Nesscas Oneshots Galore

Bởi Zuch124

4.7K 143 235

Nesscas and mild Clausten I don't own most characters I don't own any art I plan to make a lot of these Also... Xem Thêm

You and Me
Quickshot: Fun Dreams
Heist For The Ages
Lucky Draw
Neural Electronic Surveillance System
A Trip Together
Brawl In The Hall
I Can See Him
One Long Night
Schedule + Explanation
Camp Ultimate
I Am Thou
A Cult Following
LucasNess: Season 2
LucasNess: The Complete Collection
Room Mates
A Difficult Escape
Lover Of The Seas
Take Your Time
One More Game
The Partners Crusade
Brother Battle
Run In
The Demon Dilemma
Sword Fighting
A Day At The Park
Rap Battle
Lost Signal
Small Note
The Rock
Another Trip Together
Can't Post
Rap Battle II
First Days
Break Free
Lucas's Creepiness
AVGN Fighter Concept
Holy Infection
Short Notice
New Data
The Nice Guy
Cannot Into Space
Child Fuhrer
Home For The Holidays
I'm Still Here
Moving Up In The World Tonight
Game Over
Sub Liminal
Mission Impossible
All This Birthday and You Still Aren't Based
Hard Drive
Strike First
Analog of Fear
Analog of Madness

A Radical Game

75 1 2
Bởi Zuch124

"Hey #%$! It's Dr. *&^%#. Um, so you missed your appointment today. Which is fine, something probably came up. Uh, if you wanna reschedule, we can do a session on Friday the six pm good for you? Um, if you can't make it, just reschedule on my website...or, hey, gimme a call. Well, hope to see you soon."


Lucas tried to open his eyes. He tried his absolute hardest to open them, but it was no use. He always hated getting up in the morning. Even though it was summer, all he wanted to do was sleep all day. But, regretfully for him, he had made prior arrangements. More accurately, his parents had made them.

Lucas rolled over in his bed, and looked at the alarm clock. 6 A.M. Lucas groaned, and rubbed his eyes. Getting up this early, and during summer no less, was a severe pain for Lucas. He stared up at his roof, focusing on the ceiling fan. He'd do this often, whenever he wouldn't want to get out of bed. Except, this time, he didn't mind getting out of bed. Sure it was still hard, but what was happening made it slightly easier.

Lucas rolled out of bed, and made his way to his closet. He quickly grabbed an outfit, not caring how it looked. He made his way out into the hallway, and looked into Claus' room.

Claus was, surprisingly, up already. He was on his computer, looking stuff up. Lucas gave a small knock on Claus' door, signifying he was now awake. "C'mon, lets go," Claus turned around and nodded, standing up to go with Lucas.

The twins walked out of their house, and made their way down the street. They eventually made their way to a large building. The building was a a warehouse looking one, being a large rectangular prism. Standing near the entrance to the building, were two other boys. Ness and Ninten.

Ness and Ninten nodded at the twins, as they approached. Ness made his way over to Lucas, while Claus made his way over to Ninten.

"You good? You look a bit tired," Lucas rubbed his eyes.

"No...I'm fine. Just sucks we had to get up so early to go to this stupid thing," Ness nodded, and looked at the warehouse. "What is even happening...? Why did our parents make us come?" Lucas simply shrugged. "I dunno..." Lucas looked at the entrance to the building.

The entrance was nothing extravagant, being two sets of simply glass doors. But, leaving those glass doors was a blinding light. Well, it wasn't really that bright, but the darkness outside made it seem that way. Lucas sighed, before turning towards the door.

"We better go in..." Ness nodded, as all four boys made their way inside.


"Hey...this is Dr. *&^, you missed your appointment yesterday. Now, I know our relationship is professional and all...but, um, wh-when one of my patients misses two sessions in a row...I tend to get a bit worried. I...uh...I also noticed you hadn't tried to book an appointment...heck, your account hasn't been active for a solid two weeks. So, um, I just wanted to call and make sure everything is fine...a-and don't worry, if you're hearing this, I-I haven't told anyone yet...s-so no one should be after Again, i-if you ever need to contact someone...j-just give me a call. w-well...goodbye...hope you're safe."


"Holy shit!"

All four boys looked around, in amazement. Inside the warehouse, was some kind of expo. There were stands, booths, and much more littered throughout the expo floor. Everything looked exciting, and packed with fun. It was also surprisingly quiet, no one making any noise. In fact, no one seemed to be talking at all.

The four boys rushed down the expo floor, their footsteps making more noise than everything else combined. They got about five feet down the floor, before someone stepped in front of them. It was Cloud.

Cloud looked at the four, and gave a weird smile. "Ah, glad you four could make it. Please, come with me," Cloud walked off toward a back room, in quite a static way. All four boys looked at each other, slightly weirded out by this. They all shrugged it of, though, and followed Cloud.

Cloud led them through the main floor of the expo, and to a room in the back. The room was quite small, and had just a few things. One of those things being a large television, spanning almost the entire length of the back wall. There were also four chairs, positioned right in front of the TV.

All four boys smiled, thinking they were getting some sort of special treatment. Well, they weren't entirely wrong.

Ness, Claus, and Ninten rushed to the seats, and sat down quickly. Lucas was a bit hesitant, but gave in once he saw the excitement of Ness' face. Cloud made his way to the television, and turned it on. He then handed each boy a controller. "Here, you four will be simply playing a video game."

The four boys nodded, pretty excited to get a private room to themselves.

Once the TV fully booted up, it was already on the title screen for the game. The title screen was quite barren, simply being white text on a black background. The title read "Mutilate," and odd choice for a title. The game was stated to be made by a company known as "H. Sams," and claimed to be founded by one "Sorb H. Sams." Suffice it to say, the boys payed no attention to the screen, and quickly pressed start.

As the game started, they found it quite fun. It's unique gameplay, combined with it's engaging plot, made it very entertaining for the boys. That is, until they reached the first boss. Specifically when Lucas reached the boss. The game was turn based, meaning each player would get a turn everytime another died. It was now Lucas' turn. But, when he reached the boss, something weird happened. Something only Lucas could see.

The screen flashed Yellow, then Red, then Yellow. Then, some words appeared.









Lucas fell out of his chair, passing out


"'s me again. I-It's been a's been no activity at all on your end. U-Um...I-I just hope you're safe...y-you were one of my best patients...a-and your progress was really great!...Um, I-I'm trying my best not to disclose anything to l-law enforcement...o-or my boss...h-he seemed weirdly interested in your case...a-anyways...I hope you're safe, and I hope to hear from you again."


When Lucas woke up, he was lying in a field. He quickly sat up, and looked around. The field was quite large, and it was quite dark out. Not morning dark, but night dark.

Lucas clenched his fist, but quickly unclenched them. There was some sort of liquid on them. Not water, as it was more sticky. Lucas rubbed his head. He couldn't remember what had happened that day.

He stood up, and walked off. A strange feeling he had was telling him to go home. So, he did. He went home. He didn't even notice that Claus, Ness, or Ninten wasn't with him.


Lucas made his way home. By now, it was twilight. The bright light of the moon illuminated the red and yellow flowers in front of the house. Lucas walked up to his door, and prepared to knock. He hesitated.

Then, a sharp pain entered Lucas' head. He grabbed it, the pain overbearing him. He was on the verge of crying. He looked down at his hand. Where there was at first nothing in his hand, their was now a knife, both bloodied. Lucas closed his eyes, before passing out again.


"H-Hey...I-I'm calling again. Um, I-I just wanted to check up on case you came back...g-guess I was wrong. I-I just wanted to tell you...m-my boss and the cops are c-closing in on me. Th-They want your file. O-Obviously, I've made a fake. B-But they don't believe that's it's the real. Th-They are trying to get a warrant to search my house...I only hope that you return before then.'s all I wanted to tell you, a-and I hope you're safe. Goodbye."


"Lucas, wake up!"

Ness shook Lucas' unconscious body, tears forming in his eyes. Claus was also helping, sort of, by slapping Lucas' face. "Wake up dammit!"

Just as Claus did this, Lucas woke up. Both Ness and Claus were happy, but not as happy as Cloud seemed. Ness hugged Lucas, as he woke up. "Oh thank god! I-I thought something happened!" Lucas didn't respond, he just stood there, static. Lucas broke the hug, and stared at Ness. Something seemed off about was the golden eyes.

Cloud made his way over to Lucas, and handed him something. A knife. "Finally. We've been waiting a long time for our Golden Killer. These will be your first victims. Then you're family. Do you understand?" Lucas nodded, still looking at Ness. Ness was slightly confused at what was happening, and wasn't processing it all. Lucas gave a small smirk at Ness.

In one fell swoop, Lucas stabbed Ness in the chest with the knife. He quickly pulled it out, and kicked Ness back. He quickly made his way over to Ninten, and did the same thing. He did this within a matter of seconds, giving neither of them any room to react.

Lucas then made his way over to Claus, and grabbed Claus by the neck. Lucas pointed the knife at Claus' head, and prepared to stab. He hesitated for a second, but only for a second, and quickly plunged the knife into Claus' head.

Lucas turned to Cloud, awaiting something. Cloud smirked, and nodded at Lucas. "Perfect. He will be proud of you. Now initiate the Amnesia directive immediately," Lucas nodded and stormed out of the room, still holding the knife.


Lucas looked up, he was at his house. He gripped the knife, and without hesitating, kicked down the door. His dad was sitting in the couch, and didn't have time to react, as Lucas plunged the knife into his dad's chest. Lucas' face resembled almost no emotion, as if it wasn't him.

He acted quickly, and headed toward his mom who was in the kitchen. Instead of direct stab, Lucas three the knife at his mom. It landed right in her chest, and pierced her heart. She fell to the floor, the life leaving her body.

Lucas gave a faint smirk, as his job was complete. As soon as he did, the sharp pain returned. He kneeled down, and clutched the sides of his head. His eyes started to turn back. To not be Golden anymore.


"C-Crap...I-I'm sorry. I couldn't stop them. Th-They stormed my house, a-and found your t-true file. Th-the cops now know about your, um...murders. B-But I know it wasn't you..! I-I have some p-proof...proof y-you were controlled. I-I hope one day...I can f-find you, a-and help...I-I'm sorry, Lucas."


Lucas was sitting on a bus. His eyes were normal, not Golden. He was wearing a black hoodie, and some grey pants. The most monochromatic outfit he could find.

He deleted all five voicemails he had racked up over the course of the past six months. He couldn't bear to listen to them again. He had felt betrayed.

He leaned his head against the bus window, and sighed. A single tear streamed down his eye. He felt...well, there were no words to describe what he was feeling. He wondered what he did to deserve this.

In the radical game.


Sorry if this story was a little convoluted. Also, sorry for the lack of Nesscas in this one. I hope you still enjoyed, though :)


So, this is a "Trailer" for an upcoming story. This is not a trailer for the full story, rather just the second arc. Also this whole trailer idea was inspired by Breakdown003. Also mild spoilers for Persona 5/P5 Royal, if you plan on playing them.

Trailer #1 - A trailer for the second arc of the story, and a little bit of the first. A basic overview of the plot of the second arc, along with an overview of the Phantom Thieves - The song will be "Take Over" from Persona 5 Royal.

"We're rolling deep into your underground crib" - It would have Joker standing outside of Leblanc, talking to Lucas. Both would nod, as if in agreement. They would then walk off into the camera.

"Thought I sent a prior notice, card for you" - it would show Ryuji, Yusuke, and Lucas inside of Jokers attic. They would all be gathered around a table. Yusuke would be drawing something, Ryuji would be leaning back in a chair, and Lucas would've saying something to the other two.

"We wanna make this party you don't want to skip" - It would show Haru, Ann, Makoto N., and Futaba standing together, all in their Metaverse attire. They would look at each other, give a nod each, then rush toward the camera

"Gonna be a show to remember!" - It would show Akechi and Joker back to back, the camera being at their sides. Joker would have his Phantom Suit, and Akechi would have his Black Mask suit. Both would smirk, and on the word "remember," they would both jump into the air

"Take over, its time to put you down!" - It would show an All Out Attack, the only participants being Joker and Akechi. On the word "down," the splash screen for Joker's all out attack would show.

"Make over, nothing's gonna be the way you might like!" - This would show two separate scenes, one on the left, and one on the right. On the left, would be Ann fighting off some Shadows. She would be using Carmen to launch some fire at the Shadows. On the right, would be Ryuji. He would be simply shooting some Shadows with his shotgun.

"It was over, when you started with us" - This would be another dual shot. On the left it would show Milady, Haru's Persona, using in dress guns to shoot some Shadows. On the right, it would show Makoto N. blazing through some Shadows while riding Johanna.

"You should've thought twice" - This would be a simple shot. It would just show Lucas sending a burst of PK Fire towards the camera, where a supposed Shadow would be.

"Walked on thin ice" - This would show Yusuke dropping from above. He'd slash his katana downward, onto a Shadow.

"Hey games over!" - Joker would fire a shot from his gun toward the camera. All the Phantom Thieves, plus Lucas, would be lined up in some sort of courtyard. Futaba would also be hovering over them, inside if Necronomicon.

"Hey, it's time to put you down x4" - during the whole duration of all the lines, it would just be the group fighting Shadows. It would be a chaotic mess of a scene, just being pure fighting. Futaba would also be flying around, and giving people buffs.

"You actually thought that you could get away with" - It would be a flashback, and the image would get a little distorted. It would be in a stadium. It would show some sort of monster, that just broke through one of the stadium walls. It would be holding a boy, of some sort. It would then cut to Lucas, who would have tears in his eyes. Lucas would close his eyes, and take a few deep breaths, as the camera zooms in on his face.

"Skeletons in your closet, don't think so" - The camera would then zoom out of Lucas' face, it now being the present. Lucas would be in some sort of grand hallway. He would have a stern look in his face. He'd ball up his fists, before running down the hall.

"We're gonna reveal the truth out to the public" - this would be a shot of a large city (currently unnamed). Floating above the city would be a grand figure. The figure would have large wings, and have a bright energy exuding from them.

"Put your hands up, time to surrender!" - It would be a shot of all the Phantom Thieves, plus Lucas, standing in some sort of large auditorium. The auditorium would have six pedestals, and six people standing on them. The people would be Shadow Madarame, Shadow Kaneshiro, Shadow Okumura, Shadow Sae Niijima, Shadow Shido, and Shadow Kamoshida.

"Take over, it's time to put you down!" - It would be a pan around shot of Joker and Akechi back to back, fighting of Shadows. The camera would slowly pan around the two, as they fought off the Shadows. Joker would be shooting and slashing the Shadows the whole time. At the start, Akechi would just be using his sword, but on the word "Down," he would use Loki to cast a Megidolaon.

"Make over, nothing's gonna be the way you might like!" - The would be another dual shot. On the right side, Yusuke would remove his mask, releasing Goemon. On the left side, Ryuji would remove his own mask, summoning Captain Kidd. The camera would then zoom in on Ryuji and Yusuke's faces, before cutting to the faces of Captain Kidd and Goemon.

"It was over, when you started with us!" - Makoto N. would rush a Shadow. She would do a nigh jump over the Shadow when the word "over" hits. Haru would then slide on the floor, and slash the Shadow's leg with her axe at the word "you." As Makoto N. lands, Ann would rush the Shadow, and shoot it with her gun on the world "us."

"You should have thought twice" - It would have a shot for shot recreation of when Futaba gives you a buff in P5. On the word "twice," it would show Lucas, Ann, and Yusuke getting surrounded by three energy pillars, a Heat Riser.

"Walked on thin ice" - Three shadows would be rushing Yusuke in some sort of courtyard. The camera would then cut to Yusuke's mouth, him smirking. He would grip his katana, and begin to unsheathe it.

"Hey game's over!" - Yusuke would jump in the air, fully releasing his sword. He would slash all three shadows, and as he does, the background would turn a bright red, and Yusuke and the shadows would turn to a pitch black color.

"We do not live by your rules, dirty work" - It would show the Phantoms and Lucas in the very same courtyard from the previous shot. This time, however, they would look defeated. They'd all be kneeling down, and clutching some part of their body. On the top of the courtyard staircase, would be Shadow Kamoshida. He'd be smirking. Joker would look up at Kamoshida, anger in his eyes. It would then cut to two people walking. It would only show their feet, and the tips of their swords.

"You're ego has driven you, out of truth" - It would show the hilts of these peoples swords, before showing them standing in the courtyard. They would be standing on either side of the group. They would look at Joker, then each other.

"You've only played yourself, got no game" - The two people would nod at each other, before pointing their swords at Kamoshida. Joker would look at Lucas, then Akechi, as the three stood up, joining the other two in pointing their weapons at Kamoshida.

"Serving you right" - The rest of the Phantoms stand up. They all look at Kamoshida, and ready themselves. Kamoshida now has a look of slight terror on his face. The whole group would have some sort of energy emanating from them.

"Say your prayers now" - The whole group would jump into the air, initiating The All Out Attack.

"Take over, it's time to put you down!" - It would show the start to The All Out Attack. Except instead of only four people, it would be the entire Phantom Thieves, plus Lucas and the two other people.

"Make over, nothing's gonna be the way you might like!" - It would be The All Out Attack. It would be on Kamoshida. The two new people would drop from the sky, and woudl do their splash screen (which will not be explained right now).

"It was over, when you started with us" - Kamoshida would stumble backwards, and Joker would point his knife at him. Kamoshida would the disappear, surprising the group.

"You should have thought twice" - Shadows would then ambush the group, as the camera pans around the group.

"Walked on thin ice" - The group would look at each other, and nod.

"Hey game's over!" - The group would all jump out, and start fighting the Shadows.

"Take over, it's time to put you down!" - Lucas, Joker, and Akechi would be running down a hallway. They would run past the camera at the word "down."

"Make over, nothing's gonna be way you might like!" - The three would be standing in some sort of large room. They would all lunge towards the camera, at an unseen foe.

"It was over when you started with us" - Futaba would be flying in Necronomicon, alongside Makoto N., who would be riding Johanna. They would be blazing through some Shadows in a very wide corridor.

"You should have thought twice" - Yusuke and Ryuji would be standing back to back. It would be a quick shot of Yusuke slashing a Shadow, while Ryuji hits one over the head.

"Walked on thin ice" - Ann and Haru would be facing some distant foe. Ann would have Carmen create a pillar of fire, while Haru would use Milady to do a One-Shot Kill.

"Hey game's over!" - The silhouettes of the group would be seen standing at the bottom of a large staircase. A figure would be standing at the top of the bright, golden staircase. The shot would end with a camera zooming out of the location, and move to the top of a nearby building.

Standing on top of that building, would be seven people. They would be looking down at the place that The Phantom Thieves would be in. The leader of the group (currently unnamed) would give a small smirk, to end the trailer.

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