Haikyu!! One-Shots

By yourstrulymmm

135K 2.3K 729

a collection of one shots with your favorite characters! -i do not own any haikyu!! characters. all credits t... More

daichi sawamura- babies!
kuroo tetsurou- fights
yu nishinoya- cuddles
koshi sugawara-baking
kei tsukishima-studying
wakatoshi ushijima-nightmares
tobio kageyama-admitting
azumane asahi-sickness
ryūnosuke tanaka-games
tadashi yamaguchi-date night
tobio kageyama- fights
toruu oikawa x jealousy
iwaizumi hajime- confusion
keiji akaashi- big news
kiyoomi sakusa-his affection
kotaro bokuto-reassurance
hinata shoyou- ice cream
lev habia-dates
authors note :)
miya atsumu-tough days
kenma kozume- unknown surprise
tsukishima kei- sleepover
miya atsumu- fangirls
miya osamu- proposal
koshi sugawara- remembering
ryūnosuke tanaka- drives
koshi sugawara- body image
daichi sawamara- cramps
akaashi keji-rain
eita semi-skating
rintaro suna- saved
kiyoomi sakusa- out
atsumu miya-locker rooms
yuu nishinoya- reliable
kenjiro shirabu- courage
daichi sawamura- mercy
the end :)
100k special-keishin ukai

shinsuke kita- bullying

2.5K 52 20
By yourstrulymmm

WARNING: in this chapter there will be mentions of bullying and abuse. if this is a sensitive topic for you, this is your heads up!

people always made such a big deal about bullying, but when it happened right in front of them most wouldn't do a single thing. when shinsuke kita first stood up for me, i could barely believe it. to start, he was every parents ideal dream child. top of his class, captain of the volleyball team, and always there to lend a hand. i felt inferior standing beside someone so golden. i had assumed that everyone ignored my bullies and i, simply because i had either deserved it, or because others were frightened of what would happen if they stepped in.

shinsuke kita didn't see it that way. no, all he saw was someone that needed help, and he was already there. the group of girls that had bullied me always intimated me to my core that i hadn't ever said a word about it, not even to my parents. i kept to myself and had become a very introverted and shy person.

so when shinsuke kita first stood up for me, i had no idea what to do. in fact i wasn't able to properly thank him until the third time he had showed up to provide protection from my bullies. my bullies had never been physical with me, but they did enjoy constantly putting me down and making things harder for me. most days all they did was speak nasty words.

kita hadn't even done much to stop them. he asked why they were saying such mean things and then politely asked them to leave me alone. it surprisingly worked the first few times, but soon the girls started to use kita's help against me. they would taunt me and ask when kita would be here to save me, and had even gone as far as asking if i was paying him with my body. none of what they said was true of course, but it didn't stop the fact that it still stung.

their words eventually got to me, and i began to wonder if one of the teachers had finally asked someone like kita to help me out a bit. after allowing those thoughts eat away at my mind for almost a week, i was surprised when all my doubt disappeared the next time i saw kita. he told the girls to leave me alone, and they left. he had smiled at me and asked if i was okay, something most people never had the time to do. it was then i knew that kita was serving as my protector out of the pureness in his heart.

since then the bullying had decreased greatly. the girls knew better than to approach me when kita was near, or a scene would be caused. unfortunately the peace did not last long. on the day of kita's absence for a volleyball match the girls took up all their pent up anger on me. while i was walking through the hallway i was shoved onto the floor, and then the contents of my bag were thrown everywhere. they laughed at my weak state and hissed vile words about kita not being here today, so they could finally do what they had been wanting to do. the rest of that day was hell.

the next day the first thing kita did when he came to school was come and find me. apparently someone had told him about yesterday, and he was beyond furious. he found me under the small tree where i usually sat alone. he had asked if i was okay, and if they had hurt me. i shook my head timidly, and flinched when he grabbed my hands. he looked over them both checking for any cuts or bruises. i had to stop the blush that made its way onto my cheeks.

he then kept a hold on one of my hands and led me to the principal's office. he kept saying he should have done this a long time ago, and i kept quiet. i had never seen kita so upset. i didn't even consider us close. the only times we talked were when he was saving me from the cruelness of this world. the principal listened to his complaints and told us he would talk to the girls to 'see what he could do'. kita released my hand as we left the office, and i knew he was unhappy with that answer.

"y/n i'm going to start walking you home. i'll also do my best to stay beside you at school, to keep those awful girls away from you. i hope you don't mind." the way he had almost commanded he was going to stay beside me made my heart beat faster. i was unable to tell if it was out of fear or admiration. i simply nodded my head and thanked him quietly, to which he smiled at and walked us both to class. at the end of the school day kita walked me home, just as he had said. it was a fairly quiet walk, as neither of us were particularly talkative people. reaching my street i thanked kita and smiled before turning and walking to my home. once i got inside i peeked out the window, and saw kita hadn't left until he saw i made it safely inside. that made my heart smile and cheeks burn.

kita had stayed beside me and walked me home every day without fail. the only time i actually had alone time was at home, or during lunch. i knew kita had friends, so it didn't hurt me when he asked if he could at least eat lunch with them. i reminded him that it was he who wanted to stay by me at school and walk me home, and he just laughed and told me i was right. so he usually ate lunch with his friends and i sat outside under my tree on in the classroom.

it wasn't very soon after kita began walking me home that i realized my feelings for him. he was kind, reliable, and everything else you could want in a man. i knew better than to spoil our friendship as it didn't seem my feelings were returned, so i kept it to myself. however, that did not stop the small blush that rose to my cheeks every time i saw kita. i was simply happy knowing that he enjoyed my company. some days on our walks home we would have conversations the whole time, and other times we would only exchange a few words.

today i was missing kita's company, and chose to talk to him during lunch. i ate my food quickly in my classroom so my full attention could be turned to kita once i saw him. after finishing my food i left my bag and books at my desk, standing and walking towards the door. thankfully my bullies were not in the same class as i, so i was able to have a peaceful lunch everyday.

i had been to kita's class only once before, so i had to stop in the hallway to make sure i was going in the right direction.

"hey is that y/n?"

"look at that! our favorite girl,"

two voices i recognized all too well made my body shiver. i turned around and saw the last two people i wanted to see today.

"where are you even going? it's not like you have any friends y/n, get back to your classroom."

"oh! don't tell me- are you going to see kita? that's hilarious!" the voice of the other laughed.

i kept my head down and didn't respond, knowing if i did i could make things worse. i knew this encounter would be bad enough already, seeing as they hadn't been able to harass me for over a month.

one of the girls took a step closer to me. "you know y/n, i'm getting pretty tired of your disgusting slutty ass keeping kita away from me. if you don't stop using him, something will happen to not only you, but kita too."

now i've been threatened more times than i could count. but how dare she threaten kita. someone with such a pure and loving heart! kita had saved me so many times, and there was no way i was going to let this girl threaten him, even if she was bluffing.

"how dare you! don't speak about kita that way, he's been nothing but kind to me!" i yelled out. i had never dared to raise my voice at school, let alone at my bullies.

"y-you bitch! did you just fucking yell at me? you stupid whore- i'll teach you a lesson!"

and before i could move her fist had made contact with my cheek.

i fell to the floor and instinctively covered my face, shielding myself from any attacks to come. to my surprise- they didn't. i looked up to see the two girls standing with horrified looks on their faces. without saying another word they both walked back to their class. i stood up and pressed my hand gently to my cheek. it was beginning to swell and would definitely leave a bruise. i'll have to come up with something to tell my parents.

the rest of the day went by slowly, and i almost ran out the classroom door when the bell rang. i wanted to get home before kita or one of the girls saw me. thankfully today was friday, so over the weekend my bruise would hopefully significantly heal.

i began to walk out of the school gates when i heard kita's voice call out to me. i quickly looked down and allowed some hair to fall on the sides of my face, hopefully shielding my now bruised cheek from kita's eyes. i'd make an effort to try and walk with my opposite cheek to him as well, as an extra precaution.

"hey y/n, you didn't wait for me? is everything okay?" the concern in his voice was heavy, and i feared someone had already told him about the incident during lunch.

"i'm just fine! i was just wanting to get home quickly, homework and stuff..."

he nodded and we began our walk. i kept my head down bruised cheek turned away from him, but i felt i wasn't being too subtle about it.

"y/n stop walking." kita's voice came out in the commanding tone i had only heard a few times before.

i stopped in my tracks but kept my head down. kita walked and stood in front of me, and i could feel his piercing eyes on my face. he grabbed my chin gently and titled my head up towards his and i immediately closed my eyes. i was scared to see the look on his face when he saw the swollen and black bruise on my cheek.

"who hit you y/n? was it one of them?" his voice came out much gentler than i was expecting.

i whispered yes and opened my eyes. kita's voice may had been gentle but his face was absolutely furious.

"when did this happen y/n?"

i knew better than to lie to kita, especially after all he had done for me.

"during lunch. i-i wanted to go and see you, but they saw me in the hallway then told me to leave you alone and if i didn't then they would hurt us and i could handle being threatened but i wasn't going to let them do that to you so i yelled and i've never yelled and s-she hit me-" kita pressed a finger against my lips to stop my rambling.

"deep breaths y/n. don't ramble, i understand. you didn't have to do that, but thank you for doing so." i couldn't stop the tears that fell from my eyes as i nodded my head.

"i'll protect you y/n. i'll be taking this to the principal and if nothing is done then to the police. i love you too much to continue to stand by as this happens."

"w-wait, what?"

kita releases his hold on my face and takes a step back. we stare at each other with wide eyes, and he realizes what he just said. we stand in silence for a few moments before i speak up.

"i-if you mean that, then i feel comfortable saying that i love you too kita. thank you for everything."

he smiles softly, a smile so soft and pure i can't help but blush and butterflies erupt in my stomach. he engulfs me in a warm hug which i return, before he pulls away and kisses my bruise softly.

"i promise to protect you always y/n."

phew, that was a long one! hope you enjoyed :) i wanted to say thank you for 15k, it's amazing how much support i've received on this story xx

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