Picture Perfect - Book 3 - Q...

By OneandOnlyElla

93.2K 3K 2.7K

"Oh, no!" Piper shook her head as soon as she spotted JBI as she walked with Mercedes down the hallway. Grabb... More

The purple piano project
I am Unicorn
Asian F
Pot o' Gold
The first time
I kissed a girl
Hold on to sixteen
Extraordinary Merry Christmas
The Spanish teacher
On my way
Big brother
Saturday night gleever
Dance with somebody
Epilogue: New Haven
Note + Little talk


3.4K 127 101
By OneandOnlyElla

"Good morning, McKinley High!" Coach Sylvester's unusually chirpy voice came through the speakers during Piper's art class. "First of all, to those of you thoughtful enough to leave maternity gifts outside my office, both I and my unborn child thank you for your lackluster Cracker Barrel meat-and-cheese medleys, and I'm sure that my trash can will find them delicious. Now it's time to announce this year's Senior Prom Court nominees. Your choices for Prom King are... Rick The Stick Nelson. President Brittany S. Pierce. That's weird. And also, Finn Hudson. And now on to the category we all really care about: Prom Queen."

At that, Piper stopped painting for a second to pay attention to the announcement from the coach knowing how much that nomination — and a possible victory — meant to Quinn.

"Becky for Prom Queen 2012!" Becky yelled, interrupting coach Sylvester for a second only to be ignored by the woman.

"Missy Gunderson." She continued. "Santana Lopez. And Quinn Fabray."

At that, Piper smiled, happy for her girlfriend. Before she could even do anything else, however, she jumped a bit in surprise when a loud crash was heard through the speakers.

"Congratulations to all our nominees... Becky, Becky, Becky! That's an antique!" Coach Sylvester complained as Piper held back a giggle, already imagining Becky destroying the woman's whole office in her rage.

"I was robbed, Coach!"


"Hello, future prom queen." Piper smirked a bit as she walked up to Quinn by her locker as the blonde struggled with her books on her higher locker.

"Hi." Quinn smiled at her girlfriend a bit, before groaning when her Geography book fell down to the ground.

Piper rolled her eyes then, picking up Quinn's book for her as she helped her out with she needed from her locker before closing it and turning to look at her.

"So... How are you feeling, being nominated for prom queen?" Piper asked, starting to push Quinn's wheelchair toward their next class.

"Amazing." Quinn smiled a bit as Piper chuckled. "Sucks that you didn't, though."

"I don't really mind." She shrugged. "Besides, it's not like I'm dying to dance with any of the King nominees. You know what? Scratch that. I'd totally dance with Britt."

At that, Quinn sighed, dreading her next words, but knowing that talking it out with Piper would be a lot better than doing anything behind her back. Especially this, since there was no way she wouldn't find out. So, taking a deep breath, Quinn locked the wheels of her chair causing Piper to stop walking, surprised.

"I need to talk to you." Quinn said, reaching behind her for Piper's hand and tugging her forward so Piper would walk around her to stand in front of her instead. "I need to ask you a question, but I don't think you're gonna like it."

"Okay?" Piper frowned a bit, waiting for Quinn to say what she wanted to say.

"I... I was thinking... Because you know how much I want to be prom queen and, I mean, you weren't nominated and all. I was just... Wondering... If... If it'd be okay for me to... Have Finn as my running-mate."

At that, Piper raised an eyebrow, frowning at Quinn as the girl sighed.

"You'd still be my date." Quinn assured, as she reached over to grab Piper's hand in hers. "We're still gonna have fun at prom. I just mean... I just want to have Finn in my posters with me so I can increase my chances of winning. Him and I would only have one dance together and we might have to stick by each other sometimes until prom royalty is announced, but it'd only be for show."

Piper sighed then, unsure on how to react. She stayed silent for a second, thinking over Quinn's words as she weighed out her options. Because, sure, she knew Quinn had this dream of being prom queen at least once and that was her last shot at it. So of course she wanted her to have it. But with Finn beside her?

"It's okay if you don't want me to." Quinn assured after a moment too long of silence from her girlfriend. "I mean, it was a stupid idea anyway. I... I didn't mean to offend you or..."

Quinn stopped talking then, when Piper leaned down into her to press a kiss to her lips. Still bent over so their eyes were in level with each other's, Piper smiled at the surprised look on her girlfriend's face.

"It's fine." Piper nodded then as Quinn's whole expression softened. "If you think that's gonna get you more votes, fine. Do it."


"In one condition." Piper said, as Quinn nodded quickly.

"As soon as prom royalty is announced, you'll be with me for the rest of the night."

"Well, that was already in my plans." Quinn smirked a bit as Piper nodded.

"Fine." She said, standing up straighter again. "Do it, then."

"Are you sure?" Quinn asked again. "Like... Really sure?"

"Yes." Piper nodded. "I don't particularly like this, but I'll put up with it. For you."

"I literally don't deserve you." Quinn whispered as Piper smiled, walking around her to stand behind her wheelchair again.

"You really don't." She teased, as Quinn laughed quietly. "Now, unlock those wheels so we can get to Spanish class."


"A big congrats to all our prom nominees!" Mr. Schue said as soon as he walked into the room, prompting a round of applause. "But, hey, listen up. We are all winners, because Principal Figgins asked New Directions to sing again this year!"

"Fantastic." Puck said, sarcastically, as excited for that as everyone else seemed to be.

"All right. Brittany has an announcement." Mr. Schue said, a bit awkwardly.

"Hello, my fellow Americans." Brittany grinned as she skipped in front of the room. "The theme for this year's prom will be... Dinosaurs."

At that, everyone frowned a bit, but Santana smiled, clearly proud of her Senior President girlfriend.

"Sheer genius." She whispered.

"Thanks." Brittany smiled at Santana before continuing with her speech. "I was inspired by the new girl Joe, who reminds me of a cavewoman. The refreshments will be berries, meat and rainwater. As you are no doubt aware, the U.S. elections are riddled with corruption. Therefore, to keep the prom elections completely aboveboard, I have appointed Santana and Quinn to count the ballots."

"What?" Kurt gasped, outraged. "That makes no sense!"

"Shut it, Richard Simmons." Santana rolled her eyes. "Yes, Quinn's my homegirl, but I don't trust her, and you know she doesn't trust me."

"We'll keep each other honest." Quinn nodded as Piper tilted her head to the side a bit in quiet agreement.

"You know..." Mercedes mumbled. "It's actually not a bad idea."

"And last but not least, all hair gel has been banned from the prom." Brittany said, as Blaine scoffed with a laugh. "I'm actually not joking. Hair gel was not invented until almost 30 million years after the Upper Paleolithic Stone Age. And frankly, I don't like the way you look. Therefore, anyone who shows up to prom wearing hair gel will be turned away at the door. I hereby decree this to be the best prom ever."

At that, Santana clapped as Brittany smiled.

"Okay." Mr. Schue decided then. "Let's start thinking of... Dinosaur songs."


"Come on." Piper encouraged gently as she watched with soft eyes as Quinn took a few tentative steps in therapy that day. "Good, good, good. All right, now let go of your hands. You got this. Just let go. I promise you'll be okay."

At that, Quinn turned to her girlfriend with a worried look, smiling a bit when Piper nodded at her.

"You got it." She encouraged again, causing Quinn to take a deep breath as she let go of the bars nearby and take a few steps on her own. "Yes! Good. Look at you. You're doing it! Just... Oh, no!"

Piper widened her eyes when Quinn fell forward into the small mattress nearby and crouched down beside her girlfriend, smiling a bit when she noticed Quinn laughing.

"You okay?" She asked, helping the blonde sit down as she sat beside her.

"Yeah, I'm okay." She assured.

"I knew you could do it." Piper smiled. "That was fantastic. You're amazing."

"Thank you for always coming with me." Quinn said, as Piper just shrugged.

"Of course." She said. "Take a break, then let's show everyone. Glee and..."

"No, no." Quinn shook her head then, placing a hand on Piper's arm before she could stand up again causing the brunette to frown a bit.

"Why?" She asked. "This is huge."

"Because it has to be real." She said, as Piper raised an eyebrow at her girlfriend. "I mean... You know, maybe if I practiced a lot, I could walk into the choir room. Or even prom."

"I believe you." Piper assured, before turning a bit more serious, as Quinn sighed. "But this has something to do with sympathy votes too, doesn't it?"

"Angel, I..."

"I'm not mad." Piper assured. "I mean, I know you. I know how much you want that crown and I know you're ambitious. I also know that sometimes you have some... Methods to get what you want; and that's fine. But don't you lie to me. So... I do believe you want this to be real and a surprise for everyone, I do. But it has to do with the votes, right?"

"Yes." Quinn admitted quietly as she looked down at her lap. "Yes, a little bit. But mostly, it is because I want to surprise them. So until I can, just promise me you won't tell anybody."

"I promise." Piper assured, grabbing Quinn's hand in hers as the blonde looked up at her with a relieved smile. "And don't worry, bub. You're gonna be dancing at prom. I know it."



The smell of your skin lingers on me now

You're probably on your flight back to your home town

I need some shelter of my own protection, baby

To be with myself and center

Clarity, peace, serenity


I hope you know, I hope you know

That this has nothing to do with you

It's personal, myself and I

We've got some straightenin' out to do

Rachel and Blaine

And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket

But I've got to get a move on with my life

It's time to be a big girl now

And big girls don't cry

When Kurt and Blaine joined her in her little pity party, Rachel couldn't say she was that surprised, but when, out of the side of the stage, came no one other than Piper Snow herself taking over the bridge of the song as she walked up to the group and stood behind Kurt with her arms wrapped around his neck from behind, Rachel couldn't really say she expected it.


But it's time for me to go home

It's getting late and dark outside

I need to be with myself and center

Clarity, peace, serenity


I hope you know, I hope you know

That this has nothing to do with you

It's personal, myself and I

We've got some straightenin' out to do

Rachel and Blaine

And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket

But I've got to get a move on with my life

It's time to be a big girl now

Rachel, Kurt, Blaine and Piper

And big girls don't cry

"Rehearsing for prom?" Blaine asked as soon as the song was over. "Cause I love that song, but it's sort of a downer, don't you think?"

"It's just how I'm feeling right now, okay?" Rachel pouted a bit. "I don't want to watch Finn and Quinn get crowned the king and queen at my prom. I don't want to watch him dance with her. I-I know that she can't really dance anymore, but... I'm sorry. You know... You know what I mean."

"I know what you mean." Piper nodded. "And it's not like I love the idea of the two of them being prom royalty, but I did say it was okay, so..."

"Why did you, though?" Rachel asked, as Piper shrugged.

"Because I know how much it means to Quinn." She said. "And after everything she's been through, it was the least I could do. Still, it sucks that she's running for queen with Finn Hudson of all people... I mean, no offense."

Rachel smiled a bit with a nod of her head.

"You know what, they're right." Kurt said as the two girls turned to look at him. "Prom sucks. I don't want to go, either."

"Well, you have to go." Blaine said. "You're the reigning prom queen."

"That's true." Piper smiled at her best friend as he rolled his eyes. "You have to crown the next one."

"As much as I love a good coronation, I can't risk it." He said. "With this school's strong and insane tradition of write-in ballots, I could get elected prom queen again, all right? And I know I put on a brave face last year, but it was humiliating. And, had I known, I would have

worn a full kilt, so..."

"How do you think I feel with Brittany's insane ban on hair gel?" Blaine added as the three other kids turned to look at him and laugh a bit at his dramatics. "It's prom. There's going to be balloons all over the place, not to mention the taffeta and the silk blends. The sheer amount of static electricity in that room is going to be terrifying. It's crazy. You've never seen my hair without gel... it's baby-hair fine. No, it... I'm going to look like Medusa. It's not funny. I don't want to go."

"Because you can't wear hair gel?" Piper laughed, as he sent her a glare.

"Well, if we're all going to be so miserable about it, who says we have to go?" Kurt asked, and, at that Piper frowned.

"You're right, Kurt." Rachel smiled and, just like that, Piper knew she had gotten herself in a rather awkward situation. "But I have a better idea."


Rachel, Kurt and Blaine had decided to throw a prom party themselves and, yes, they had invented Piper, but since she had promised Quinn to go as well, she said she'd think about it.

"So Kurt and Blaine and I are throwing an anti-prom party." Rachel said, as she stood with the two boys and Finn in front of the rest of the glee club the next day.

"What's an anti-prom party?" Mercedes asked.

"It's a party for those of us who maybe feel a little, you know, disenfranchised by the actual prom." Rachel explained further, as Mercedes just frowned. "And I got us a hotel room at Lima's best hotel, Red Rooster Express Suite, and everyone's invited."

"You're supporting this?" Quinn asked Finn when she noticed him smiling at his girlfriend.

"I'm supporting her." He said, as Quinn sighed and Piper pouted a bit when she noticed how hurt Quinn seemed to have gotten. "And I'll be there as soon as I'm done fulfilling my... Obligations."

"The mood will be celebratory, the food will be catered, the libations will be plentiful, and the dress code will be creative black tie." Kurt said, as Rachel smiled, all excited about her new idea.

"Optional, optional, optional." She said. "And keeping up with the anti-prom theme, everyone is welcome, and unlike the actual prom, which ends at 11:00 p.m., ours goes until the wee hours of the night. It's where the fun's at, you guys."

"Okay, how is everyone welcome when this is clearly just a party for you and the two gay Winklevii twins?" Santana scoffed.

"Actually, Santana, we've invited most of McKinley's underclassmen."

"I'm in." Puck was the first to speak up, surprisingly, as everyone turned to look at him surprised.

"But what about your tradition of trying to spike Coach Sylvester's punch bowl?" Artie asked. "I almost lost my teeth for it last time."

"It's impossible." Puck complained. "Plus it's a bummer, always failing... At everything."

"Can we just talk about what this really is?" Santana rolled her eyes then. "Rachel Berry isn't getting her way, so she's punishing the rest of us."

"Santana, that's not the case at all."

"Stop acting like you're fine and start dealing with your crap." Santana said, as Rachel frowned a bit. "Look, you choked at your big audition. I get it. I'm sorry, but it happens. And I understand that you're pissed off at the universe, but imploding on one of the last nights that we have to spend together because, basically, you're just not in the mood to dance is maybe the pettiest thing you have ever done. So have fun at your I'm a victim party, acting like you're not some selfish, self-centered, lame-ass wannabe diva from hell, because me, I'm going to go to my senior prom with my girlfriend and my friends."


"You know... I don't think Rachel's anti-prom idea is that bad..." Piper admitted quietly as she sat with Quinn on the sofa of her house as they flipped through the channels mindlessly.

At that, Quinn frowned a bit, turning to look at her girlfriend when she noticed how nervous she actually was.

"What do you mean?" Quinn asked, as Piper shrugged.

"I know I said I was fine with it, but seeing all those posters of you and Finn around the school is not easy, you know?"

"P, I..."

"Look, and you said it yourself." Piper shrugged. "You're gonna have to be with Finn until prom royalty is announced and I really don't want to see this."

"But this is senior prom." Quinn said. "I mean, Mike and Mercedes and Sam will be there. And Santana and Brittany..."

"Yeah, they'll all be with their dates and I don't want to third-wheel anyone." Piper argued. "Look, I'm not saying I'm not going at all. All I'm saying is that... Maybe, I could stay at Rachel's anti-prom for a while and as soon as they coronate you, I'll go to prom to have fun with you and the rest of our friends."

At that, Quinn pouted a bit, unsure.

"Is that really what you want?" She asked, as Piper shrugged a bit with a nod. "Would that make you happy?"

"Is what I want." Piper assured, as Quinn nodded.

"Okay." She said. "If that's what you want, then that's what we're gonna do. But as soon as prom royalty is announced, you'll come and spend the night with me, right?"

"Of course I will." Piper assured, leaning across the sofa to place a kiss to Quinn's cheek. "Anything for my queen, right?"


"Oh, my God." Piper gasped, as soon as Rachel opened the door to the room she had rented for the night, surprised by it.

"All right." The girl announced, as Kurt, Blaine, Puck, Becky and Piper walked inside. "Let the very first annual McKinley High Anti-Prom begin."

"Oh, look, there's chocolates on the pillows." Kurt squealed as he grabbed Piper by the arm and dragged her along with himas the two of them fell in the bed.

"We got room service." Blaine said.

"Minibar!" Becky cheered, clearly hyped by the whole thing. "Whoo!"

"So, hum, what should we do now?" Puck asked.

"Duh... Play strip poker." Becky said, as Kurt sit down on the bed to take a better look at the girl. "I brought condoms."

"Becky, Blaine and I are gay, remember?" He asked as the girl just winked at him.

"Never stopped me before."

"Well, I mean, no matter what, it'll be better than prom." Blaine said, clearly trying to make light of the situation.

"Yeah! Who wants to be in that smelly old gym, anyway?" Kurt was quick to agree. "Prom's a sucker's paradise."

"Prom sucks!" Becky yelled. "Let's get wasted! Whoo!"

"Becky, Becky, we appreciate your enthusiasm, but will you just keep it down with the shouting?" Rachel asked Becky as the girl just rolled her eyes at him.

"Keep your big honking nose out of it, Berry!" She said, as Piper raised an eyebrow at her and shrugged a bit when Rachel turned to look at her. "Oh, snap! Oh snap!"

"So, I wouldn't mind watching a little TV." Piper offered, trying to defuse the tension as Blaine quickly nodded and reached for the remote.

"Hum, maybe some Bravo?" He offered, only to frown when Puck snatched the remote from him.

"Dude, it's a hotel." He said. "It's gotta be Skinemax."

"We could put on a fashion show!" Rachel said.

"Yeah!" Kurt nodded, excitedly. "Let's go all Sound of Music and make some old-timey couture out of the drapes and bedsheets, huh?"

"Too gay!" Becky yelled, as Puck nodded.

"I second that."

"Well, I'd love to show you guys my prom dress. I wouldn't want it to go completely to waste." Rachel shrugged. "It's in my car. So is Piper's. We can go get it."


"There you are." Piper smiled a bit as soon as she was done with Rachel's make up. "You look amazing. I really like that color on you."

"Thanks, you look good too." Rachel smiled. "That's a very pretty dress."

"Thank you."

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Rachel asked, watching as Piper stood in front of the mirror, fixing her hair again and nodding at her through the mirror. "Are you really okay with Quinn and Finn running for prom queen and king together?"

"Well, if I was okay with it, I wouldn't be here, would I?"

"Then why did you let her?"

"Because I know how much it means to her, Rachel." Piper shrugged, turning around to send Rachel a small smile. "And if it means a lot to her, it should mean a lot to me. Now... Finish up with that makeup so you can show off your outfit outside."

And, with that, Piper walked out of the bathroom. As soon as she did, Kurt and Blaine turned to look at her, smiling a bit as they complimented her and her outfit. Piper thanked them gently, letting them fuzz over her for a second, but before any of them could even say anything else, there was a knock on the door.

"Finally, the room service is here." Becky yelled then, rushing toward the door as everyone turned to look at her. "I want my shrimp cocktail!"

"Hey, Becky." Finn said, and, as soon as everyone turned to look at him, surprised, he stepped inside, his eye falling on Piper for a second. "You look pretty."

"Thank you." She nodded, watching as Finn walked closer to her so the two of them could talk closely.

"You knew, didn't you?" Finn asked, as Piper frowned a bit.

"Knew what?"

"That Quinn could walk." He said, as Piper sighed. "I knew you knew it. Why did you let her go through with it?"

"She's not really walking yet." Piper was quick to come up in her defense. "She's making progress, but she wanted it to be a surprise."

"I saw her standing." Finn said. "Out of her chair, on her own."

"And that's why you left her there." Piper said, as Finn glared a bit at her.

"Because she didn't need me." He said. "Not like Rachel does. Actually, where is she?"

"She's been in the bathroom for 45 minutes." Becky said, as Piper crossed her arms over her chest, feeling a bit bad now that she wasn't with her girlfriend in that moment, when her running-mate had left her. "I'm guessing the runs."

"All right, let's let the anti-prom fashion extravaganza begin." Rachel announced as she finally came out of the bathroom, only to stop for a second when she noticed Finn there. "Hi. What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'll keep it simple." He said, after snapping out of his trance of looking at her. "I love you. You're beautiful. Prom sucks without you. Prom sucks without all of you, guys. This is the last time we're gonna get to be together like this. I want to dance with my fiancé, dance with my friends."

"Well, I'll just pretend to be an ice sculpture if Brittany sees me, and then she'll just pass me by." Blaine said, as he started to walk out of the room, offering his arm to Piper when he noticed she was still a bit uncomfortable.

"So, you guys gonna come?" Finn asked, as he noticed that Puck and Becky weren't really following them out of the room with the rest.

"Not until I get my shrimp cocktail." Becky said, as Puck shrugged.

"I'm good." He said. "You guys go ahead."

"Come on, dude." Finn tried. "You're my wingman."

"I'll go next year."


Prom was actually looking really good despite the weird dinosaur theme. As some of the glee guys sang What makes you beautiful on stage, Finn and Rachel were quick to walk away from the three others from the little group. Piper was just about to walk away from Kurt and Blaine as well, but, before she could, Brittany approached them with a frown.

"No, sorry, Blaine." She said. "I said no hair gel, remember? I can totally smell it."

And, after being dragged away by Santana, both Kurt and Piper turned to Blaine.

"You can do this." Kurt encouraged, as Blaine sighed.

"Yeah, come on, Blaine... It can't be that bad."

Groaning quietly, Blaine walked over to the bathroom then and, as soon as he did, Kurt turned back to look at Piper, meaning to speak to her, but, as soon as he noticed Quinn wheeling herself over, he slipped away from her. Piper frowned, confused, but before she could even question what was happening, she heard Quinn's voice from behind her.

"You look incredible." Quinn smiled, as she looked at her girlfriend up and down, smiling at her softly curled brown hair and her beautiful coral dress, happy to see that she hadn't covered her freckles completely with her make-up.

"Thank you." Piper smiled back at her. "You look amazing too."

"I, hum... I got you this." Quinn said, as she reached for something on the small pocket on the back of her chair before showing it to Piper. The freckled girl gasped when she saw the corsage in there.

"It matches my dress." She pointed out. "And yours too."

"Yes, it does." Quinn smiled, opening the box and picking up the corsage. "Can I put it on?"

Piper nodded then, offering Quinn her wrist and feeling her heart soar a bit when Quinn slid the flowers there. Grabbing her hand in her, Quinn pressed a light kiss to the back of it before tugging in it a bit to get her to lean down closer to her.

"I wanted everyone to know you're my date. Not Finn." Quinn said, smiling at the way Piper's eyes softened a bit. "I made another mistake, coming with him, instead of with you, but I noticed it as soon as I got here and you weren't beside me."


"I did mess up. Again. But I promise to make it up to you." Quinn said, frowning a bit when her cell phone rang. "In a little bit. Rachel just texted me to meet her outside. But, after that, I promise... I'm all yours."

"Okay." Piper nodded, pressing a quick kiss to Quinn's lips before watching her go.

Piper made her way to Kurt again then, as the two of them stood off to the side while they waited for Blaine to return, critiquing everyone's dresses and tuxes and teasing Mercedes quietly at the way she seemed so entranced with Sam while they danced. They had been there for about twenty minutes or so when Kurt gasped, looking at something behind Piper, causing the girl to frown and turn around.

"Oh, my dear God." Piper gasped then as soon as she saw Blaine with his natural curly hair.

"Don't make fun of the new kid with the bad 'fro." Brittany said, as she approached the three of them. "It's hair-bullying."

"That's not a new kid." Kurt said. "That's Blaine without hair gel."

"Is it really that bad?" Blaine asked, clearly a bit insecure.

"No!" Piper assured quickly, as Brittany shook her head.

"Yes, you're Mr. Broccoli Head." She said.

"It's not that bad." Kurt said.

"Yeah, it is. It's really bad." Brittany insisted, as Kurt and Piper exchanged a glance at the way Blaine sighed. "And you made your point. I abused my power as president but to help save the prom, and to keep people from turning to stone when they look at you, I'll give you special permission to wear hair gel, immediately."

"Quiet, please, children." Principal Figgins' voice sounded through the gym, as he took the stage and, at that, Piper turned to look at him.

"I'll be right back." Blaine said, turning to walk away as Kurt grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Don't you dare." He said. "I love finally getting to see the real you. The man without the product. And I want everyone here to know just how proud I am of my brave, handsome, bushy-haired boyfriend. Come on, Barrette."

Blaine smiled then, following Kurt and Piper as the three of them started to make their way toward the stage to watch the coronation.

"First I have an announcement to make: there are reptiles living in McKinley toilets no more." Principal Figgins said, as Piper rolled her eyes a bit, before sending Quinn a smile when she saw her girlfriend on the side of the stage, waiting to be called up. "The family of snakes has been safely removed to the zoo, and they can live out their lives in the toilets there. And now, this year's Prom Court. Nominees for the Prom King are: Finn Hudson, Rick The Stick Nelson and President Brittany S. Pierce. The nominees for Prom Queen: Missy Gunderson, Santana Lopez and Miss Quinn Fabray. I would like to invite last year's queen, sassy male student Kurt Hummel, to crown this year's winners."

And, at that, both Piper and Blaine sent Kurt an encouraging smile as he took a deep breath before walking up on the stage along with all the nominees.

"And this year's Prom King is... Mr. Finn Hudson."

At that, everyone cheered and clapped, watching as Kurt placed a crown on top of Finn's head. Piper turned to smile at Quinn then. After all, if Finn had won, there was a big chance that she had too, right? But, when Quinn just sent her a nod of her head, Piper raised an eyebrow. There was definitely something else in there.

"And the winner for Prom Queen is... Students, for the second year in a row, we have prom anarchy." Principal Figgins said, as everyone stopped for a second, surprised. "Receiving the majority of write-in votes, I would like to welcome on the stage... Miss Rachel Berry."

And at that, everyone cheered again, including Quinn and Santana, who exchanged a knowing look. As Rachel, very hesitantly made her way up on the stage, Quinn winked at Piper and the girl just shook her head, clearly amused. She turned to look at Rachel again, however, as she stood with Finn on stage wearing her brand new crown.

"McKinley Titans, bow down to your new leaders!" Principal Figgins announced as everyone cheered again. "And now... The first dance of this year's Senior King and Queen!"

And, with that, Rachel and Finn walked toward the dance floor as Santana and Quinn took the stage to sing their rendition of Take my breath away. As all the couples slow-danced, Brittany asked Piper for a dance since their partners were unavailable at the moment and Piper said yes. During the song, however, Brittany suddenly stopped and gasped as she looked at the stage.

"Did you ask Santa for Quinn to get better?" She asked, as Piper frowned for a second before spinning around and seeing Quinn standing up. Feeling her eyes fill with tears, Piper shook her head, quietly, smiling widely when Quinn sang a whole verse of her song to her.

"Not really, Britt." Piper whispered as Brittany pulled her into her arms and the two of them clapped for Quinn ignoring the shocked expressions of everyone else in the room.

And, as soon as the song was over, both Quinn and Santana made their way toward the two girls and, handing Quinn over to Piper as the girl still struggled a bit to walk, Santana winked at her before taking Brittany away from them.

"Way to steal the show, Fabray." Piper teased, as Quinn just laughed.

"What can I say... I didn't get my crown, but, at least, I got my moment under the spotlight." The blonde joked back as Piper just giggled. "Now, I think I owe you a dance, is that right?"

"Only one?" Piper smirked as she started to sway gently to the music with Quinn as she placed her hands on her hips and the blonde wrapped her arms around her neck for a bit of support. At that, Quinn smiled, leaning down a bit to press a kiss to her lips.

"One, two, or as many as you want." Quinn shrugged, smirking a bit at the way Piper blushed. "Because for now on, I'm all yours for the night."

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