby mode to speed up the charging process."

"Oh... Can you sleep? Are you a human with a robot quirk? Or are you a real robot?" The young girl started to ask questions from the greenette.

"Yes, i can sleep but don't need to. Yes i am a human... I think I am, I wasn't always made of metal. But what is a quirk?" Now named Zuku successively made his way thru the questions and asked one by himself.

"You don't know about quirks? Everyone have one! Well... Maybe not everyone... My friend Melissa don't have one but she is super smart, last time i was at Uncle's David's place she showed me this awesome Pogo stick she made herself! I think she wants to make it smaller to be able to carry it anywhere." The young girl excitedly started to talk.

"My own is called Creation! I can make anything that i want... But i need to study a lot... Well i like to learn new things but my father just piles more and more work for me, my mother always yell at him for that." She ended with a slight giggle, but after a short while she visibly saddened.

"I wish I could go back to them right now... I hope they are alright... My mom probably flooded the whole penthouse with tears by now..." The sadness in her voice was clear like crystal to the greenette's audio receptors, the look on the little girls face told him that she herself was close to crying.

"I will take you home when i finish charging." He said to her, getting a wobbly smile in return.

"Do you knew where we are?" Zuku asked his small companion.

The little girl tried to come up with an answer. "I don't know... I sneaked out when old Edward went to sleep, and after a bit of exploring I was dragged into a van in the middle of the street. They made me sleep with something and i wake up in here... I was able to run away and squeeze through a caved in tunnel, after that i ended up here." She told him everything she knew about the situation.

"We probably will need to get out via the way you entered. Unless there is something you missed on the way here." The greenette replied.

"There were a few more tunnels that looked to scary to enter, you are too big to fit in the hole i crawled thru." She replied back, seemingly forgetting the heavier atmosphere from before.

= Backup power at 10%.= 

=Activating sensory systems.=

Suddenly the green teen felt a slight simulated shiver down his bionic spine, his body starting to detect temperature in the surroundings. His nose picked up the scent of jasmine and a bit of sweat, for the first time he noticed that some senses were lacking. Looking over the hooks that held him, the bionic man slowly reached up with his arms and lifted himself, releasing the mechanisms that blocked him from moving.

Momo sat up in awe, her new friend achieving freedom to her joy. "You are free! Can you move fully now?" She asked.

"Yes, but just barely. I still need to get more power, it would be best to have my Arc Reactor operational again but i don't think I will find a palladium core in here." Zuku replied, slowly walking up to the generator and standing near it, facing the entrance.

"I can make some if it helps?" The young girl's declaration surprised him.

"How exactly does your meta ability... Quirk, work?" The greenette asked really intrigued.

"Oh, i can create anything i want as long as I know the structure and materials needed. Doctors said that my skin has some sort of cells that convert my limpids into other things, so i have to use my skin as a medium." The small girl proudly declared, as if reading from an encyclopedia.

"You meant lipids?" He smiled to her, causing little Momo to blush a little.

"Y-yes." She stuttered out visibly embarrassed.

"That would be good, i can fabricate the core myself, it would take 400 grams of Palladium 107. That isotope experiences beta decay though, you shouldn't try to produce it without proper equipment." The greenette told her, with a slight awe of the small girl's power. To be able to generate any material at will would be ideal to compliment his own abilities.

"I made that for uncle David before! He said that my quirk protects me from it because of... My body's density i think? Uncle said that i should be okay with it as long as I don't carry it around for too long." The young girl told him and not waiting for any replay she sat up from her bedding and started to create a cube of the material in question from her arm.

=Warning! Beta radiation detected.= 

=Danger to biological organisms.=

In the corner of green teen's vision a pop-up window appeared, warning about the increase in background radiation. The rainbowy glow of creation caught his attention, for some reason the colorful, impossible patterns of the light mesmerized him to the point that he started to stare at the young girl.

After a few seconds Momo walked to him and placed the created material in his open palm. Looking it over he noticed that it was only a few grams over the requested amount, the cube had perfect dimensions and the surface was reflecting the glow of his green eyes.

To Momo's surprise, his torso made a loud hissing sound, as the triangle window in the center unfastened and slowly came out. It was so cool to the young girl that she came closer to look at it. In the center of the reactor chamber was a piece of darkened metal in a shape of a triangular frame which her friend yanked out, ripping a few cables in the process.

She was about to voice some concerns but he didn't say anything, lifting his arm that held the new material closer to the opening. The strange cloud of dust that he used earlier to repair the generator flew out of his torso and made a small stream from the cube to the chamber in his chest.

It was the little girl's turn to be absorbed by the spectacle. With a new core being created in from of her eyes, she didn't even know when he finished. The ripped cables reconnected as if by themselves and the whole construct slowly slotted itself back into his chest.

=New Arc Reactor core detected.= =Calibrating.= =Calibration successful.= =Priming ignition coils.= =Error insufficient power.= =Auxiliary power source recommended.=

"Is it working?" Momo whispered to him, as if not sure if she could speak out loud.

"Sadly I'm lacking in power to jump-start the cold fusion reaction. But it's not that bad, I'm primed to start it up when I get more energy." He replied, causing the girl to get a little dejected.

"Don't worry, I have an idea to get myself moving when you get up. Get some sleep for now, I don't know when you will be able to sleep again." The greenette smiled to her, getting a small smile in return.

"Okay, wake me up if something happens. Goodnight." There raven haired girl replied, getting back into the bed she made for herself earlier.


"What the fuck do you mean you can't find her!" Raza yelled at his men in rage. The whole gathering of people covering in fear of their leader.

"And you!" He said, pointing his arm at the blonde guard that was in charge of the young girl.

"You made the last mistake!" His palm sprouted a gun-barrel like growth, in the next second a bullet made of bone ripped into the leg of his target, the blonde guard yelled in pain tumbling to the floor. With fear in his eyes he clutched the wounded limb trying to stem the bleeding. Anything he had to say never would be heard as a few more rounds found their way into his body. With a look of agony on his face the blonde man stopped moving after half a minute, dead.

"We are fighting for the future of the quirked race! To liberate everyone from the laws that were created by the weak! And you let the main piece of the plan to run away just like that?!" The bald man roared, spit flying out of his mouth. He shot the man on the floor a few times more, causing his body to spasm with every hit.

"Boss! We got a problem!" A rather slim and tall man entered the room, everyone's present looked at him.

"What is it now?!" The enraged Raza shouted, a vein on his forehead visible.

"The Hero Commission International is sending all available heroes to the search of our capture target. For some reason the American Defense Army just started moving into the region, our Intel says that it's for training purposes but it's too coincidental. I think we have bitten more than we can chew Boss." The lanky man reported, fixing his eyeglasses that slid down his face when he ran.

"For fucks sake! Start preparing for evacuation, take everything that can be used. And find that little bitch! I will personally cut off her limbs so she won't run away again." Raza gave orders with rage in his eyes.

That little girl was a golden ticket for them to gain military supremacy over everyone on the planet but without her, their plans would move at a snails pace. His commander's won't be happy that such an opportunity escaped between their fingers.


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