An Abandoned Dream (Discontin...

By B_Rabbit14

24.2K 1.1K 119

Tommy finally found him by the beach. They hadn't been back there in what felt like forever, it seemed like y... More



1.2K 55 7
By B_Rabbit14

 Dream wasn't seen much after the entire incident, Tubbo and Tommy being the main ones watching over him. The masked man stayed at Tubbo's house afterward, the young teen saying something about how he rarely made it home to sleep there anyway. Both Tommy and Dream had shared a worried look at his words but didn't ask questions.

Tommy ended up taking residence in his old home soon enough which left Dream alone more often than not. The man didn't complain though as much as being left with his thoughts wasn't what he'd call pleasant. He didn't leave the house often but whenever he could someone always accompanied him. He'd be annoyed if it wasn't for the fact that he was rather nervous about walking around alone as well.

The others seemed on edge no matter how subtle they tried to be. It worried Dream and made him feel bad as he suspected it was most likely because of his predicament. Ranboo had been the one to sheepishly admit his assumptions to be true on his latest visit. The teen hybrid had been one of the rare visitors he got normally.

Dream had grown to enjoy Ranboo's company. The younger was easy to talk to once he got over his studdering first words at the start of each of their conversations. Ranboo also seemed keen on trying to implant some helpful advice in any way he could. On his third visit, he'd brought Dream a blank notebook.

Ranboo stated that he used one as well to keep track of things he knew would slip his mind later on. He'd told Dream that maybe he could use it a little differently and jot down any memories that came to him throughout his stay in L'manburg. The older didn't know how he could express his gratitude and told the other such, eliciting a flustered reply.

Dream sighed to himself and closed the book before leaning back in his chair with another deep exhale. He glanced out the window and debated if it was worth going out today or not. Neither Tommy nor Tubbo had come to visit him today so he had no idea where they could be and didn't think it would be wise to go look for them. But surely a quick walk to stretch his legs wouldn't hurt, right? He could just avoid anyone he ends up coming across. No problem, right?

Mind made up, Dream pushed his chair back and stood from it. He looked down at the book still on the table with a thoughtful frown playing on his features. He didn't have a place to put it but didn't want to leave it out anywhere. Dream eventually decided to take it with him and stuffed it into the pocket of his hoodie before making his way towards the front of the house.

He reached for the doorknob but hesitated to touch it. A part of him still didn't trust the idea of going outside, a voice whispered to him of constant threats that could be out there. He shook his head and twisted the knob.

The masked man peeked outside and looked both ways. He didn't see anyone and let loose a small sigh of relief as he slipped out of the house and quietly closed the door behind him. He wasn't in the mood to deal with visitors anyways, he'd been feeling rather overwhelmed ever since coming here and had yet to properly sort through his thoughts.

Dream began to hum a random tune as he moved along the buildings, he chose to avoid the main path knowing it would be just asking for confrontation. After the first instance dealing with that Dream definitely knew he didn't want to deal with something like that again anytime soon.

His thoughts began to wander and he unconsciously hopped over a stray log in his way. It all slipped by him in the heat of the moment but the little things seemed to have turned into glaring red flags and wouldn't leave him alone. Why did Tommy try to give him his armor when he'd first found him? Why did Quackity react so violently when he saw him? Who was that other person that came for him with Tommy?

Dream groaned lowly and threw his head back in frustration. He could feel the telltale signs of a migraine making its happy entrance in his head and felt his annoyance grow. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes Dream focused on where he was and what he was doing.

He reopened his eyes and looked around in search of something to capture his attention. He'd walked quite a bit during his mind trip and was now in an unfamiliar area. Green eyes roved over the trees and stone steps that were not that far away from where he stood but another building caught his attention.

Dream took a curious step closer and walked carefully until he approached a fence that blocked off the edge of a small pond. With his eyes wide behind his mask, Dream stared at the homely building that sat in the center of the body of water. He took in the comforting aura that surrounded the bricks and planks of wood that held it together. An unknown ache in his chest prompted him to clutch at the fabric of his sweater that covered it.

He couldn't look away. Something forced him to stare and take in every crack and corner he could see from where he stood. He could hear laughter as he gazed at the window plants and felt his heart warm with a sudden bout of love as his eyes fell upon the front entrance.

Without much thought behind his actions, Dream moved slowly toward the wooden path and stopped short underneath the wooden arch that stood over the start of the bridge. His hand clenched tighter around his hoodie as the feeling grew to a near overwhelming degree. It was strange, these emotions didn't feel like his own. He didn't know where they were coming from or why he was feeling them. They flooded his senses and mind like a high tide wave and leave him with so many questions he could barely keep up with them much less figure out how to ask them.

The door opening broke him from his reverie and panic quickly replaced the strange contentment. Dream stumbled backward and hit something behind him causing his panic to delve deeper into fear and whirled around to see what it was. He was greeted with the sight of Ranboo nervously holding his hands in a placating gesture, the tall hybrid's mouth was moving but Dream couldn't make out anything he tried to say. Dream backed away from the teen and stared up at him with his hidden eyes blown wide. Ranboo stepped forward again but Dream stayed still this time and paid attention to the motions his hands kept doing. The other gestured to his chest and puffed it out before letting loose a big sigh and letting his hands fall along with the motion.

Ranboo repeated the motions while muttering words of encouragement and worriedly glancing over Dream's head to the two men that stood in the center of the bridge. He'd been walking along to see if there were spare supplies in the community house and definitely wasn't expecting to see Dream out by himself.

Dream seemed to be catching onto what Ranboo was trying to convey and gulped in deep gasps of air before trying to steady his breathing. Ranboo raised a shaky hand and placed it onto Dream's shoulder, luckily the older didn't react badly and was easily led away by Ranboo. The enderman hybrid gently nudged the other back the way he'd come and continued mumbling what he hoped to be reassuring words to him. Dream continued to breathe deeply, still unable to make out his surroundings.

He slowly became aware of the thin hand on his shoulder and the trembling tone of its owner's voice as they murmured hurried comforts into his ear. He glanced up and took in Ranboo's worried expression as he met his gaze unknowingly, the hybrid averted his eyes and looked ahead as he continued to lead Dream along. His hand slipped from his shoulder and gripped gently around his wrists giving Dream the choice to pull away or not. The older male allowed himself to be led away but cast a lingering glance behind him.

Dream breath caught in his throat once more and he nearly was beginning to regret leaving Tubbo's house if this was something that was bound to happen to him every time.

A set of brown eyes next to another pair the shade of charcoal stared at him in silent surprise. Dream's free hand quickly rose to clutch at his head the longer he held their gaze. A tug on his hand brought him out of his stunned silence and he turned to look back up at Ranboo. The taller gazed down at him with a deep frown and continued to pull Dream along.


He looks back at his friends with a large grin playing on his barely seen mouth. They stare back at him with matching excited expressions and he can't help laughing at them before he turns a facing the empty portal frame. He raises both hands so his palms face the frame and takes a deep breath.

He hesitates.

What if it doesn't work? What if he's too weak and it fails halfway through?

Two hands find their home atop his shoulders and ground him from his inner turmoil. He looks at both of them and smiles gratefully at their reassuring stares.

"You got this, man," One of them says and the other hums in agreement as he nods to his words.

"We'll be right here the whole time," He adds to the younger's encouragement.

Tears build up in the corner of his eyes but he wills them away as he closes them once more and takes another deep breath. He empties his mind of all his insecurities and focuses solely on his goal.

He takes a step towards the portal and the other two follow. One of them squeezes his shoulder and he wants to lean into the touch but forces himself to move his attention back to the portal again. His skin comes in contact with the cool metal and he feels the dull spark of budding life within the empty portal. He reaches out tentatively towards the small spark and it suddenly swells under the energy his power fills it with.

The spark wraps around his soul and pulls. He gasps in surprise at the spark transform into an inferno is energy and life and comes close to exploding but he tries to contain it. He scrambles to hold it tight but its light leaks through his fingers like sand and pools at his feet.

The spark flows down in trails leaving rivers and mountains in its wake. From its trails biomes of all kinds formed and animals emerged from its smoke. He watches in amazement and pushes energy into the spark allowing its steady trickle to transform into a raging wave that erupts from his hands.

A firework's display showers the dark expanse and gives it the light of a new sun and splatters stars to accompany the moon in the empty spaces it couldn't fully reach.

He watches in awe as the spark is fueled by his power and creates a world right before his eyes. Once the spark's painting was finished it lowers itself towards him and lifts him off his feet before enveloping him entirely within its warmth.

The spark whispers to him and holds him close. He listens closely to its words and hears as it tells him its name.

It was his world.

His lifeblood, and extension of his being.

He lets it hold him close. It cradles him as if he was a child and he falls limp within its hold. His eyes close as exhaustion sets in and his body shuts down. The spark lowers him and he's placed into a cool liquid that soothes his weary bones and the sunlight drapes over him like a warm blanket. He watches as it leaves him behind and quickly disperses within the code and life of the world-his world.

Just before his eyes shut again he hears twin shouts of his name and feels himself be held again. His eyes close and he falls under as the two pairs of hands fuss over his slumbering form.

It isn't until a long while does he finally rises and realizes he's been laid upon a bed. Groaning and wiping the sleep from his eyes he looks around and sees his mask on his stomach.

He reaches for it but a voice catches his attention before he can put it on. He looks up and smiles wide at his two best friends who laugh and launch themselves at him.

He is held once more.

We're not gonna talk about what canon's like rn folks....

Hope you enjoyed!

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