Kings And Slaves [V!Deku X Mo...

By Smokin_gluttony

50.2K 1.1K 748

Izuku 'Deku' Midoriya is the student of All For One. After All For One sees his potential, he gives the quirk... More

A Prison
Hawks Recommends
Different Point Of View
A Place You Will Call Home
Now We're Even
A Seed
A Promise?
Yaoyorozu Yakuza
The Calm Before The Storm
The Recommendations Exam
Welcome To Class 1a
I'd Like To Get Registered
Meet The Mentor
I'm No Princess....
Who's Hungry?
Wake Up!
Unforseen Frenemies

Battle Training

1.9K 47 28
By Smokin_gluttony

'This is it.' thought Izuku, as this demon held him, pressing all the air from his lungs. He desperately tried to fill his lungs with the one thing he needed to survive right now, but to little avail, only the sweet and sour scent entering his nostrils, but little to no oxygen. 'This is the day I die.'

Soon his vision began to get blurry as Izukus blood failed to deliver any oxygen to the brain.

After another ten seconds the devil released him from his deadly grasp, Izukus head springing back as he gasped for air, a clear liquid dripping down his chin.

"This is the only way I want to die." gasped Izuku, looking down onto the naked Momo that was lying before him, the bedsheets on which she laid, soaked through and through. "Please remember that."

Momo was still huffing from the ground breaking orgasm she just had experienced, courtesy of the young villain. She moved her mouth, but being unable to talk as she had just screamed out her lungs.

"Do you want to continue?" asked Izuku, readying his member as she nodded weakly, the clear liquid still flowing down between her thighs.

He carefully placed the tip at her cave entrance and slowly entered inside of her, the warmth and wetness enveloping him, like it had the previous times before.

Izuku entered her, ramming his member deep into Momo, her moaning in great pleasure.

The villain leaned forward, pressing his lips onto hers, his tongue demanding to be allowed entrance. It didn't take long before she allowed their tongues to dance.

Their wet and sweaty bodys rubbed against each other, each touch feeling like their skin was about to melt into each other.

Izuku slammed his erected member into Momos pussy over and over again, each time a wet slopping sound echoed through the room, alongside her louder getting moans.

"You should keep quiet, or do you want the others to hear you?" he said, pushing himself inside of her and panting.

She quickly used one of her hands to cover her cherry red lips, but it had little effect, since her moans had gotten loud enough to escape her sealed lips. He continued ramming into her for a few minutes, before he decided to release her.

"I lied," said Izuku, through his grunts and pants. "I soundproofed the entire room, not a single sound can be heard from outside."

"Don't lie to me again, you villainous bastard." she said, putting one hand on his bare and scarred shoulder, and the other one into his hair, gripping tightly. "Promise me."

Izuku continued slamming himself inside of her, both getting closer to their climax, and him not answering her demand.

"Promise me." she demanded again, gripping his hair and pulling it. Izuku flinched at the sudden pain that shot through his scalp.

Before he could answer, both of their walls broke down and the flood of erotic ecstasy flooded their body's.

Izuku slammed himself as deep into her as he could as her eyes rolled back and her loud scream echoed through the villains room. Momos legs intertwined with each other behind Izukus lower back and pressed the greenette deep into her wet hole.

Izukus member started twitching as his load shot even deeper into her than he had reached ever before, filling her womb.

After the moments of pure ecstasy and the bliss, that had just over come them, had passed, Izuku pressed his lips onto hers again, before retreating.

"I promise, my queen." he said, causing her to smile and kissing each other again. "Round 2?"

Momo giggled and kissed the villain, before pushing him onto the bed and switching roles with him, slowly and sensuality starting to ride Izuku, the villain holding her waist and feeling her warm body.

At the same time, a meeting was held inside the UA converence room. It was a large room with a gigantic table in the middle.

Already sitting inside were Nedzu, Eraser Head, Present Mic and other UA teachers like Midnight.

There were also different heroes present, like Endeavor, Kamui Woods and Mtn. Lady.

Mtn. Lady was a relatively tall woman with long blonde hair. Her costume consisted of a purple, skintight bodysuit, with extraordinary stretching abilitys, which were necessary since her quirk allowed her to grow to a massive size, and two big purple horns on her head, which she wore on her head.

"What do we even want here?" she asked her best friend, Kamui Woods.

"Didn't you read the briefing paper?" he sighed, rubbing the forehead on his wooden mask. Kamuis quirk allowed him to grow and manipulate the wood that he could grow from all over his skin.

"You know me, Shinji." she laughed. "I'm not that much of a reader."

"I hate you, Yu." sighed the wood quirk user. "Today we are talking about the recent villain attack by the King."

"I came here for that?" she said, throwing her head back in annoyance. "My precious youth is too important for this."

"As if you had any left." snickered Midnight, earning her a deathly glare by Mtn. Lady.

The blonde woman was about to bark something back, but was cut short, when the police chief walked inside, a vain popping up on his neck.

"I had to lie to the entire world." he shouted, his anger turning his head completely red. "Tell me, how it is possible to clone a quirk and even modify it to a point of having no more weakness."

Nedzu stood up, his small black pearly eyes looking at the police chief, before answering.

"I feel ashamed to admit, but I don't know." said the mouselike animal with the super intelligence. "As far as we know, something like this wouldn't and couldn't be possible."

"Well, apparently it is, and I want to know why." demanded the police chief.

"For something like this to be possible, they would need to implant the quirk directly into a person." said Eraser Head, his usual non caring attitude being switched with a serious one.

All Might and Nedzu shared a look, for just the shortest of moments, but this single glance was enough for the other person to know.

"Maybe we should think about the possibility of the villain lying." said Nedzu. "There could be a chance, that the villains don't know how to modify a quirk, but simply having multiple."

"Multiple quirks?" asked Kamui again. This peaked Mtn. Lady's interest. Up until now she had thought that the King was just some random criminal, but now he was the villain that showed the world the possibility of multiple quirks.

"They already managed to implant a foreign quirk into a host body, with him being able to use it, just like his own quirk." explained the smart animal. "The possibility that they simply implanted multiple quirks wouldn't be too far fetched."

"I agree." said Erasure Head. "But there has to be some kind of limit."

"But what if there isn't?" asked Midnight.

"There has to be." said Erasure Head. "Quirks are like muscles. You can train them to make them stronger, but having too much muscle mass will inevitably become problematic."

The rest of the group nodded.

"Since we know basically nothing about the truth or the process, I believe we should move on." said Nedzu. "Why did he attacked us?"

"Maybe money." said Mtn. Lady. "Most people want to have a lot of money."

"I don't believe so." said Midnight. "The police report clearly stated nothing was stolen. Did you even read the report?"

"Do you want to fight, you bimbo?" shouted Mtn. Lady.

"Any time, you slut." barked Midnight back.

"Ladys, there is no point fighting amongst each other." defused Kamui Woods. "We should focus on the more important matter, namely the King."

"You're right." sighed Mtn. Lady. "I'll be the smart one and give in."

"You're able to be smart?" snickered Midnight.

"That's it, you're dead." said Mtn. Lady, standing up, Midnight mirroring her.

The police chief slammed his hand onto the table, all eyes instantly on him.

"Both of you, sit down and shut up." he shouted, the vain pulsating on his neck again. "This little conflict will no longer be tolerated and if you don't stop immediately, you can both leave the room."

The two woman exchanged a short glance before sitting back down.

"Where were we?" asked the chief. "The motive. So we know he didn't want any money, what else?"

"He didn't kill all of them, right?" asked Kamui Woods. "Someone who would want to let out his grudge, would have killed the receptionist as well."

The rest nodded.

"In addition to that, she described him as a polite and patient man."

"One of my students gave his analysis of the King, using a strange story." said Erasure Head. The attention shifted to him instantly. "He explained that the King holds no value for Money."

"And what is his final expertise on the matter?"

"He said, that this villain attacked us, simply because he enjoys being a villain. If this turns out to be true, there is no telling of his next attack."

"I have to agree with you." said Nedzu. "A villain who is evil for the sake of being evil is a truly terrifying thought."

The rest of the group nodded in silent agreement.

"But despite this man being a villain, and as much as I hate to say this, he is right." said Nedzu with a sigh. "We've gotten quite comfortable with the peace that All Might had brought us."

Again, nobody said anything against this statement.

"Until the League of Villains are brought behind bars, we have to be more careful than ever before, since we can't know what we're dealing with." said the chief. "We also have no information about the second supposed leader, so talking about him would be wasted breath."

"I agree." nodded Nedzu. "I believe, it's best to wait and see what happens next."

"You want to wait for the next attack?" asked Endeavor, a vain popping up on his forehead. "If it weren't for All Might who wasted the chance at arresting this villain, we wouldn't have this conversation."

"I realise that All Might could have caught him, but the King was able and willing to break his arm, in order to land a single attack on All Might." explained the rodent. "Having something like this happen, would cause quite the shock for all of us."

Endeavor only scoffed. "The next time I see this villain, I'll burn him to a crisp."

"We wait, and the next time he strikes, we will be ready to arrest him." said Nedzu, determination burning inside his eyes. "But unless he attacks this evening, I believe it would be in everyone's interest if we all got a bit of sleep."

The group nodded, a few of the heroes even letting out a mild yawn.

With that the converence ended, all heroes dispersing. All but two; All Might and Nedzu remained in the room, waiting patiently for everyone to leave so All Might could drop the slowly crumbling facade of the symbol of peace.

"Do you think he's back?" asked Nedzu the skinny man.

"He would be a plausible explanation for the multitude of quirks that the King possessed." said All Might in his skinny Form. "But I'm sure I killed him during our last encounter."

"Maybe it's pure coincidence, but we should keep the possible return of All For One in mind." said Nedzu. "But now to a more happy topic."

All Might looked at the principal in confusion.

"Have you decided on a successor for your quirk?"

"No, nobody seems to portray the key values of a true hero." said All Might with a deep sigh. "I guess we'll have to wait for some more time."

"Maybe." nodded Nedzu. "but perhaps you have already met your successor, and you don't even know it."

"Quite possibly." yawned All Might. "But I'm not gonna find one this evening, so I'll continue searching tomorrow. Also, I need a bit of sleep for my first hero training lesson tomorrow."

"Good luck with that." said Nedzu. "And good night, my friend."

"Good night, Nedzu." said All Might as he left the building, returning to his own home.

The next day of school arrived and class 1a was sitting in class, patiently waiting for their teacher to arrive.

Izuku was chatting with Sero and Uraraka. Mina and Jirou were talking, Momo sitting next to the punk rock girl, holding eachothers hand.

"So, how was your date night?" asked the pink girl.

Jirou started to blush a bit, but Momo just smiled.

"Well, we watched a movie and cuddled." said Momo with a soft smile, Jirou nodding weakly.

"So you two didn't.... You know...." said Mina with a wink. "Get freaky?"

Jirous face shot bright red, most of the class, who had heard the question started to laugh, some only snickering, but being amused nonetheless.

Jirou was trying her hardest to say something, but was being way to embarrassed to even utter a single word properly, which amused both Momo and Izuku even more.

Unfortunately, Iida had heard the question as well, and quickly peeked up.

"Something like sexual intercourse is highly inappropriate for a hero in training." he said.

"Iida" was all Izuku had to say, to get a worried glance from the other boy, who quickly sat down again, looking back down onto his schoolwork.

Before anyone else could say something, Aizawa walked into the class.

"Good morning, problem children." he sighed. "Today we vote on the class representatives."

Immediately most of the class burst out into cheers, which were quickly shut down by the harsh glare by Aizawa.

"I don't care for something like this, so wake me up once you have decided." said Aizawa, zipping up his sleeping bag and falling to the side, falling asleep immediately.

The moment the teachers body hit the floor, the class dispersed into utter chaos, everyone shouting randomly, until Izuku slammed his hand onto the table and the entire room fell dead quiet.

Izuku looked at everyone, seconds ticking by with everyone waiting for Izuku to say something.

After a full minute of silence had passed, he finally said something.

"Let's vote." he simply said. "Everyone write down your vote on a piece of paper and Sero will count them."

Sero nodded, but suddenly felt a small sting inside his brain, that started talking to him, as the rest of the class started rummaging through their bags, not paying attention to the black haired boy.

'You know who should win, yes?' said the voice inside Seros mind. The black haired boy instantly recognized who was talking to him. Sero slowly turned his head towards Izuku, whose eyes were shining.

Sero gulped and nodded slightly, with Izuku smiling back and his eyes dimming back down.

This didn't go completely unnoticed, as Jirou saw the whole interaction.

Later, as the votes had been counted by Sero, and Izuku and Momo being declared class representative and vice-class representative respectively, the next lesson was brought up and being awaited with shaking excitement.

Even Izuku was getting excited at being in the hero course that was promised to be tought by All Might, the symbol of peace and justice himself.

"I am" he said, instantly opening the door and leaning inside, showing of his red and yellow silver age costume. "coming through the door, like a normal person."

"That's not how you walk through a door, All Might." laughed Hawks, who was coming inside right after All Might.

Instantly all student eyes lighted up at seeing the first two numbers from the hero chart, everyone staring in awe at seeing the almost three meters tall man walk towards the podium and the winged hero gliding inside right after him.

"Good day, students." said All Might. "Today, we're going to teach the first heroics class."

Again, the class cheered.

"And I'm here to help." said Hawks. "Hey, Midoryia." waved the hero, with Izuku waving back.

"Hey Hawks." said Izuku, each student, who hadn't known that they knew each other, looking at the greenette.

"But what is a hero without a costume." All Might laughed, pressing a button and the wall opening up, releasing 20 cases, each with a number on it, each number representing another student. "Get dressed and meet me outside the Training Grounds 2."

The class almost immediately dispersed, each student quickly grabbing their case and heading to the changing rooms, with Izuku and Jirou being the last two in the class room.

"I know why you won the title of class representative." she said, Venom in her voice.

"I don't know what you are talking about." said Izuku, placing his case on his table.

"Don't act stupid." she spat. "I know that you told Sero to let you win. And once somebody finds out about this, then...."

She was interrupted by the villain.

"Do you have any evidence whatsoever for your accusations?" asked Izuku.

"Well, no, but-"

"Then what makes you so sure that anyone will believe you?" he continued asking.

"When a teacher finds out, then they are going to ask-"

"Ask who? Sero?" laughed the villain. "He's not going to say anything."

"And what makes you so sure about that?" she stated.

"Sero is a great friend." smiled Izuku. "He's loyal as a dog. He will never say anything."

"Is that how you view your friends?" She asked. "As dogs?"

"You already lost the whisky debate with 19 witnesses, not counting myself." he said. "Why do you continue pushing your luck and my patients."

"Because it goes against every fibre of my being." she said. "I can't let you continue on with your doings."

"Then tell the teachers about your suspicion." dared Izuku. "Because that's what it really is. Just a suspicion."

Izuku grabbed his case and started walking towards the door, opening the gigantic door, revealing All Might.

"I wasn't listening." he quickly said.

"Never accused you of anything, All Might." smiled Izuku. The young villain quickly pulled out a pen and paper. "But would you mind signing this for me?"

"Of course, young Midoryia." said the titanious man, grabbing the pen and paper and signing what he was asked for. "And now get dressed."

"Will do, All Might." With that, Izuku left to get ready for the hero training.

All Might walked into the room, finding Jirou.

"I heard what you said, young Jirou." said All Might to the young girl. "We will talk to young Sero about whether or not it is true what you said."

"Thank you, All Might." sighed Jirou, walking out of the door and getting dressed as well.

Inside the changing room, Mineta suddenly got incredibly excited.

"Guys, look here." he said, his mouth drooling. "A gift from the other heroes that were here before us."

The midget pointed at a tiny hole in the wall. Iida instantly started lecturing him about the indecency of his actions.

"With this hole, we can see the holy grail." Mineta wanted to look inside, but was quickly stopped. "Urarakas great curves, Minas beautiful breasts, Tsuyus muscular thighs and Yaomomos heavenly ass-"

On the other side of the wall, the girls chatted, until they heard Mineta desperate attampts, all of their faces getting a hint redder at hearing the perverted compliments.

"Quick, cover the hole." shouted Hagakure. "Yaomomo, quick."

"No need to." she simply stated, pulling of her shirt.

"Didn't you listen?" she asked her friend. "Mineta is going to see you in your birth suit."

Momo simply smiled as suddenly the wall started shaking and a painful cry was heard from the other side of the wall.

"Thank you." shouted Momo, before putting on her hero costume.

"My pleasure." was shouted back. All the girls instantly recognized the voice, belonging to Izuku.

"He's really protective." smiled Uraraka weakly, with the girls nodding.

"He didn't say anything about me." sighed Jirou, a bit disappointed.

"Don't worry, Jirou." said the invisible girl. "He didn't say anything about me either."

Jirou looked at the invisible girl, raising an eyebrow.

"No offense Hagakure, but what should he say about you?" asked Jirou.

"No offense taken." said Hagakure, with what was supposedly a smile.

With that, the class finished their costumes and headed to the training grounds.

Izukus costume consisted of a green hood with long green bunny like ears on top of his hood. Underneath the hood a bulletproof vest was being worn and a t-shirt. Izukus pants looked like normal black sweatpants, but consisted of carbon Fibre, which made them much more durable. His shoes were sneakers, but with iron tips, for the little bit of extra punch in his kicks.

But the most notable feature of his costume was the mask, which had red lenses and the lower part of his mask, which covered everything until his chin, showed a big cartoon smile.

[A/N: The  rest of the costumes is Canon and I won't explain them all, since I assume you already know how they look.]

"Nice costume, Deku." smiled Uraraka, the skintight pink bodysuit highlighting every curve of her body.

When the rest of the class had arrived, All Might began explaining what they were going to do.

"We will be doing 2v2 hero versus villain battles." explained All Might. "The heroes win by either touching the fake bomb that will be hidden by the villains or, they can secure the villains using this capture tape."

Hawks held up a small white roll of tape.

"The villains can win by either capturing the heroes in shown capture tape, or when the timer of 15 minutes runs out."

The class looked at the hero and nodded.

"And now my favorite part, let's get to drawing teams." said Hawks, putting down a small box, which, by the sound of it, was filled with small orbs. "Let's begin."

After the teams were drawn, the teams stood together. Luckily, Momo and Izuku, as villains, were paired against Katsuki and Iida, who functioned as the heroes.

The group walked to the training grounds, chatting.

"The stupid old hag took my money again." barked Katsuki.

"What did you do this time?" laughed Izuku.

"This time?" asked Momo. "What were the other times?"

"She was bitching around, and I exploded the table, again." he said, gritting his teeth.

"Again?" asked Momo again, her eyebrow still raised.

"You would be surprised how often something like this happens in the Bakugou household." laughed Izuku.

"It's not my fault she always pisses me off." shouted Katsuki. "Anyway, I had to buy a new one."

"You shouldn't talk that way about your mother." chopped Iida.

"Shut the fuck up, four eyes." barked Katsuki. "I'm talking to Deku and Ponytail."

They arrived at the training ground. It was a large concrete building, with windows and doors entirely missing. Only construction gear could be seen through the windows on the lower floor.

"Wow, the heroes financials must be sky high." mumbled Izuku, his eyes wide and almost sparking with admiration.

"Now, the villains have 10 minutes to hide the bomb." said All Might, his loud voices being almost twice as loud through the small earpiece, that they had gotten, in order for All Might to end the exercise if he deemed it necessary.

"Good luck, heroes." said Izuku with a giant and confident smirk. "You don't even know what's coming."

In the observation room, the rest of the class stood, watching the giant monitor that hang from the wall and displayed the most interesting parts of the training vacility.

"He's really getting into the role play." mumbled Uraraka.

"He was role-playing?" asked Sero, one eyebrow raised.

This quickly confused Uraraka, a small seed of uncertainty hinting into her mind.

Back at the trainings ground, Izuku stood before the giant bomb they were supposed to protect.

Izuku carefully knocked on the metal, that formed the coat of the bomb. Inside the bomb, a hollow sound echoed back.

"They have been very detailed and realistic about this site." said Izuku with a sigh. "And then they couldn't give the bomb the right weight."

"Maybe they didn't have enough money." shrugged Momo, the skin on her stomach glowing a light red as steel plates erupted from her stomach.

"Makes sense." nodded Izuku. "I mean, they have to cut expenses somewhere."

"So, what is the plan?" asked Momo, closing her rather showing costume and turning back around.

"Do you want to be God?" asked Izuku with a serious face.

"What did you just ask me?" she asked, her face a small bit red and her eyes wide and eyebrows high raised in surprise.

"What did he just ask her?" said most of the class, all of them having a shocked expression.

"Did you just really ask me this?" she said, shocked to her very core. "Izuku Midoryia, how little do you know me, that you even have to ask this question."

"Forgive me, for I did not think of what I said." said Izuku, putting the back of his hand on his forehead, and mocking every of his words with his overly dramatic tone.

"You shall never be forgiven." she said, holding her nose high and acting. "As punishment, we order you to be executed."

"Noooo, please my queen, I will never fail you again." said Izuku, dropping to his knees. "I promise by my honor."

"I know what your honor is worth." she said, dismissing him with a hand gesture. "Bring him away."

Izuku quickly looked around before starting to laugh, with Momo starting to laugh as well.

"We will definitely need more actors for our little play, if we want it to be successful." laughed Izuku.

"Maybe we find some new people soon." laughed Momo.

"30 seconds until the start of the exercise." said All Might.

"Let's go to the front window, so we'll get our chance." said Izuku, both of them walking to the open hole in the wall, outside were standing Katsuki and Iida.

Iida desperately tried to talk about tactics, but Katsuki just kept growling annoyed, with the occasional bark that he led loose in the hero trainees face.




Izuku stood on the window frame, looking at the two boys, both of them driven to win this battle.


Before the heroes could get into the building, Izuku whistled, both heroes looking up and seeing Izuku, and more importantly, Izukus girn and shining green eyes.

Both boys suddenly gained an intense, pulsating headache, paralyzing them for a second and forcing them to close their eyes for the tiniest of moments.

When they opened their eyes again, they stood in a field with white, knee high grass, calmingly waving in the wind. In the distance a beautiful pink cherry tree was blossoming and the wonderful little leaves flew through the air.

In the real world, Izuku turned around and smiled at Momo, as they sat next to each other, their back against the wall, both closing their eyes.

As Iida and Katsuki investigated the surrounding area as to find a way out as suddenly Momo found herself in the white grass as well.

"Ponytail, what the fuck?" barked Katsuki. "You two are on one team, why does he send you in here?"

"Unlike you, I'm not locked in here." she smiled, as a beautifully worked, white door appeared beside her. Momo quickly opened it and stepped through, dissappearing into nothingness, as the two boys stormed towards her, missing her by just a second.

"I completely forgot how strange this feels." said Momos bodyless voice into the void where only one person would hear her.

"This is the surroundings I can focus on the easiest, so I will be able to hold my quirk up for some time." said Izuku, his voice being disembodied as well.

"How does this work again?" she asked. "Just imagine it and force it into existence?"

"Basically." said Izuku. "Do you want Iida or Kaachan, or do you want to torture them together?"

"Together of course." she said. "Is this somehow romantic?"

"When you consider torturing two boys mentally as romantic, then yes." said Izuku. "Then it is romantic."

"I mean, we do it together." she said, and Izuku could feel her kiss on his lips, though it was more an emotion than a real physical touch. This feeling that he always felt when their lips met. Izuku only ever felt this specific feeling when he kissed Momo.

If Izukus life would have depended on it, he could never give this feeling a name, since no chain of words would ever hold the same feeling that the emotion held.

"Then let's give them hell." said Izuku, his bodyless existence grabbing Momos hand, her intertwining their fingers.

"Together?" she asked, as a giant black snake started to form, it's eyes glowing a dangerous bright red and it's long fangs shining in the light of the realm.

"Together." said Izuku, his body manifesting floating in the realm, a giant smirk on his face as big, pale white hands came out of the ground.

"Bakugou, we need to devise a pl-" said Iida, his steel armor shining in the light.

"Bring it on, nerd." barked Katsuki, using his explosions to shoot himself at Izuku, leaving Iida behind.

Izuku laughed as one of the big hands smacked away the incoming teen.

"Did you honestly think, that I would make it easy for you?" laughed Izuku, as even more hands sprouted from the ground.

Katsuki jumped back up, a grin on his face.

"I would be insulted if you had made it easy for me, Nerd." said Katsuki, glancing over to Iida, who was at this moment running away from Momo, using his quirk 'Engine' to boost him and keep him away from the dangerous snake.

"Fight already, four eyes!" shouted Katsuki towards the running teen, as he started another attack, shooting himself at the greenette, but this time aiming his explosions at the hands.

As Katsuki had suspected, the moment his explosions made contact with the hands, they disappeared into the thick mist.

At the same time, Iida jumped up, the engines in his calves boosting him into the air. Iida twisted himself around in the air, aiming an engine powered kick at the snakes head.

Momo couldn't react fast enough as to avoid the blow, so after Iidas kick hit the snake, the beast grabbed onto Iidas leg, twisting its body around the teen, slowly suffocating him, as the force with which the snake hugged him, forced all oxygen from his lungs.

In the observation room, the class had started to talk amongst themselves, when suddenly Sero perked up.

"Guys, something is happening." he shouted, grabbing the entire classes attention.

Before the training facility, Iida had started coughing wildly, dropping to his knees as he was slowly being suffocated by the snake, controlled by Momo.

"He passed out?" asked Kirishima, one eyebrow raised.

"Must be Midori." stated Mina. By now, Iida had fallen over and laid completely unmoving on the concrete.

Momos snake slowly unraveled herself, revealing a cloud of mist.

"He's gone." said the snake towards the flying boy, who was still busy defending against Katsuki.

"Must have passed out." said Izuku, erecting another hand as the last had vanished. "No mind to control, when the person has lost their consciousness."

Katsuki was blowing away hand after hand, when he spotted an opening. He shot through the air, the explosions from his hands getting bigger as he closed in on his target, each defending hand missing by the slightest of moments.

Before Izuku could react, Katsukis hand was in his face and a bright and painful explosion was let go into the villains face, the entire plain in which they had been fighting in, gone as everything erupted into the thick smoke.

Katsuki opened his eyes, looking around the training facility, finding Iida passed out next to him. He looked up to where Izuku had been, finding the formerly open window blocked by steel.

Katsuki grunted as he walked to the main entrance, opening the door and stepping through, and he suddenly found himself in his home. His mother Mitsuki standing in the living room, putting some silverware down onto the table.

In the observation room, the students watched with great confusion.

"Why did he act like he was opening a door?" asked Kaminari. "I'm relatively sure he has eyes, so he should have seen that there is no door."

"Midoryia is still using his quirk." said Aizawa bluntly, who had joined the teachers in watching the screen.

"You were uncertain about whether or not he has eyes?" laughed Mina, the rest giggled as well, much to Kaminaris embarrassment.

Katsuki looked around the room, finding it to be completely the same as last time.

"You're finally here." said Mitsuki.

"Nice try, Deku." shouted Katsuki into the room.

"Deku? Who is that?" asked Mitsuki, stopping what she was doing.

"Izuku Midoryia." barked Katsuki. "And don't talk to me you fake."

"Just how do you think you can talk to me?" barked Mitsuki. "I'm still your mother, so I want a certain amount of respect."

On Katsukis neck, a vein popped up.

"Now sit down you ungrateful brat and eat." said Mitsuki, putting down a plate with a steaming hot meal on it. "I made Katsudon, even though you don't deserve it."

Katsuki hesitantly sat down, picking up the spoon and taking a bite. The spicy food filled his mouth with the pleasant heat any spicy food had.

"So, how does it taste?" asked Mitsuki.

"It's good." said Katsuki, shoving food into his mouth with one hand, and feeling the table with the other.

"Just good?" barked Mitsuki. "I spend all day in the kitchen for th-"

She was cut short when Katsuki suddenly jumped up, and let a giant explosion loose in his 'mothers' face, the entire room, collapsing into smoke as he found himself back in the training facility.

"Damn nerd." mumbled the explosive teen as he stomped up the stairs, leading directly to Izuku.

When Katsuki entered the room, he heard a slow clap, coming directly from Izuku.

"Congratulations Kaachan." clapped Izuku, Momo standing right beside him. "You managed to look through my illusion. How did you find out?"

"It was the table." said Katsuki, small explosions forming in his hands. "It wasn't the new one."

Izuku nodded.

"Thought so." he said with a shrug. "And I must say thank you, for Yaomomos stunning performance as Mitsuki Bakugou, the hot tempered mother of this little hand grenade." He pointed at Katsuki as Momo bowed down slightly.

"Enough chit-chat." said Katsuki, jumping forward, the villains jumping away to the sides, with Momo dashing towards the fake bomb.

Izuku instantly turned around, jumping back and aiming a kick at Katsukis head. Katsuki stumbled back, licking the blood from his lip and a giant smirk on his face.

Katsuki started shooting several explosions at the fast teen. Izuku avoided most of them by jumping around and dashing away if the explosion came close, but despite his best efforts, some explosions managed to touch him, burning his clothes and his skin.

After an almost endless seeming barrage of explosions, Katsukis attacks got slower, offering Izuku an opportunity to strike. He rushed towards Katsuki, jumping over an explosion and catching himself with his hands, remaining on his hands he started spinning around, unleashing a giant barrage of kicks onto Katsuki.

The explosive boy tried blocking the blows, but the sheer number of attacks overwhelming him as his defense slowly got weaker with each landing hit.

After about 30 seconds of Izuku attacking, Katsuki found the strength to let an explosion loose, kicking Izuku out of his attacks and letting him jump back.

"You've gotten faster, nerd." said Katsuki, wiping away some blood and sweat. "But good luck dodging this."

Bakugou started raising one of his grenade gauntlets, pulling back the pin.

Izuku started dashing towards the teen when he saw the gauntlet being raised.

"And now...." he said, pulling the last safety precaution away. "Die!" he shouted as a giant explosion shot through the building, ripping away the walls in its way and the building right next to the facility.

When the smoke cleared, Katsuki saw just a second too late, Izuku jumping off of the wall and Katsuki was too slow to block the incoming axe-kick.

Izuku landed on the ground and tried to do a back flip, combined with a kick to the jaw.

A second before Izukus kick was about to land, Katsuki managed to grip onto the villains leg, burning it with explosions and throwing Izuku over his shoulder.

Izukus body hit the concrete floor with a loud thud and some ribs breaking. He tried standing up again, but he soon found his leg being too burned to support his body.

It was the first time, Katsuki found the time to look at the teen, now lying before him. His clothes were burning and from his mouth a small but continuously flowing river of blood had formed. The entire right half of his sweater was burned away, most likely from the gauntlet attack.

Katsuki walked over to the struggling boy, putting one foot on Izukus chest, applying pressure on the villains broken ribs and pushing him back onto the floor, with Izuku letting out grunts of pain.

"You've gotten better, but still not enough to beat me." said Katsuki triumphantly as he walked over to the bomb, touching it.

The hero held his hand against the steel, but nothing was being said over the earpiece.

"Combatwise, you were always superior to me." admitted Izuku, pushing himself against the wall as to sit up straight, the blood still flowing from his mouth. "But I was always smarter than you."

Katsuki turned around, looking at the teen and turning his back to the bomb.

"It's funny, how the thing that you always failed to see the true value of, defeats you in the end." laughed Izuku with his last strength, before he finally fell unconscious. "Having allies."

With that, Momo jumped out of the bomb, a steel club in her hand. Before Katsuki could turn around, she swung the bat at his head and a loud metallic clang sound was heard.

Without saying another word, Katsuki fell over. Momo looked at the bat, seeing a big dent where she had hit the teen.

"I hereby declare the villains the winner." said All Might over the intercom.

In the observation room, all jaws were left dangling just above the ground.

"They are pretty extreme, ribbit." said the frog girl Tsuyu Asui, putting one finger to her chin.

The others nodded.

"You should have seen him during training." said Uraraka. "He gave up while he was being choked, with one of his arms being out of its socket."

"Ribbit?" asked Asui.

All Might was at the same time calling Recovery Girl, who by the looks of All Might, was very unhappy to be called so early into the exercise.

Soon, the recovery bots, who acted as Recovery Girls assistants, arrived at the scenery and quickly picked the heavily injured teens up.

Izuku woke up in the medbay of the school, feeling incredibly exhausted.

Next to him sat Momo, waiting patiently for him to wake up.

"Midori, you're awake." she said, grabbing his hand.

"Yeah." he simply said, trying to sit up straight, but failing to do so, due to him being too weak.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"I'll survive." he stated. "Did we win?"

"Yes, we did." she smiled. "After I clubbed Katsuki, we were declared the winner."

"That's good to hear." he smiled, clenching her hand a bit tighter.

After a minute of enjoyable silence, Izuku spoke up again.

"How long was I out?" he asked, slowly finding his strength again.

"For about two hours." she said. "The last battle should end soon."

"That's a shame." said Izuku with a frown. "I really wanted to see the others fight."

"You'll see them fight soon enough." she said, calmingly rubbing the back of his hand. "But you should rest now and wait for your body to get better again."

"Will do." he said with a sigh. They soon started to hear commotion from the other bed.

"Ugh, what the fuck happened?" asked Katsuki. "My head feels like it's going to explode."

"You lost, Kaachan." said Izuku.

"Because of a surprise attack." stated Katsuki. "How did you know about my gauntlets?"

"We designed them together, as children, remember?" said Izuku with a small smile forming on his lips.

"Yeah, I remember." laughed Katsuki. "I never thought you would remember."

"Of course I remember." laughed Izuku. "I remember everything we went through together."

"I have to disrupt this little teaparty." said Aizawa, opening the door to the medical area.

"Mr. Aizawa." said Izuku. "So, what do you think about our fight?"

"Good, but it can and will be better." retorted the teacher. "I came to tell you about the class trip to the USJ that we will be making tomorrow, All Might will join us there."

"That's good to hear." smiled Izuku, an idea already forming in his head.

"And I came to talk to you, Midoryia." Aizawas eyes darted towards the villain.

"What great honor." smiled Izuku.

"Stop the sarcasm, problem child." said Aizawa. "I saw potential and I decided to offer you some training with my capture gear."

As if to underline his point, the white scarf around his neck started floating.

"Let me guess." said Izuku. "It's because my quirk lacks flashyness, like Kaachan does?"

"My motives are irrelevant, but it is an aspect of why I have chosen you." said Aizawa sternly. "So, do you accept?"

"I certainly do." smiled Izuku. "Thank you for the chance."

"Now rest, so you'll be ready for tomorrow." ordered Aizawa, leaving the room.

"So the USJ?" asked Izuku.

"For some rescue training." continued Momo.

They sat there in silence, until Izuku stood up.

"Enough pretending to be sick." he said standing up. "I have some food to cook and some work to attend to."

Izuku stretched, the rest standing up as well, before they walked back to the dorm.

The group immediately got swarmed by the rest of the class, complimenting them for their awesome fight and their win, while of course trying to build up the losers.

After Izuku had cooked and his work shift had ended, he made his way to the villains hideout, where he was greeted by the new league members.

"Sup." said Dabi, quickly being followed by a hug by Toga.

In the corner of the room stood a tall, muscular man, his left eye covered in scar tissue and a glass eye in his eye socket. He had introduced himself as 'Muscular', which fitted him in every way. His quirk allowed him to enhance his muscle fibers to a superhuman degree.

Next to him stood a slim man, wearing a beautifully colored suit with vest and a big top head. He covered his face with a black and white mask. This man went by the name of 'Mr. Compress' and he was one of the more normal, or less psychotic, members of the league. His quirk let him compress things and people into tiny blue marbles.

"Greetings, King." said Compress with a deep bow. "Are you back for another show?"

"Not yet, Compress." answered Izuku. "But soon enough all of you are going to get some action."

"Hopefully." said Muscular. "If I'm not killing someone soon, I'm going to rip this league to shreds."

"You will do nothing of this sort." said Izuku, giving him a dangerous side glare. "If you want to kill, that is fine. I'm sure someone like Toga would love to accompany you."

"That little freak?" he laughed. "Im sure of it, but can she tell the difference between enemy and allie?"

"Can you, Muscular?" said Izuku with a smile. "Where is Tomura, I need to talk to him."

"Sorry, boss." shrugged Compress. "Haven't seen him."

"He's in his room, crying like a bitch because he lost in some game again." said Muscular, taking a sip of his milk.

"Thank you, Muscular." said Izuku, turning around and shouting into the room. "Toga, do you want to kill someone?"

"Sure." she perked up, jumping over.

"See, Muscular?" said Izuku. "You two can go kill some civilians, or heroes if you're up for a challenge."

"Great, let's go." smiled Toga, grabbing the bulky man by the hand and dragging him away, out the door.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Dabi, who walked up behind them. "These two psychos are bound to run into trouble."

"You're right." said Izuku. "Can you follow them and watch out? I'd hate to lose the two of them."

"I don't have anything better to do anyways." said Dabi with a shrug, following them out the door.

"A wild bunch you got here, boss." laughed Compress lightly.

"I certainly can't deny that." laughed Izuku. "If you need anything, let me know."

With that, Izuku walked into Tomuras room, dodging the bottle that was thrown his way.

"If you don't have any good news...." said Tomura from his bed. ".... Then piss off."

"I have an opportunity to kill All Might for you." smirked Izuku. Instantly Tomura sat up in his bed.

"Then tell me brat." he demanded.

"Tomorrow my class and I, alongside some heroes, will take a little field trip to the USJ, the Unforseen Simulation Joint." said Izuku.

"Are you sure?" asked Tomura, one eyebrow raised.

"Unless they are taking us to the Universal Studios Japan, then I'm pretty sure." said Izuku.

"These are fantastic news." shouted Tomura, jumping out of bed. "With you on our side, the new recruits and the nomu, taking down All Might will be a breeze."

"I'm not going to help." said Izuku leaning against a wall. "And I wouldn't be too sure about the rest either."

"What are you talking about, brat?" asked Tomura, snapping out of his trance.

"I won't help you." stated Izuku again. "Killing All Might is in no way beneficial for me and my plans."

"But killing All Might has been our goal for all this time." spat Tomura.

"No, it has been your goal." said Izuku, now standing straight before him. "And it wouldn't matter anyways. Though we have the ideological benefit, he somehow always wins. All Might can't be beaten by strength."

Izuku walked up to the other teen, now standing just a centimeter away from each other.

"You have to outsmart him." Izuku tapped Tomura on the forehead, aggravating the other teen.

"So you'll just wait here and craft plan after plan until All Might dies?" scoffed Tomura, throwing another bottle.

"My plan has already been crafted." said Izuku, picking up two of the shards of glass that were by now lying on the ground. "And the first pieces have already fallen in their places, and the rest will follow shortly after."

Izuku put the two pieces together, the sharp edges of the glass fitting perfectly into each other.

"Fine, then don't help secure our goal." scoffed Tomura. "Then the rest will help."

"They won't."

"And why not?" asked Tomura angrily.

"Why should they?" said Izuku, tossing the two pieces behind him. "They stand loyal to me, not to you."

"Killing the symbol of peace is their goal as well."

"I doubt it." said Izuku, leaning against the wall again. "Besides, you still have your guns for hire."

"You're right." said Tomura, a vicious smile returned to the villains face. "I don't need your few pewny villains."

Izuku laughed, rolling his eyes slightly, walking out of the room and leaving Tomura to his maniacal laughter.

"How did it go, young master?" asked Kurogiri.

"Better than expected." nodded Izuku. "I need a favor from you."

"Whatever you need, young master." bowed the bartender.

"Good." smiled Izuku before telling Kurogiri exactly what he was supposed to do once the attack started.

The next day, the class was sitting inside a giant bus, slowly driving to the USJ.

"Have you heard about the body the heroes found?" asked Hagakure.

"I heard it didn't have any skin on it anymore." shuddered Mina. "What kind of vile human could do something like this? What do you think, Midori?"

Mina turned towards the greenette, who was sitting next to Katsuki, chatting about something incredibly unimportant.

"His determination has to be phenomenal. Skinning a person is incredibly hard, since the skin starts to rip if you're not careful." said Izuku. "But I believe this is too grim of a topic to talk about. Find something more cheerful."

"Oh, I know something." smiled Hagakure. "I've read in an article, that the local museum is getting a new exhibit."

"A new exhibit?" asked Mina. "What do you mean?"

"It's an amber amulet." explained Hagakure, gesturing wildly with her arms. "And in the middle is a tiny mosquito, filled with glowing blood."

"Glowing blood?" laughed Kaminari. "What's next, explosive sweat?"

"Dude, that's how Bakubros quirk works." mumbled Kirishima towards the blonde boy.

"It's said to be the blood of the first person born with a quirk, can you believe it?" Hagakure was getting incredibly excited. "I wonder how it was back then, with some people developing quirks."

Izuku thought back to all the story's All For One had told him, about the past and how he had risen to power, using his quirk to give quirks to those who wanted them and taking them from who did not want them.

"It was horrific." stated Izuku. "People were getting discriminated because they had a quirk. There were riots for quirked rights, fanatics on both sides, one preaching the superiority of the quirked, the others wanting to keep humanity clean. It was a terrible mess of a society."

"But quirks are something wonderful." said Hagakure, a little less cheerful.

"And anybody would agree with you on that." smiled Izuku. "But people fear what they don't understand, and back in the day nobody understood quirks even slightly."

Some of the class was listening to the villain.

"Luckily, we live in a different Era, the Era of peace, brought to us by All Might." said Izuku with a giant smile on his face. "That reminds me, where is he?"

"Something unforseen has happened and he can't participate in this exercise." stated Aizawa from the front of the bus.

"That's a real shame." said Izuku with a small frown. He imagined Tomuras face, the moment he would learn of All Mights absence.

"Hey, Midoryia?" asked Asui suddenly. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, Asui." replied Izuku.

"Call me Tsu, ribbit." said the frog quirk user. "Yaomomo and you seem really close. Are you two dating, ribbit?"

The bus fell dead silent in an instant.

Izuku and Momo exchanged a quick, not noticeable glance, filled with a hint of worry. Normally, Izuku wouldn't care for something like this, but it was important to Momo, and he wanted to see her happy.

"Jirou and Yaomomo are dating." he said with a smile. "We're just friends."

"But you two always-" started Tsu again, but was cut off by Izuku.

"I have a question also." said Izuku. "As an animal quirk user, do you also have a heat cycle, like frogs have?"

Tsus face got a few inches redder, the rest of the class looking shocked as well.

"Midoryia, I doubt that she would answer su-"

"Yes I have." admitted Tsu.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. To you it's as normal as sweating is to the rest of us." nodded Izuku. "We'll make sure to not cause you any discomfort when these tempting times arise."

"Thank you." smiled Tsu.

"Nothing to thank me for." said Izuku, lightly petting Tsus head. "You can count on Yaomomo and I."

"We're here." said Aizawa, stepping out of his yellow sleeping bag.

The class walked outside, seeing a giant dome like building. They stepped inside, seeing giant stairs. If he had to guess the number of stairs, it would be at least 100 steps, leading to a giant plaza with a spring in the middle of it. Surrounding the plaza in the middle were the different kind of areas. Instantly Izuku could see the mountain area and the ocean area of the dome. Across of the plaza, Izuku could see a rainy city district.

"Greetings, class 1a." said a person, wearing a space suit. "I'm the space hero, Thirteen."

"Oh my God, it's Thirteen." squeeled Uraraka. "She's like my favorite hero."

"Thank you, young one." said Thirteen, giving a thumbs up. "I hereby welcome you to the Unforseen Simulation Joint, or USJ for short."

The students started looking around in awe, as suddenly the lights began to flicker and an all to familiar swirl of black mist appeared in the middle of the plaza.

"Cool, they even have fake villains as well." said Kirishima.

The teachers turned around, Aizawas scarf beginning to float instantly.

"Everyone, stay back." he ordered. "These are real villains."

Tomura stepped out of the portal, a horde of villains stepping though as well. Izuku counted around 100 villains, though he could see that non of them would be a real threat to the pro heroes.

Next to Tomura, Kurogiri manifested, though only his collar could be seen for the briefest of moments, before he coated it in his mist. On the other side stood an almost 3 meter tall black creature, their brain exposed for everyone to see. And Nomu was its name.

"Hello heroes." smiled Tomura through the 'Father' hand, which he wore on his face. "We are the League of Villains and we came to kill the symbol of peace."


Hey author here.

I hope you guys like this chapter. If you have questions or anything you want to say, feel free to comment. I'm happy about every comment.

Also, I have a question. How kinky should Momo and Izuku get? Should they stay with vanilla sex, or maybe later go over to some freaky stuff? I'm cool with both, so....

Be excited for the next chapter, since some major, and I mean major, events will happen ;)

Anyways, see you next time :D

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