Chéri || Fred Weasley

By laucb02

960K 19.6K 22K

"I promised myself to never fall in love again, even if that leaves me to be alone for the rest of my existen... More

Author's Note
photos of mads taken by fred
dream house
epilogue i
epilogue ii
epilogue iii
epilogue iv
weasley-archambeau children
next gen faceclaims
epilogue v
Author's Note


9.8K 168 175
By laucb02

TW: mature content, viewer discretion advised.

When Madeleine opened her eyes the next morning, she smiled softly when she saw that Regulus had stayed with her the night.

"Morning sunshine, how are you feeling" he chuckled.

"Like I've been hit by the Hogwarts Express, then set on fire by a dragon and finally given to Buckbeak as a mid day snack but besides that I'm completely fine" she joked.

"You're so much like Sirius, that is something that he would have definitely said back in the day" he laughed.

Down in the drawing room, Molly, Ginny, Hermione, the twins, Ron, Harry and Clotilde were preparing to get rid of an infestation of doxies from the curtains. None of them were excited to do the job besides Fred and George who had their own plans with the doxies' venom for their Skiving Snackboxes.

"Where is Mads?" Fred asked when he noticed that the blonde was nowhere to be seen.

"She's ill" Mrs Weasley said handing each of them a spray bottle with Doxycide.

"Is it contagious?" Clotilde asked looking terrified.

"No it isn't dear, Sirius would you mind taking her some breakfast while we get rid of the doxies?" Molly asked Sirius who walked inside the room, throwing a bloodied bag on a moth eaten armchair.

"Is she sick? Maybe we should take her to St Mungo's instead"

"She will be fine, but she won't be helping with the cleaning this week. She'll be perfectly fine soon, she just needs to rest" Molly said curtly to Sirius and closed the door to the drawing room.

Sirius shrugged and went to the kitchen to prepare Madeleine some breakfast and setting it on a tray before bringing it upstairs to her room.

Even though she was still in loads of pain, talking to Regulus seemed to have taken her mind off of it. She was listening intently to a quidditch story he was telling her when the door to her room opened. She looked at her godfather and smiled, the turned to Regulus and mouthed 'later' to which he nodded before vanishing.

"They told me you weren't feeling well Maddibear so I brought you some food" he said setting the tray on her bed.

"Did you make it?" she eyed the pancakes and bacon that were on the plate in front of her.

"Of course I did" he chuckled.

"So then there is a chance that I will die of food poisoning" she joked

"Don't be ridiculous Maddibear, I'm an excellent chef" he rolled his eyes and sat where the spirit of his brother previously was.

"Oh definitely, and I'm the best chaser in Hogwarts" she said sarcastically.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

"I got my period so I'm just peachy, why are they all doing downstairs anyways? I'm bored and Molly told me she doesn't want to see me wandering around the house until I'm better"

"Cleaning as usual, who were you talking to when I gor here by the way"

"Myself, I do it to um clear my thoughts" she hid a small smile.

After taking a long nap, Maddie came down the stairs wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and Fred's knitted jumper he had let her keep. She opened the door to the drawing room where the rest were taking a break from all the cleaning.

"Why are you wearing Fred's jumper?" Ron asked.

"Because he gave it to me last year when I was cold" she shrugged and looked disgustingly at the bag of dead rats in a chair.

"You're so lucky you got out of cleaning this week" Ginny said.

"I'm in loads of pain actually but, I came to ask you if you still have some of mamie's cramp remedy left" Madeleine said to her sister.

"I think I have some left in my trunk but don't waste all of it" Clotilde said and went back to talking to Hermione.

"Just like that? You almost killed each other last night and you're back to talking?!" Harry's eyes widened.

Both sisters looked at each other and bursted out laughing. "Harry, a sister/sister relationship is different from a brother/brother or brother/sister" Clotilde chuckled.

"We hate each other more at times and we fight wishing the we could just kill the other off but at the end of the day we're still sisters so there's nothing much we can do about that"

"Yeah, it's like that day you two fought over Mads' shoes and then she punched Clo but then Mads went shopping and brought her some things"

"Yeah, that occurs more often than you all actually think" she shook her head. "Fred why is there a doxy in your pocket?"

"We want to experiment with the venom for the skiving snackboxes" he beamed.

"Yeah but it's your turn to be a tester" George rolled his eyes.

"Oh no, you already experimented the fainting fancies on me" she scoffed.

"And now they're a success! We just need to perfect the nosebleed nougats and the puking pastilles" Fred smirked.

"Oh so you mean the two that haven't worked properly yet? Because last time I remember you couldn't stop puking to swallow the purple half and your noses didn't stop bleeding until I did a healing charm on them!"

"Just at least try the nosebleed nougats please" George pleaded.

"No way, I'm bleeding enough as it is and I will never again be a tester for your products. Now if you could all excuse me, I'm going back to bed" Maddie frowned.

Walburga's portrait began screaming again when the doorbell rang and to no one's surprise, it was Mundungus Fletcher who wanted to hide some dodgy caudrons. Fred and George crossed across the room and opened the door slightly, trying to listen to what Sirius, Mundungus and Shacklebolt were saying; and discussing between themselves if they could risk another extendable ear but it wasn't necessary when they heard Molly's shouts towards Mundungus.

"I love hearing mum shouting at someone else", Fred grinned, "it makes such a nice change".

Mrs Weasley was still yelling at Mundungus, the seven of them laughing quietly in the drawing room. "The idiots are letting her get into her stride," George chuckled, "you've got to head her off early, otherwise she builds up a head of steam and goes on for hours. And she's been dying to have a go at Mundungus ever since he sneaked off when he was supposed to be following you Harry".

"And there goes dear aunt Walburga again" Maddie shook her head when the portrait began screaming profanities again. "I'll be in my room if you need me", she said and disapparated.

"Is she mad at me?" Harry whispered to Fred and George.

"I don't think she is, do you reckon Freddie" George nudged his twin.

"She's not mad, she thinks that you're mad at her but we told her she was overreacting" Fred shrugged.

"I think I should go talk to her" Harry said lowly but before he could do so, lovely Kreacher walked into the room pretending he could not see them and insulting them anyways.

"Hello Kreacher"Fred said loudly catching the attention of the house elf.

"Kreacher did not see you Young Master," the elf said clearly, bowing in front of the older twin. "Nasty little brat of a blood traitor it is" Kreacher muttered

"Sorry? Didn't catch that last bit" George said annoyedly.

"Kreacher said nothing," he bowed to George, "and there's it's twin, unnatural little beasts they are" he muttered again.

"And there's the mudblood but worst of them all is the filthy half beast standing there as bold as brass, what would my poor Mistress say to Kreacher about the nasty veelas tainting her blood", Kreacher muttered again.

"Hermione I really don't care about S.P.E.W right now but I really want to rip his arms off" Clotilde mumbled angrily being held back by Ron and Ginny.

"He doesn't know what he's saying Clo, calm down" Hermione said.

"Don't kid yourself Hermione, he knows exactly what he's saying" Fred looked at Kreacher disgustingly.

"Kreacher can see the scar the boy who stopped the Dark Lord, Kreacher wonders how he did it"

"Don't we all Kreacher?" Fred rolled his eyes.

"What do you want anyway?" George huffed.

"Kreacher is cleaning, Kreacher lives to serve the noble House of Black", the house elf trailed off.

Back in her bedroom, Maddie was in deep conversation with both Cedric and Regulus, both of them discussing who was a better seeker. The only thought going through her head as she saw the both of them being 'I guess it's official that I finally lost my mind'.

Still in the drawing room, Sirius was telling the story of how he had ran away from home, as well as showing the Black family tree tapestry, pointing to the charcoaled mark that belonged to him.

"When I turned 17, our uncle Alphard left the three of us a nice amount of gold and with my part I got a place of my own. After Madeleine was born and they moved back to England, I also stayed with Cress and Philippe for a while too", Sirius sighed.

"But why did you leave?" Harry asked his god father.

"Because I hated the lot of them, my parents with their pure blood mania thought that being a Black automatically made you practical royalty. My idiot brother, soft enough to belive them," he pointed to a figure at the bottom of the tapestry. "He was a much better son than I was according to my family and the stupid idiot joined the Death Eater to please our parents".

Sirius kept naming the members of the Black family to the group of teens, telling them about the things they did like for example Ellodora Black who started the tradition of beheading the house elfs once they became too old. But stopped and smiled sadly when he saw the side of Cressida and Andromeda's family.

"Tonks isn't there so that's why I assume Kreacher doesn't take orders from her but I didn't know that Madeleine, Timothée and Clotilde were in here" he pointed to the burnt mark that read Cressida's name. "That's odd, must have been my uncle Pollux who did that. I still remember the scandal when they heard that Cress married a half veela, Bellatrix wanted her dead and Narcissa was furious; my aunt Druella died a couple of years after. Cressida was her favorite after all so I assume whe must have died of sadness or something".

"Mum was grandmother's favorite?" Clotilde asked Sirius.

"Oh yes, back in the day your mum did believe in the pureblood supremacy but not as much as Bellatrix and Narcissa, she always got along best with Andromeda and myself. She was the perfect daughter you see; best grades in her year, prefect and Head Girl and even agreed to marry Rabastan Lestrange after graduating but when Dromeda was vanished she realized that everything she was taught was wrong. It broke her heart to do so, especially leaving Druella behind but she had this big fight with uncle and Bella and they blasted her off too. Madeleine knows the story best, so maybe you can ask her to tell you".

"Lunch all of you, why don't you go eat in Maddie's bedroom to keep her company" Mrs Weasley entered the room levitating a plate of sandwiches and cake with the tip of her wand.

They all went straight to Madeleine's room where she was still talking to Regulus and Cedric but stopped suddenly when the door opened. She expected it to be Sirius but the twins grinned happily followed by Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Clotilde. Fred and George sat on her bed and dug into the plate of sandwiches, the rest following their actions. Maddie noticed that Harry was frowning as he ate his lunch and she rapidly knew what was wrong.

"By the look on your face it looks like you've had a run in with Kreacher" she chuckled.

"I really want to kill that house elf, I don't care what Hermione said but I'm this close of fulfilling his dream of having his head cut off" Fred scoffed.

"I didn't know Sirius' brother joined the Death Eaters, he must have been as mad as the rest of them" Harry said.

"I wouldn't judge him if I didn't know the complete story Harry", Madeleine huffed and took another bite from her sandwich.

"Can you tell us the four sisters story please" Clotilde asked her sister.

"Seriously?" Maddie lifted her eyebrows.

"Yes" Clo smiled and nodded.

"The four sisters story?" Fred and George asked.

"It's the bedtime story mum used to tell us when we were little, it's about her and her sisters" Clotilde said excitedly.

"Fine. Once upon a time there were four beautiful sisters. Bellatrix being the oldest, curly hair black as ebony. Andromeda, uncanny looking to the eldest yet her brown hair resembled caramel; Narcissa followed next, her pale blonde locks cascading over her back and let's not forget about Cressida with golden hair like rays of sun.

"The four sisters were royalty, every girl wished to be them. Their beauty, wit and intellect were enviable amongst all. On the outside the four seemed happy, yet on the inside two were dying but they must keep their image, at least that's what they were told. Balls and parties, they were always invited; being part of the Noble House of Black meant they must have always been delighted,"

"The four sorted into the house of snakes, proud they were to have their family legacy kept. Though still in their youth, two were happy and two were not, but image must be kept, it was better for their sake. Time went by and the four sisters chose paths. Two chose right and the other two chose wrong.

"Bellatrix and Narcissa kept their crowns on, yet Andromeda and Cressida sacrificed theirs for a better life. Andromeda gave hers away because she had found true love and though it took Cressida some time, she followed her own path too. She ran to a far away land where she found her prince charming, years later a prince and and two princesses were born, marking the union of her one true love.

"Bellatrix did marry, but love she had no more; she joined the path of darkness which destroyed her remaining soul. Narcissa also married, but this marriage was led by darkness; hers was an evil prince masked as enchanting.

"And so the bond between sisters fragmented forever in two; Bellatrix and Narcissa chose wrong while Andromeda and Cressida chose good. The moral of this story is to always choose good, no matter if there is sacrifice that's what you should do too". Madeleine finished and looked at them who had their mouths open.

"I reckon it's a bit biased because mum invented it but it put us to sleep quickly" Clotilde smiled.

"She stopped telling us the story when we started understanding and asking questions but I had already memorized it" Maddie smirked.

"So that's the children's version of your mum's life with her sisters" Ginny grinned.

"It is, but I'll tell you the darker less kid friendly version some other time" Madeleine winked to the youngest Weasley.

They went back to cleaning while Maddie stayed on her room reading and listening to music to pass time by. After the effect of her grandmother's potion was out of her system, her cramps got even worse but a small smile appeared on her face when the twins apparated into her room. George sat on the bench and Fred got into bed with her, pulling her closer to him so that her head could rest on his chest.

"How are you feeling love?" Fred asked, playing with her hair.

"Still like shit" she groaned.

"You're lucky you got out of cleaning this week" George chuckled.

"Totally, my delicate hands couldn't have been able to take it" she joked.

"Can I ask you two something?" George sighed. "Besides the car and Astronomy Tower, where else have you two done it?" he asked his twin and Madeleine.

"Our dorm" Fred laughed.

"Broom closets and empty classrooms all over the school" she said.

"The kitchen's cupboard downstairs"

"On top of the piano in the drawing room"

"The shower and sink counter in this bathroom" Fred pointed to the other door in her room.

"That bench your sitting on right now" Maddie giggled.

"The bed obviously"

"My dorm"

"And the couch in the living room" Fred smirked remembering the time they snuck out and had sex on the couch everyone watched TV on.

"You two make me sick" George rolled his eyes.

"We know" Fred and Maddie looked at each other and laughed at George's disgusted face.

"Has my mum stop by? I wanted to apologize for the other day" she said quietly and both of them shook their heads. "Are you sure? Your mum must have told her that I wasn't feeling well".

"Mads, she did stop by to bring Clo back but-" George said pitifully.

"But she couldn't stay" Fred held her tighter.

"But are there any letters or something?"

"No" the twins said.

"Well that's great, I actually want to sleep for a while so-"

"Want me to stay with you?" Fred stroked her cheek with his thumb.

"No I'm fine, I'll be fine. I just need some sleep" she shook her head and turned around to face the window. Both twins exchanged knowing glances and disapparated. Once they were gone, she allowed a couple a frustration tears escape her eyes but when she realized what she was doing she scolded herself internally.

'You don't need anyone but yourself Madeleine, if she doesn't want to be around that's on her. You take care of yourself because no one else will do it for you'. She repeated those two sentences in her head until sleep finally caught up with her.

For the rest of the week, she stayed locked in her bedroom. The only person allowed to enter being Molly who brought her food three times a day. She had casted an anti apparition barrier so the twins could not get to her room and at all hours, loud music could be heard coming from her room. Every single day, Remus sent her chocolate bars with little notes with Molly and Sirius even tried breaking her door multiple times but her magic was too strong.

George could notice that Fred was absolutely miserable. He got angrier more easily, he wasn't sleeping and it was obvious to him and Hermione that he terribly missed Madeline. Fred couldn't care less about the sexual aspects of his life right now. He missed her laugh and her smile, he missed her sarcastic and snarky remarks usually directed towards her sister and he missed her subtle eye rolls everytime someone said something that annoyed her.

Every single day after everyone was asleep, Fred would sneak out and sit outside of her bedroom door in silence, just letting her know that he was there when she felt ready to come out. He would often slide notes and drawings he made for her, using them a sign to know that she was still alive.

"Fred what are you doing sitting there?" Sirius asked the redhead as he came out of his room one night.

"Keeping Mads company, she put in an anti apparition barrier and she locked the door with magic so I can't get in. What are you doing up?"

"I called my cousin, I need to talk to her about Madeleine" he sighed and descended the stairs.

Fred could faintly hear Cressida and Sirius arguing in the kitchen and even though he wanted to know what they were saying, he didn't want to leave his spot in case she did come out.

Down in the kitchen, Cressida was sitting, her hands running through her hair as her younger cousin kept going on and on about how she was neglecting her daughter.

"There is nothing wrong with her, she's just being dramatic. It's her specialty after all, Sirius"

"Cressida you have to see her for fuck's sake! She's your daughter and you've abandoned her! Act like a fucking mother because she is still your daughter!"

"DON'T RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME SIRIUS! You don't know how it is, you have no idea so don't sit there and try to tell me how to raise my own children!" she stood up pointin her finger to his chest.


"You don't know what it is looking at her and just seeing my dead husband Sirius! Do you think I like that?! Every time I see her I'm just taken back to the night I got to my home destroyed and my daughter holding her dead father's hand without reacting alright! I need time" she said not noticing that Madeleine had walked in.

"Maddibear, what are-"

"I wanted water so I'm getting water" she shrugged. "You want to know something, I don't need you anymore. I am of age and I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. As soon as I finish school you don't have to worry about me, I will get a place of my own and you won't have to see me again", Maddie said unsually calm and walked to the door.

"Madeleine-" Cressida called but the girl only turned around to narrow her eyes at her mother.

"Don't say anything, you've said enough" she hissed and went back to her bedroom.

Fred was lying on her bed waiting for her to come back. She looked at him and closed the door with a flick of her wrist, locking it with the same spell so that no one could come in.

"I'm not leaving" he crossed his arms.

"I didn't ask you to" she rolled her eyes and got into bed with him.

"Do you want to talk about it?", Fred covered the both of them with the duvet and pulled her closer to him by her waist.

"No" she mumbled.

"Would you like to talk about it some other time?"

"Maybe" she said against his chest.

"Are you ready to come out of hiding tomorrow?"

"I guess"

"Go to sleep love, you've had a long week"

"Long life more like it" she huffed.

The next morning when she woke up, Fred was no longer with her so she assumed that he must have snuck back to his room in the early hours of the morning. For the first time in three days she took a long shower and made herself look presentable. When she went into the kitchen for breakfast, everyone looked at her perplexed, including Sirius and Remus but the only two who weren't in shock were Fred and Molly.

"What are all of you looking at? Want an autograph or something?" she cocked and eyebrow, already going back to her confident self.

"Great," Clotilde said sarcastically, "you're alive".

"You really don't want to rile me up today because this week my hormones have been all over the place and I don't think I would feel guilty if I hexed you into oblivion", she took a sip from her coffee, eyes fixated on her sister's. Clotilde knew that Madeleine wasn't joking this time so she kept her distance from her the rest of the day.

"I'm glad to see you're better now dear", Molly kissed the top of her head getting a smile from Maddie back.

After spending the day cleaning the dining room, they were all having dinner and the topic of Harry's audience surged, making him feel uncomfortable as everyone around the table discussed his possible future at Hogwarts.

"Can't you use some of you voodoo head thing to get Harry out of trouble with the ministry?" Fred shrugged.

"Don't call it voodoo, that's a different type of magic that originated in Haiti, my veela powers are French"

"How do you know so many random things like that?" George chuckled.

"I'm naturally smart"

"Cocky much?" both twins said.


"I've never seen your brain control thing in action actually" Ron said.

"Would you like to see it?" Maddie smirked.

"Yes" Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Harry nodded.

Madeleine closed her eyes and when she opened them back again, she made eye contact with Clotilde. The youngest blonde seemed to have been on a trance, she wasn't blinking, tears were coming out from her eyes and her body was trembling heavily. She was struggling to breathe as her sister implanted a fake memory of a huge boa constrictor strangling her to death. Timothée was shaking Clotilde but when she moved her face so that her eyes could no longer see Maddie's, she finally snapped from the hypnotic state she was in.

Clotilde was sobbing heavily, she was scratching her throat still feeling the fake snake wrapped around her neck while her brother tried calming her down. Cressida's face was red from anger and everyone around the table had their eyes wide and mouths ajar.

"That's revenge for what you said to me last week, thank you very much. And that is also a representation of me implanting a fear, now sweet Clo is afraid of being strangled by big snakes".

"Madeleine take it out of her head now!" her brother hissed still holding a crying Clotilde in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I know it's not funny but you have the ugliest crying face that I have ever seen" Madeleine snorted.

"You're seriously the worst sister in the entire world, I will kill you one day! Mark my words Madeleine" Clotilde yelled through furious tears.

"Keep saying things like that and I'll make sure that fear sticks for the rest of your life, who knows, maybe I'll do Timothée next" she chuckled darkly, standing up and leaving the room but not before giving her mother an even darker look.

Fred and George apparated into her room where she was wearing a short silver glittery dress and was strapping on a pair of high heels on. She looked at them and rolled her eyes, sitting on her vanity and getting started with her makeup.

"Merlin, Mads that was mean" George shook his head sitting on her bed.

"I think we've already established that crossing me is never an option. I'll let her dream about that today and take it out tomorrow morning as if it never happened. This used to be my favorite form of entertainment when I was a little girl" she said in a matterly of fact tone.

"Torturing your sister?" Fred scoffed.

"Just for short periods of time" she shrugged.

"Where are you going by the way?" George asked.

"Clubbing with Alicia"

"Clubbing with Alicia!" both said loudly.

"What? You two can join if you want"

"Why are you going clubbing for?" Fred scowled.

"Because, Alicia is still under the impression that I'm not having regular sex" Maddie smirked and winked at him.

"We're going alright, tomorrow is Harry's audience and you said you wanted to be there so we'll make sure you don't actually die tonight from alcohol poisoning" George chuckled.

There was a meeting taking place which was lucky for them since they had to sneak out. Harry, Ron, Clotilde, Hermione and Ginny trying to use an extendable ear to spy the meeting.

"Madeleine can you walk more quietly" Fred hissed.

"Try wearing these heels then Frederick, I'd like to see you try" she hissed back.

"Where are you three going?" Ginny snorted.

"Out" the three of them smirked and left the house.

They apparated to the Leaky Cauldron where Alicia and Lee were waiting for Maddie with Lee and Lizzie.

"You two were also a part of this?" George pointed at Lizzie and Lee.

"What a bunch of great friends you all are, going clubbing and not inviting" Fred scoffed.

"We're only going for the sole purpose of getting Madeleine a good fuck" Alicia laughed.

"And when we mentioned the idea on the beach you two weren't too keen to do that" Lee said.

"Are we gonna go now or what? I really want to get drunk right about now" Maddie said.

The group of six walked through the streets of London until they found the club that Alicia suggested. It was entirely filled with people, either dancing or drinking with their friends on tables. The place was illuminated by black lights which made it hard to see where one was going but this also worked for the advantage of those who were snogging in corners and didn't want to be seen.

Lee got a table for them and they all ordered drinks that summed up each of their personalities. Alicia stuck with a vodka soda, Liz with a Sex on the Beach, George a beer, Lee a martini, Fred with whiskey and Madeleine with tequila shots.

"Are you three living together or something?" Alicia blurted after her fourth drink.

"No, but they went to pick up Ron and Gin from my place so I told them to come" Maddie lied and took another shot.

"You may wanna slow there Frenchie" Fred whispered in her ear and placed his hand on her upped thigh under the table.

"Don't tell me what to do" she whispered back and kisses the spot behind his ear that she knew drove him insane. Because of the lights, none of their friends had seen what she had done which she was grateful for.

"You're gonna regret that" he growled in her ear.

"I don't think so" she smirked, lighting up a cigarette and taking a drag from it.

George was telling the rest the story of how Madeleine implanted a fear in Clotilde's head as revenge, a bit too tipsy and laughing at parts.

"Madeleine that was really mean, she's your sister" Lizzie said disaprovingly.

"A person who is one hundred percent good is no fun, you could say I enjoy the best of both worlds when it comes to my siblings" the blonde shrugged.

"You really need to see a therapist or something" Lee laughed.

"Tell me something I don't already know Jordan" Maddie laughed too.

"What about that one? He's hot" Alicia pointed subtly to a guy who was seating on a nearby table with his friends, who couldn't take his eyes off of Madeleine.

"I seriously can't belive that you made it your life's mission to find her a good shag" Fred scoffed.

"That's what best friends do Fred, or do you not remember who initially dared George and Lizzie to play seven minutes in heaven?" Alicia smirked, making Lizzie blush furiously.

"I guess you're right, thanks Spinnet" George laughed, "mate you alright? You seem tense".

"I'm fine" Fred tensed up and his knuckles turned white from gripping his glass so hard. Maddie had a smug smirk plastered on her face as her hand rested on Fred's upper thigh, dangerously close to his groin, knowing that she was the reason why he was so tense.

"Well Mads, pick a guy already! I bet that all of them are dying for you to spare them a glance" Alicia nudged her.

"They're not candy Alicia, they're human beings" Lizzie shook her head and snuggled closer to George.

"Us girls are sex objects to them Liz, time they get a taste of their own medicine" Ali rolled her eyes.

Under the table Maddie was still teasing Fred, palming the bulge on his trousers with her hand but stopped when one of the guys who was looking at her approached their table.

"Hey gorgeous, would you like to dance?" the guy asked Madeleine

"Of course I would, thought you would never ask" she said seductively standing up and taking the guy's hand. He walked them to the dance floor but before they got lost in the sea of people she turned around and winked at her friends, or that's what they thought. Fred knew exactly what she was doing, she knew exactly who she winked to and he knew that when they would get home, he would fuck her senseless.


"Accomplished" Alicia and Lizzie giggled and high fived each other.

Maddie was dancing closer than she wanted to with the guy whose name she had already forgotten. Just as Fred was thinking, she knew what she was doing to him. It had been a week since the two of them were together intimately and she wanted to rile him up as much as she could so that he would fuck her just how she wanted. The guy's hands were on her hips and when some of the crowd dispersed she had a clear view of Fred who was still gripping his glass almost to the point of breaking it.

"Is her charm on? Why is everyone looking at her" Fred said through gritted teeth.

"Charm on or not, a veela dancing is one of the most compelling things ever" Alicia said, smirking when she saw her best friend enjoying herself with the plan she had cooked with Lizzie.

"You may not want to admit this, but Madeleine is the baddest fucking bitch I have ever met" Lee laughed loudly.

"Can't argue with that" Fred chuckled when his eyes met Madeleine's once again.

"What do you say if we get out of here?" the guy whispered in her ear but it didn't had near the same effect she had when Fred did it.

"No thanks, I already plan on leaving with someone else" she smiled and left him standing on the dance floor in shock.

She took her seat between Alicia and Fred and downed another shot, welcoming the pleasant burn again into her system. Ignoring every single protest coming from Alicia since her mind was set on the redhead sitting next to her.

"Can we go home now? Or at least to get food" she said.

"I would kill for some pizza right now" Lizzie giggled.

"Pizza sounds good, and besides it's 1 in the morning so I'm starving" George laughed and led them out of the club, holding Liz's hand. The couple was walking in front of everyone, followed by a stumbling Lee being supported by Ali. Fred and Madeleine were walking behind from the rest, his hand was placed on the small of her back and his leather jacket draped around her shoulders.

They found a small pizza shop near the Leaky Cauldron and after buying a large one to share and some beers, they sat on the edge of the road to eat. Fred and George were trying to get Madeleine to have a beer, the rest cheering for her to try it.

"Come on and try it out! It's not that bad" Fred laughed

"Fine, give it to me" she rolled her eyes and took a drink from the bottle, cringing at the bitter flavor as it hit her tongue.

"Have some more and you'll get used to the taste" George chuckled.

"If my grandmother could see me, I would probably be dead by now," Maddie laughed and took another swing from the bottle. "Sitting on the pavement, completely ruining a Chanel dress, eating pizza like an animal and drinking beer. What have all of you done to me?"

"We've shown you the good life Frenchie" Fred grinned and nudged her.

"I guess you have" she smiled softly. "This is not as bad actually".

"Told you so" Fred, Alicia, Lee and George said in unison.

"Do you want one love?" George asked Lizzie who blushed at the nickname.

"No thanks Georgie, I think that throwing up on the middle of the street was my queue to stop drinking" she smiled.

"Liz you had a drink and a half" Alicia laughed.

"Well, I'm sorry I'm the lightweight of the group" she shrugged.

"Who's the heavyweight out of all of us?" Lee asked.

"First place's between Fred and Mads, then Ali and George are tied, then you and then myself" Lizzie said.

"I don't think so, I can hold my alchol better than Madeleine" Fred chuckled.

"I don't think so Red, or have you ever seen me drunk with less than a bottle and a half of fire whiskey in my system?" Maddie rolled her eyes.

"Have you ever seen me drunk Frenchie?"

"Oh that's it, when we get back to school we'll do a chugging competition like those three did on the beach"

"You're on but prepare to lose already, no one likes a sore loser"

"Me the sore loser? Have you met yourself Frederick"

"The two of you are sore losers, let's just leave it at that" George chortled.

When they were done eating, they found an empty alley near the pizza place where they all disapparated back to their own houses, or in Fred, Madeleine and George's case, back to headquarters. It was three in the morning so everyone was asleep when they snuck back to the house. They imagined that the meeting had ended a couple of hours ago since the kitchen was perfectly clean, which lighted an idea in Fred's head. Madeleine had put a silencing charm on her heels so that they wouldn't clink with every step she took, but she was stopped on her tracks when Fred pointed to the kitchen with his head.

"I'm going to bed you two, and don't forget the contraceptive charm this time", George whispered and apparated to his own room.

Fred pulled Madeleine in into the kitchen, closing and silencing the door so that they wouldn't be heard by anyone. Maddie sat on the kitchen table, her dress hiking up, exposing her legs even more to him. She held back a moan when his hand wrapped around her neck, forcing her to look him straight in the eyes.

"Did you enjoy that? Putting on that show for everyone to see what a little slut you are" he growled, his eyes darkening by lust.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" she rasped, enjoying having his hand around her neck more than she should.

"I think we've established that I don't like others touching what belongs to me" Fred said lowly applying more preassure, tinting her cheeks a light pink. "Did you have fun angel? Teasing me and riling me up all night like a pathetic little whore. Letting someone else touch you like that".

"We both know that absolutely no one can make you feel the way that I do angel, no one can make your legs shake like I do, and no one will ever make you scream the way that I do so be a good girl and open those legs for me" he said in her ear.

Maddie opened her legs and whimpered when Fred's knee brushed against her clothed heat. She still had her eyes on him, but instead of being their usual jade color they turned dark green. Just her eyes were enough to drive him insane, he was already painfully hard in his trousers and with ghosting a finger over her underwear he knew she was wet and ready for him.

Fred unwrapped his hand from her throat and took off her underwear, shoving it in her mouth and smirking when he heard the muffled moan coming from her. He stroked his tip with her wetness and hissed at the feeling of finally having her after a week and a night of her teasing. He looked back at her and when she nodded, he entered her making her cry out in pleasure.

Fred began pounding into her relentlessly, one of his hands holding her hips steady and the other wrapped again around her neck. The only two things going through Madeleine's veins being pure pleasure mixed in with euphoria like the sweetest cocktail to ever be created. Her legs were wrapped around Fred's waist, heels digging into his back only fueling more pleasure in him.

Her sinful moans were still muffled by her own lace underwear and Fred's hand felt like heaven pressed against her throat. Her eyes were closed in ecstasy and when she opened them again, they connected with his, linking both of souls together. Maddie laid on the table and arched her back as he fucked her harder and faster, his groans and dirty words bringing her closer to the edge.

The table was was wobbling beneath her, the creeking and harshness of the wood and the angelic boy thrusting into her became too much as her release shocked her body like a bolt of lightning. Her legs were shaking around him just like he said as her walls tightened around him, bringing him to his own climax, praises leaving his mouth as he came inside of her.

After he rode them both from their orgasms, he pulled out of her and zipped his trousers back again as he let her catch her breath. Madeleine's chest was heaving, the skin that was uncovered from her silver dress showing a thin sheen of sweat making her look as if she was a star that was meant to be in the dark sky. Seeing her like that, panting and completely fucked senseless was enough to get Fred going again, but he wanted to take care of her.

He picked her up and apparated them back to her room where he performed both a cleaning and contraceptive charm on her. She looked at him in complete adoration when he came back from the bathroom with her makeup wipes and began to gently remove every bit of smudged makeup from her face. After he was done, he changed her dress into the knitted jumper he had let her keep and a fresh pair of underwear getting into bed with her and placing soft kisses all over her face.

"Thank you" she whispered.

"What for?"

"Everything" Maddie smiled softly and let his scent and heartbeat lull her into sleep.

AN: so I dreamed about this part and when I woke up I immediately wrote it down. I hope that you all liked it and I also wanted to start showing a darker side of Madeleine's personality as the story progresses so I guess this kind of introduces that. Hope you're having a lovely day and tpwk.

Ps: don't forget to write any suggestions or smut ideas that you all have in the comments. also sorry for writing so much smut lately but that's what i initally had planned for their summer in Grimmauld Place.

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