Tom Holland Imagines

By tom_holland76

231K 1.8K 997

This is a book of imagines about Tom Holland. Will include ones of Peter Parker as well. Some stories may inc... More

I'd Never Forget You
Christmas Miracle
Our First Kiss
I'm No Zendaya
Just Ok
So You've Been Lying
One Direction
Triangles Are The Worst Shape (Part 1)
Triangles Are The Worst Shape (Part 2)
Triangles Are The Worst Shape (Part 3)
First Look
Far Away
Red Carpet Ready
I Can't Anymore (Part 1)
I Can't Anymore (Part 2)
A Forever Family
The Accident
Moving On
Teenage Romance
Blind Date
Y/N Stark (Part 1)
Summer Love
Gone Wrong
F*ck Boy Holland (Part 2)
What Came After
Years Apart (Part 1)
Take Care of You
Accident's Happen (Part 2)
I'll Protect You

Y/N Stark (Part 2)

4.1K 65 42
By tom_holland76

I woke up Monday morning to the sun shinning through the curtains. I woke up with a smile on my face. Today was the first day I could start my life as a normal teenager. My first day at school. 

Sure I had been taught but that was either by one of the Avengers or F.R.I.D.A.Y so I was pretty smart for my age. Dad has managed to get me into all AP classes. Apparently Peter was in them as well. I couldn't help but think that was part of his reasoning. I mean he knew I was smart and should be in them anyway. But he was being so overprotective. Wanting me to stay with Peter. 

Not that I minded. Since I had met Peter yesterday we had gotten on really well. We exchanged numbers and had been texting all night. I wanted to get to know the boy more. He seemed exciting. Someone my age that had been out of the tower. He was also kind and funny. 

By the time I had scrolled on my phone for 10 minutes it was time for me to get ready. I did natural makeup for my first day, not wanting it to be too heavy. I stood in my wardrobe for a while deciding what to wear. I was still deciding when I heard a knock on my door. 

'Come in,' I yelled. 

The door opened and I turned my head to see Natasha. 

'Hey kid. Just wanted to see how you were. I mean first day of high school,' she laughed. 

Natasha had becoming like my mother since my biological one died. I always went to her for advice. 

'Shit,' I sighed. 'I can't decide what to wear.' 

'Let's have a look.' 

She came and stood next to me. Looking through my wardrobe. Picking out outfits together. Trying to decide which one was best. After about 5 minutes we had finally picked out what to wear. 

'I'll leave you to get changed,' she smiled walking out the door. 

The outfit she'd helped me choose was a beige checked pinafore dress with a white long sleeved high neck top underneath. To pair with it my white converse. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was pleased with my outfit. I could always trust Nat to help me. I valued her opinion more than anyone else's. 

I walked into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before I headed to school. When I walked into the kitchen I saw dad and Peter sat at the kitchen island. 

'Hey kid,' dad smiled. 

'Hi. What's Peter doing here? He was gonna meet me at the school gates.' 

'Change of plans.' I instantly rolled my eyes when he said this. It was going to be some over protective bullshit he had going on. 

'He's walking you to school 'cause I don't trust people.' 

'Dad. I've been outside the tower for a walk before. I think I can handle the walk to school.' 

He looked at me intently for a while. I was getting a bit creepped out. 

'Dad,' I laughed. 'Why the hell are you looking at me like that.' 

'So you don't forgot my face if you think of doing something wrong.' 

I burst out laughing as soon as he said that. Unable to take him seriously now from now on. I looked over at Peter who was also sniggering. 

'Y/N Stark. I'm being serious.' 

'Yes dad. I promise I'll be good.' 

'Good. Now tell me your name.' 

'Y/N Stark.' 

'Nope. Wrong answer,' he shook his head and I rolled my eyes at him shaking my head. 

'Y/N Williams.' 

'Good don't forget it.' He walked over to me and wrapped me in a hug. 

'Gonna miss you kid. Have a good day.' 

'Thanks dad for letting me go,' I smiled. 

'Yeah, yeah. Now go before I change my mind.' 

'Come on Peter,' I picked my bag off the floor walking out of the kitchen. 

'Y/N,' he called from the kitchen. 

'Stay with Peter.' 

I groaned and rolled my eyes. 'Yes dad.' 

We walked out the tower and to school. It felt nice to final have some freedom. To be able to do something on my own without having an avenger breathing down my neck. 

'What's its like living with the avengers?' Peter asked. 

'Erm I mean it's fun. Every day is different. But I guess it does get lonely sometimes. I mean there's no one my age there. That's why I'm happy I met you,' I grinned at him. 

'So do you have any friends or do you spend all your time at the tower,' I teased. 

'Yeah I have friends,' he laughed. 'I'll introduce you to them at lunch. Ned and Mj. They're nice. Think you'll get along with them.' 

We continued to walk to school when I stopped Peter just as we entered the gate. 

'Pete just remember my name. I'm Y/N Williams not Stark,' I reminded him, whispering the last part. 'I can't have anyone finding out who I am.' 

He nodded his head at me. 'This way Miss Williams,' he said walking into the school and I laughed at him. 

Peter showed my around the school. It was big, but I already loved it. It felt new and exciting. 

'So looking at your schedule,' he pointed at the piece of paper I was holding. 'Your in all my classes.' 

'Perfect my dad will love that. 'Cause I can't take care of myself,' I rolled my eyes.

 'Am I really that bad,' Peter teased. 

'Your fine,' I laughed. 'It's just him who's a pain in my ass.' 

Peter showed my around the school and to our first classes of the day. I really enjoyed them. It was so much more fun with other people my age. I was sat with Peter during all my classes so I got to know him quite well. He made me laugh and the more I talked with him the more attracted to him I got. He wasn't just hot he had a good personality too. It got to lunch time and the bell rang. 

'Time to meet my friends Miss Williams.' 

I laughed and shook my head at him as I followed him into the cafeteria. He walked over to a table with a couple of people already sat down at it. 

'Hey guys this is Y/N. I met her...,' I looked at him nervously for a second as he hesitated. 'I met her at the principals office this morning.' 

I left out a sigh of relief. Good save Parker I thought. 

'She's new. Think you guys will like her,' he smiled at me. 'This is Mj and this is Ned.' 

'Hi guys,' I spoke before sitting down next to them. 

During lunch I felt like a natural fit in their group. Like I had been friends with them forever. The conversation between the four of us flowed and we were laughing through the whole of lunch. 

The rest of the day passed by pretty quickly. The next to classes I had were easy for me. They were science. Bruce had already taught me a lot of stuff before I went to school. The class was like a breeze for me. Peter walked me to the school gates at the end of the day. 

'How was your first day?' 

'Great,' I grinned. 'I'm so glad he agreed I could come.' 

Just as Peter was about to walk off I felt a pang of emptiness. After all I had spent the entire day with him. 

'Pete,' he turned around when I said his name. 'Your at the tower soon right?'

 He nodded giving me a smile. 'I'll be there a lot more,' he spoke before walking off. 

As I walked home I felt a bit less lonely then I had this morning. I'd made new friends and was already getting on well in my classes. It was great. 

Four months had passed since I'd started school. It had been great. Peter, Mj, Ned and I were now great friends. I was particularly close to Peter. Not only did he know who I actually was, but we spent the most time together. Every time he was at the tower we hung out. My feelings for the boy had grown in the past four months as well. I felt my crush on him growing more and more each day. 

A few weeks into me starting school I asked dad if I could train with Peter. At first he was sceptical to the idea. That was until I pointed out that he could to teach me self defence. From the imaginary danger that dad was concerned I was always in. 

This wasn't really the reason I wanted to train with the boy. It was just another reason to be alone with him. Spend more time with him. 

It was Saturday morning and we were in the middle of out regular training sessions. I was wearing a matching sports bra and shorts set and sweat was pouring off me as I hit the punching bag in front of me. 

'Good,' Peter encouraged. 'You just need to work on your technique a bit more. Just adjust your stance and try again.' 

'Pete. If I hit this bag one more time my arms are going to fall off,' I groaned. 

'Look I'll help.' 

He came behind me and held my arms up. His exposed chest close to my back as he adjusted my position. 

'Is this ok?' he asked and I nodded my head in response. Loving the feeling of his touch against my skin. 

'So just punch the bag in this stance with as much force as you can.' 

'My arms are going to fall off.' 

'Just do it then we can take break ok.' 

I nodded punching the bag a couple more times. Immediately feeling more power in this new stance. After we had taken a break Peter suggested sparing. 

'I'll take it easy on you,' he smirked. 

'Please. I could beat you.' 

'Is that a challenge.' 

'Give me all you got Parker.' 

'Your on Stark,' he laughed. 

We had been sparring for a few minutes until he caught me off guard. Pinning me onto the floor. Hands above my head. 

'What was that about you beating me?' he smirked.

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