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383K 13.9K 47.6K

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7.4K 340 767

———The sound of children laughing, and the waves splashing filled y/n's ears. She had been to the beach around 5 times in her entire life, so y/n was fascinated with everything there.

The feeling of sand running between her toes, the salty ocean breeze that brushed against he face, and the occasional shells that would poke the bottom of her feet. And the crystal-blue water that would cool her down in the hot sun.

Earlier, Miya and y/n had decided to put their past conflict aside for now, and just enjoy the day. They agreed to not let something like that to ruin the mood.

And so, for this moment, they had forgotten about all their problems and worries. They had gotten so caught up in the moment, that everything that had happened last week was nothing at all.

Reki, Shadow, Miya, and y/n was playing a beach ball in the water. Y/n bumped the ball, as if she was a Haikyuu character, and once the ball flew up high enough, Miya spiked the ball right at Shadow's face.

They do make quite a good team.

While Shadow was going on about why that was totally uncalled for, Reki noticed the tension between Miya and y/n had slightly lifted.

"At least they're having fun together, but if I know y/n well enough, she likes to push back her problems, so she probably hasn't admitted her feelings to Miya yet. She needs to do it soon to avoid any misunderstanding." Reki thought.

The red head knew he should avoid meddling as little as possible, and he had hopes that those two would work it out. He just gave them a small smile and walked over to Langa who was lying down in the shade to help cool him off (like a good husband he is). After all, Canadians aren't used to such a hot climate.

As the 17 year old boys sat down, chatting about something; either about skateboarding, or the situation about Miya and y/n, they noticed that it was around 2pm, and that it would probably be a good idea to leave the beach and settle down in their hotel room in at 4pm, and make it just in time for some dinner.

A few meters away, Joe was talking two women, most likely flirting with them. Shadow just shook his head in disbelief, and saying that someone should stop them.

Miya just smiled mischievously, and gave y/n a look.

He had a plan, and y/n understood just by looking into his eyes.

She had gotten better at noticing body language, and since she was so compatible with Miya, they could almost be communicating telepathically.

The two teenagers sprinted towards Joe, while wailing, "Dad! Dad! What are you doing?!"

They had made themselves appear like 5 years younger than they actually were.

Joe just looked at them confused, struggling to pry off Miya and y/n who was clinging on to him like a pole. The women who were talking to Joe looked slightly disturbed.

"Stop it! I'm not your-" Joe was interrupted.

"Don't take our dad away from us! Mom would be so angry, look!" Y/n let out a whine, and pointed towards a figure in the shade.

Joe looked into her direction, and admired the figure's amazing body, with pale skin, and delicate lean arms and legs. He blushed at the sight.

Upon closer inspection, Joe noticed that the figure had long, silky, pink hair. It was none other than Cherry Blossom, just peacefully resting in the shade.

"That's just Kaoru!" Joe huffed angrily, a bit embarrassed that he had found him a bit attractive.

The two women just walked away with disgust. Miya and y/n burst out into laughter, as they walked away from Joe. Who knows how badly he could injure them with his big muscles?

"That was hilarious, Miya!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Joe's face was priceless!" Miya grinned back at her.

A sweet tune played softly in the background, and it caught the two 13 year olds' attention.

"Oh my god, an ice cream truck is nearby! Let's get ice cream, Miya!" Y/n jumped up with excitement.

"We can buy ice cream from a nearby stand! Everyone knows ice cream trucks sells their products more expensive as a marketing strategy!" Miya cried out.

"But buying ice cream from a truck is so cool!"

"You've never had ice cream from an ice cream truck before, have you?"


"Fine I guess, my treat. Just don't tell Reki and Langa." Miya said to her.

"Yay! Thanks Neko-boy!" Y/n skipped happily away from him, heading her way to the ice cream truck.

He missed seeing this side of y/n so much.

———"Eh, I prefer the Hokkaido soft serve we had before." Y/n said to Miya, as she licked her (favourite flavour) ice cream bar.

"I told you ice cream trucks are rip-offs! Their ice cream aren't even that good anyways, you could probably buy them from a normal supermarket!" Miya exclaimed as he shook his head.

The two teenagers were sitting under the umbrella, with Miya eating his blue raspberry frozen bar while playing on his Nintendo Switch, and y/n licking her ice cream bar, watching Miya play on it.

"You were right, but now I can cross this off of my bucket list!"

"You have a bucket list?"

"Yeah, I made it a few days ago, listing down all the things I want to try. I made back when we weren't talk-"

Y/n stopped herself from talking. She had suddenly remembered that Miya and her had an agreement to just forget about about the past Friday night for today.

"Look Miya, I know we agreed to not talk about this today, but I can't contain my feelings anymore." She said to him.

Miya tilted his head to y/n, his head perking up with interest. Sighing, he turned off his switch and prepared himself to listen what y/n had to say.

"Honestly I have some things to say too, but you can go first." Miya nodded at y/n.

Y/n took a deep breath. After all, she was about to admit her feelings towards him.

"That Friday night Miya, were you really joking? Please don't lie to me..."

His emerald eyes bore into y/n's (eye colour) ones. What could possibly be running through his mind right now?

"But what if I mess up our relationship right now? I don't want to lose her..." Miya thought to himself.

"F-fine, I admit that I wasn't joking, and I only did it to cover up my real feelings because I thought it might ruin our friendship, and I really like you a lot, but I don't want to lose you, you're way too important to-"

Miya Chinen was immediately attacked into an embrace. Y/n just squeezed him into her arms, and burying her face in his chest.

The cat boy could feel his face grow warmer, wondering if it's from the hot sun, or if it was the fact that y/n hugged him in such a way that made him feel like he mattered to her.

A mere cat boy that mattered in her universe.

"You're honestly so stupid, Miya..."

Miya looked down at y/n, confused to what she was saying. When he met her eyes, he realized she had tears in her eyes.

"Why are you crying?! I didn't say something wrong, did I?" Miya asked her worriedly.

Y/n just buried her face back into his chest, letting out a small chuckle.

"No way, I'm just really happy right now."

As the ocean waves clashing began to grow louder, and the people's chatter was fading away, Miya and y/n just cuddled in silence.

"Miya, let's stay like this for a while."

"I'm not letting go anytime soon."

Even though the beach was an extremely loud place, everything felt quiet for once.

They were in their own world, where every other sound is slowly fading away.

Perhaps living in a silence for a while would be nice.

A/n: I hope this chapter will kind of make up for the last two lol

I'm pretty sure all of you manifesting bad things happening to me actually worked because I lost all my progress on a school project and I have to redo it 💀

don't worry i'm not gonna pull the jk card for this chapter lol

Although, I have some other requests, so I might get to those later when I finish this book, or when I have a really good writing prompt for them. If you guys have any other characters you would love to see, then leave them in the comments!

Thanks for tuning in to read this chapter, remember to stay safe, stay hydrated, and stay healthy!

P.S: Cancel palm trees (iykyk)

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