Angelina Romano

By TRWadsworth

128K 2.2K 194

After suffering for years, its getting harder for Angelina to hide her scars. However when she recives the ne... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

6K 115 11
By TRWadsworth

"One of you drive her home" Xavier orders. "Ace i guess you have to. Me and Cole need to do something" Brandon says pointing towards his phone. Ace nods and tells me to follow him. I get in the car and we wee ina  comftable silence. Then i spit something out which i was holding for a long time. "Ace, why do you hate me?" I say sadly, ive wanted an answer since i came here. I wanted all my brothers to love me since i had nobody but i always mess things up or ruin it.
He tenses up and ignores me. But after a few minutes he replies. "I don't hate you Angelina" those words make me smile but i stay confused. "Then why do you hurt me? Or give me nasty looks?" I say with some courage. "Shut up okay! I dont know! I dont fu*king know!" He says banging his hand on the steering wheel. I jump in suprise and cower away. He glances at me in confusion and sadness. "I'm not going to hurt you princess" he whispers painfully. I decide not to respond to his outburst and stay silent during the drive. Why is he so bipolar?

We get home and Ace walks straight up to his room, i follow him for some uknown reason and hear soft sobs as i reach the hallway. My heart stops. He's crying? The door was slightly opened and i peak through, he was sitting on his bed with his face hidden in his hands. "Ace" i call out softly. He immediatly jolts up and wipes the tears looking at me with a scowl like nothing happened. "What" he says emotionless, "i heard crying..are you okay?" I say carefully making sure not to say anything that would be risky. "I wasn't crying, go away" he whispers in a painfull voice. I go in his room suprising myself and pull him into a hug, he tenses then relaxes a bit. I feel a few drops of tears soaking my shoulder, i hear him sniffle slightly. "What happened" i say as he hugs my waist with his head on my shoulder. "I'm  so fu*king sorry princess, Im so sorry. Please don't  hate me." He repeats over and over. "I don't  hate you" i reassure him holding him tightly. "I look so weak i shouldn't cry" he says embaressed. "It's okay to cry" i whisper, not even knowing if i was convincing him or..myself.  "he frantically wipes his eyes and look at me. "Im sorry i was so rude to you and hurt you princess. I love you more than everything. I'm just so frustrated about work...umm you know! Yeah the company. And I'm scared ill get you seriously hurt. I didn't want to get attached but seems like as soon as i first saw you i all ready was baby sis" he rambles as he kisses my forhead. My heart swells with joy. He doesn't hate me. He was just scared to get me hurt. Hurt from what though? The way he said company was supicious.. i shake the thoughts out my head and plaste a big smile on my face and hug him again. I inhale his familiar cologne and get a feeling of safety and calmness. Without even knowing it i drift off to sleep...

Next day :)

I woke up in my room, how the hell did i get here? Cole barges in my room and throws himself ontop of me cuddling me to death. "C-cole can't b-brea-th" i wheeze out. "Sorry sis" he says with a big goofy grin. Oh shoot. School. I push him out my room softly and take a quick shower. Brush my teeth, dry my hair, get changed into a black crop top, blue ripped jeans and shoes. I brush my hair out quickly, running a few fingers through them and grab my backpack to head downstairs. I look to the table to see Ace and i smile remembering what he said yesterday.
"Good Morning bambina" Xavier says formally. You know. He's like Elijah from the vampire diaries. Always wearing suits. "Morning" i say grabbing a bowl and pouring cereal then milk in. "HIIII" Cole pouts being childish. "HI Cole" i say chuckling. I do wonder how he switches so fast. From soft and adorable to Cold and mean in school. Must have humanity switches. See what i did there...Elijah-humanity switches :))) 😁 anyways. Xavier nods his head to Brandon and he goes to work like he does every morning.

We get in the car after breakfast and zoom off to school. Our familiar car causes attention from everyone outside and i keep my head high remembering what Ace said and who i am. Angelina Fu*king Romano bi*ch. Mwah. I know you love me. Cole wraps a protective arm around me..wait its not Cole, Cole's looking at me weirdly or something behind me. Its not Brandon either... i look up to see Ace behind me wrapping his 2 arms around my shoulders. We walk through the hallway and everyone looks at ace confused to why he's doing that. Probably because his reputation is along the lines of Cold, heartless hottie, as i heard from Stacey yesterday. Cue eye roll. I get to Maths and see Stacy glaring at me through the window. I sigh before entering, i feel a kiss being placed on my cheekbone and Ace disappears. A few girls squeal  at the cheekbone kiss and watch him walk away in adoration while some guys look shocked. I see Lorenzo at the back of the class glancing at Ace then looking back at his phone. I walk in and sit in my spot, ah just what i wanted. To sit infront of Stacey *notice the sarcasm*. Halfway during class i feel something hit my head lightly, i see a note land behind my chair. I ignore it and another one hits my shoulder but lands on my desk. I turn to see the culprit, Stacey. I pick it up while a few kids are glancing at me in curiosity and Staceys minions laughing. I open it slowly, trying not to make too much noise, and read it.

Stay away from Cole bi*ch, and Ace and Brandon. There all mine. Idc if your their sister, I've never heard of a sister in the Romano family before so your probably lying or your adopted hahaha nobody will ever love you wh*re. -Stacey x HAHAHA

I turn back to her unaffected. She really thought she did something.
" i admire the effort you took to write a whole paragraph of nonsense to me. If you put half of that much effort into maths mabey you wouldn't be a total dumb bimbo bi*ch". I smile innocently. I hear a few Oooos coming from the back and turn back around listening to the teacher, while stacey fums and heats up in embaressment.
Will i regret this? Probably
Was it worth it? Hell yeah

The bell rings after 20 mins and i rush out the room. I spit Amelia in my next lesson and she waves at me giving me a smile. I smile back and wave before plopping into my seat. "EVERYONE knows what you said to Stacey this morning, somebody recorded the whole thing!" She screams in amusement and runs over with her ohone before the teacher comes in the room


I admire the effort you took to write a whole paragraph of nonsense to me, mabey if you put half of that much effort into maths mabey you wouldn't be a total dumb bimbo bi*ch

"Oooooo" "oooo"

Video over.

I groan, ugh. "She deserved it" Amelia states before running back to her chair when the teacher  comes in. This teacher looks more like a bodyguard and his stare is focused on me for most the class. It was creepy. I rush out with Amelia to the cafeteria when i hear the bell ring. She grabs a turkey sandwich and a bottle of water from the lunch lady and i got the same. I begin eating when i feel my my shirt lift up a bit. OH SHI*T I DIDN'T COVER MY SCAR. Im freaking out because i didn't know who saw that and my step dad gave it to me the day of his death. It was a scar that was from a glass bottle. It wasn't fully healed yet. I normally cover scars with conceler. Not that it's  gonna do anything, but i do it really well so it does stay hidden. I jsut forgot today, because normally i wear shirts longer so i never need to hide it. I pull my top down a bit and search everyones eyes to see who saw. I place a hand on my stomach and wip my head around in panick. I lock eyes with Lorenzo..Did he see?! I don't  know. I look away immediately and start eating as Amelia plays a game on her phone desperately screaming at the device like it's going to help her or be offended. I feel eyes on me.The whole cafeteria.  Ugh not again...

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