Completed ✅ A kiss is more Ja...

By Maddythecutie7th

32.8K 366 165

Jasper and y/n are dating. Y/n has body image issues. But Jasper is always by her side and supports her no ma... More

Characters in the story
How we met
Sick and Wired
Brawl in the Hall.
The Rock Box Dump
Toon in for Danger
Meet Cute Crush
Back to the Danger
Budget Cuts
Diamonds are for Heather
Car Trek
Toddler Invasion
Captain Man-Kini
Saturday night lies
Henry's Frittle Problem
Swellview Idol
Spelling Bee Hard
Up The Stairs
Danger Things
Sick Day
Rubber Duck
Flabber Gas
Season 5
Henry's birthday
Whistlin Suzie
Thumb War
Cactus Con (Read A/n)
Small Smut
Part 1: A New Evil
Part 2: A New Darkness
Part 3: A New Hero
Broken Armed and Dangerous
Grand Theft Otto
The Whole Bilsky Family
Bulimia, insecurities, and Suicidal thoughts
Secret room
My Dinner with Bigfoot
Y/n gets ghosted
Memorial Day Special
Holey Moley
Love Bytes
Double O Danger
Massage Chair
Henry Danger: The Musical Songs
Henry Danger: The Musical
Sister Twister
A Tale of Two Pipers
Story Tank
Captain Mom
Visible Brad
Envygram wall
I'll take care of you
Holiday Punch
Mr Nice Guy
Theranos Boot
Cave the date
Escape Room
Game of Phones
Remember the Crimes
The Beginning of the End
Captain Drex
Fate of Danger
The Wedding of Y/n and Jasper
Thank you so much ❤️

I'm not fine....

752 5 7
By Maddythecutie7th

Your POV:

I recently got a message from this nasty girl at school. She's the popular girl, Olivia. She's very pretty but cruel to other people. She made fun of Jasper, for liking buckets. I approve of his liking of buckets since he's my boyfriend. Olivia sent me messages about my weight and my looks.

"Hey y/n, I saw you kissing your bucket weird boyfriend, He doesn't deserve you. Your not that pretty for him. Also, you're too fat so maybe you should starve yourself. You look like you weigh like, I don't know, 160 pounds? Maybe getting down to 90 would be the best."

I pause and imagine myself starving. My thoughts are interrupted  by a familiar male voice coming up from behind me 

"Hey beautiful," Jasper smiles and kisses me on the cheek and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hey Jasp," I mutter softly, trying to hold back tears, and turning around.

"Babe, what's wrong? You can tell me, I'll always be here for you." Jasper advices.

"I'm fine, I just need to get some water maybe," I say, closing my locker and walking away.

Jaspers POV

There's something wrong with my girlfriend. She is saying things like she is fine or she'll eat a little bit. She doesn't overeat but she exercises all the time and likes to eat medium portions. I watch y/n sit outside on the bench. I don't want to bother her before our lunch period begins. I grab my lunch bag and walk over to Henry and Charlotte.

"Hey Henry, can I have some girl advice?" I ask my best friend.

"Sure," He smiles.

"Why do you... is it about y/n?" Charlotte questions.

"Yeah, " I nod at her, "she wasn't talking much this morning and she texted me saying she would eat less which doesn't sound like her," 

"Yeah, she eats regular sized portions even though she exercises," Charlotte says.

"Maybe try talking to her," Henry suggests.

"Well, she's outside on the bench, texting someone, that concerns me, I'll talk to her in private at lunch," I say, smiling at my best friends.

"Good idea," Henry says.

~Lunch Time~

Y/n walks over to our table, with her lunch bag and she's texting someone. I walk over to her and she gives me a weak smile.

"Hey Jasp," She smiles, "I'll eat small portions from now on so I don't have to be fat," 

She then walks to the lunch table towards Henry and Charlotte.

Your POV

Olivia has been texting me non-stop today. She's been saying things that I'm not pretty enough, I'm kinda fat, I'm a weirdo with no friends, I don't deserve Jasper and he doesn't deserve me. I feel like crying but I hold back my tears. Jasper comes up to me and I just tell him I'll eat more less from now on.

"Hey y/n," Charlotte smiles.

"Hey, Charlotte, Hey Henry," I smile at my best friends. My phone suddenly buzzes but Jasper grabs it before I can.

"Who is this-" I cut Jasper off by grabbing my phone. Luckily it just says the contacts name and the number of message received.

"It's an old friend named Olivia," I say, swallowing any throw up that comes up.

"Oh that's nice," Jasper smiles and kisses my head.

"Wait, I didn't know you had a friend named Olivia, you don't mean Olivia Roges right?" Henry asks.

"Uhh, I well," I stutter and change the subject, "let's talk about how great Jasper is," 

"Yeah he's pretty great, He totally deserves you," Charlotte smiles.

I sit quietly, picking at  my salad while Jasper, Charlotte and Henry discuss about their lives. I check my phone and read the messege from earlier. 

"Hey y/n, I saw that you're eating lunch with those freak friends of yours, I hope you starve yourself," 

I get up from the lunch table as the bell rings. Jasper pulls an arm around me and kisses my cheek.

"Did you enjoy your salad?"

I nodded even though I didn't even eat at all.

~The Hallway~

I open my locker and read a note that is signed by Olivia.

"Hey y/n, I hope Jasper breaks up with you when he finds out you've been making up lies, Today I'll confess your secret and how bad you look to everyone, -Olivia"

Jasper walks behind me and hugs my waist.

"Hey babe," He smiles.

"Hey..." I say and try not to cry.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" He asks, pushing a few strands of my hair behind my cheek.

"EVERYONE GUESS WHAT!" Olivia yells out, getting our attention.

I hide my face and put on my hoodie. I feel like crying right now.

"You guys know y/n l/n, girlfriend of Jasper the bucket weirdo," Olivia says, pointing to me and Jasper.

"Babe, what's going on?" He asks, concerned in his voice.

"Well she's a weirdo, freak, no friends, too fat and her friends don't deserve her." Olivia calls out and I feel tears fill my eyes.

I run out of the hallway, crying.

"Y/n?" Jasper calls out as I run into the girls bathroom.

Jaspers POV

Those horrible things that Olivia said about my girlfriend are terrible. I just want to comfort y/n and tell her Positive things. 

"Hey! Whatever you've been talking about y/n, she isn't a weirdo, I know y/n, she's our best friend!" Henry yells out.

"Yeah, she may be Jaspers girlfriend, and approve of his bucket collection but she isn't that weird. She's an amazing young woman and she is caring. She likes to exercise and she doesn't need to change her look!" Charlotte steps in.

"Yeah, I may be weird but she's my beautiful girlfriend, and I do deserve her and she deserves us!" I step in after Charlotte.

"Yeah, Olivia! You're just a spoiled brat!" Charlotte exclaims.

"Ugh, unless people, I'll get you soon," Olivia rolls her eyes and walks away with her two friends, Ella and Bella, who are twins.

"Charlotte, you might wanna go comfort y/n, she ran into the girls bathroom." Henry says.

"Jasper! Charlotte! Henry! It's y/n!" Mary, a girl in our science class yells out.

We run over to Mary who sends Charlotte into the girls bathroom.

Your POV

I'm currently crying in the girls bathroom. Mary, from science, came in and found me crying. There were text messages sent to me and notes I found on the floor. If I need to change my body look, it's making me risk and having myself throw up. Charlotte walks in and hugs me.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" She asks, rubbing my back.

"No, I got more messages and notes, I want to change my body look," I say, crying even more.

"I'm so sorry, you don't need to change your body look, you're beautiful." She smiles, handing me a tissue.

I wipe my eyes, fixing the makeup that runs down my eyes.

I will change my body look I just won't tell anyone. Charlotte walks out with me and Henry and Jasper give me a giant hug. 

"Y/n, are you okay?" Henry asks, patting my back.

"Yeah, I'm okay now," I fake smile.

Jasper pulls me into a hug. I start crying again because these thoughts about making myself change my body and trying to make myself  sick and body issues is killing me.

"Shh, I'm right here beautiful," Jasper says, stroking my hair.

I continue to cry into his chest and he kisses me.

"Let's get to class before Ms.Shapen gets mad," Henry suggests.

I take out my sunglasses so nobody worries about my eyes being red and puffy. Jasper puts an arm around me and we walk to class together.

~after school~

After a few more hours of school, I find a note from Olivia that says to make myself throw up or she'll say lies about me. And I don't want Jasper thinking they are true.

Jasper walks towards me and I hide the note and put it in my backpack.

"Hey beautiful, ready to go to work?" He asks, leaning against his elbow on the locker next to me.

"Yeah, let's go," I smile.

"Hey y/n, we reported Olivia to the principals office," Henry says.

I remember her sending me a text saying if we report her to the Principal, she'll find a way to make myself get sick.

If you report me to the principal, I'll find a way for you to throw up or make your self really sick.

"Thanks," I say nervously and we walk out of school.

~Man Cave~

I am in the Man Cave, helping Charlotte research some crimes while Henry and Jasper explain what's been happening to me at school.

"Yeah, Olivia said that y/n is a freaky weirdo with no friends but we told her she totally deserves us," Jasper explains.

I am going to do what Olivia said to do. I'm going to make myself throw up when Jasper comes over tonight. 

"Charlotte, do you hope that Olivia gets suspended?" I ask my curly haired best friend.

"Yes, she's very cruel and rotten! She needs to go to a boarding school for snotty girls To become polite girls." She explains.

"Hey, Jasper, we better head home now." I say to my boyfriend, who smiles at me.

"Good idea, bye you guys," Jasper says and puts an arm around my waist.


Jasper is spending the night at my house. His mom won't care as long as he doesn't end up trying to do something crazy. He is upstairs, getting dressed in my bedroom.

I stick a finger down my throat, gag, and hold my stomach. Jasper comes down the stairs in his checkered pajama pants and his baggy shirt.

"Hey babe, do you wanna- Y/n!" Jasper exclaims, running towards me.

"Im sorry I just gagged Jasper and it hurts!" I whine and he kneels down next to me. I look into his beautiful blue eyes with his straight brown hair.

"Here, maybe eat something," he says, helping me to the couch.  He hands me our dinner that we ordered.

"Yeah, maybe." I chuckle and take a small bite out of my taco. I really don't want to eat at all.

Jasper sits next to me and puts an arm around me.


I look at Jasper, who is playing on his phone. I stick my fingers down my throat which makes me gag.

"Are you okay y/n?" He asks, rubbing my back.

I cover my mouth and run upstairs. I lock myself in the bathroom and stick a finger down my throat. 

"Y/n? You feeling okay?" I hear Jasper say.

I try getting up to unlock the door and push the handle which makes the button move and unlocks it. I fall back down and continue to throw up. I feel so dizzy that I am not forcing myself to throw up.

"Oh my goodness! Babe! What happened?!" Jasper asks with worry, holding my hair.

"Olivia said that I should make myself throw up of she'll tell lies and even if you don't believe her, she'll say, 'oh it's true alright' and maybe even edit photos of me doing stuff like it." I explain.

"Babe! I'm so sorry! At least you're not really sick." He says, hugging me close.

I gag myself and throw up again.  Jasper continues to lift my hair up and rub my back.

"Did you just make yourself throw up again?" He asks in a concerned voice.

"Yeah but it'll continue to happen even if I'm not trying," I explain.

"Let's get downstairs and we can cuddle, if you need to throw up again even if you're not trying, I'll take care of you." Jasper says and helps me up. 

He walks me downstairs and we lay on my living room couch bed to watch more iCarly.

~the next day~

After ending up sleeping with Jasper. We wake up in the morning. I am much better but I'm scared that Olivia will body shame me.

"Good morning beautiful," Jasper says, yawning and looking at me as I have the blanket covering us on the couch bed.

"Good morning, can I tell you something? It's about Olivia." I say and he smiles.

"You can tell me anything." He smiles and I sit up.

"Olivia told me that she would make even more bad comments about me today," I say and he pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear.

I get up out of the couch bed and head upstairs. I take a quick shower, put my hair in French braids,  and wear my outfit for today. I walk downstairs and find Jasper completely shirtless. I blush and he smiles.

"Hey beautiful, sorry I meant to tell you, at least I have pants on." He says and I smirk.

"Maybe don't get dressed and stay shirtless." 

"Oh babe." Jasper blushes.

I blush hard and go to make us some pancakes. Jasper sits down with me and we enjoy some delicious breakfast. I then pack my lunch, I'm eating a salad with some chips, a candy bar, my spicy chips Henry and Charlotte always toss around the lunch table and my water bottle. Jasper and I walk to school together.


Charlotte and I are talking at my locker as Olivia and Ella and Bella, the blonde twins, walk in.

"Hey look, it's y/n!" Bella calls out.

"The freaky girl," Ella adds.

Olivia comes up to me and Charlotte and Jasper and Henry walk over to us.

"Did you do what I said?" Olivia asks.

"What?" I ask nervously.

"I SAID did you do what I said to do?!" She repeats, in a stern voice. She pushes me against the locker and makes me drop my books.

"Uhh well-" I stutter.

"You didn't?! Well to say goodbye to Jasper," Olivia smirks and gets out her phone. I fall to the ground and Charlotte helps me stand up.

"No!" I exclaim, tears running down my face.

"You know what Olivia?! Y/n forced herself to throw up last night! She wants to change her body look when she knows that any girl is beautiful no matter what size!" Henry exclaims, Jasper and I told him this morning over text.

"Yeah! She exercises and doesn't want have to change her body look but you're forcing her too!!" Jasper exclaims.

"Well, time for the biggest secret y/n's been hiding! Jasper you might not think it's true but it true alright!" Olivia says, doing something on her phone.

I'm now crying softly and Charlotte hugs me tightly.

"No, I will not believe you this time!" Jasper exclaims.

"BELIEVE ME OR ELSE, I'LL DO WORSE TO Y/N!!" Olivia yells out.

"I'm sorry babe but I have to," Jasper turns to me, with a sorrow look.

I cry harder and sob into Charlotte's shoulder. 

"Okay, I'll believe you," Jasper says, crossing his arms.

"Well, she secretly  hates buckets and puts posters in her bedroom about hating them, and she turns them around to nice stuff about buckets," Olivia says, showing us a edited picture of me and a poster that says 'I hate buckets'

"Babe, I can't believe you would do that," Jasper says, looking at me sob.

I walk away crying and Charlotte walks with me and rubs my back. We walk over and sit on the stairs while Jasper and Henry listen to Olivia day 'secrets' about me.

"I can't believe he would just believe that," I say and Charlotte hugs me.

"He did it to protect you," Charlotte explains.

"But what if he actually believes it, He's going to hate me forever," I sob into Charlotte's shoulder.

Our friends Chloe and Bianca walk up to us.

"Hey y/n, I'm so sorry that Olivia's  making you do these horrible things," Bianca says kneeling down and rubbing my leg.

"Me too, Jasper will talk to you about it, I know you would never hate on buckets," Chloe adds, sitting on the other side of me and rubs my shoulder.

"I don't even have posters of hating buckets, I have posters in my room with a picture of me and Jasper with our couple bucket, but not on-hating buckets.." I say.

"So Jasper, will you break up with y/n?!" Olivia smirks.

This causes me to cry even more and I run away to the girls bathroom. I sit in a stall and stick my fingers down my throat. I throw up and let the tears roll down my cheeks.


Henry then comes out with Ms.Baxter, the principal and a women, with brown hair like Olivia's.

"Hey Olivia, look who is here to take you away," Henry calls out.

"Henry I wouldn't-" Jasper says.

"Shh, we got her mom and the Principal, they're going to send her to Ladies Charming School," Henry smiles.

"Henry, thank you," Jasper says.

"Since You're  my best friend, y/n is also my best friend." He says, patting Jasper's back as they hug.

"What?! Mom?! Ms.Baxter!? I was just-" Olivias mom cuts her off.

"Nope, you're coming with us, you're getting sent to Ladies Charming School, to help snotty, cruel girls become wonderful young ladies, and it'll help your mental issues," Olivias mom says.

"But mom, I was just-"

"Silence Ms.Rodges!" Ms.Baxter exclaims.

"Hey mom, dad, we were just -" 

"Silence Ella! You, Ella and Olivia will be sent to Ladies Charming School, a boarding school, you girls will be separated from Olivia, no phones, no social media and you shall come back when you become respectful," Their mother exclaims.

Bella and Ella get dragged away by their parents as Olivia gets dragged by her mom.  

"Yayyy!" Jasper and the other kids cheer.

"We should go find y/n," Bianca suggests and the group of friends went and split up. Bianca and Chole, Henry and Charlotte and Jasper went alone.

Your POV

I'm currently crying in the bathroom  because I felt like Jasper might break up with me. He would never do it unless it's a reason like if he cheats on me, which he would never do, or if it's just taking a break from our relationship.

I hear the bathroom door open and a knock on the stall door.

"Y/n?" I hear a familiar male voice call our, "you okay princess?"

I open the door and see it's Jasper. I stand up and he hugs me close.

"I'm so glad you didn't break up with me," I say to my boyfriend.

"Hey, I didn't actually believe Olivia, I promise I was trying to protect you," He says.

"Yeah, I knew that but another part of me told me you would break up with me," I mutter.

Jasper and I walk out of the bathroom. Bianca, Chloe, Henry and  Charlotte run into the hallway.

"Y/n! I'm so glad you're okay," Bianca smiles, hugging me.

"Thanks," I smile and she pulls away.

"Me too," Chloe smiles and hugs me. We enjoy a long hug.

 Charlotte hugs Chloe and I. The boys and Bianca hug us and it forms a big group hug.

"I love you all," I smile, "as best friends,"

"We all do too," they say.

"Princess, you must be hungry, want my cookie?" Jasper asks.

"Yes!" I grin and I steal his cookie.


Charlotte, Henry, Bianca, Chloe, Jasper and I decide to have a fun movie night/ iCarly marathon.

"That's so funny!" I chuckle as Jasper has his arm around my waist as I lay my head on his shoulder. Charlotte is sitting next to Henry, who is cuddling Bianca close to him. Chloe is dating this boy named Blake, who Jasper told me about when he got arrested for using the girls bathroom. Blake couldn't come over today because he got really sick. There's this disease that's going around, we hope Blake doesn't have it. I heard it's called neon lights disease and the common symptoms are fainting, nausea, headache, stomach pains, memory loss if recently seen any weird looking neon lights, hoarse coughing and throwing up is not as common but it's not rare.

"I love you Jasper," I say to my boyfriend and he looks down to me.

"I love you too," he smiles and we kiss.

(End of chapter, I wrote this in one day and sorry it's so short, this book will be slow to come but the Henry x Reader book is coming along quick. This may only be season 4 episodes and a bunch of original chapters, I'll try to find a way to make you fit in episodes even if you're not with Jasper. Either the rock box dump or the neon lights disease will be next. I might do an episode chapter because I will do original chapters once in a while. Also after the neon lights disease, I'll post a chapter about how you met Jasper, Henry, and Charlotte, got a job at Junk N Stuff and how you started dating Jasper.)

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