sweet chaos - hyungwonho

By chaoskkyun

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hyungwon is an ex-gang member now working as a hitman after losing his members, his loved ones. he, for years... More

you make me


120 8 1
By chaoskkyun

"My sandcastle has met your wave and it's starting to break down"


Hyungwon exited the room he had been hidden in by his older members when they had been attacked. It was hidden behind a bookcase and had a secret lever so it would have been impossible to get in. He hadn't been in a condition to fight. His ankle was broken as was his right wrist along multiple cuts and even a gunshot wound.

"Don't come out on your own, okay? I will come and get you when everything's good." His fiance said before softly kissing the older's lips. He grabbed the other's hand with his healthy one. "But..." Hyungwon was shushed by the man. "Everything – everyone – will be fine. I will be fine, okay?" The man spoke softly.

Hyungwon flinched when a loud bang echoed in the building. "I will come back." The other assured, gently rubbing the wounded man's cheeks.

Hyungwon had to let go as the other backed off. Soon enough he was left in the room all alone, listening to the gunshots and yells from the outside. He should have been there, fighting with the others. He should have been careful on his previous mission but went and got caught.

Sometime later everything in the base went quiet and the man hated it. He couldn't stand utter silence. It made his thought run wild. Hyungwon wasn't sure how long it had been, but long enough to make him fear the worst. Hajoon hadn't come back yet and it had been a while since everything fell silent.

Hyungwon grabbed his crutch with his healthy hand and pulled the lever inside the room so that the bookcase would open. He carefully walked out, eyeing both sides of the hallway. No living people. The hallway had a few corpses in it and the walls and floor were lined with crimson.

He started walking down the hallway to the main area. He couldn't help but to eye the dead people. Recognizing most of them as his own brethren. It was an unfair fight; they were a small group and their opponent had a lot of power in the area.

He entered the main area and hand to cover his nose. The stench of blood was overwhelming. He looked around, sooner or later recognizing his boss along the multiple corpses.

It was hard to hold in the tears but Hyungwon refused to cry. Shedding the tears wouldn't help and if the enemy was still there, it would attract unwanted attention.

He stumbled along looking for his fiance. Hajoon wouldn't be dead. He could not be.

After looking around his eyes landed on a familiar head of red-brown hair. "No... No.." Hyungwon said as a lump formed in his throat. His world fell apart around him. He rushed over, almost crashing onto the blood stained floor due to his hurt ankle. He let go of the singular crutch he had and dropped down next to the body. He brought his hand to the man's neck, looking for a pulse. He found it, but it was weak.

"Baby... Wake up..." Hyungwon choked out, voice cracking up. He started looking for the wounds the younger had gotten, finding three gunshots holes on his abdomen and one on his chest. It wasn't too late. It could not be. He refused to accept it. The older pressed his hands, even if his broken wrist wasn't the most useful, onto the wounds.

Suddenly his other wrist was grabbed with a weak hold. His eyes flashed to the younger's face; the man had his eyes barely open and Hyungwon knew that there wasn't a lot of time. "Hyungwon..." His voice was weak. Hyungwon swallowed his tears and took a deep breath. "It's going to be okay. I'll get us out of here.." Hyungwon said hurriedly, stumbling on his words. His hands were shaking a lot.

"Hyung... L-Leave.. They said they'd be back.." Hajoon mumbled out and Hyungwon bursted into tears. "I'm not leaving you!" He choked out, focusing on stopping the bleeding. He needed to make it stop. Suddenly Hajoon pulled his hands off. "Go. Please.." The man spoke.

Hyungwon's eyes darted around. "I.. I don't..." He was gently pulled down and his lips crashed onto the other's. Hyungwon pulled away first. "Listen. H-Honey... There's... n-No way you'll get me o-out of he-here... Leave."

The older's lips trembled and he hesitantly nodded. "Hyung..." the younger one said weakly. Hyungwon could only hum as a response. "I lo-love you, okay? I need you need to let go and live your life to the fullest..." The other said with a weak smile before his eyes shut completely and the hold on Hyungwon's hands loosened.

Hyungwon held back another round of tears, failing eventually. "I... I love you too.." He choked out, holding onto his fiance's body as the warmth slowly drained out of him. Sobs flooded past his plump lips and he desperately tried to hold them back.

Once he heard some quiet footsteps echoing inside the silent building he stumbled up from the floor with the help of his crutch and walked off as fast as he could.

He headed for the nearest exit, holding back his sobs. Exiting through the side of the building he could walk into the forest surrounding the hideout. The sound of people talking outside caught his attention. He fastened his pace and once he got into the forest, he hid behind a few bushes.

He watched as someone walked around the building with a ganister in his hands. Gasoline. They were going to burn the place down. At least it would get rid of the bodies, even if it wasn't in the most respectful way.

What caught Hyungwon's attention was a tattoo on his back. It was only slightly visible from behind his shirt collar and the white shirt. It looked like some flowers, but since he was a bit too far away, Hyungwon could not tell for sure.

The man suddenly turned around and Hyungwon met his gaze before hiding behind the bushes better. Surprisingly, the man didn't call for anyone and just left but Hyungwon kept his head down just in case.

He watched silently as the building lit up in flames and he watched as it burned for multiple hours. He had to leave once the cops and firemen showed up.


Hyungwon sighed and leaned forward so that the gun barrel was pressed against his forehead. "I'm hard to convince. Are you sure you want a hitman on your side? We're not exactly the most... Trustworthy people."

He coldly stared into Wonho's eyes. The leader sighed and lowered his gun. "You seem credible. The way you speak about not being able to vanish into thin air screams loyalty, you know. As if your clients have a collar and leash on you."

"You know I can offer you better than they can." Wonho stated, crossing his arms. "And you'd be safer in our team than while working for your client."

Hyungwon listened to the man. He knew working with government officials and big business men had its risks. But he knew the risk that was being in a gang. Even if the X-Crew was on the larger side.

And it was a fact that he would be treated much better by gang members than rich, arrogant bastards who only gave a shit about themselves.

Wonho pulled out a piece of paper, pushing it towards the hitman. A contract. Hyungwon reached for it and took it into his hand. His eyes scanned over the text as he bit down on his bottom lip.

What would Hajoon say if he joined? Would he be disappointed?

"Are you married?" Wonho suddenly asked, making the hitman's eyes flash up to the man. "What?" He asked. The leader pointed at the golden ring on his finger. Hyungwon's eyes followed his finger.

"No. It's just for show." He responded bluntly and shrugged before returning back to the contract. The hitman placed it back onto the desk. "While it feels very inviting..." he started and then sighs. "Can I have a few days to think about it?"

Wonho raised his left brow a little. "Why?" The hitman sighed. "It just feels sudden to just decide. If you don't trust me, feel free to have your men follow me around. It's not like I can run away."

The leader leaned back on his chair. "Fine, then." He said and nodded. "Give me a piece of paper and a pen." the hitman then said. Wonho did as the other said and watched as the man wrote down an address. "You have my work phone number, that'll be enough for now."

The hitman then stood up and Wonho followed. "Will you give a name?" Wonho asked. The taller chuckled and shook his head. "You'll find it out through that if you want to, anyways." The hitman said, nodding towards the address he had given.

"I'll be back in two days. You'll find me at my home, if I don't show up." Before leaving, the taller bowed his head.

The ride back home was quiet, but Hyungwon's mind wasn't. Once he got back to Seoul he almost rode two red lights and barely stopped himself from crashing into another car.

He shouldn't join. He promised himself. His hands gripped the steering wheel.

Hajoon would be disappointed, right? If he wasn't disappointed enough already.

Hyungwon knew his fiance believed in life after death. All he could hope was that the younger was in a good place, hopefully not looking over him.

The hitman arrived at the parking lot of the apartment building. He didn't get out of the car yet though and pressed his forehead against the wheel. "Fuck..." He mumbled.

He knew that he would be better off in a gang, even if he did not want to believe it. It would mean protection and people to actually rely on. But the fear of history repeating itself was looming over the hitman.

It was down to either join and maybe live a few more years and possibly deal with another loss of what could be a new family or don't and get killed in two days. Hyungwon closed his eyes. "What would he do?"

It was always about what Hajoon would do, even though he had been told not to hang onto him by the younger man many times. Letting go was not something Hyungwon had been able to do. Ever.

Hyungwon was 29 now... It had been almost 8 years since the incident and he still held onto it; blaming himself for everything. For getting everyone else killed. For getting his fiance killed. It was a downhill slide from him getting caught on his mission. He knew none of the others blamed him. If they did, they would have thrown the then 21 year-old man into the gunfire first.

His eyes dropped to the ring on his left ring finger. "We should have held the wedding earlier..." He mumbled to himself, sad smile gracing his lips. The special day was only a month away at the time.

Maybe having it earlier would have changed their fate. Or would the other man's death have been carved into destiny no matter what they would have done?

After sitting in the car in silence for a few minutes, even if the quiet felt like pure torture, he finally got out and locked the doors. He looked around and noticed a new car in the lot across from his. Probably Wonho's men, so he thought nothing of it.

He headed inside the building, once again greeting the homeless man. "You seem to be a busy young man." The older spoke. Hyungwon chuckled softly and nodded. "You could say that." he said and headed towards the chairs. "I'll bring you some food later!" He exclaimed before starting climbing up the stairs.

The hitman got into his apartment and shed the leather jacket. Letting out a deep sigh he wandered into the bedroom and collapsed onto his bed. While the apartment might have been old and probably rotting away Hyungwon did his best to make it homey with his money.

Blankly staring up at the ceiling and laying there until his phone started ringing. He picked it up without hesitating.

If nothing else worked to keep his mind silent; working would at least keep him busy.


"What do I do? Help me."


So I realized i wrote a name wrong. Hajoon as Hojoon because I'm dumb so I fixed it. hhhhhhhhhhhh 

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